InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of the House Capulet. ❯ Deception ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Romeo and Juliet. You know who to give credit to, don't you? Well I wish it were me.
Act II
Scene I: Brothers Quarrel
Inuyasha called to his brother sword drawn. “Sesshoumaru, swine. Come forth and clarify? Have at thee.” He growled shoving Kikyou behind him in the process to protect her.
Above from the north wing of the house, came his brother Tokijin at his side. Sleep still dancing in his eyes he looked down upon his brother anger evident as he started down the stairs. “Clarify, hath thou already forgotten the word peace, and it is what I extend to the lady of the house Capulet. She cried for her brother along with her cousin's name for comfort but neither came for you have stolen both from her. In the circumstance of apology, I as I said did extend the hand of peace to comfort. She took it and my eyes met hers drawing me in. Love brother.”
He said his hand lingering on the hilt of Tokijin for he did not tell a completely honest tale. Yes he did extend the hand of peace but at what price, the price to destroy value of her name and her family. It was bait for his brother so he would give him what he wanted and knowledge of what Inuyasha already knew of his plan.
“Brother, you lie. You seek to burden her with the name Tai Montague, the name I hold that tainted her very soul when I took her brothers life. I have made the name Capulet better by this you should willingly take her name, Capulet and the title King of Cats for her brother held the title passing it to her. She will always hold that title as will you if married.”  Inuyasha bit, thrusting his sword in a defensive manner.
He felt rage at that moment Inuyasha dare compare the name Tai Montague to Capulet. He was wrong their name was better for Capulet had taken first blood, murdered their kinsman Mercutio wrongfully. Kagome would shed the name and be taken by him only to suffer the consequences. He would not be faithful to a mere human. He was far better.
“You do not Love her.” Inuyasha added readying himself for his snide response.
He glared at his brother eyes forward expressionless and drew Tokijin the jaki spilling forth from it. Kikyou sensed a fray between brothers and stepped back to safety. They would not fight for just a win if war were to break out. Blood would be drawn this night.
“You are right brother I do wish to rid this fair city of the name Capulet but not on the terms you speak. And for me to take a name of a woman is absurd.” He returned quickly before their weapons clashed causing a rush of jaki to spill forth from both.
[The Lords Chamber.]
Kagome lay in his bed face into a pillow when she felt power beyond any she had ever experienced and rolled over taking it in. “A fray.” She frowned climbing down from the huge bed she once lay, following the power.
[The Conflict.]
Their swords stay touching as the brothers argued on. “Brother, stop this nonsense and leave my lady's cousin alone.”  They parted swinging once more yellow energy bursting forth from Tessaiga and blue from Tokijin.
Their fray was far from over as Kagome rounded the staircase eyes wide in horror as the two brothers' began to fight swinging at one another with little to no advance on each other. Her eyes followed them trying to figure out why they were fighting.
Sesshoumaru agilely swung stopping each of his brothers' attempts. It was fun to know how weak he was. He stayed that way stopping each blow quickly and occasionally stepping forth and pushing his weak half brother back. “Thou art wrong it was you who held your weapon ready to battle.” He growled throwing his brother back just as he caught her stench. `Insolent woman, put her to sleep and she roams my home.'
He turned looking at her for moment before stopping yet another blow from his brother. He let this blow come through cutting his dress shirt to shreds. Kagome gasped starring at the scene her heart clenched. They were fighting over her, but why. She watched as Inuyasha drew back swinging yet again this time her love stopping it. His lips opening, “Part fool, put your sword up. You know not what you do. I do but keep the peace.”
Her heart clenched again, he was keeping the peace and there was her brother's murderer trying to destroy the love that had found her. Brought her from sorrow and he was not ashamed that it was his own family, blood, and name he fought now. `Murderer.'
Sesshoumaru stepped back breaking their swords before putting his away. “Put up thy sword, or manage it to part and stop this war with me.” He said dashing up the stairs in time to catch Kagome as she fell into his arms and wept.
His plan was on track thanks to his brother's lack of brain circulation.  “Kagome, I apologize my brother hath this crazy idea that I am deceitful to you. That I plan to hurt you. Buffoon.” He growled looking angrily at his half brother smirk gracing his features. “He lies and tells me that I'm playing a game with you. I love you.” He said huskily lifting her from the floor.
She stopped weeping looking down where her cousin stood shaken from the skirmish the brothers' had. “Kikyou, I will return home with you.” Kagome calmly said before pulling from Sesshoumaru's grasp. “As for you, do as you promise and my hand you will be given.” He smiled kissing her cheek before letting her go down the stairs.
“Yes, as I promised.” He answered as he watched her leave with Kikyou and his brother. `Fool, to believe you have fallen so quickly into my plan.' He thought as the maid closed the door to his home. “Soon.” He whispered and returned to his chamber where Kagome's sakura in bloom scent tickled at his senses. “It going to be so sad to see her go.” He chuckled lifting his cell phone from his bed side table before dialing.
Kagome slouched over in her seat as Inuyasha drove quietly down the street no one saying a thing as her thoughts bustled about in her head. `First I'll deny his name at the alter then I'll rip him apart along with his entire family.' She thought going over her plan. The tears had been so easy to come by when he caught her on the stairs.
He felt sorry for her, sorry enough to comfort her but he was so wrong. First she would betray him at the alter afterward she would say she was sorry and ask for his forgiveness leading him on long enough to get all she wanted; closer to Inuyasha and maybe even on a daily basis so she could kill him and after she would make it look like a murder by his own sibling. `Two birds with one stone.'  She would frame Sesshoumaru by using one of his swords which he so casually left in an unlocked closet in the bedroom.
Next she would use Inuyasha's name calling to a hit man before his untimely murder and set up a hit on Sesshoumaru's head. She would have the hit man get him while she had him on an outing to lunch the next day. The hit man would leave just enough evidence to lead the prince back to Inuyasha. There she laid out her plan and so far the brothers were playing into it.
Their quarrel made both women aware of the rocky ocean the men sailed their ships on now. Kikyou and she would be witnesses to their recent hatred toward each other, but to link them would be harder. `I will be the link.' She thought smiling catching Inuyasha's eye as he turned the car into the gate of their home. “Are you fine back there?” He asked looked back at her as he parked his car.
“Just fine, a little lost about your fighting but fine none the less.” She chirped leaping out of his car and making haste to the house and disappearing before he and Kikyou entered.
“She's weird.” He laughed embracing Kikyou and kissing her as she slowly steered him up the winding staircase down the west corridor and to her, no their room.
Scene II:
Preparation of a Sneaking Type.
Sesshoumaru lifted his head from his desk scowling. “Father I only wish for your blessing plus, with her marrying me we will eliminate the possibility of the Capulet legacy living on.” He bit growling low in his chest at his father.
He had answered him twice now with an irate “No” but he still argued on. “My son hath thou lost your mind. Just yesterday you told me how much you loathed their family now you tell me you've fallen in love.” His father bantered back.
“Father that was before I had formally met her, and now I can not live without her.” He whined back. He was acting at his highest level and still his father would not bless his marriage to the girl. It was like the old man was aware of his dark intentions.
“I will speak with you mother hold on for a moment boy.” His father grumbled dropping the phone on his own desk.
Sesshoumaru quieted his breathing in the attempt to hear his father's conversation with his step mother. There was silence until whispering could be heard. He strained his youkai hearing so he could pick up what they were saying.
“Wife, your step son requests we bless his marriage with the cousin of the Capulet house. He claims that after one night of being with her he has fallen in love with her like our own son did with their daughter. Do we allow this or wait for possible consequences like the last and pray that life is not lost?” His father debated as his wife began to think over the circumstances that had been handed to her.
It was either allow this marriage and hope for the best or wait and see if the outcome could possibly turn sour. “Lord, dare I say that if we do not allow this you could lose you heir and eldest son. He is very fragile when he doesn't get what he wants and I do pray that if he doesn't he will not judge the situation as our son did.” She began to weep as Sesshoumaru listened.
He was going to get his way thanks to his idiot half brother. “Wife, than we will bless him and appear at this wedding?”
“Yes, for I do not want to travel the same route as before.” She answered.
His father returned to the phone while watching his wife slip out of the room tears staining her cheeks. “We will bless your decision.” He hastily answered hanging up the phone without waiting for his son's response.
Sesshoumaru smiled at this hanging up before turning the phone back on and dialing the Capulet houses number. “The House of Capulet; the lady is away, but the lord is home may I ask who is calling and what business you seek?” The nurse of the house answered with her thick accent.
“It is the eldest son of Lord Tai Montague; I do call on the lord and wish for his assistance in business.” Sesshoumaru silkily stated a smirk crossing his features and he heard the nurse drop the phone and call for the lord.
“What causes the eldest son to call? Hast my daughter run off with your dimwitted brother?” He asked anger lacing his question.”
“No Lord Capulet. I call to ask your permission on a very important matter. Your niece and I find that we hath fallen in love by the arrow of cupid. I can not sway myself along with your niece to think otherwise, so I woke this morn with one goal. The goal to receive your blessing for our marriage…”
“No NOOO, you will not. Take my child but not my name. I know what game you seek to play without out a fight from your opponent and I will not allow this.” He growled slamming the phone down while calling for his wife who was said to be away. “Wife you speak with this fool.” He stuffed the phone in her hand taking a seat next to the door.
“Yes, what hast thou said to make my husband so angry?” She queried looking to her lord who was now grumbling about something under his breath.
“I Sesshoumaru Tai Montague ask for your blessing to marry your niece, Kagome. We are in love, struck by cupid's arrow.” He answered in a bubbly tone.
Lady Capulet about tipped off her rocker had she been sitting in it. The cities most eligible bachelor was asking for her niece's hand in marriage. Damn even she couldn't say no to him. Her husband was mad if he didn't want this. “Ahem, do not worry my husband is still angry about our daughter had he a clue he would hath answered yes right away.” She giggled shooting a nasty scowl her husband's way.
“Really, so you the lady of Capulet are willing to let your sisters child marry me. I would take your yes over your husbands any day for he is not actually blood.”
She giggled even louder her shrill voice cutting through his head. “And you have a charming attitude to go along with your manners.” She went on casting her husband a glare pointing to the phone so he could get back on the line with Sesshoumaru. “Well my husband will love to bless your marriage to our niece, won't you?” She growled kissing the man.
“Yes, wife I will be honored to bless them.”
He removed the phone from her grasp before she demanded her role in the wedding. `Probably the planner.'  He thought envisioning her yelling and screaming about color schemes and floral designed. Shuddering he raised the phone to his ear. “Well, young lord looks like we will be blessing the wedding as long as you pay for the planner and not let my wife near any arrangements.” He laughed giving his wife a glare that should have killed her if it weren't for her immunity to his venom.
Scene III:
The Canceling of Ones Plot with Another.
“Kagome what are you doing, get off the phone.” Kikyou yelled as Kagome said goodbye to the person on the end of the line.
She sat down next to Kagome looking her over. For some one who thought she was in love she looked somewhat unhappy. “Kagome you know he is planning to destroy you during or after the wedding he admitted to it last night while fighting with Inuyasha I heard him.” Kikyou shakily said hopping to knock some sense into her cousin's thick skull.
Kagome lifted her head looking straight into her cousin's eyes. “Now that we are alone I'll tell you something.” Kagome moved closer to her cousin dropping her voice three decibels. “You have it wrong, I'm going to humiliate him at the alter and leave him there in front of the entire town just to get back at his brother without having to hurt you…” Her voice dropped into a soft whisper so that even the narrator couldn't hear.
Kikyou's demeanor shifted as Kagome plan kept getting darker and darker. The phone call she had just made was the worst of the plan, along with the hardest part to pull off.
Kagome was one step ahead of Sesshoumaru at this point, her teeth bared and claws ready to rip into him causing his untimely death. Her mystery phone call was a mere ploy to end the entire plan.
The nurse of Capulet hid listening but after no response from either she quickly ran to the phone room to call her lady and give her the deceptive plan that Kagome had in mind. The lady began to laugh reassuring her nurse Kagome knew what she was doing. “Kagome mark my words is much more devious than her ill mannered brother who couldn't play in the stealth shadows. She will make it out of this unscathed and as for that Tai Montague I pray she destroys his very being.” She laughed hanging up the phone before dialing back.
`They eat and sip tea, while he. Yes he sits above in a steeple hidden from view. Waiting and watching for his chance to strike.' All Kagome needed to do was lead her prey into the shallows of the water and wait for the sharks to bite.
The phone rang before Kikyou could warn her cousin of Sesshoumaru's ill temper. Kagome took the phone after the maid presented it to her. Her aunt was on the line already planning the wedding even after being told secretly by her nurse that Kagome had dark intentions. Lady Capulet had revenge written all over her person as she hung up the phone and called for many of her servants.
Scene IV:
Planning the Wedding
Kagome left meeting her aunt at the main house where they would begin decorating the dining room for the wedding which would take place the next afternoon.
Her aunt had asked for it to be quick before anyone could change their mind but mostly before any Tai Montague began to uncover Kagome's hidden agenda.
“First Kagome we'll have the chairs set up. Chairs!” She clapped twice twenty or so men rushing in and in a flash over 200 white fold up chairs were set out. (Think the 1996 Romeo and Juliet movie, where everyone moves fast when demanded they do something.)
“Next the alter which I believe should be five stairs up on a pedestal stage with an over hang.” She clapped again and the men flooded back in setting up a stage with exactly five average stairs going up to a secluded pedestal and a tall over hanging stone alter where the priest would stand. “Yes tomorrow I want fresh white rose, lilies and ah yes pink stained Rose's of Sharon.” 
Kagome was kind of guilty her aunt was going on with all this even though it was just a clever tactic to destroy her enemy without it being blamed on her family. “It's beautiful.” Kagome giddily chirped looking around as everything fell together. “What about a dress?” She asked looking to her aunt whose smile grew quite wide at the question.
“Well I think the ones I choose earlier are just now arriving.” Three women rushed in just as she finished with two full gown carts while looking Kagome's being over.
“I think something sleeveless will do.” One chimed shoving the sleeved ones on the cart to the floor. “Garbage they won't do.”
“Yes sleeveless and lace I think lots of it so she will be showing some skin.” This female seamstress ripped all the dresses with no lace that weren't see through in areas off the carts dropping them to the floor.
“Yes, and don't forget she'll need a long train. Possibly some gloves you think for her slender fingers.” The last one said pulling all the short wedding dresses with no trains off the cart.
There were now 5 dresses left; three strapless and the last two spaghetti strapped. Kagome's eye caught the last one hanging on the rack. It was strapless and the top section looked tight fitting like a halter top. It's white material slowly faded from the top to the mid section becoming more translucent as it went until it stopped at the waist. The bottom was a mix of silk and lace. The fine lace had very intricate detail with small stitching and looked like it was hand made.
The material was stitched together in a rough raged way but looked unbelievable as it slowly fell into a truss at the bottom. The lace swept in and out of the thin silk which was practically invisible. Nothing was visible due to the fact both fabrics were spread from the other just perfectly.
In certain areas where both touched it was visibly transparent. Kagome reached for it looking at her aunt. “This one, I want this one.”
Act End
Sorry that's all for now. This fic will be short and sweet mostly to the point. Review if you want I just want to get this story done so you can see the not so expected ending. Mwahahahahahahaha. I mean its going to be great.
It would be so nice if some one would draw Kagome in her wedding dress for me. Thankx to anyone who does.