InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Fur and Musk ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Alright here it is, another full chapter and no longer just a teaser. Please as always read, REVIEW and enjoy.

Chapter Two

Silk over flesh, the softest whisper of material, inescapable, unperceivable but all too real. Slowly, her senses came back to her. She felt heavy, oh so heavy as if some great weight suddenly were pressing down upon her, drowning her down in the mire of drowsiness. With it carried a heat, almost comforting running through her limbs, clouding her mind to what might have been important. She was forgetting something, vaguely she was aware as the fuzziness pulled at the edges of her vision. Each breath seemed sweeter than the next, the aroma of sandalwood filling her nose.... wait... she hadn't been burning incense.

Jerking her head up, her blurry eyes took in her surroundings, it was still her apartment but the lights were dim and everywhere she looked burned candles, the smoke of each wick rising to join the rapturous intoxication of the herb. A shiver traveled up her spine, a sharp pulsing of nerves that speed her breath, brought her around more fully to her situation. She knew who the culprit was that had done this, her anger began to bubble scalding just beneath the surface as she struggled to rise, but to no avail. One deep breath and then another, she wasn't going to panic again, it was hard to concentrate around the hazy atmosphere. What the hell was going on? She was going to get answers, or there was going to be hell to pay, that she was sure of at least. Centering herself, a sense of calm quickly spreading through her along with that seductive heat, giving her definite focus.

"KKKKKOOOOOUUUUUGGGGAAAAAA," she called out in a raised voice, the irritation clearly stated in that one simple word. She'd still been of a mind not to scream, didn't quite want to alert the neighbors, at least just yet. Pulling at her bonds only brought to light the fact that she was tied rather securely to a chair, legs bound with a bit of silken rope to each leg and her arms clasped behind her. The ties were firm enough to keep her bound and in position but not enough to mark her delicate flesh as the silk slid across her wrists, sent tantalizing sensations up along her arms, drew a small gasp of surprise from her throat. Everything around her enticed her senses, set her body to a timbre that she felt it had no right to be in, not if she could help it, not if she could fight against it.

Warm and slightly cloying, his breath whispered across her ear from behind as he answered, a husky tone to his words, though they still seemed to carry that amusement from before, "You remembered my name, I'm touched." A sense of pride coursed through him at the ensuing shudder from the young miko, she was already beginning to squirm and he liked that, more than he wanted to admit aloud. It gave her scent stronger definition, all the changes of emotions, the play of fancy in her mortal frame, telling him more than mere expression could ever conceive, stronger even than body language. Because an individuals personal essence could never lie, not to his nose. Delicately he ran his tongue up along the outer lobe of her ear, unable to resist the temptation of tasting her at long last.

"Untie me NOW," she fumed, suppressing the urge to shudder once more at his very forward advances. Her emotions were warring within her, torn between gripping tightly her anger and slipping into the animalistic feel of that fleshy digit gliding across her ear. For the moment she liked her displeasure more, it kept her head clear when everything around her wanted to make it less so. The soft melodies of some techno dance song played, an unearthly beautiful voice mixed with the pulsating beats of electronica. In another state of mind, she might have considered it romantic, alluring... but she was after all tied to a chair. Turning those rich brown eyes to the side, she tried to follow his movements, willing herself to glare daggers of deadly intent at the frisky youkai, to keep any hint of the lascivious spark from their depths.

"I don't think so," his presence was a warm fluttering over her body as he moved around her slowly, making sure she was keenly apprehensive of where he stood in relation to her own position, "I quite like my balls where they are.". A low masculine chuckle rang in her ears as the color flooded to her cheeks again, a soft flush of carefully repressed rage and unfettered embarrassment kissing her flesh. Biting down on her lip, her mind raced over the thousand of possible insults that could have left her lips, she'd learned quite a few in InuYasha's presence, but none seemed appropriate to her as she considered them. Fustration was quick to build within her, leaving a dull ache in the center of her lower back as her body tensed in its confinements, straining with little substantive effort against the bindings.

"SIT BOY," it'd just poured out of her mouth, old habits die the hardest, her courage and her conviction in those two words, brimming with her power but alas, no answering thud, only the cadence of hearty laughter answered her enblazened command. Groaning softly she dropped her head, let it hang in despair and tangible annoyance, a wash of sudden sorrow carried through to her mind with the realization of her mistake. Thick gentle waves of hair spilled forward, whispering daintily over her shoulders and casting her face into shadow, hiding it away from her seemingly mocking companion. "What do you want with me, Kouga?" self defeat clear-cut and palpably flavored each hushed word as it left her mouth, she didn't even spare the politeness of making eye contact as the question formed, she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer. He was toying with her, and she knew it, she'd never known him to be so depraved in his adorations of her, but now he was needlessly provoking her. While her demons had plagued her uselessly, his presence seemed to bring them to new states of life, to make them into corporeal things that clawed and scratched at her. It had been so much more manageable when none of them exsisted anymore to keep the torments at bay, to push them back and down into the hollow of her exsistance. Now that she stood face to face with reality, it wasn't so insubstantial a task to prod the darkness of it back.

"No kotodama rosary," his voice was close again, next to her ear, but the delicate brush of heat from his breath invoked no response from the young miko, left the tension between them obese and copious. His emotions had always been written clearly across his handsome features, he’d never had the presence of mind to train his expressions like some of the other noble youkai. The following frown deepened his scowl as he gazed down upon the young woman, her scent had shifted dramatically and not into a scope that was pleasing to his schemes. Delicately he reached for her, his hand brushing her hidden cheek, a very soft movement before he cradled the side of her face in against his palm, the pad of his thumb running lightly over the corner of her eye trying to sweep away those small tears threatening to flood from those deep brown depths. The lengths of her hair tickled across the back of his hand and arm as he soothingly caressed the side of her face.

His every movement was slow, sensual as he came around to face her, the hand never departing as he lowered himself into her lap, pressed the hard line of his body against the softer, giving flesh of her own. Sharpened claws delicately fluttered over her flesh, evoking mixed reactions of excitement and fear, brought her breath gasping from her lips as his hand moved back stroking back into her hairline and over the back of her neck. He’d lowered his own head, an echo of the sorrow her own posture had conveyed. She could not help the soft shiver, the flood of sudden warmth at the nearness of his body on herself, the pressure of his muscular frame resting atop her splayed thighs. Turning her head into that simply caress, she allowed herself a moment of comfort in the arms of the Wolf Prince, allowed everything else to slip from her mind and her heart.

Taking advantage of the opening she’d presented, he lowered his visage further still towards the stretched plain of her exposed throat, allowed his mouth to hover laboring for breath over the delicate pulsing of her heartbeat. Fingers intertwined in dark locks, he subtly pulled her head more to the side, stretching the line of her throat taunt to his appraisal. She gave a small whimper as he moved that luscious mouth just above her flesh, ghosting a promise of epicurean delights in it’s wake. Not once touching the now shivering miko as he buried his nose just behind her ear, nuzzled so very softly in against her, his nostrils flaring and absorbing the heavenly scent of her hair and the skin just beneath. She could feel his excitement, evident and unmistakable pressing against her stomach through his pants. Arching her body involuntarily, her mind was soon becoming clouded once again, hazy to the purpose of her distractions, her angers, her lamenting.

Hushed, he finally spoke, the sound of it muffled in against the shell of her ear, bringing goose bumps to rise across her arms, the small hairs at the back of her neck standing in attention of the deliciously tingling of that husky voice rumbling through her ear, “Didn’t you ever just think that maybe I wanted you?.” He labored to control his breathing, to bite back the urge to do what lower things in his body wanted, he wasn’t going to be thinking with that head alone. “Didn’t you ever just once think that I truly did want you for my own?” A small confession, filled his voice with raw emotion, a play of arousal, desire, open ended affection as he nuzzled in against her again, drowning himself in the bliss of her perfume.

“Oh, Kouga,” was all she could manage to moan, to put to vocalization through the haze of his sudden and overwhelming need. She could feel it along her very being, whispering with tantalizing hands through the darker recesses of her mind where images of his past self frolicked upon Shikon enhanced legs. The whole of it and not once she’d ever considered the honesty of his proclamations, the true and shining depths of his devotions to his cocky words, “Take care of *my* woman,” he’d say with that self satisfied smirk of his after handing over care of her well being to InuYasha. It was hard to think, harder not to feel as her body arched, strained against the bonds that held her firm, but still she managed to rub herself against his heat, to drink in the solace and venereal effects of him. “I never thought…” her cheeks flushed in sudden abashment, awash of shame and embarrassment at her blatant ignoring and utterly barefaced mistakes.