InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Strings and Kevlar ❯ Enter the Wolf ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“How did your audition go?”

“Fine.” Kagome squinted as the hot wind hit her face and whipped through her hair, blowing it in every direction. “Do you mind putting the top up? I've been outside a lot today and would kill for some air conditioning.”

“Sure, babe.” Koga pressed the button, then took advantage of his hand's proximity to her leg to squeeze her knee. “Did you win the section manager position?”

“Section leader,” she corrected, keeping a wary eye on his hand as she smoothed down her hair. “And yes, I did.”

“That's great! Congratulations!” He squeezed her knee again and nonchalantly moved his hand back to the gear shift. “Let's celebrate. What do you want to do tonight?”

Kagome glanced at her boyfriend carefully, calculating his true intentions. She knew Koga well, and over the past two years of dating him, she had learned the underlying meaning in most of his language, and right now, he was searching for something that she was still not ready to give. For reasons beyond logic, she continually found herself unwilling to take that step into the bedroom with him, though deep down, she knew the true reason. In short, she simply didn't love him. And that sad, stubborn fact brought with it more questions than answers, one of which was blaringly obvious: Why was she still dating him?

Nonetheless, it was one problem she was not willing to face at the moment, so she did what she could for the time being: she mustered up a yawn. “Actually, I'm pretty beat. I wouldn't mind grabbing something to eat, but then I think I'm going to call it a night.” She glanced at him again, checking his reaction. “If that's okay with you, that is.”

Koga pouted, but then he smiled and shrugged. “Well, I was hoping to spend some quality time with you tonight, but if you're tired, that's cool. Another time.”

`Thank God he's so dense.' She sat back in her seat and gazed out the window, wondering how she had managed to be so lucky that he never caught on to her aloofness. But it wasn't as if things had always been that way between them….


“Kagome, you're wasted!” Sango shrieked, stumbling over her own feet as the two girls leaned against the bar. “And you're not even supposed to be drinking! You know you have to be twenty-one to drink in this country!”

Kagome giggled as she sipped on her Hurricane. “You're not either, Sango, and you're drunker than me! We're both 19, remember?”

Sango's face blanched. “Shhhh!” she hissed, spitting all over her cousin and earning herself another fit of giggles as Kagome wiped her face. “You wanna get us kicked outta here?” she slurred, then swiveled her head around to see if any bouncers or bartenders overheard their exchange.

“Oh, lighten up! It's Mardi Gras!” Kagome lifted her cup in celebration. “Midterms are in just a few weeks, and I could use the break from studying. Besides, you promised me a good time - one good night on Bourbon Street! Are you going back on that promise now?”

“No, but…” Sango chewed her lip. “It's just that it's only your first year here, and I don't want you to overdo it. You have to remember, I've lived here for almost six years, and I've been to a few of these, although Otou-san doesn't know that,” she mumbled the last bit more quietly, as if he might overhear her from their house uptown. “Besides, I said I was going to take you out to find a man, not get drunk. It's been way too long since you went on a date, Kagome, and since I was able to convince Miroku to give me one night with you alone, that's exactly what we're going to do!”

“Whatever, you're killing my buzz, Kagome muttered, conveniently ignoring the reference to her marital status. She downed the rest of her drink and slammed the cup on the bar top just as the band started playing `Brick House.' “C'mon, let's go dance!”

Sango shook her head but smiled as she stumbled onto the dance floor behind her cousin. They laughed as they danced together, paying no mind to the lecherous stares of the various men around them. They were both so lost in the music that neither of them noticed when a suave, charming youkai stepped up behind Kagome.

“Is it just me, or do you really like this song?”

Mildly startled, Kagome turned to tell the man to get lost when she found herself lost in bright blue eyes. The wolf youkai sported a megawatt smile as he looked down at her, and Kagome quickly found her knees weakening. He was very cute. Hot? Meh… but definitely cute.

“Is that a yes?”

Kagome blinked. Had he asked a question? Uh, a yes to what?”

His laugh was warm and deep. “Don't worry, I didn't propose to you or anything. I just asked if you liked the song.”

Blushing, she bit back her irritation at his catching her off-guard. “Yeah… I like it.” She winced, wanting to smack herself. `Real smooth, Kagome!'

He nodded and smiled, melting her resolve. “Mind if I dance with you?”


“She doesn't mind!” Sango called from behind her, pushing her toward him.

Kagome turned and gave Sango the dirtiest glare she could manage before tentatively stepping closer to the youkai. Stiffly at first, she moved to the beat while keeping a safe distance from her partner. Noticing he didn't seem to mind the space, she found herself relaxing a bit and stepped a little closer, not even minding when he slipped an arm around her waist. Okay, this wasn't so bad. What was the harm in dancing with a cute guy? Especially when he could dance so well.

Letting the alcohol in her system give her more courage than normal, she allowed him to close the gap between their bodies completely and slowly grind into her. Kagome looped her arms around his neck and smiled demurely when he shifted a knee between her thighs and deepened the grind, the normal alarms inside her head uncharacteristically silent thanks to a dangerous mixture of rum and pineapple juice.

His arm's grip on her waist tightened slightly as she brought her face closer to his, losing herself in the feel of his body pressed so intimately against hers as they moved to the heavy funk beat. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, the music, or simply the allure of the charming man before her, but she was quickly drowning in a dangerous sea of lost inhibitions, too far gone to bring herself back. She was helpless, and Sango would surely bear the brunt of the blame later, but now….

Staring into endless blue, she licked her lips and ran her fingertips down his rough cheek just as the song came to an end. His eyes grew lustful at her intimate touch, his voice husky. “So, do you have a name, my lady?”

His words snapped Kagome out of her haze, and she shook her head and leaned back a little. She was about to squeeze out of his grasp and walk away without another word, but she knew Sango would not let her get away from him so easily. Plus, he actually was very good-looking, and one hell of a dancer. What was she so frightened of? Having a good time? Still, she was nervous. It had only been less than a year since—

She squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to relive the memory again. Dammit, she deserved happiness, didn't she? Opening her eyes again when she felt him release her, she noticed he was waiting for an answer, a hint of doubt written on his face. She swallowed hard and blinked furiously before finally finding her voice. “Ka-Kagome.”

“Well, Ka-Kagome,” he teased with a relieved smile. “I'm Koga. Can I buy you a drink?”

“Umm… well, I think I've had enough, but thank you.” At his dejected expression, she quickly clarified, “It's not that, I promise. It's just that I've had a lot already, and I really should be getting home.” She motioned toward Sango, who was not-so-subtly watching them from the bar.

Koga looked in Sango's direction and nodded. “I see. No problem.” He leaned back on his heels and smiled hopefully at Kagome. “So… can I get your number?”

He was so cute. She smiled. What the hell? “Sure. Be right back.” Turning toward the bar, she lowered her head slightly to avoid the suggestive look her cousin was shooting her. As she reached her side, she ignored Sango's inquisitive demeanor and politely asked the bartender to borrow a pen. He grabbed one from the cash register and handed it to her with a knowing grin. Sure that her blush was now red carpet worthy, she grabbed a bar napkin and scribbled her cell number on it, along with her name—without the stutter.

Thanking the bartender, she returned his pen and made her way back to the wolf. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” He glanced at the napkin suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. “This isn't a fake number, is it? I'm going to be devastated if I call this and get Bob's Butcher Shop.”

She giggled. “No, that's definitely my number. My cell,” she clarified.

“Great.” He folded the napkin and stuffed it into the breast pocket of his button down shirt. “Well, it was great hanging with you, Ka-Kagome. I'll call you.”

“Okay.” Kagome began to turn away when his grip on her hand held her back. She looked back at him just in time to receive a quick peck on the cheek, driving her blush to comical proportions. He smiled and waved as he walked away, and she watched him leave before turning to face the interrogation expert that was her cousin.


Kagome sighed. Koga really had been charming at the bar that night. He had called two days later to ask her out, and she had accepted, being excited to hear from him, unable to deny the initial attraction. But sadly, nothing had ever materialized in her heart for him. She knew how he felt about her, and he had worked hard to convince her he was prime boyfriend material. He was considerate, and a gentleman, and generous. He was the Marketing Director for a publishing company in New Orleans, and made good money that he loved to spend on her. He owned a home, had a successful career, and was damn sexy. He had everything the typical (or stereotypical, anyway) woman looked for in a man, and she knew that most girls would piss themselves for a chance to be on his arm. But out of all of the women he could have had, the one woman he wanted was the one who couldn't bring herself to feel the same way for him. She really had wanted to love him, but as more time passed, she came to realize that they just didn't click, and that maybe she had just wanted… to love.

Poor Koga. He was genuinely a good guy, and she knew she was leading him on to believe there could be something more to their relationship than possible, but she just couldn't bring herself to break it off. Not after Hojo. She couldn't risk that again.


“Kagome, please! Don't you realize how much I love you? Please, don't leave me!”


She stifled a sudden sob as the boy's voice filled her head, bringing with it the usual grief and regret that always accompanied it. `No, not now. Please.'

“Kagome? Are you alright, babe?”

She wiped her eyes, managing a small smile. “Yes,” she replied in a shaky voice. “Yes, Koga, I'm fine.”

He frowned sympathetically as he parked the car in front of Chimes. “Were you thinking of Hojo?”

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Kagome once again regretted ever confiding in Koga about her high school boyfriend. “Let's just go inside.” Before he could protest, she opened the door and climbed out of the Mustang, intent on pushing back the memories—again. She let him take her hand when he reached for her, and she worked up another smile when he squeezed comfortingly. `He's a good guy,' she reminded herself again, and decided to make an attempt at enjoying her evening with her current beau.


“So what's the deal with the wench, really?”

Miroku choked on his beer, coughing and spilling on the couch in his dorm room. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked at Inuyasha through watery eyes and saw that he was serious. “Fuck, dude, how about a little warning?”

Inuyasha shrugged indifferently as he took a sip from his own bottle. “It's not as if I care. Just curious.”

“Right,” Miroku drawled. He took another swig of beer and leaned back, eyeing the hanyou carefully. Kagome was one of his best friends, but he didn't see any harm in feeding Inuyasha's curiosity a bit. He would just need to be careful as to how much he revealed. “Well, that depends. What do you want to know?”

Another shrug as he shredded the label on the bottle. “I don't know. How about… why is she such a bitch?”

Miroku chuckled. “You're going to have to be more specific than that. The reasons for her attitude vary depending on the situation. Do you mean while she's practicing, because I already answered that as best as I could.”

“Shit, can we please not rehash that? I'm trying to be civil here,” he grumbled, then downed the last of his bottle, belching loudly.

“Whatever, man.” Miroku chuckled again as he stood to get another beer for his guest. “So again I ask: What do you want to know?”

“Well, what happened today during lunch?” He accepted the new bottle from Miroku and leaned back in his seat on the sofa, popping the cap off with his claws.

“As I recall, you started that mess.”

“Yeah, yeah, smartass. I meant after that. At some point, she seemed to… I don't know. Like I crossed a line or something. You know what I'm talking about?”

Miroku winced. He knew exactly what he was talking about, but he wasn't sure if he was at liberty to divulge such private information about Kagome's life. He stalled and took another sip of his brew, choosing his words carefully. “Ah. Well, maybe you did.”

Inuyasha stared off into space for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, then suddenly shook his head and sighed. “Whatever. Like I said, I'm really not interested. She's obviously got issues, and I wouldn't want to get involved with that kind of baggage even if I did care.” He shot Miroku a glare from the corner of his eye. “Which I don't. Just in case you were still entertaining that thought.”

Miroku nodded even as he analyzed Inuyasha's behavior. Was he really that dense? Anyone could see he was interested in Kagome, but something was keeping him from admitting it, much less acting on it, and Miroku had a feeling it was something other than stubborn pride.

The hanyou suddenly sneered. “What about that fucker she left rehearsal with today? The one who picked her up. What's his deal?”

“Who, Koga?” He shrugged casually. “There's no deal. They're dating, that's all.”

He nodded slowly, feigning indifference. Miroku idly wondered if he knew how bad of an actor he was. “For how long?”

“Couple of years.” Miroku gave him a few moments to swallow that tidbit of information before continuing. “And before you ask, I don't know how serious they are,” he lied.

Inuyasha's eyes swiveled toward him, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment on his face. “I wasn't going to ask that, smart ass!” He narrowed his eyes and leaned a little closer to him. Miroku could have sworn he heard him sniff the air. “And you're lying.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Uh, what do you mean?”

“Dude, don't fuck around with me. I can tell you're lying.” His eyes remained trained on Miroku as he spoke now, making the latter squirm a little in his seat.

“All right, look, Kagome and I are good friends. She talks to me sometimes about personal things, but I can't tell you everything I know -”

“Like I care!” Inuyasha interrupted. “If you don't want to talk about it, fine, but don't lie to me.” He shook his head and leaned back again in his seat, taking another long swig from his beer.

“Sorry, dude.”

“Whatever.” Another long pause passed as Inuyasha stared at his beer bottle. “Does he go to school here?”

“No, he works in New Orleans. I think he's a marketing director or something.”

“Director?” Inuyasha questioned, shooting a curious glance at Miroku. “How old is he?”

Miroku shrugged. “Actually, I'm not sure, but I know he's a little older. Late twenties, maybe?”

Another piercing glare from the hanyou. “You know he's a demon, right?”

“Yeah. Wolf, I think.” Miroku watched him, curious as to where he was going with this.

“Yeah. So he could actually be a lot older than he looks. If Kagome's such a great friend of yours, doesn't that bother you?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Miroku sat up in his seat, propping his elbows on his knees. “I've met him. He's a nice enough guy. So what if he's older? As long as he's treating Kagome right, what do I care how old he is? I know she doesn't.”

“Okay, but what if he's a lot older? Like, four hundred years? Would that bother you?”

“Should it?” he countered. “How old are you, by the way?”

Inuyasha scoffed as if it were a stupid question. “I actually am twenty-two, although I'll look about this age for at least a few hundred years. Why, am I on trial now?”

“No, not at all,” he shook his head. “You're the one putting so much importance on age. I was just wondering if it was because you were older, or if you had something to hide or something.”

“Pfft. I ain't got shit to hide. My point was that piece of shit could have a lot more… experience than her, which means he may expect more from her. Doesn't that bother you?”

“I think it bothers you.”

Stuttering comically, Inuyasha gaped at Miroku. “Wh-what are…? Why should I….? It d-doesn't bother me! I told you already, I don't give a shit about that crazy wench!” He huffed as he took a sip of beer, obviously pausing to plan his next words while Miroku looked on, openly amused by the hanyou's ignorance. “I just thought that, as her friend, you would be concerned about her welfare.”

“Hey, I care about her, and I'll be the first person to beat the shit out of anyone who hurts her.” He thought a moment. “Actually, I think Sango would. You might not have noticed, but she could really fuck you up.”

Inuyasha winced. “Actually, I did notice. I wouldn't mess with her.”

Miroku chuckled, then shook his head. “Anyway, I don't think Koga would hurt her. I mean, I don't know him all that well, but from what I've seen of him, he's pretty cool. A little slow sometimes, but I think that's just because he's so over-the-top in love with Kagome.”

Inuyasha sputtered on his beer, falling into a coughing fit and pounding on his chest. Miroku watched him, mentally confirming what he had already known. `This dude is totally hot for Kagome! Holy shit, and he just met her yesterday. If that ain't love at first sight, I don't know what is!'

Once Inuyasha regained his composure, he cleared his throat. “Like I was saying, I don't give a shit about her. I was just curious.”

“Yeah,” Miroku smirked. “You said that already.”

A light blush crossed the hanyou's cheeks, bringing no end to Miroku's amusement. After a minute of more silence, Inuyasha again belied his disinterest in the cellist. “Does she love him back?”

Miroku paused. “Dude, I can't….”

“Okay, okay.” He shook his head and sat back, nursing his beer and finally content to drop the subject. His brows furrowed as he looked at the television in Miroku's armoire. “Um, why are we watching soft-core porn?”

Miroku shrugged. “Because you gotta pay for the good shit.”

“No, that's not what I…” Inuyasha trailed off and tipped his beer back, relaxing further into his seat. “Ah, never mind.”


Koga parked in a visitor's space in front of Kagome's apartment, leading the latter to believe the former assumed he was going to be invited up. His cutting the engine only further verified that belief.

“Well, Koga,” Kagome said quickly, hoping to flank any of his misguided hopes. “Thanks so much for dinner; I had a great time. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?” She leaned in for a quick kiss.

The ookami met her lips and immediately deepened the kiss, his soft tongue gently caressing her own. Kagome allowed him and indulged in what was, in her opinion, one of his best traits. As shallowly as her feelings for him ran, she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy kissing him. He definitely knew how to work her mouth, she had to give him that much.

But when she felt his hand cup the back of her head, she pulled away. At his disappointed look, she grimaced and tried to reason with him. “I'm sorry, Koga. I'm just really tired.”

“You've been tired for two years, Kagome,” he flatly replied, his look changing to one of mild annoyance as he stared into her eyes.

She frowned. It was true; she had never let him take things any further than second base in all of their two years together. But just when she might have started to feel a little guilty about it, he always said something to ground her back to reality. As always when this happened, her guilt turned to irritation, and her defenses kicked in. “Koga, what do you want me to say? I'm just not ready, all right?” She faced forward in an attempt to widen the space between them, if only a little.

He sighed and dropped his head in resignation. “I'm sorry, babe. I'm just a little frustrated, I guess. I mean, it's been two years since I've done anything with a female. You know I would never cheat on you….”

`I almost wish you would,' she found herself thinking.

“…It's just difficult sometimes to have such a beautiful woman on my arm and not be able to love her the way a man is meant to. Do you understand, Kagome? You are absolutely breathtaking, and I love you more than words can say, and I just want to show you that love….”

`Yeah. That's why you want to have sex with me: to show me your love. Not because you're horny or anything.'

“…But you're too important to me to risk losing over sex. I understand if you want to wait until we're married.”

Kagome's eyes widened, and she immediately wished she had cut him off at his initial apology and exited the car. She slowly turned her head in his direction and repeated the offensive word. “M-married?”

An innocent smile graced his handsome face. “Well, sure. Eventually, we're going to get married. Don't worry, I'll get you the biggest, most beautiful diamond you could ever imag -”

“Married?!” she shrieked again, her mind suddenly racing.

Koga's smile dissipated slightly. “Well… yeah. Why are you so shocked?”

She fought the urge to scoff. She couldn't believe this! Was he actually assuming she would marry him someday? Was he really that presumptuous? She shook her head. Such questions would only lead to more, and right now was not the time to search for answers. With band camp underway and the semester right around the corner, she didn't have time for this.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for the door handle. “Koga, I'm going inside. I'll talk to you later.”

“Wait!” He grabbed her free hand.

She sighed again but kept her hand on the door, refusing to meet his eyes. “Please, Koga. I really am tired, and I have a lot on my plate right now. Can we please just discuss this another time?”

“Kagome, look at me.”

She shut her eyes, knowing if she looked into those twin seas of blue, she could become lost in their depths, hypnotized by his charm. “Please, Koga. Don't.”

“Look at me, Kagome.”

Cringing, she slowly turned and cracked one eye open to meet his. As expected, the usual roguish smirk spread his lips, and his blue eyes twinkled. “I just wanted to say that I love you.”

Kagome opened her other eye and met both of his, a small smile turning her lips up. Just as always, she would not return the phrase, and just as always, she knew he would not push for it. So she leaned forward to kiss him—on the cheek this time—and pulled back once again. “Goodnight, Koga.”

He squeezed her hand one last time and released it, allowing her to exit. She grabbed her bookbag from the backseat, gave him one final wave as he started the car and drove away, and then made a quick beeline for the safety of her apartment.
