InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Strings and Kevlar ❯ Fallin' All In You ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Saturday morning dawned with light rain in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In a one-bedroom apartment near LSU campus, two occupants slept peacefully, albeit crowdedly, on a typical bachelor's couch that had seen better days. One furry ear atop the male twitched at the patter of raindrops on the metal banister outside, pulling him drowsily from his sleep. The chatter of a wren nearby alerted him to the new day, and one golden eye cracked open in the darkness of the small apartment, his senses piecing together his surroundings. The scent of the female occupant registered in his sleep-fuzzed brain, and he identified the weight comfortably molded against his left side, tucked safely under his arm. He peeked down at the tumbled mass of black hair fanned across his chest, the calloused fingers gripping his rumpled shirt, and the slender leg fitted snugly between his own. Squeezing her shoulders affectionately, he sniffed once and closed his eyes again, content to lie there with her as long as possible. She sighed softly and shifted her leg, mumbling in her sleep.

Some time later he awoke again, feeling the recognizable warning tinges from his bladder. He winced at the stiffness in his neck, having slept in the same position for most of the night, and attempted to stretch without disturbing his sleep mate. She shifted, turning her face into his chest, her breath warm and moist even through the fabric of his shirt. He shivered slightly at the sensation and might have initiated something enjoyable, but his bladder was having none of that.

“Kagome,” he whispered, squeezing her shoulders again.

“Mmm.” No movement.

“Kagome,” he tried again, lifting her slightly away from him.

She grumbled and snaked her arms around his abdomen and squeezed, unknowingly making his problem much more urgent.

He winced. “Kagome, I need to get up,” he said softly, but more insistently.

She squeezed him again and finally began to awaken, her eyes opening slowly. “Wha…?”

“Wench, get up! I gotta piss!”

Her eyes snapped open, and she scrambled off of him. “Why are you yelling? You could have told me!” she shrieked, backpedaling on the couch.

Not having time to argue, he shot a “Feh!” over his shoulder as he dashed for the bathroom.

Four minutes and a quick mouth-freshening later, he reemerged to find her waiting for her turn. He smirked and considered delaying her as payback, but thought better of it and stepped aside, allowing her entry. She rolled her eyes as she passed, clearly reading his thoughts. He chuckled as the door shut. “Feel free to use my toothbrush,” he called, hoping it didn't sound like an insult, and finally allowed himself a good stretch, noting the time on the TV's screensaver. `Seven-thirty. How late did we stay up talking last night?' He recalled their conversation about his father, and for the first time, his thoughts didn't darken. As he mulled over the possible significance of that, the shower faucet behind the bathroom door turned on, and he let the thought pass. Figuring he had at least a few minutes before she returned, he yawned loudly and shuffled to the kitchen to start some coffee.

Fifteen minutes later, the tantalizing scents of freshly-brewed coffee and a nearby Kagome filled his nose, and he turned in his small kitchen to give her a proper morning greeting, but froze at the sight of her. She was wearing one of his old hoodies, the hem just touching the bottom edge of her shorts. A slow smile spread across his lips, loving both the image and the implications of her wearing his clothes.

At his reaction, she shrugged nonchalantly, but the sparkle in her eyes betrayed her. “I'm cold,” she explained, unable to hide her smile.

He nodded and retrieved two mugs from the overhead cabinet. “Won't see me complaining, Sweetheart. But I want that back tonight.”

“Aw, I can't keep it?” She pouted playfully.

“You can take another tonight if you want, but this one stays with me at the end of the day, and you have to wear it all day. We can trade again tomorrow.” His ear twitched as he poured the coffee, wondering if she understood his intentions.

Her cheeks turned pink, and he surmised she did. “Deal,” she agreed, pulling the cream out of the fridge. Shutting the door, she approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “`Sweetheart?'”

He blinked, realizing what he had said. Where had he picked that up? Glancing her way, he poured the second cup and returned the carafe to the coffee maker. “Uh, yeah,” he answered, sliding the mugs near her. He retrieved her hand from his shoulder and kissed her palm, hiding his insecurity. “That okay?”

Her eyes widened at the unconcealed show of intimacy. “I-I like it,” she offered, stepping closer with a smile. She wound her arms around his neck, and his arms circled her waist automatically. “Just wasn't expecting it,” she whispered, rising on her toes and touching her lips to his.

`I could get used to her being here in the mornings,' he decided as he kissed her, noting the mint on her breath and realizing she had taken him up on his offer. Waking up entwined together on the couch that morning had introduced a new level of closeness he had not expected, but it was a very welcome one. Squeezing her tighter and deepening the kiss, he pondered, not for the first time, the bond that had cemented itself between them in the matter of two months.

She pulled away far too soon for his liking, just as things were heating up. Pressing her forehead to his, she licked her lips and smiled. “I knew you were trouble.”

He scoffed, running his hands across her back. “Me? You kissed me, remember?”

“Okay, and?” she countered, pulling away and reaching for one of the still steaming mugs.

“Oh, no, you don't.” She laughed as he wrapped himself around her again and forced her backwards until she bumped into the refrigerator. A clatter of bottles inside protested the disturbance. “I told you before: it ain't nice to tease a man,” he mumbled, dropping kisses along her jawline.

She sighed happily, lacing her fingers through his hair. “But look what happens as a result. This is hardly a deterrence.”

“Oi, wench, I'll show you deterrence.” He nipped her earlobe for emphasis, curling his fingers around her hips. Her scent spiked deliciously.

“Hmm, that might be interesting.” She feigned nonchalance, and failed miserably. “But our coffee is going to get cold.”

“Fuck the coffee.”

“Now there's an image,” she said, giggling as his claws slipped under her borrowed hoodie, dancing up the warm, soft skin of her back. She placed her hands flat on his chest and pushed weakly. “Come on, let's go sit.”

His eyes roamed down her body appreciatively, not hiding his desire. “Sit, and…?”

“Sit and relax?” She squirmed, biting her lip.

“I'm relaxed. You're not relaxed? Let me fix that…” His fingers plucked at her bra hook as he pressed his body against her once more.

“And drink our coffee!” She laughed, pushing him again.

He sighed, kissing her cheek. “Fine,” he grumbled, no real anger in his voice as he retrieved the forgotten cream from the counter. Absently, he noted how at no point did she smell of fear or nervousness. `She trusts me,' he confirmed, pouring a healthy slosh of cream into both mugs. “Cream and sugar, right?” he asked, already knowing.

“No sugar,” she answered, prompting him to raise an eyebrow. She shrugged. “A recent change. Just watching my intake.”

He gave her a stern look. “You let me worry about your intake,” he said, double entendre fully intended, but held back the sugar anyway and handed her the unsweetened coffee.

She snorted, accepting the proffered mug. “I suppose you think that was real smooth, Taisho,” she teased, blowing lightly across the rim and padding back to the couch.

“I know it was, Higurashi,” he shot back, returning the cream to the fridge and following her. He watched her fold a leg under her and sit on one end of the couch, her other foot dangling gracefully. He sat on the opposite side, watching her closely as he tasted his coffee.

Her eyes stood trained on his as she took her own languid sips. She slowly licked her lips after each swallow, and he had every confidence she knew the effect it had on him. He felt his ear twitch spasmodically, undoubtedly confirming her theory. On cue, she smiled knowingly. He smirked, once again finding that he didn't mind her knowing him so well.

A comfortable, yet electric silence ensued between them. Their gaze never wandered as they sat, sipped, and savored, gazing intently, almost teasingly into one another's eyes with so many words left unspoken between them in the stillness of the morning. Yet, he couldn't remember ever being so content.

The rain had lightened, now just the occasional tap of a stray drop hitting the leaves on the ground outside. The fog was lifting, allowing faint rays of morning sunshine to filter through his blinds and highlight her dark hair, casting her in an almost angelic backlight. His emotions stirred at the imagery, his heart thumping faster, and he took another pull from his coffee as he considered their meaning. This effortlessly irresistible woman, innocently (and yet not) sipping her coffee, lounging on his couch, wearing his hoodie, watching him watch her, after having slept with her body wrapped around his, bringing peace and acceptance into his life, sharing his passions, challenging his assumptions, encouraging his growth, trusting him implicitly…. Whispers flitted through his brain of feelings that he could - or would - no longer deny, and he surrendered to them without an ounce of hesitation.

He loved her.

Deeply and truly, he loved her. Without pride or shame, he loved her. Irrationally and foolishly, he loved her. On a cellular level, he loved her.

Even more amazingly, all signs pointed to her reciprocating his feelings. He felt nearly giddy at the thought, and briefly considered giving voice to this realization, but decided against it at the last minute. `She's a sucker for romance,' he thought, grinning to himself as he remembered her reaction to the carnation on their first date.

Her eyes twinkled curiously at his smile, and he drafted the beginnings of a plan in his mind on how he might tell this remarkable woman how he felt about her. Before he got very far, his cell phone pinged, announcing an incoming text. Still, their eyes remained steadfast, both clearly intent on ignoring the message. A minute or two passed, and his phone pinged again. He sipped his coffee lazily, staring at the woman. She smirked and followed suit, saying nothing.

Before long, her phone chimed in. She giggled and brought her cup to her lips again. He resisted the urge to laugh as well, enjoying their unspoken game. His coffee was cold now, which meant hers undoubtedly was as well, yet neither of them cared. Her phone chimed again. She smiled brightly, attempting to hold in her laughter. He chuckled, feeling a little ridiculous, and downed the rest of his cold beverage. He leaned forward to set his mug on the coffee table, then rested his elbows on his knees, studying her thoroughly. She blushed under his scrutiny but refused to look away.

His phone pinged again, just before hers started ringing. She bit her lip, holding her mug in both hands near her chin. Several long moments passed before her phone stopped ringing, sending the caller to voicemail. In the renewed silence, he eyed her bottom lip between her teeth and licked his lips hungrily. Why the hell was this turning him on?

Her phone rang again about the same time that his started ringing, and at the clash of opposing ringtones echoing off the walls, he finally gave in. “I suppose one of us should answer?” he suggested, his eyes drifting to watch her foot dangle from the couch cushion, swaying back and forth.

She shrugged. “Maybe.”

He snatched his off the coffee table, his eyes back on her face, and extended it toward her. “Answer mine, and I'll answer yours,” he challenged in a husky tone.

She hesitated for only a second. “Okay,” she agreed, setting her mug on the table and finally breaking eye contact to locate her phone where it had fallen on the floor at some point in the night. She flipped her hair as she sat back up, gracefully holding her phone toward him. The scent of her hair washed over him, and he nearly shuddered as he accepted her wailing phone, smirking as she slipped his own from his hand. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she unlocked the device. He licked his lips and did the same without checking the ID. “Hello?” they said simultaneously. They both laughed like children, watching each other.

Hello? Wait - InuYasha??

He winced at Sango's shriek, but could just make out Miroku's voice on his phone to the woman's—his woman's—ear. “Wassup, Sango?” he greeted smoothly. “You all right?”

Oh, I'm just fine, thanks for asking. WHERE THE HELL IS KAGOME?!

“She's with me,” he answered, listening to the subject in question answer a similar query. He licked his lips again as he watched her speak, irrefutably turned on by the whole scenario. Yep, something was definitely wrong with him. “If that's all you needed, I'm hanging up now.”

Wait! Why are you answering her phone? Can I talk to her?

He frowned at the implication. “What, you don't trust me with her?” He watched the smile slip from the woman's lips as well, hearing his question. `Well, that sucks balls. Thanks for killing the mood, Sango,' he thought bitterly.

I just want to know that she's okay. Is there a problem?

“You tell me,” he growled, trying to stay calm. “I know Miroku is there with you, which means you probably already know he's talking to her now. So everything is cool, there is no problem. In fact we were having a nice morning until you two started blowing up our phones. Mind if we get back to that?”

Okay, I'm sorry. Wait, did she stay with you last night?

“Goodbye, Sango,” he replied, hanging up and putting the phone on silent.

“I'm fine but I gotta go,” the woman said, offering a small smile to him. He smiled back, listening to Miroku apologize and say his goodbyes. “No worries. `Bye.” She hung up and shook her head, setting down the phone next to hers on the coffee table. “Wow.”

“Wow,” he agreed, leaning back and content to forget about the last sixty seconds of his life that he would never get back, and resume his lazy perusal of the gorgeous creature in front of him. “Now. Where were we?”

She grinned and sat back, resting her elbows on the armrest behind her. “You know,” she mused, a teasing lilt to her voice, “this is fun and all, but it occurs to me that you never made me that promised breakfast last time I stayed here.”

His brain sputtered, a vague but entirely welcome suspicion invading his thoughts. “You're hungry?” he asked, a new plan quickly formulating.

She shrugged and languidly stretched her arms overhead. “I could eat.”

Almost certain he knew her meaning, he lurched forward and slowly crawled across the couch cushions toward her, a predator assessing its prey. She failed to hide her smile. “And what would you like to eat?” he growled, scenting her mood.

She bit her lip and leaned back, leaving herself vulnerable to attack. “Whatever you'd like to feed me,” she whispered goadingly, tracing one finger down his sternum.

He was hard in an instant, imagining those perfect lips finally going to work on him. “If you're ready for that,” he asked, wanting to be absolutely sure they understood each other, “but only if you feed me as well.”

Her mouth opened in surprise, and he couldn't help the images his brain conjured as he observed the perfect “O” of her lips. Her breaths came heavier, her pupils dilated, and her bravado slowly returned. “Oh… yes.” Her whole face reddened, but she nodded. “Yes,” she repeated, sounding more certain.

Seizing his moment, the predator pounced on his prey, who submitted readily to his advance. Lying atop her willing body, he took his time to kiss her soundly, wanting to ensure her comfort. He had already decided that he would dine first. He glided his fingers along any skin he could find, her smooth flesh heated to his touch, and it wasn't long before her body nearly melted under him, squirming deliciously. “Now,” she whispered helplessly, tilting her head back and pulling his hair. Please.

Wasting no more time, he stood and lifted her easily in his arms, kissing her once more as he carried her to his bedroom. Time to plate up.


Miroku placed his phone on the nightstand, turning back toward his girlfriend. “Well, that was interesting,” he offered, amused at their friends' antics.

Sango pouted cutely, rolling to face away from him. “Feh,” she grumped, sounding so much like InuYasha that Miroku knew he would be in so much trouble if he pointed it out.

Taking the safe route, he nuzzled up to her back and wrapped his arm around her. “At least you know where she is now,” he reasoned, lightly sampling the softness of her skin with his fingertips. “Or at least, who she's with.”

She shivered under his touch, but stubbornly inched away. “She could have let me know.”

He scooched close again and let his hand wander south, wondering why she was still wearing panties. “My love, you must relinquish your motherly ways over her. She is grown.”

“How about you relinquish your hold on my crotch? I'm on my period,” she snapped.

Miroku shrugged, but shifted his position to slide his hand down her thigh. “You know I have no problem parting the Red Sea, Babycakes.”

“I do. The answer is still no, and will always be no.” She rolled over slightly, her eyes softening a bit. “I'm sorry. Give me a few days.”

He sighed and slipped his arm around her waist again, in neutral territory, and kissed the shell of her ear. “As you wish, my love. I will wait.”

She smiled softly, then looked thoughtful. “However, I'm really, really wanting some beignets. If you run to Coffee Call and pick some up, and a decaf, I will be more than happy to show you my appreciation.”

Before she even finished her sentence, Miroku was out of bed, hopping into his jeans and tripping out the bedroom door.


Kagome lay on InuYasha's bed, her head resting on his outstretched arm, staring at the ceiling and catching her breath. “Well,” she said after some time, licking her puffy lips. “That was…. My God.”

InuYasha's chest heaved, his eyes closed, still apparently descending from the finish she had given him. He nodded dumbly, his fingers tangling gently in her hair. “My God,” he agreed, swallowing thickly. He brought his free hand to his face and wiped it down, then finally opened his eyes and looked at her in amazement. “How did you know to…?”

She smiled shyly and tugged the sheet higher to cover her bra. “There's this thing called Google,” she replied, licking her sore lips again. `Next time, bring lip balm,' she coached herself.

He barked a terse laugh, pulling her close as she discreetly watched his erection slowly wilt, a transition that always fascinated her. “You were amazing,” he said sincerely, kissing the crown of her head.

She tucked herself into his side, not unlike how they slept on the couch. “Likewise,” she mumbled, still shaken to the core at the memory of his lips and tongue on her most private parts. The way he had moved, every single flick of his tongue, how he pushed it inside her, the feel of his whiskers igniting her sensitive flesh, the way he moaned and whispered how good she tasted…. `He really knows what he's doing,' she thought with a hint of jealousy. She gave herself a little shake, ridding herself of those thoughts. `Don't even go there.'

She turned her face into his bare chest, loving his natural scent. She couldn't say she enjoyed the taste of him as much as he apparently did her, but the way his claws had pierced the skin on his thighs, leaving tiny strands of blood snaking down to the blue sheet beneath him, and how he had stilled briefly and then shouted her name just before the first spurt hit her tongue, his body convulsing, she couldn't help feeling overwhelmingly powerful, seductive… and even closer to him than she had before. `And we haven't even had sex yet,' she reminded herself, gliding her fingers across his abdominals possessively. `How much more intimate can we possibly get?' She shivered at the possibilities.

“Cold?” he asked, wrapping his free arm around her shoulders.

“Mmm,” she answered vaguely. Loving the feel of being wrapped in his arms, she sighed again and savored the warmth and the serenity of her post-orgasmic bliss. As she felt his breathing slow and deepen, she closed her eyes and easily fell into a light dose.

Minutes, perhaps hours later, Kagome drifted back to consciousness, her brain feeling fuzzy. She screwed her eyes shut at the brightness in the room and pressed her face into the strong muscle in front of her, inhaling deeply. `InuYasha,' she remembered, kissing his skin lightly.

“Good morning, Sweetheart. Again,” he added with a chuckle. “You're adorable when you sleep.”

That woke her up. “Wow,” she said, covering her mouth for a yawn. She tipped her head back and warily looked up into his smiling eyes. “Were you watching me?”

“Maybe,” he teased, kissing her forehead. “Hungry?”

She leaned away and eyed him suspiciously. “Um…”

“For food,” he clarified, kissing her again. “I still owe you breakfast.”

`Oh.' She met his lips this time, tasting herself on his tongue, and not hating it. `He doesn't mind tasting himself, either,' she noticed with a bit of surprise. “You don't owe me anything,” she insisted, running her fingers down his rough cheek. “But I will take you up on breakfast anyway.”

He grinned and kissed her again, deeper. She couldn't get enough of his kisses, and the feeling appeared to be mutual. “Let me jump in the shower first,” he muttered against her lips, then rose out of bed with more energy than she expected. “I want to spend the day with you.”

Feeling like she had heard that somewhere else recently, she blinked a few times but recovered quickly, propping herself up on her elbow. “I need to practice today,” she countered, feeling like she could use another shower herself.

“So do I,” he said, kicking off his boxers. He was completely naked before her eyes, which was actually a first. She attempted not to gawk. “We can eat, head to the music building for an hour or two, and then go on from there; whatever we want to do.” He must have picked up on her thoughts then, if his satisfied grin was any indication. “How does that sound?” he asked, trying and failing to not look smug as he stood there, proudly on display for her eyes.

Realizing how distracted he was making her, Kagome dropped her gaze but smiled. “I'm good with that,” she agreed, already looking forward to the rest of the day.

“Don't tell me you're still shy?”

Facing him fully again, she stuck out her chin and threw the sheet back, her only remaining clothing being her bra, and stood before him. “No,” she replied honestly, enjoying his eyes traveling the length of her body. “I just know that if we don't stop ogling each other, we'll stay in bed all day.”

He was wrapped around her in a second. “Would that be so bad?” he asked, grinning down at her.

To her astonishment, she felt his member rising back to life against her belly. She sighed dramatically, in spite of her own growing excitement. “At some point, we'll need to be functioning members of society.”

He dropped one hand to her ass, pressing her into his rocking hips. “I say we're both functioning just fine,” he argued, licking his lips.

She followed the movement of that wicked tongue with her eyes, and her entire pelvic floor clenched impulsively. `Gah!' “We have responsibilities!”



“Pfft. They're hornier than we are; they'll understand.”

“Um, we need food? Like real food!”

“Ever heard of DoorDash?”

Kagome sighed, but couldn't help the laughter bubbling up inside of her. “I give up!”

“Finally!” he said, hugging her tightly once more. “Now that that's settled, I'm going to shower so we can go out to breakfast.” He kissed her cheek and darted for the bathroom.

She stood in the middle of his room, nearly naked and feeling like she had just lost a battle, and wondered exactly what maniacal voyage she had just embarked upon with her horny hanyou.


The weekend flew by, and Monday came before anyone was ready for it. Kagome's cello lesson had gone better than it had in weeks, and when she expressed as much at lunch in the Student Union that afternoon, InuYasha didn't hesitate to take credit for her sudden improvement.

“I'll have you know I was doing just fine before you came along,” she argued, stealing a french fry off his tray.

“And you're doing even better now that you're getting some action,” he countered, swiping a few of her chips with a self-satisfied grin. “You're welcome.”

She scowled. “I was only struggling at the beginning of the semester, and it was largely because of your bullshit. I'm NOT welcome.”

He laughed out loud, but abruptly proceeded to choke on the chips he had just popped into his mouth. Her ire forgotten, she jumped out of her seat and stood beside him as he loudly cleared his airway, ready to assist if needed. “Are you okay?” she asked worriedly, a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He blinked watery eyes and nodded, placing a hand on her hip. “All good,” he croaked, sipping some water. “Don't worry; you're not losing me to some stupid chips.”

“Sick of him already, Kagome?” Miroku quipped, setting his tray next to InuYasha's on the table. “We all suspected, but I honestly didn't take you for the type to actually kill somebody. I know he's a lot to deal with, but murder is never the answer.”

“I'm going to slit that blond bitch's throat!” Sango announced, slamming her water bottle on the table and plopping down in the remaining seat.

Miroku winced at his girlfriend's declaration, and shrugged as he unwrapped his turkey sub. “Murder is rarely the answer.”

Kagome gave InuYasha's back one more rub and sat down. “Who needs to die today?” she asked, not hiding her smile as he reached for her hand on the tabletop.

Sango unloaded. “Alicia, that bimbo on trumpet. She had the balls to pass her number to Miroku this morning after Advanced Theory. Like walked right up to him, smiled in his face, and gave him her number.” She wheeled on Kagome. “Is anyone in the Music Department NOT aware that we're dating?” Before anyone could offer an answer, she continued. “No! Everyone knows. Which means she's either a fucking idiot or a fucking bitch. I don't know which is worse!”

InuYasha scratched his chin with his free hand, appearing to think it over. “Idiots can't help being idiots. Bitches choose to be bitches, making them less forgivable.”

Miroku nodded sagely. “This is true. However, bitches can sometimes have those innate bitchy traits. Idiocy can be overcome by education, if so desired. Perhaps idiots are the bigger sinners?”

“A good point. You are very wise, my friend.”

“Why, thank you, good sir.”

“Augh!” Sango screeched, shooting daggers at the two chuckling men.

Kagome joined the Dirty Looks Brigade, shaking her head at them both. “Really, guys?” InuYasha smirked and kissed the back of her hand, earning him instant forgiveness and a blush at the PDA.

Sango growled ferociously, giving InuYasha a run for his money. “Whatever. She has a death wish,” she threatened, unscrewing her water bottle.

“Have faith in me, dearest Sango,” Miroku said, handing half of his sub to the grumbling woman. “Alicia took her shot, and I can't blame her for that. But I will only ever have eyes for you, my queen.” He punctuated his promise with a kiss to her reddened cheek.

Sango frowned, but InuYasha noted she had boiled down to a simmer at Miroku's reassurance. “She's still a bitch,” she muttered, fishing a pickle out of the sandwich and munching on it peevishly.

Kagome glanced at her watch. “Speaking of bitches, we're late for World History.” She gathered the trash on her tray and stood. “Let me toss this, and then we gotta run, Sango.”

InuYasha stayed her hand before she could pick up her tray. “I got it, Wench. Get to class.”

She smiled brilliantly at him, leaning down to kiss him briefly before shouldering her backpack. “Don't choke on anymore chips while I'm gone.” She winked at his eyeroll. “Let's go, Sango!”

Sango grumbled again as she rewrapped her sub. “Wonderful,” she griped, standing as well. “I'm eating in class, and I dare that bitch to say anything about it.” She turned on Miroku as she stuffed her lunch into her bag. “And if anyone else decides to try their luck with you, you'd better let them know—!”

“Fuck, Sango, get a move on already!” InuYasha snapped, just to get a rise out of her. “You're already late, and now you're making a scene. As if you don't enough problems!” He heard Miroku sigh as he sipped on his drink.

Steely brown eyes pivoted his way. “You're another one, Taisho! I expect you to keep him in line!” Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she followed Kagome out the double doors. He caught the latter's eyes as they exited and blew her a kiss. She smiled brilliantly and was out of sight.

Miroku smiled mischievously around a mouthful of turkey and swiss. “Well, isn't that precious. You two seem to be coming along nicely,” he teased, wiping a napkin across his lips.

InuYasha rolled his eyes, having expected the inquisition. “And just what the hell is wrong with your woman? I thought she had a little more faith in you than that.”

He shrugged. “She's on her period.”

InuYasha grimaced, sorry he asked. Combining his and Kagome's lunch trays, he took a different route. “So you're saying you're not getting any. That's a shame.”

“And if I didn't know any better, I'd say you are.”

One ear twitched. “That's none of your business, pal.”

“Wait, seriously?” Miroku asked, his eyes widened. He crumpled up his sub wrapper, burping into his fist. “You guys are really going at it? I was just messing around, but if you're for real…”

“Dude, what did I just say?” InuYasha warned, standing with the trays. His ear twitched again as he delivered the trays to the nearby trash bin. Unsurprised to see Miroku watching him expectantly when he returned to the table, he leveled him with a glare. “Final warning, asshole. Drop it.”

He held up his hands in surrender, shaking his head. “Fine, fine, I get it. You don't kiss and tell. Geez, you're such a woman.” He ducked the halfhearted swipe in his direction and gathered his things. “I'm just saying, I don't mind sharing details about me and Sango with you.”

InuYasha picked up his stick bag and headed towards the door. “And who said I wanted to hear any of that?”

“Fair enough, my good sir,” Miroku capitulated with a laugh, tossing his trash as they passed by the bin.

They were outside in the comfortably warm October air, a light breeze rustling dry leaves across the pavement, before Miroku spoke again, more seriously this time. “Honestly, I'm just glad Kouga is finally out of the picture. Thank God we don't have to worry about him anymore.”

InuYasha scowled as they walked, his instincts saying otherwise. “Yeah,” he said, gritting his teeth. `For his sake, I hope you're right.'


Kouga sat on his couch in the dim late afternoon light, loosening his tie after a grueling Monday at the office dealing with cantankerous co-workers and his hopeless new intern. Taking a deep breath and blowing it out, he willed himself to relax and attempt to enjoy his evening. He took a long pull of his brandy and reminded himself he had company. “Would you like a drink?” he asked distantly, hopeful that his guest would help him forget the arduous work day.

“No, thank you,” she replied graciously, kneeling between his legs. He sipped his brandy as she unbuckled his belt, her red lips smirking up at him devilishly. Her meticulously manicured fingers opened his fly and snaked into his boxer briefs, taking hold of his growing erection with a possessiveness he wasn't expecting, and he took another drink from his glass to hide his surprise.

“How do you like it?” she asked, watching his blue eyes as she pulled him free. She eyed his impressive member and licked her lips hungrily.

He grinned down at her, tucking her dark hair behind her ear like a father would a child. “Just start. I'll tell you if you need to do something different.”

She smiled again, and without warning, engulfed almost half of him inside her hot, wet mouth, sucking him roughly. He was startled by her attack, but recovered quickly, knowing he would need to keep his cool to make this last. `Almost three fucking years since a woman has touched my dick,' he reminded himself, gritting his teeth as she wrapped slim fingers around the base of him and squeezed. `And this is how I get back into action. Not with the girlfriend I put over two and a half years in with.' He growled at the thought, bucking his hips a little and forcing himself deeper into Kikyou's mouth.

She slurped him loudly, going along for the ride with gusto. She pulled back and sucked on his head, expertly pressing the tip of her tongue into the little divot under his crown, applying just the right amount of pressure before sucking him in deep again. `She's good,' he thought, watching himself disappear between her full lips, her hand working what she couldn't fit in her mouth. `Kagome wouldn't have been this good. But I could have taught her.' He smiled a little at that, momentarily distracted at the thought of Kagome being the one currently blowing him, until he felt her mouth slide all the way off of him. He forced himself to focus on Kikyou again as she licked him like an ice cream cone from base to tip, leaving lingering kisses on the head with each pass. It felt good, but he needed a little more contact if this was going to be of any benefit to him.

As if reading his mind, she buried her face under his heavy dick, mouthing his balls as her hand continued to pump his shaft, working him like a pro. Her lips were soft and gentle on his sac, kissing and licking and carefully sucking on each testicle while jerking him off above her face like a well-trained whore. She definitely knew what she was doing. Once his balls were sufficiently lathered, she licked the length of him again and spit on the tip, using her hands to spread her saliva.

“Y-yeah,” he said, closing his eyes as she took him deeply into her mouth again. He pictured Kagome's head in her place, her mocha eyes looking up at him adoringly as she swallowed his dick. Reaching out, his clawed hand found her head, caressing it gently as it bobbed up and down in his lap. “Just like that, Babe. You're doing great,” he cooed.

“Mmmm,” she moaned, the vibrations of her throat hitting him in just the right spots. She popped off briefly, licking her lips. “I want it, Daddy. I want it inside me. I want it to fuck me, hard.”

“Suck it first,” he demanded, his eyes still closed. “And stop talking.” `You don't sound like her.'

Obediently, she drew him in again, her lips and tongue working in tandem to push him toward the edge. Her mouth descended down the length of him, agonizingly slowly, all the way down until the head of his dick was resting in the back of her throat. He watched in his mind as Kagome buried her face in his pubes, losing himself in the fantasy. “F-fuck,” he growled, threading his claws through her soft hair and putting mild pressure on the back of her head. “So good, Babe. My sweet little girl. Swallow it down. Suck it good for me, and then I'll fuck you just how you want.”

She moaned around him again, making him see stars. He pressed down a little harder on her head, enjoying the knowledge she had all of him stuffed in her pretty little mouth and not wanting to lose that feeling just yet. She gagged once, resting her hands on his thighs to signal she'd had enough, and he reluctantly removed his hand, his balls tingling.

She came off panting, her breath heavy on his wet dick. “Where do you want to come?” she asked breathlessly.

Dammit, he really needed her to stop talking. “In your cunt,” he replied impatiently, lifting his hips to shove his pants down his strong legs. “Hurry up.”

He sensed her stand and heard the distinct swish of clothing being removed, and he waited with his eyes closed, picturing Kagome quickly stripping for him, her being too caught up in the moment to put on a good show. His mouth salivated, wanting to taste her, but his dick was demanding to fuck her now. “Sit on me,” he ordered, blindly reaching for her hips.

All at once she was in his lap, and her shaved pussy was hovering just above his skyward erection, swiping her moisture back and forth across his tip, teasing him. As if he hadn't had enough teasing from her over the past two fucking years. Growling, he spread his legs for leverage, grabbed her hips, and slammed her down without preamble, stuffing himself fully inside her with a relieved grunt from himself and a pained gasp from her. He groaned at the wet heat he'd been so long denied, taking a moment to fully appreciate the feel of her walls encasing him. The need to move came quickly, as well as the need to dominate her, this little girl who had so long kept herself at arm's reach. Baring his teeth, he deftly flipped their position so she was beneath him on the couch, cradling his hips between her thighs, all while keeping his eyes resolutely closed.

“Oh!” she shrieked, grabbing his ass. “Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me `til I'm raw! I want it so bad!”

“Shut the fuck up!” he snapped, and rammed himself inside her again to press his point. She gasped at his invasion but otherwise remained obediently silent, and he grinned as he watched Kagome's face contort in pleasure as he thrust inside her hot, wet, virgin pussy. “Shut the fuck up,” he reminded her, kissing her roughly as he fucked her. She wasn't as tight as he needed her to be, but it was still good, and at the moment, he wasn't picky. He just needed someone to pretend to be his little cellist, just for a little while. And this bitch was close enough.

Her hips bucked up to meet him with each thrust. She was hot, and so fucking wet. He grunted as he pounded inside her, hearing Kagome's voice whisper dirty words inside his mind. “Give me that pussy,” he growled, fucking her harder. “Give me that pussy I've been waiting for. Give me that pussy - it's mine!” he shouted, punctuating his claim with a particularly harsh thrust. “My pussy, my pussy, my pussy,” he chanted, grabbing her thigh and hoisting it to his waist, opening her up even more to him. Her nails scratched the length of his back, making him hiss. He was close, if she'd just keep her fucking mouth shut, but she hadn't come yet, and he needed that for his fantasy.

“Rub your clit for me, Babe,” he said, his voice a touch softer. He leaned to one side and snatched one of her hands from his ass, pulling it between their sweaty bodies. Using his fingers, he pushed two of her own between her lips, and she gasped again, circling her clit viciously. Her canal tightened deliciously around him, and he groaned and proceeded to fuck her hard into the sofa, losing his grip on reality once again. “Come on, Babe, come all over my dick. I want that half-breed to smell your pussy on me so he knows who the fuck you belong to!”

“Oh, God!” she screamed, thrashing beneath him as she expertly brought herself to orgasm. “Oh, Baby, I'm coming! Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me!”

“SHUT UP!” he roared, watching Kagome fall apart in ecstasy beneath his pistoning body, picturing her pussy seize up and drench his dick in the creamy lather of her cum. The image was exactly what he needed, bringing him to a spectacular finish with three final thrusts. The world went white to the glorious pleasure running wild through his body, his balls releasing spurt after spurt of release into the shuddering confines of the woman pretending to be his ex-girlfriend, even if she wasn't aware of it.

Kouga lay still above her, all of his postcoital dead weight on her body with his forehead resting on the cushion beside her head, panting harshly into her shoulder as he struggled to catch his breath. It took a few minutes, but reality slowly fizzled back into his brain, bringing with it the sobering realization he had just used this woman to fuck Kagome. Swallowing thickly, he allowed himself one brief moment of panic before relaxing, mostly convinced she had wanted it just as much as he had.

His assurance was granted when her arms limply wrapped around his midsection, hugging him lazily. “Oh, Kouga. That was exactly what I needed,” she breathed. “Thank you.”

His brows furrowed, wondering if he had been the one to be used. “Uh, yeah. No problem,” he replied clumsily, lifting himself to his elbows, braced above her face. She looked happy, so he grinned as well, his fangs poking out. “Thank you,” he said sincerely, finally remembering to reciprocate.

Kikyou smiled, her eyes droopy. “Anytime, Baby. Really. Anytime.”

It was twenty minutes later, when she was buttoning her blouse that she finally asked about what he had been hoping she'd missed. “What `half-breed' were you talking about?”

“Nobody of consequence,” he replied darkly, the image of that asshole coming to mind at her words. He finished buttoning up his trousers and picked up his brandy glass, ready for Kikyou to leave.

She nodded slowly, toeing into her pumps. Another moment of awkward silence, and then: “Who's Kagome?”

His brain stopped at the mention of her name on this woman's lips. It didn't sit right with him that she should mention her. “Who?”

“Kagome,” she said again, her eyes narrowing slightly. “You said her name when you were coming. You practically screamed it in my ear.”

`Shit!' “Uh,” he replied dumbly, his brain scrambling for an explanation. At her tolerant expression, he realized the truth was probably the best way to go. “She's my ex,” he finally said, the word painful on his tongue. “My ex-girlfriend. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to….” He drifted off lamely.

Her lips curled into a mischievous smile. “Don't worry about it. I was thinking of someone else, too.”

He watched her in stunned silence as she patted her hair and picked up her purse. She looked at him again, still smiling. “This was fun. Let me know if you want to do it again sometime,” she said breezily, waving her hand. “See you at work tomorrow!”

His front door opened and closed, and then she was gone, leaving him to his rambling thoughts and watered-down brandy.


A/N: Well then. This is embarrassing. Never had I intended to let six years pass before updating this. For what it's worth, I am sorry. Life sucks sometimes, what can I say? I am an entirely different person today than I was when I first started writing. My life turned upside down in the matter of a few years (not entirely for the worse), and just about every facet of it did a 180. But I still love me some Inu/Kag.

I do have every intention of finishing this story. It is, however, taking a slightly different direction than I had originally planned. When I picked this back up recently, I realized I was unhappy with the remainder of the story I had outlined, as well as the overall quality, which made me cringe more than once as I reread it. I am not rewriting the posted chapters to fix them now; maybe I will someday, but not anytime soon. Please note that due to the demands of life, I cannot promise when more chapters will be posted, but they will be posted. My plan is to post at least semi-regularly until it is finished, but you know what they say about plans.

Anyway, for those who are still interested, thanks for reading. And my apologies once again.