InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Hanyous and Dildos ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Of Hanyous and Dildos

Author: C-Chan2 aka Neptunesdemon

Archive: Adultfanfiction; Mediaminer

Category: PWP, Mature

Pairings: Miroku/ Inuyasha

Rating: M for Mature; meaning if you giggle every time you read the word penis you should definitely not be reading this!

Spoilers: None what so ever.

WARNING: Yaoi, mentioning of heterosexual fantasies (not sure about you but I hate when they don't warn me, took me long enough to write past that part), anal, oral, toy, cussing, OOC, perverted Miroku, rimming. There, I think I got it all.

Author's Note: This was a long time in coming. I mean, I started this before my other Inuyasha fic(s) and I'm finally finishing it. It's a long one, and hopefully hot and steamy, oh and it'll be sticky. Though in a good way. I hope you like it, and please heed the warnings that were put there for a reason. It's not fun being flagged because you didn't pay attention. And yes, I know they are way out of character, especially Inuyasha, but I wanted to do that. It wouldn't have worked otherwise. Toodles and see you at the end.



The screamed, and familiar, command echoed throughout the forest and three pair of eyes watched as Inuyasha met face first with the ground. They were then looking to the red-faced miko, who rushed over and grabbed an object from the hanyou's twitching fingers, and hid it away in her backpack before anyone could fully see it.

"Damn it, wench!" Inuyasha cried out in irritation, as he pried himself up from the ground. "What was that for!"

"Stay out of my things, Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled back, her face flushing a deep red. "You had no right to take it!"

Inuyasha growled as he stood up, dusting off his fire-rat clothing, before he was looking to Kagome with a scowl.

"I didn't take anything from you." The half demon said in his defense, jabbing a finger at the small kitsune, "Shippo's the one who went digging through your backpack."

The small fox demon hid behind Sango as he was accused, and Kagome silently fumed. How dare Inuyasha try to blame Shippo for this! As if the small demon would honestly go through her stuff like that.

"Sit, boy!"

A second crater joined the first as Inuyasha went slamming into the ground again, Kagome turning away with her backpack clutched possessively in her arms.

"What the hell!" Inuyasha demanded, his words muffled as his face was still embedded in the dirt.

"That's for blaming poor Shippo." Kagome sniffed, walking to her bike. "As if he would ever do something like that."

Inuyasha only growled as he lifted himself from the ground again and he glared in Shippo's direction, the fox meeping and running to Kagome for protection.

"Shame on you, Inuyasha." Miroku scolded him, Sango nodding in agreement, all the while the monk inching closer to her. "You should take responsibility of your actions."

Sango's surprised squeak was followed by the hard smack of her hand hitting Miroku's face, her eyes glaring at the dark-haired monk.

"Miroku, you pervert!" She snapped, slapping him again for good measure.

She left Miroku and Inuyasha behind, following after Kagome, who was busy guarding her backpack and glaring at the hanyou suspiciously.

"You stay out of his, monk!" Inuyasha warned Miroku, before he was looking back to Kagome. "I'm not trying to blame anybody. The little brat went through your bag. I found him playing with something and when I asked him whose it was, he said it was a toy he found in your backpack."

Kagome's face was flushing again and she looked to Shippo, whose eyes looked up at her apologetically. He hadn't meant to go through her things, but he had been so hungry that he had gone looking for ramen. During his search he had found a strange buzzing toy and had distracted himself by playing with it.

"Toy?" Miroku asked curiously. "What toy?"

"It's none of your business!" The miko was screaming defensively. "Just let it go, okay!"

"Feh!" Inuyasha turned away, not wanting to stay as Kagome threw a fit. "I'm going to go scout the area."

"Good idea." Miroku worded, finding himself once again by Sango's side. "I shall stay here with the women, in case any trouble shows up."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, knowing full well what Miroku's true intentions were. He didn't want to stay for that, either. He had turned away, only to be turned back by Miroku's shout of pain, his eyes looking to the monk. He smirked at the sight of the small fire cat with her teeth clamped down on the monk's hand, stopping Miroku's hand from attempting to grope Sango yet again.

"Serves him right." Inuyasha mumbled to himself as he turned to leave again.

"You had better come back for dinner!" Kagome ordered him as he bounded off, leaping into the trees.

"Yeah, yeah!" Inuyasha called back, before disappearing completely. "I'll be back!"


And he had come back, though by that time dinner had long been eaten, and the rest of the gang was soundlessly asleep. Inuyasha grinned to himself as he silently walked through their small camp. He had planned to come back late enough, so that while everyone was asleep, he could have a look at what Kagome had been so ashamed of.

He had been curious, to say the least, why the mention of it had the young miko blushing and shrieking that the subject be forgotten. He had to see what it was now. He wanted to know why Kagome made such a big deal of it if it was nothing to make a fuss over in the first place.

Quietly, he slinked his way over to Kagome's bike, the contraption resting against the tree behind where the miko was sleeping. While amber eyes watched to make sure that no one was up watching, stealthy hands slowly unzipped the bag perched inside of the basket.

It seemed to take forever to get the thing wide enough that his hand could slip inside, and when it finally was, he smiled in triumph before reaching in. He felt around for a while longer before he found it, having accidentally making it shake. He jerked it free from the bag, noting how loud it sounded in the night and trying to shut it up.

He finally manged, pushing at a knob near the base, and sighing as it finally stilled. He glanced around quickly to make sure that no one had been disturbed by the ordeal, and he huffed another sigh to find everyone still asleep. Zipping the bag up again, Inuyasha stared down at the odd, phallic instrument with a raised brow.

This was what Kagome was so uptight and embarrassed about? Hell, what was it anyway? Hearing someone groan in their sleep, Inuyasha tucked the thing away before jumping into the trees. He looked down and watched Kagome turn in her sleep, and then everything was still again.

With a nod, he was off to somewhere private where he could study the futuristic object in peace. He left, not realizing the pair of eyes that watched his retreat, before sitting up in their bed roll.

Just what was the hanyou up to?


Inuyasha landed in a small path of clearing not too far away from the rest of the group. He wanted to make sure that he was in close vicinity just in case something went awry. Settling down against a tree, Inuyasha carefully looked about to make sure that he hadn't been followed. With the coast clear, he pulled out Kagome's secret thing, looking it over one more time.

He really had no idea what it was or what is was for. Hell, there had to be a reason why the girl had gotten so flustered. He twisted the object about, his eyes studying the pink object and his head tilting a bit in confusion. The next instinct he had was to sniff at the item, and when he did he ended up holding the thing away in outstretched arms, his face bleeding red.

Oh. So that was what she used it for.

He could now understand her embarrassment, as even with no one there, he was pretty embarrassed himself. He was also hard. He couldn't help it, the thought of Kagome pleasuring herself had him thinking up visions of it.

He could see the dark-haired miko lying on her back, legs spread and cheeks flushed as one hand fondled her supple breasts. The other held the pink phallic thing, alternating between moving it erratically and then slowly. Soft little moans and pants escaping pouting lips, while her body trembled from the immense pleasure she was bringing to herself.

Inuyasha couldn't help the groan as his brain went into overload and his cock jerked in his hakama. One hand released the miko's toy, so that he could paw at the bulge in his pants, as his eyes stared at the one thing he was now jealous of.

"Damn, I wish I could watch her using this damn thing." He muttered to himself, hips thrusting into his hand.

His thumb of the hand holding the plastic vibrator was idly caressing it, and when it passed over the knob, he jumped in shock as it began shaking again. That made him stare in wonder and he flushed deeper as he imagined how it must feel for Kagome to have it inside of her.

He hissed as his dick seemed to strain against the fabric of his clothes, and with a bit of shifting, he gasped at the feel of the night air against his naked dick. It was taken into his hand then, and he began to slowly stroke it, his grip loose so that he didn't shoot his load just yet.

His eyes were still locked on the vibrating toy, his breathing now ragged as he fisted himself, wondering just what it would feel like. Well, he couldn't put inside him. Not that he didn't think it was possible, but he wasn't sure if he could get the nerve to do it, but he could press it against his own cock.

With a gulp, and not sure why he was so nervous, Inuyasha slowly moved it closer to him. He stopped for just a moment, a bit unsure, but then the hesitance subsided and the cold surface of the toy was pressed against his heated shaft.


His entire body jumped at the shock and he had to pull it away for a moment, the explosion of sensation too much. He found himself panting as he stared down at the metal object, a fang biting his lower lip in thought as he continued to slowly stroke himself. Too much or not, it had felt good, and Inuyasha was ready to burst.

Although he knew he was alone, he couldn't help but look around for a moment to make sure no one was watching. Then, satisfied that he was by himself, his hand tightened around his member and he began to stroke it faster. He tried to his best to keep quiet, though a few moans escaped, which he on bit his lip to silence after a while. When he knew he was close, his balls beginning to draw up ready to burst, he pressed Kagome's toy flush against his length.

The rush of sensation,he had no words to describe them and Inuyasha saw blinding colors as he clenched his eyes shut, his head thrown back in a loud scream he couldn't stop. He had barely pressed it against himself for two seconds before he was shooting thick streams of pearl-colored ribbons into his hand, Kagome's toy and even onto the forest floor.

His hips continued to thrust as he pulled the toy away, his hand milking every last drop and his body trembling in the aftershock of such an intense orgasm. He didn't know what the damn thing was called, but he liked it. He turned it off, ready to flop back and rest for awhile before heading back to camp.

"Oh, so is that how it's used?" But a voice instead made him jump up, twirling to meet who had been able to sneak up on him.

Miroku only smiled back at him, as if hadn't been spying on the hanyou or as if said hanyou wasn't glaring at him with his pants still open and his privates on display.

"You seemed to have enjoyed yourself, Inuyasha."

The monk had been sure to place himself downwind, which meant the bastard was sneakier than the hanyou had originally thought.

"What the hell are you doing, Miroku?" The hanyou snapped, not even bothering to tuck himself away.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice your absence from the camp, and in a state of worry, I came looking for you thinking you were in trouble." Miroku began, stalking closer. "On my search I heard you moaning and thought that you were hurt. Imagine my surprise to find you here, bringing yourself pleasure from the same object that Kagome forbid any one from seeing."

As the monk closed in, Inuyasha had the distinct urge to high tail it out of there as goosebumps raised on his flesh. The smile on Miroku's face slowly twisted from innocent to the look of a predator who had caught his pray and it had the hanyou frozen to the spot.

He jumped as Miroku reached out and grabbed his hand which held the phallic object, but he could only watch as Miroku lifted it and studied the cooling cum that now covered the hard material the thing was made of.

"My, Inuyasha, you must have truly enjoyed yourself."

He watched a blush flare up on the inu's cheeks, even though he held a scowl, and it made Miroku want to lick his lips. The hanyou looked so delectable when he was blushing. Not to mention that he had looked absolutely delicious when he had been cumming. So much so that the monk wanted to see it again, and so many more times after that if he was able to.

"Though I do believe that this isn't how it's meant to be used."

"Oh yeah, well what makes you so sure?"

Miroku chuckled, having seen Inuyasha blush, and he knew that the inu-hanyou had already known just how it was used. Then again, he wanted to play this game and he wanted to see how far he could take this.

"Well, why don't I show you?"

As amber eyes blinked up at him, Miroku took the phallic toy away from him, silently studying it for a few moments.

"Do you trust me, Inuyasha?"

"Not with my life!" The inu snapped, and Miroku only scowled at the dog-eared half-breed.

"Truly? Then I suppose I shall just head off to Kagome and let her know where her toy has disappeared to."

As Miroku stood, Inuyasha grabbed him by the tail of his robes, stopping the monk from walking off.

"Not if you don't want that smart mouth of your's to swell up!" The inu threaten, but Miroku merely sighed.

"But that will only upset, Kagome, and you'll end up having a very intimate relationship with the ground."

He could hear Inuyasha's teeth grinding in anger, and as the hold on his robes slackened, he knew he had won.

"You're a perverted bastard, you know that?" The hanyou muttered, his cheeks suddenly flaring a bright red.

Miroku enjoyed it, and didn't let the insult phase him in any way.

"Now, Inuyasha, I believe you have to be fully undressed.”

"Why do I have to be undressed?" He asked, his voice suddenly small.

Miroku's smile made him want to run and hide, but instead he merely swallowed the lump in his throat and stood his ground. He wasn't a coward, he could handle this no matter what.

"Well, Inuyasha, I do believe that's how these things go." The monk explained, fingers slowly twirling the phallic instrument in his hand.

"How what goes?” He'd admit it, he was trying to stall.

"Why sex, Inuyasha."

That had Inuyasha's eyes widening against his will, cheeks flushing again and his voice taking leave. He would usually say something crass and loud, but he couldn't respond. He had known Miroku was going to want something like that, but it still shocked him when it came out in the open.

Miroku shivered as he realized through the hanyou's physical reaction, and he couldn't believe his luck. Inuyasha was a virgin, and untouched, innocent, and curious virgin. He couldn't resist asking so that he could hear it for himself.

"Are you a virgin, Inuyasha?"

Slowly his companion nodded, and his smile wasn't able to be held back anymore. He needed to know how much of a virgin.

"Have you ever touched a woman?" He inquired, satisfied by the quick shake of his head and the clenching of Inuyasha's jaw. The poor dear was a bit shamed that he had yet to taste the flesh of a woman. He'd do that after Miroku had his way with him. The monk knew what it was like to be with women, he would deny no one the right to plunge into her warm depths and pillow against supple breasts.

He cleared his head with a thorough shake of it, his cock hard enough to no longer be hidden beneath his usually quite unrevealing robes.

"Well, sex is-"

He had begun to explain but the hanyou cut him off.

"I know what sex is, idiot! I've watched it being done before."

Oho, truly? This was interesting.

"And did you like watching?" Miroku was going insane, he needed to know, being a fellow voyeur himself.

"Yes." The bashful hanyou was back, Inuyasha flustered again.

"And did you touch yourself as you watched them?"

The bit lip and nod was the selling point, and Miroku sauntered closer so that his hand that wasn't occupied with the task of holding onto the toy, could reach for Inuyasha and rest a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"It''s okay, everyone touches themselves." He gently told him, before his hand was slipping down and into Inuyasha's haori, fingers slowly caressing. "However, it feels much better to have someone else touch you. I can show you. Do you want me to?"

He was expecting his hand to be snatched away and his arm to be broken, but as his fingers pinched around a pebbling nipple, all Inuyasha could do was gasp in shock. The further Miroku toyed with it, the more flushed he become, the quicker his breath got and the more he writhed.

"Miroku, stop."

"Don't you like it?" The houshi questioned, hand sliding to the other before bringing it to the same state.

He didn't give the hanyou any time to answer, and was easily removing the fabric of the haori from around toned shoulders. Inuyasha was truly a spectacle to behold, and Miroku was quite pleased with the chance to ogle the body being revealed to him.

When his hand reached the tie to Inuyasha's hakama, he was stopped and he looked back into eyes that were a mixture of embarrassment and fear.

"You promise you won't tell if I do this?" He was asking, just to be sure he wasn't being tricked.

He got his answer when Miroku looked at him, face serious and eyes showing that he would keep his word.

"I promise." He uttered, his hands easily divesting Inuyasha of his hakama so that the hanyou was soon undressed completely.

Inuyasha was still stiff and unsure as he was guided down to the bare ground, pushed to lay back with Miroku hovering above him. His eyes stared up at the monk in uncertainty, and the only thing his friend could think to do was slowly run his hands over the soft skin, marveling at the feel and soothing the hanyou at the same time.

Inuyasha, still nervous and not sure what to do but lie there, figured it was best to close his eyes and let the monk do with him as he pleased. He felt hands pause over his skin, and he forced himself to open his eyes and look up again.

Miroku was arching a brow down at him, and he could only stare back and wait for the houshi to speak.

"I'm not going to rape you, Inuyasha. You don't have to just lie there."

"Well what else am I supposed to do? You are sort of forcing this on me through blackmail."

"True." Miroku agreed with a nod, his fingers of his left hand disappearing into his mouth. Inuyasha watched, a bit confused as he sucked on them and when they were finally well-coated in saliva, Miroku pulled them free. He followed the fingers until he was no longer able to, and his eyes returned to Miroku's now smiling face. "I'll be sure to make it so that you actually want this to happen soon enough."

Inuyasha's sharp intake of breath was the result of one of Miroku's fingers probing at his entrance, and then finally pushing in, the small feeling of discomfort showing on the hanyou's face.

"It's okay." Miroku told him, his other hand petting at the tanned flesh beneath its palm. He didn't expect Inuyasha to have skin that felt so good to touch, he couldn't help but paw at it. His finger was soon moving, Inuyasha flinching a bit in surprise, but then hissing as a second finger joined the first.

Miroku stopped, waiting for the hanyou to adjust to the intrusion, and when the young half-demon was calm again, he began to slowly move. His heart was beating in excitement as he felt the muscles contract around his digits. Inuyasha was tight. That meant he would feel amazing around his length. Miroku figured he could spare to grin at the thought, his fingers gently moving in and out, stretching his friend for what was to come.

Inuyasha didn't understand what was going on. He hadn't expected this and he wasn't even sure why he had agreed. It had started off feeling weird, almost painful, but the more Miroku kept moving was the more he felt himself starting to like it.

He didn't want to like it, he didn't like it at all, and he had to convince himself that; not to mention Miroku as well. Inuyasha couldn't help the pants and cries that were escaping his lips, but he was getting louder. He didn't want the others to hear him. What if they found him like this?

"No." He whimpered, before he was screaming, Miroku's fingers pushing against something deep inside him.

He had no idea what it was, but he wanted Miroku to press it again, it had felt so good. It was like the monk read his mind, because questing fingers brushed it once again, and Inuyasha shoved a fist in his mouth to stifle another cry.

He whimpered when those torturous fingers left him feeling empty, but Miroku was hovering over him, his hand moving Inuyasha's away from his mouth. Violet eyes glowed down at the beautiful sight of the hanyou, flushed and panting, body trembling with unbridled desire.

"No, Inuyasha, let me hear it." He begged the half-breed, who blushed further. "Every scream every moan, every word, I want to hear it all."

"Aah!" Inuyasha's head was flying back with a scream as he was suddenly pierced, his body tightening around the intruder. "Miroku, I can't!"

Miroku chuckled, looking down to watch as he pushed Kagome's toy in further, licking his lips as he stared at the usually puckered entrance stretching around the phallic object.

"You can't what, Inuyasha?" He slowly inched the toy out, enjoying how the silver-haired hanyou squirmed.

"Don't." The inu begged, amber eyes pleading while looking up at his companion.

Miroku only smirked, before pushing the object deeper, watching him push back down onto the toy. Without warning, he pushed the small black button at the bottom and couldn't help but smile lustily as Inuyasha jumped in shock.

"Ah, stop!" His words came out breathless, before he found his voice again, hips thrusting down onto the vibrating thing inside of him. "Ah, Miroku, please! It feels. . . it feels. . ."

"How does it feel, Inuyasha?" The monk questioned, slowly thrusting the toy in and out of the hanyou's stretched opening. "Do you like how it feels?"

He smiled down at his friend who blushed deeper as he nodded his head. Here he was, playing out a fantasy he had had many times before. Granted, he had dreamed of Sango instead of Inuyasha, but he didn't mind. Men weren't his preference, but he was as true to the label that he had been given by both friend and foe. He was a pervert, and he could do nothing but nearly salivate as he watched Inuyasha discover sex with someone other than his own hand.

He groaned as he watched Inuyasha whine, those deadly fangs biting into pouting lips and Miroku found himself leaning forward. Inuyasha gasped, finding the monk hovering closer to him, and he stared up with questioning eyes.

"May I kiss you, Inuyasha?"

There was a moment of hesitance on Inuyasha's part before he was nodding again, giving the monk the permission that he was waiting for. It was all the dark-haired ningen needed, before he was swooping down and capturing Inuyasha's lips. The hanyou moaned in surprise, his body still writhing due to the quivering object being thrust into him, the feel of Miroku's lips against his not as he had expected.

Call it odd, but due to the shady nature of Miroku's personality, the inu-hanyou expected the man's lips to be well, just not like this. He was frozen still as a wet appendage brushed against his lips, and he went to pull away, but Miroku's free hand grabbed him behind his head, keeping their mouths pressed together. Then the tongue swiped by his lips again, and Inuyasha carefully parted them. His gasp was swallowed as said tongue invaded his mouth, dipping in and brushing against his own. His mouth was slowly stroked, every corner explored and his own tongue enticed to join in. Shyly and slowly, he did what Miroku was coaxing him to do, and he was soon whimpering at the indescribable feeling of his tongue playing with Miroku's.

It was a harsh press to his prostate that had them breaking apart, Inuyasha focusing on eagerly thrusting down on the devilish toy that was making him feel good; so good.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Inuyasha." Miroku chuckled, his voice heavy with lust.

Inuyasha could only nodded, his arms wrapping about Miroku, so that he had something stable to hold on to as his world went spinning. Pants and moans were spilling from his lips as he continued to move his hips against the thrusting toy, amber eyes sliding closed as his head was thrown back.

Miroku nuzzled one of the white ears perched atop Inuyasha's head, gently beginning to tease it with his mouth, the inu gasping at the shock sent through his already quivering flesh.

"Will you allow me to enjoy myself as well?"

Miroku's question was punctuated by the toy pressing in deeper, sliding against the spot deep inside him that made Inuyasha nearly squeal, toes curling at the sensation. He had no idea what he was agreeing to, but he eagerly nodded his head, just wanting to bring this all to an end.

"Turn over." Miroku was coaxing him as he pulled the toy free and turned it off, his breath passing over a sensitive ear.

Inuyasha hesitated, his eyes looking up at Miroku a bit in distrust and the monk caught it. Miroku easily leaned down to kiss Inuyasha's worries away, his hands gently guiding the hanyou so that he was soon stomach down against the grass covered forest floor.

"It's okay." Miroku soothed him, his hands gently smoothing over his friend's back to relax him. It was working, too. "Just trust me. I won't hurt you."

Inuyasha nodded, feeling as Miroku began places kisses across his shoulder and back. The monk slowly made his way down, Inuyasha easily relaxing further as the houshi's hands never stopped massaging him. It wasn't long before he tensed though, ready to turn over and demand what the monk thought he was doing.

"Miro- ah!"

He tried to pull away at the wet feeling tracing his stretched opening. That couldn't be what he thought it was, Miroku was not doing that to him. He tried to shift his hips away, but the ningen's arm slipped under him to wrap about his waist. His hips were lifted and he was pulled closer and Miroku face pressed closer as well, his tongue penetrating deeper.

Inuyasha squirmed as a shuddering moan exited his throat, his back arching with the need to push back. He didn't want to, he was embarrassed that he was letting Miroku get away with this, but it felt too good. No, he should try and stop this. His face was blushing harder as the wet sounds off Miroku orally pleasing his ass reached his ears. The monk's obvious moans and groans, proof he was enjoying his task, was helping his face light up as well.

"Please, stop." His voice was weak and not convincing at all, his body rocking in a motion to try and get that talented tongue deeper. "Miroku, please! Ah!

Miroku only chuckled, his arm unwrapping from Inuyasha so that his hands could spread the toned cheeks and his face could press closer, mouth closing over the quivering whole to suckle it, before prodding his tiring tongue in again.

He didn't miss when Inuyasha reached beneath himself to tug frantically at his dripping cock, and he was excited to see the hanyou cum. He wanted to see the hanyou's face when it happened. He pulled away, Inuyasha whining and pushing back in hopes that he would start again, but Miroku only smiled before coaxing him to turn around again.

Inuyasha was panting, eyes hooded and cheeks flushed as he easily did so. He looked to Miroku for an answer without asking any questions, but the monk only smiled, before he was grabbing at their clothes and fixing it into a make-shift bedroll.

"Come here." He called to his friend, who easily moved forward towards him. Then he was laying Inuyasha back, the hanyou laying stiffly and suddenly unsure again. A slow kiss easily had him relaxed again, and Miroku was glad for it.

"I'll start off slow, okay?" He whispered into a furry appendage, causing Inuyasha to whimper and writhe.

The hanyou nodded in understanding, and Miroku gently took hold of his legs underneath his knees, spreading hanyou's legs. He then pushed them back until they were closer to touching the half-demon's shoulders, Inuyasha's eyes soon holding a small look of panic.

"It's okay Inuyasha." He gently spoke to him, easing up on his hold and coaxing Inuyasha to sit up some. "Lean back on your arms. I just wanted to look."

Inuyasha assumed the position his friend was asking of him, his hands holding him up as he was leaning back, legs still part and pushed towards his chest and exposing him quiet nicely to the monk's perverted eyes. "Wanted to look at what?" The hanyou was asking, his breath still coming in pants.

"You'll see." Was all the monk said, before he was lowering again. "I want you touch yourself if you think you can hold yourself up with one arm."

"I'm not some weak ass bitch!" The hanyou snarled. " Stop treating me like I'm a woman!"

"No, of course not." The monk said with a small laugh, with a glance to Inuyasha's proudly standing dick, the inu a bit larger than average. "You're most certainly are a man. I just wanted to treat you well."

"Oh." Inuyasha said, his anger waning as Miroku's head lowered to its previous task. The following "Oh!" was for an entirely different reason.

His moaning grew louder as Miroku went on, his hole plundered completely until Inuyasha was shaking, cock dripping again and balls ready to burst with his release. His eyes drifted shut and his head leaned back as he took to leaning on one arm so that his other could begin stroking at his length. He could feel Miroku's eyes on him, and he didn't understand why he found himself enjoying that.

"Miroku." He was saying, hand tugging at his prick faster and his moaning much more frantic. "I think I'm gonna cum!"

Miroku only encouraged him by working his tongue harder, his hands massaging the smooth and yet muscle-toned thighs in his grip. His own shaft was throbbing and willing to get some relief, and it excited him as he watched up at Inuyasha, the hanyou drawing closer and closer. Miroku groaned as it finally hit and Inuyasha was jerking and shuddering with a muffled moan, since he bit his lip to try and stop it. Miroku couldn't help but pull back to watch it happen, his eyes greedily drinking in the sight of Inuyasha's hand milking ribbons of seed out of the twitching cock.

He couldn't stop his hand from wrapping around the hanyou's manhood as well, his friend crying out in shock and jerking his hips up in response. Miroku stroked him until Inuyasha finally quieted down, small mewls escaping his lips as the last of his cum dribbled down his spent cock.

Miroku thanked every deity he could think of for giving him this opportunity. Inuyasha was a blessing in disguise. Who'd have thought that the usually rough and brawny half-demon would be the hottest uke when coaxed just right.

Inuyasha returned to leaning back and both arms, his body trembling every now and then. His stomach was soaked in his semen, which was quite a good amount the monk observed, he was shocked that Inuyasha had managed so much.

He lifted his coated hand after finally releasing his friends prick, his tongue running over his hands and his eyes not missing Inuyasha's cringe of disgust.

"What the hell are you doing that for?" The hanyou demanded, still winded. "Why the fuck do you like to do disgusting things with your mouth?"

"Did you not enjoy one such disgusting thing?" He asked with a particularly long lick to his hand.

Inuyasha only humphed, before lying back on the ground, quite sated and ready for sleep.

"Aren't you going to return the favor, Inuyasha?"

The monk's voice had him looking up at Miroku, realizing that his companion was now completely undressed, his naked cock jutting out expectantly. He was no where as big as the hanyou, but it was still intimidating to the hanyou, who was still a virgin.

"You want me to do that to you?" He asked nervously with his ears close to his head, and Miroku could only smile at how cute the hanyou looked.

"No, but how much do you object to using your mouth?"

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed suspiciously, and he sat up, legs crossed mantis-style as he looked up at Miroku.

"Depends on how I'm using it." He answered cautiously.

"I'll be forward with you, I want you to use your mouth on my cock."

"What the fuck!" The hanyou loudly objected, his face sneering. "Why would I do that?"

"Because you'd be returning the favor of your previous orgasm and keeping my mouth shut at the same time." Miroku casually responded, as if he weren't black mailing the inu at all. "I mean, Kagome would love to know that you stole her private toy out of her bag even after she told you to go no where near it."

"You really know how to be a fucking asshole, don't you?"

"At times, yes."

"Fine." The hanyou reluctantly gave in, his shoulders sagging. "How do I do this?"

"Get on your knees." Miroku directed him, as he stepped forward.

He saw Inuyasha gulp nervously as he went from sitting to kneeling, his eyes staring with dread as Miroku's cock come closer to hi face. He tensed as a hand gently rested on top of his head, his eyes glancing up at Miroku with uncertainty.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright." Miroku reassured him, his other hand gripping the base of his cock to position it right at the hanyou's lips. "Open your mouth."

Nothing happened, as Inuyasha seemed to still be contemplating his decision, and Miroku easily stroked his hair to help calm him.

"Come on, just a little taste, Inuyasha."

The hanyou nervously stared up at his traveling companion as he finally opened his mouth, shy tongue peeking out to slowly run over the head of the swollen member in front of his lips. Miroku hissed at the feeling, precum escaping and easily lapped up by the licking tongue.

Inuyasha wasn't sure how to describe the taste that leaked onto his tongue. It wasn't disgusting, but it wasn't good either.

"Open wider." Miroku instructed, and Inuyasha followed.

The hanyou wanted to pull back as the thick organ pushed past his lips, but the stern hold on the back of his head stopped him, and he made a muffled sound of objection in time to stop Miroku from going any further.

"You can relax, Inuyasha." Miroku told him, his hand gently stroking silver locks. "I won't take advantage of you. Just relax, I'll take it easy."

Amber eyes blinked up at him, and Inuyasha would have nodded in understanding if his mouth wasn't full of ningen cock. He could feel it throbbing against his tongue and he wasn't sure what to think of it. It was weird, but it wasn't a bad kind of weird. He could feel Miroku's fluids leaking onto his tongue, and he instinctively swallowed.

He thought it the wrong move as Miroku thrust in further, his throat forced to gag and he pushed the ningen away, the man's cock slipping free of his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing?" He was crying, hand wiping at his mouth. "You trying to kill me or something?"

"I apologize, Inuyasha. It just felt so good, I couldn't help myself."

"Yeah, well, see if I let you anywhere near my mouth again." The hanyou threatened, snapping his teeth for emphasis.

Miroku nervously laughed, but moved forward again, the hanyou growling in warning.

"Just one more try." He coaxed, his voice gentle and misleading. "I promise I won't do that again."

"Can't you just fuck me already and get it over with?" Inuyasha griped, his lips pouting. The sight of them made the monk want to feel them wrapped around him again, but the offer to bury himself in the recently stretched opening was winning him over.

"Are you sure you want to skip ahead? I promise you'll like it."

"You mean you'll like it." Inuyasha snarled, though he positioned himself in front of the monk again. "You're lucky I believe in keeping my word, you jackass."

Miroku couldn't help the groan as he was sucked into a hot, wet mouth, his hands holding onto Inuyasha's head to slowly guide him as far as the hanyou could take him. When the dog-eared demon gagged some, he pulled back looking down at his friend and smiling.

"Don't be so eager, Inuyasha. You need a lot of practice before you can take me that far."

Inuyasha only grunted, which vibrated wonderfully against the monk's cock, and then the hanyou was stuck and unsure of what to do. Miroku gently pulled on his hair, guiding the head back and Inuyasha barely resisted. Then he was thrusting forward slowly, his cock burying between those lips again and he hissed at the light graze of fangs over his sensitized flesh.

"Use your mouth, Inuyasha." The monk was saying pleadingly, hands stroking the hanyou's cheeks. "Suck my cock as you move."

Inuyasha carefully did as suggested and Miroku was easily guiding his head over his cock again. It wasn't bad for the hanyou's first blow job, though he was sure his friend would grow better with time and practice. He'd be more than happy to help out.

"No, not so hard." He said with a hiss, Inuyasha decreasing the suction of the piece of flesh in his mouth. Miroku sighed as the hanyou got it just right. "That's perfect."

His head easily fell back as his cock was worked over, the slurping sounds of Inuyasha's mouth turning him on more than he'd ever been with blow jobs of the past. His hands no longer had to move Inuyasha's head for him, as he had begun moving on his own, but he couldn't help but start thrusting.

Inuyasha had his eyes closed in concentration as he pleasured his friend with his mouth. His hands were now gripping the monk's hips to stabilize himself, his jaw beginning to ache as he continued to suck. Miroku felt bigger then he looked, now that his lips were stretched over the thick organ, tongue tasting every bit of precum that came slipping out. He was beginning to want more, the musk of Miroku's arousal was so close and overwhelming for his sensitive nose. His own dick was hard again, and he wanted to touch it so badly.

He could feel that the monk was thrusting with his movements, and he merely moaned, which caused Miroku to thrust deeper. He gagged but easily pushed against his friends hips, saliva escaping to run down his chin as he continued to move. When would Miroku cum? He couldn't take this any more.

One hand grabbed the base of Miroku's rod as he moved his mouth faster, slurping louder and moaning as his other hand began to stroke himself. Miroku groaned, eyes opening and head tilting down to watch his friend unwind. If this wasn't the sexiest thing he'd ever seen, he wasn't sure what was. He would think Sango in the same position, but when amber eyes looked up pleadingly at him, he swore under his breath and decided otherwise.

Inuyasha was moaning non-stop around his cock and he couldn't take it anymore. His right hand gripped silver locks and pulled Inuyasha off of his cock, his left grabbing and stroking himself as he brought himself closer.

"Open your mouth."

Inuyasha was too far gone in lust and closing in on his own orgasm to question him, and he did as he was bid. His lips parted, mouth opening and tongue barely peeking out in invitation. That was all Miroku needed and with a loud groan, he came. His cum shot out and hit its mark, Inuyasha jumping in shock as his face was hit, though his mouth stayed open eager to catch the rest. And he did, the heavy male taste causing him to cum again, whimpers turning to moans as his hips thrust with every spurt of seed his cock gave off.

Miroku was panting and smiling as he continued to cum over his friend's face and on swollen lips. The tip of his cock rested against said lips, and Inuyasha easily closed around it, sucking the last drops free with a moan.

Miroku could truly believe that he had died and gone to heaven, because only there would he be blessed with such a unbelievably hot Inuyasha. Only there would his friend be greedily lapping up his cum, tongue running over his lips to get the drops he'd missed and free hand cleaning his face. That he lapped up too, before he was curiously licking at his own seed, his face grimacing.

"You taste better than I do."

The houshi almost died of complete perverted bliss at that line, but he only chuckled and reached out to guide Inuyasha's hand to his mouth, bending closer so that he could reach. Slowly he sucked clean every finger that was coated, before smiling at his friend.

"I think you taste very good."

"You're just a pervert." The hanyou rushed out, face flushing cutely.

"True." Was all Miroku said, before lowering himself to the ground, his hand working his cock back to into its ready position. "And this pervert wants the honor of taking you."

"What! But you just made me do that with my mouth!" Than hanyou balked in objection, even though his dick was standing at attention at the mere thought of it. "Can't we call it even?"

"We could, but then I'd have to inform Kagome that you were using her personal things to-"

"Alright." The furry ears were pressed to his head again, and Miroku had the urge to stroke them. "How do you want me?"

Okay, that had to be one of the most arousing things the hanyou had said all night and Miroku moved forward and joined him on the ground. His mouth easily took to kissing the hanyou, the mingled taste of their semen shared between them.

"Lay back, Inuyasha."

The inu-hanyou nodded and easily did so, looking away in a bashful manner. He was positioned like earlier, his legs spread and pushed close to his chest, his puckered entrance exposed and twitching in anticipation.

Miroku had to think of what he could do for lubrication, but could think of nothing save his own saliva, which had already dried up by then. So he easily bent down to apply another coat, Inuyasha whimpering and whining all the while.

When he was satisfied that his friend was properly lubricated, he positioned himself at the winking hole, wanting to bury himself in one quick thrust. He decided against it with one look down at the scared amber eyes staring up at him.


The monk smiled reassuringly and bent forward to capture Inuyasha's lips in a kiss, distracting the half-breed from when he started to push in. It worked somewhat, as Inuyasha grunted in pain anyway, the sound muffled by their kiss.

"Ah!" It was a sound of pain as Miroku pushed deeper.

The black-haired ningen stopped for a moment, before he was pushing again, Inuyasha wincing and clenching around him to stop the intruding piece of flesh.

"Wait, it hurts." The hanyou pleaded, eyes watering.

Miroku swore, before he did as the hanyou wanted, raining kisses over his friends face in hopes of calming him.

"Relax, Inuyasha. Just breathe, I won't move until you want me to."

His hand released Inuyasha's leg to carefully stroke at the face he was worshiping, the hanyou giving a whimper that was more canine than human. The grip around his cock loosened some and he took his chance, pushing in a bit faster than before, his free hand toying with Inuyasha's nipples as a further distraction.

It worked as Inuyasha arched to get more stimulation to his hardened nubs, and then he was crying out in surprise as with a final thrust Miroku was completely buried inside of him. Amber connected with violet, the monk giving a small smile before he was slowly pulling out.

Inuyasha flinched a bit, but all he could do was sigh as his friend smoothly pushed back in. It was an odd feeling, but he was beginning to like it the more he relaxed. The pace Miroku set was slow, which the hanyou was grateful for, and the monk watched down to gauge his friend's reactions. Inuyasha was flushed, mouth parted as he sighed and gasped with every movement the monk made, and then his face held shock.

Miroku grinned as he finally found the half-demon's prostate, the hanyou having cried out in surprise. He drew out and easily sank in deep again, this time joining Inuyasha in moaning as the young demon clenched around him. The way Inuyasha's ass was milking him was amazing and his thrusts steadily began to speed up.

Inuyasha felt the change in speed and his hands grabbed at Miroku's shoulders, moans growing louder the faster the monk got. Soon enough Inuyasha was crying out, his body rocked as Miroku briskly fucked him, his prostate assaulted every time the monk sank into him.

Miroku was groaning himself, head swimming with the intense feeling around his cock, the hot cavern milking him closer to his second orgasm. He forced himself to slow down, wanting to have this last as long as he could make it, and besides, there was a position that he wanted to see Inuyasha in.

"No, don't stop." Inuyasha was whining, Miroku resisting the urge to give in the plead.

"Don't worry." He simply told him after a kiss, laying back and guiding Inuyasha on top of him. "You'll like this."

Inuyasha was a bit unsure as he straddled Miroku, feeling the thick cock rubbing against his ass and Miroku holding onto his hips.

"Take me in, Inuyasha." The monk gently ordered him, rubbing soothing hands over his lower back. "I want to watch you ride me."

The inu-hanyou took a few more moments of hesitation, before Miroku took matters into his own hands. One of his hands stopped massaging the half-demon's back, and took hold of a clawed hand, guiding Inuyasha in reaching behind him and grasping his waiting member. He hissed at the feeling and looked up with clouded violet eyes in hopes of encouraging his friend further.

"Come on, Inuyasha, don't be afraid." He gently told him, lifting his hips so that he nudged against the previously entered opening. "It'll feel good, you know it will, much better than Kagome's toy."

Inuyasha doubted that, or so he thought as he finally lowered himself onto Miroku's cock, one hand resting against Miroku's chest as the other helped guide his friend in. Kagome's toy did have that shaking thing that it did. That felt very good and it was hard to top that.

He bit as his lip as he slowly lifted himself and then just as slowly pushed down again, and he groaned as the blunt tip of Miroku's dick brushed that spot inside of him. He wanted to feel it again, and he quickly raised his hip, driving down with the same speed and shuddering as he got what he was looking for.

His mind was changing as he started to ride faster, his heavy breathing transforming from pants to tiny cries and then load moans. Kagome's toy was cold and metallic, and though it had felt good, it was nothing he could compare to the rod fucking him right now. Miroku's cock wasn't huge, but it was big and it was thick. It was hot and throbbing and it was a part of something that was alive. Inuyasha chanced a glance down at Miroku, whose face seemed drawn to watching his, Miroku's eyes taking in every expression that passed over the inu's face.

He couldn't help the shudder knowing that Miroku was enjoying watching him, and he suddenly wanted Miroku to do more than stare. As he rocked back and forth, rose up and down, his cries and groans mingling with Miroku's occasional grunts and whispered swears, he took hold of the monk's hand and guided them over the front of his torso.

"Touch me!" He begged, hips driving down harder, not sure if he'd hurt the man's pelvic area soon with the force he was using. "Please, Miroku!"

Miroku didn't refuse him and his hands roamed over the smooth skin, slightly tanned and drenched in sweat. His hips began lifting to slam up into the body as it came down, their bodies making slapping sounds that filled the night air along with their moaning and groaning.

Inuyasha was arching his back to get more as the monk's skilled fingers toyed with his nipples, the shock of pleasure shooting straight to his bouncing dick, the droplets of precum falling from the tip and onto Miroku's toned stomach. Inuyasha was so close, he could feel it coming, his body begging for the impending release.

Miroku saw it too, and he wanted to see it again, having watched the hanyou cum more than once. He was already addicted, he wanted to watch it over and over if he could. His hips started lifting harder and faster as his eyes watched Inuyasha bounce on his cock. The hanyou was moving his hips towards his obvious goal and leaning forward on his hands that laid flat atop Miroku's chest.

Silver hair began falling to hide his face, and Miroku lifted a hand to push it back, not wanting to miss the moment it hit. Inuyasha was stalling, probably thinking he had to wait for Miroku.

"It''s okay, Inuyasha. Let it go." Miroku's other hand was now rapidly pumping the hanyou's cock, said hanyou crying out at the touch. "Let me see. Just cum for me."

That was enough coaxing and with a jolt and what the monk could only describe as a scream, Inuyasha was cumming. The perverted houshi could only groan as he watched Inuyasha's face twist in complete bliss, in pleasurable agony, with his hips still moving. His body was shuddering and his cock twitched as spurts of semen emptied out over his seme.

Miroku grit his teeth at the tight grip Inuyasha's ass took around his cock as he came, and soon enough he had to pull out, one hand squeezing the base of his cock to fend off his own orgasm. He wasn't done with the hanyou yet, he had to wait.

He could only smile up at the panting and trembling halfling, who was still giving off tired little moans and leaning much more heavily than before.

"That was amazing, Inuyasha." He praised, his free hand stroking the silver strands not pasted to Inuyasha's face with sweat. "You were so beautiful."

"Shut up." The hanyou panted out, though he leaned into Miroku's hand as it stroked his cheek. "I told you to stop treating me like a woman."

"Well, it was beautiful." Miroku laughed, shifting so that he could reach the hanyou's lips, Inuyasha not needing to be coaxed into participating.

As the two continued to try their damnedest to see who would win their little tongue spar, the hanyou finally lowered himself so that he was seated atop Miroku again. He pulled back in shock at the feel of Miroku's still hard member rubbing against his ass.

"You didn't cum yet?" Inuyasha asked, pushing back against Miroku, who only groaned at that. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"No, I'm alright." Miroku assured him, occupied with running kisses over his friend's collarbone and neck. "I'll cum when I'm ready to. Though you brought me pretty close there."

"What the hell are you waiting for?"

"Well, I like watching you go crazy with lust. You're so passionate Inuyasha. You're better than most women I've been with. I've never had someone who came as intensely as you do. You send a shiver down my spine every time. If I let myself, I could cum from just watching you cum."

"Stop being so damned perverted." Inuyasha was crying out with a blush, his head turned away to hide it. "Jeeze, I can't be that good. Hell, I'm a virgin, well was a virgin, and it's not like I've done this before now. You're just blowing steam."

"If that's how you see it then I'm disappointed." The monk said, putting on a pout. "Very rarely do I praise my lovers in such a way."

"You praise any one this way if it gets you some ass in the end!" The hanyou snapped and Miroku sighed.

"True, but I mean it this time."

Inuyasha fell silent and blinked down at his friend, and not to mention first lover, his eyes studying the violet-hued orbs that looked back up at him. It wasn't often that Miroku was sincere, as good of an actor he was, you could always tell by the look in his eyes. Miroku had been telling the truth this time. It made the hanyou's stomach feel fluttery and tied in knots all at once.

"Feh! So are you gonna take me again or are we just gonna stay here talking about how hard your dick is?"

Miroku could only grin, before he was turning them over so that Inuyasha was in his original position again, legs spread wide and hole now red and slightly open. It made the monk's mouth water and his shaft strained, ready to be buried again.

"Inuyasha, the things you're doing to me." He softly blurted out, before he was easing himself into that unbelievably tight ass.

Inuyasha cried out, his ass already a bit sore, but his hands were grabbing at Miroku's ass to help drive the monk deeper. He was beginning to like this a bit too much. He wondered if after this he'd even want to have Kagome. An image of the miko naked and spread waiting for him was enough to confirm that he would, his half-hardened cock jumping to life.

He'd enjoy this as well, now that he knew his body was willing to take pleasure any way it could get it, whether his partner be male or female. Oddly enough, his brain thought of what Sesshomaru would think if he knew he were letting a human fuck his brain's out, but he only snorted. The asshole was probably too fucking frigid to care. Sex was probably the last thing on the Daiyoukai's mind, if it was there at all.

He was pulled from his jumbling thoughts as Miroku started moving, easily touching his prostate each time and making it much harder to think anymore. He could only feel soon enough, his body rocking as his hands still rested on Miroku's ass, helping the monk push deeper.

He couldn't stop his voice from the moans and whimpers as Miroku steadily moved inside of him, his body thrumming in pleasure, the small bursts of feeling causing him to tremble as his prostate was continuously hit. He didn't think he could last much longer, but he wanted it to.

"Miroku." He was moaning out, his hands letting go of the monk's ass to grip at his arms. He would have wrapped his legs around the man currently giving him a thorough fucking, but Miroku had his legs held open with a hand under each knee. "Aah! It feels good! Go deeper!"

Miroku chuckled, and leaned closer to nuzzle the hanyou writhing beneath him.

"I'm not that big, I can't go any deeper." He said, Inuyasha growling before it turned into a whine.

"Then go harder! Faster! Please do something!" Inuyasha whimpered out, hands digging his claws into soft skin, and Miroku hissed at the pain. "I'm so close. I can feel it. Make me cum, please!"

It was his weak spot, and Miroku had a feeling that Inuyasha know knew that, and he couldn't help but do as he was so nicely begged to do. His hips began pistoning harder, slamming into the body he knew could take it and he was satisfied when Inuyasha flung his head back to start giving off louder screams. His hands, thankfully, released Miroku so that one could begin stroking his dripping cock, his other toying with his nipples, a part of Inuyasha's body that was beginning to become Miroku's favorite. Well, at least it was one of them. He was currently thrusting into his most favorite body part, unable to stay silent himself as the tight channel clenched and unclenched around him.

"Yes, so close!" Inuyasha panted out, amber eyes looking up at his lover, who was staring down at him intently. "Don't stop!"

As if he would, he was too damn close himself. He was hanging by a thread and only because he just had to watch Inuyasha cumming one more time. He released one leg so that he could wrap his hand around Inuyasha's cock and pump with him, and he was glad he did.

One hard jab to his prostate and Miroku's added hand had Inuyasha screaming again as his body arched off of the make-shift bedroll. His cum shot out of him in thick ropes, the hanyou nearly sobbing as his body shuddered and he pushed his hips back against Miroku's still thrusting frame.

Miroku was in heaven as he watched Inuyasha pant, moan and even give a sob as he continued to release his fluids over their stomachs. He swore as the already tight passage suddenly became too much and with a few last thrusts, he spread the inu's legs wider before driving as deep as he was able to, the hanyou's moan joining his own cry as he finally came.

His head was spinning and light at the same time as he emptied his seed into the body that seemed greedy to swallow it all. He knew he was smiling, he could feel his cheeks aching and he groaned as he gave a few final thrusts with the last few spurts of his emptying length.

Inuyasha was still giving off little mewls, his body still shaking and jerking as the two collapsed, muscles still milking Miroku's spent cock. The monk could only groan and gasp at the feeling, though was reluctant to pull out. He felt far too good to pull out now. Hell, he was contemplating doing it again.

When they'd finally quieted down, now only breathing heavily, the houshi reluctantly slipped free. His eyes quickly glanced to the stretched hole, enjoying as his seed slowly leaked out after his retreat. He was sure Inuyasha would object him using his tongue on him again, so he easily shook off the urge to do so, and glanced up at the hanyou's face.

Inuyasha was about ready to drop asleep, if his drooping eyes were anything to go by. Miroku couldn't blame him, they had done quite a work out, and the half-demon had cum quite a few times. Four to be exact; and each one Miroku had enjoyed watching. He had an odd fetish, but he could care less.

He let his lips lower to Inuyasha's, glad to see that the hanyou was easily falling into sync with every kiss he gave him. It was lazy and slow, with Inuyasha moaning along with Miroku, before they pulled apart to smile back at each other.

"I can't believe I waited so long to do this." Inuyasha mumbled out, before he was stretching with a yawn. "I had one hell of a first time. I wonder what it'll feel like to be with a girl."

"There's no comparison." Miroku said with a laugh, finally lowering so that he was lying next to his friend. "Sleeping with a woman and sleeping with a man have their own separate thrills. You should try a whore when we're in another town, you'll see what I mean."

Inuyasha snorted before he was sitting up, wincing at the dull ache in his posterior as he did so. It would seem sleeping with a man had its downsides as well, but damn if it wasn't worth it.

"We should head back before they come looking." The dog-eared hanyou stated, looking to Miroku who looked content with sleeping out in the open. "I'm sure I was screaming loud enough to even draw Sesshomaru's attention and he's back West."

Miroku chuckled before joining Inuyasha in sitting up and then finally standing. The two quickly dressed themselves, Inuyasha grumbling at the stains now on his clothes, but not too mad. It was nothing a little water couldn't take care of.

"So, I can assume you won't go flapping your gums to Kagome?" The hanyou asked as they started back, an odd little limp added to his usual trot.

Miroku drew closer and leaned against him, convincing the hanyou to do the same and easily sneaking a kiss to the hanyou's cheek.

"If you promise to do this again, then you have my word." The monk promised.

Inuyasha only grinned, before his arm was wrapping about Miroku's shoulder for better support.

"Sure, just give my ass a day to heal. And I want to try fucking you next time."

"Of course." The monk happily agreed as they made their way back. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


Morning hit the small patch where the two traveling friends had been the night before, the sun gleaming on the forgotten vibrator that lay on the ground.

Cold amber eyes stared down at it in unrevealed curiosity, an elegant brow arching as his nose detected Inuyasha and the houshi. The scent was fading, but it was obvious what the two had been doing here recently.

Sesshomaru was filled with disgust at the notion. It would be the half-breed to lower himself to taking pleasure from a mere ningen. Then again, no other demon would find the disgrace worthy enough to sleep with. Perhaps it was best that way.

He found himself reaching down and lifting the odd object, his brain not missing the canny resemblance of a male organ. What on earth was this? He tentatively sniffed it and the shock of his discovery had him dropping it in an instant.

Oh. So that was what it was for.

He couldn't help but reach for it again, studying the phallic thing with a keen eye. Inuyasha had recently made use of this, and not too long before that, the miko. His ears caught the sound of rustling bushes and he slowly turned to meet the familiar wolf prince coming to a halt.

"What! Dog-breath's not here?"

Kouga finally realized he wasn't alone and blinked up at the Daiyoukai, whose usual stoic face stared back at him.

"Huh? Sesshomaru? Where's your mutt brother? I could have sworn I smelled him here."

Sesshomaru slowly glanced down at the object in his hand, his groin stirring and his mind struggling against his hormones as he just as slowly looked back up to the wolf prince.

"Huh?" Kouga was blinking at the foreign thing in the Daiyoukai's hand, before who was frowning up at the inukai. "What the heck is that for?"

He wasn't sure what he should do as he saw a gleam take amber eyes, the faintest of smirks crawling over usually motionless lips, but Kouga did have the odd sensation to run screaming.

"I'm not sure." Sesshomaru admitted, his eyes willing the ookami still. "However, I'm sure we will be able to find out."

As Sesshomaru looked over the wolf once more, he mentally shrugged, his libido celebrating as he blocked off his common sense.

Why not? It'd be a waste to not put such a nice ass to good use.


Yes! I did it! Another pwp lemon that was more than five pages. I'm getting better at detail I think. Not quite good, but better. I hope you liked it, and the little ending there. I hope you let me know how much you liked it if you did. All reviews welcome, and I thank you for reading no matter how you ended up feeling about it in the end. I'm still open to title suggestions as this one was trewn together out of frustration. Oh yeah. PLEASE REVIEW!!!! ^_^