InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Gods And Demons ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author Note:
Yay, the actual story begins! I have up to chapter 20 written so, updates should come pretty quick.
Kagome was falling through oblivion. It had become a familiar feeling, almost comfortable.
But not this time.
No, there was definitely nothing comfortable about this trip. About half way through her journey she thought she was going to be sick, like really, really, turn-your-insides-into-outsides sick. She groaned and grasped her stomach like all good sick people did, and just when she was sure she was about to lose her lunch, something warm and tickling had guided her safely to the ground she now kneeled upon.
It was...well, she didn't really know what it was, but it definitely made her feel weird. And as a time-traveling, shard-hunting, demon-shooting miko, that was a hard thing to do. But she brushed it off, maybe she had just developed a slight allergy to time travel? That was possible, right? Whatever, she felt fine now.
Kagome held her hand above her brow to protect her eyes from the sun as she took to the ladder and began hoisting herself up. It only took a few moments for her to figure out something was wrong, she didn't even need to reach the top of the well before she made this realization and almost fell back to the bottom.
"The sun!" She gasped. "B-but, the well house is always dark, I shouldn't be able to see the sun!" Kagome started to ascend the ladder again, this time at a cautious pace. She lifted herself out of the well and met a familiar sight, one that she had thought she had just left. There she was. In the middle of the clearing. Surrounded by the forest of Inuyasha. Still very obviously in the feudal era.
Okay...what? She thought stupidly. This was definitely still the past, but the magic had caught! She had felt it pull her down through time, felt it set her gently back to the ground..what had gone wrong?
"Inuyasha!" She called nervously. "Are you still there?"
No answer.
She was never really sure how long her trips between worlds usually took, it only seemed like a few seconds to her, but since there wasn't exactly a clock in the senguko jidai, she couldn't say for sure. Perhaps she was really falling through time for minutes instead of seconds, who knew? All she did know was that this particular time excursion had taken long enough for the hanyou to get well out of hearing range.
That's just great, she grumped.
The well was being temperamental and she she was feeling increasingly uneasy with this whole situation. She knew she thought she felt something weird before, why didn't she listen to her instincts? Inuyasha is probably half way back to Sango and Miroku by now, he won't be able to hear me. She sighed. I guess I'll just have to go and ask Kaede for help, she might know why the well is acting up.
Kagome should've known that life was never that simple, at least not for her. She was just about to head back towards Kaede's village when something caught her attention.
"What now?" Kagome murmured to herself. Something was tickling at her senses, it wasn't a spiritual power or a demonic aura, just...just something.
She really wished these feelings she kept getting wouldn't be so impossibly vague, it was starting to get really annoying. And this feeling was determined to be especially annoying, it seemed. It felt like a thrumming in her head, like a drum getting gradually louder and more persistent, or like a marching army heading out to war, thousands upon thousands of heavy feet pounding against her skull in unison. Not only did it give her a headache, but a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as well.
She grabbed her bow and nocked an arrow, figuring that even though she was sure this strange force wasn't a demon, not all evil things had to be demons.
And then, everything went quiet. EVERYTHING. No more beating in her head, no more birds singing, not even the wind could be heard, though, she could still feel it brush against her skin. And suddenly a blinding white light erupted from the well, bringing with it a power so intense that Kagome nearly fell to her knees. The quiet was no more, her hearing came back full force and it all sounded like screaming, like every creature ever born on earth was announcing the appearance of the white light.
She stared at the well, hands gripping her bow so tightly she thought it might snap, tears streaming down her face. She vaguely recognized a dark shadow rising from the well in the midst of the strange light, but soon she could not concentrate on it.
Her head was now absolutely pounding, like thunder inside her skull, and she realized that it was the beating of her own heart. Instinctively she let loose her arrow before dropping her bow and clutching at her ribs. Her heart was beating so rapidly she thought it must be trying to jump out of her chest. Her thundering heart, the screaming that seemed to be dying, the blinding light that was beginning to fade, it was all too much. Kagome stumbled back and collapsed onto the ground in a helpless heap.
Meanwhile, a very grand, very beautiful man was perched on the lip of the well and looking at the arrow in his chest with interest.
"That hurt," he said as though amazed by this revelation. He cracked an amused smile and pulled it out, inspecting it briefly before it disintegrated beneath his fingers. Kagome drew a shaky breath and opened her streaming eyes. Her heart was finally calming down and she knew that she had to get up if she had any hopes of escaping from this horrifyingly powerful being.
But the sight that she met nearly took her breath away...again.
The man was unlike anything she had ever seen. He was as pale as the moon and had long, waist-length hair that fell in a perfect plait over his shoulder. The sleek, silky strands at first appeared jet black, but as he moved they shone with a strange incandescence, like oil on water. And his eyes were the darkest of blues, like the midnight sky without a moon. Quite simply, he was beautiful.
"You," he said with an amused smirk still on his perfect face, "should be dead."
"Um, s-sorry?" She said unsurely as she lifted herself into a sitting position and rubbed her throbbing head. She had no idea who this strange creature was, but she was pretty sure he wouldn't spend time chit-chatting if he truly wanted her dead. And if she was wrong, well, at least he was nice to look at.
"And you shot me," he chuckled. "I will have you know I have not been shot in eight hundred years...I don't remember it hurting quite as much as this, but whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, eh? Or at least that is what I have heard." He babbled, talking as much to himself as he was to the girl at his feet. "Now, come on, get up."
Kagome gave him a strange look, but struggled to her feet nonetheless. His dark eyes followed her as she moved and she wrapped her arms across her chest, suddenly feeling very exposed in the presence of such a regal looking being.
"Uh, not to be rude or anything, but who the heck are you and why did you think I should be dead?"
The man chuckled in a deep, infectious way that seemed to seep into her very soul and warm her from the inside out.
"I have many names, girl, I am sure you will find one for me soon enough. Now, as for why you should be dead," he said conversationally, as though they were simply discussing the weather, or the price of fish at the market, "it is simple: no one has ever witnessed a god coming to earth and lived to tell the tale. Their hearts usually explode within their chests, or they simply melt into a sort of unpleasant goo. That one is particularly unfortunate...and messy."
The man frowned as he remembered the countless piles of sludge he had often found upon his arrivals. He was quite glad he did not have to deal with that this time. Not to mention what a tragedy it would have been to reduce such a beautiful girl into a lump of mushy body parts. Yes, most unfortunate...and wasteful.
Kagome gaped at the man who now seemed to be completely absorbed in his own thoughts, like he had forgotten she was even there. "A-a god?" She stammered with wide eyes as she looked more closely at the creature standing before her.
Things she had previously overlooked now drew her attention like they had been screaming her name. His elegant kimono with silver thread embroidered along the hems, the cape of shining grey fur that hung casually over one shoulder, and the silver breastplate and armor that encased his muscular form. He certainly looked the part of a god, but Kagome was expectedly disbelieving.
He shook his head slightly as she roused him from his daydreams. "Yes, I am surprised a miko such as yourself did not figure this out on your own..." he trailed off thoughtfully as his narrowing eyes ran up and down her body. "But you are not an ordinary priestess, are you?"
Kagome could only shake her head stupidly.
"That is what I thought," he mumbled, jumping down from the well gracefully as he began to circle her, like a merchant observing a particularly fine commodity. She blushed as he leaned in to sniff at her ever so delicately and she fervently hoped that she didn't smell quite as much like a woman covered in demon guts as she did last night.
"Hey! I'm not a piece of meat on display ya know! Keep your eyes to yourself!" She huffed and turned around to face him. She had the strangest feeling his eyes had wandered to places where they probably shouldn't have.
He simply shrugged, unashamed. "I am a god, child, I may do as I please," he told her, but did not continue his inspection. "And if you do not wish to be looked upon, perhaps you should not provide such a view."
"You're kind of a jerk," Kagome mumbled and subconsciously pulled her skirt down just a little farther, "even if you are really a god."
The man arched a brow, "you doubt me?"
"I once met a water god," she said, making air quotes around the word. "Turns out he was just some creepy snake with ambition problems. Excuse me for being a little skeptical."
"I see," he chuckled at the girl's bold and fiery manner. Most creatures would be groveling at his feet by now, asking him to bless their families and lands, or whatever other ridiculous thing they desired. But this girl was different, and yet, she was familiar. She reminded him very much of someone he had not thought about for quite some time...
"Well," Kagome said uneasily as she began backing up towards her bag. The man's eyes had suddenly taken a sort of predatory gleam and she did not like it one bit. She had seen it far too many times on a certain monk's face as he leered after whatever beautiful girl that happened to be within grabbing distance. "I really should be getting back to my friends now, it was nice meeting you."
"No, you will stay here," he said commandingly and then paused as if deciding something. His eyes slid to the sky and he absentmindedly rubbed his chin with his finger. "You shall be my wife," he finally concluded with a satisfied nod as his eyes refocused on her and his hand dropped to his side.
"Wha?" Kagome gasped. "Oh no, you've got the wrong idea, I can't be your wife!"
The man growled and the earth beneath her feet quaked with his displeasure. "You dare deny a god?"
The miko gulped down her fear and clenched her fists against it. "Of course! We've barely known each other for five minutes and you want me to MARRY you? Why would you think I would be okay with that? I don't even know your name for crying out loud!"
"You would be the wife of a god, girl, you would have all that you desire and more. It is a privilege many women would die for."
"Well, why don't you ask one of those women then?" She said determinedly as she bent over to grab her bag and started to back away from him slowly. She knew it was useless, obviously the big joke that was her life would not be complete until she was kidnapped by a hentai god. She should have expected it really.
"No, I wish to have you," he shrugged and before Kagome could even realize he had disappeared, she was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of rice. "And I will never again be denied what I want."
And with that he rose into the sky.
Chapter Notes:
So, any guesses as to who the heck that guy was? I'm sure you probably know, but hey, maybe not. Anyway, I've drawn my interpretation of what I thought Izanagi would look like and posted it on deviant art. If you want to see it go here:
LINK TO IZANAGI PICTURE: http:// ToWriteLoveOnAPage. deviantart .com /art/Izanagi-120599331
(Just take out the spaces)