InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Ling and the Dead ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Of the Living and Dead
Chapter One
New Houses
Kagome stared at the house. It was different shades of green and looked like the other houses on the street, though they where just painted differently. Moving to Seattle had not been a picnic- it had pretty much been short of hell actually. Her mother decided that they should start over, after her father's car accident and death. “All the house look the same… except the color. That's creepy in an odd way. Maybe it's haunted.”
“Of course not!” Her mother objected. “I think it's darling.”
Kagome sighed. “The Myrtles plantation doesn't look haunted but as the saying goes, looks are deceiving.” She was being bitchy. But she had the right to be; she had been dragged from her home of sixteen years to another country. “And anyways if it was haunted than maybe there would be a chance of us moving back to Japan.”
“What's the Myrtles Plantation?” Sota piped up. Mrs. Higurashi broke in before Kagome could reply. “Kagome don't scare your little brother. Where going to live here for the next few years… it'll be a nice change. You'll both make new friends and have fun. Now make the best of it and go pick the room you want.”
Sighing she walked up the concrete path to the house looking around. There were window across most of the front of the house, and a small window with red drapes. What looked like a persons head stared coldly out of the window, observing the newcomers as they walked up the path. Eyebrows knitting together Kagome made sure she was not hallucinating, and after blinking a few times, she saw nothing. Shaking her head silently she went to get the second biggest room before Sota did.
(……………………R 30;.)
Sitting quietly on her bed, Kagome noted that the house was fully furbished even with food rotting in the refrigerator… like someone was hurrying to get away. Clothes that they planned to donate to charity still lined the closet. Or maybe she was just trying to think of the worst possible scenarios so they could move back to Tokyo.
Moving is never easy, that's what her teacher had told her when she found out that the Higurashi family was moving. And it was true, leaving where you had grown up behind was neither fun nor easy. But leaving her friends behind was even harder. Though her and Sango had promised to keep in touch, it was fact that very few long distance friendships actually where kept- especially with the time zone changes and other friends it became more of a chore to keep up with the friendship and would be easier just to let it fall apart.
Her mother, of course, had tried to comfort her and tell her that she would make new friends and be at a new school. As childish as it sounded, she didn't want a new school or new friends- she wanted to be with her old friends at her old school.
Kagome's room was a soft grey color with crimson bed things and curtains. There where books lining the cherry wood bookshelf. The room must have belonged to a teenager, because most of the books that lined the shelves where manga, action and shonen being the main genre's, there must have been at least two hundred books. There where also books on ghosts, routine hauntings, poltergeists, exorcisms, vampires, and Wicca- a lot of occult books.
She walked over and moved the curtains, so there would be more light in the room. But that didn't help much, the rain was pouring down in thick droplets banging loudly on the window ad rooftops. Looking out of the window, she realized that this was the room that she had seen the figure in.
A few hours later Kagome was woken up by someone blaring the TV and channel surfing. She must have fallen asleep while unpacking, considering the odd angle she was lying in. Her mother had probably left and Sota had decided to blare something to wake her up… again. The last time he had done it was a year before and it was seven o'clock on a Saturday morning. Kagome had been in a particularly bad mood the rest of the day.
Fully intending to yell at her little brother, and hit him if she felt like it, she walked down the stairs and straight into the hallway door, as she was yawning and stretching. Not a very smart move. Rubbing her nose and forehead she pushed the door open and saw her mom had left a note on the other side. It stated that her mother and Sota had gone to shop for groceries and other things and they would be back later.
Walking over into the TV room to turn off the offending noise she realized that it was still flipping channels. It had gone from a Christian channel talking about praying to god, then to MTV where they where playing the latest video by the latest fad, then finally landing on Nickelodeon who was playing Spongebob Squarepants. Deciding it didn't want to watch that it switched to Cartoon Network and watched Puffy Ami Yumi. It was like a child had possessed the TV.
Plopping silently onto the plush blue couch, Kagome observed the room. It was so color coordinated- cerulean furniture and light lavender walls. Come to think of it, She thought offhandedly, the whole house is like this- everything neat and tidy, with matching everything. She would have to ask her mother how they got this house… it seemed like a place that stuffy rich people would like in.
Out of pure boredom Kagome went to look around the house to see if she could find anything worthwhile to do. If the house was haunted she should look in the basement or that attic, something bad always happens there.
Since there was no basement her first stop would have to be the attic.
The ladder to the attic was steep, one of the ones that you pulled down from a small door on the ceiling. Sighing a slight praying that the stairs would stay in tact, Kagome started to climb up to the attic. Crawling into the attic, she peered around.
For a second she thought she had gone back in time- back to the mid to late eighteen hundreds. Thick wooden chests lined the room, old-fashioned dresses with huge skirts and low necks in every somber color that could be imagined. The drapes for the windows where thick and black- it looked like someone had been in mourning. A wealthy someone at least.
Kagome coughed when the dust rose as she walked. Pulling the heavy drapes back, and dusting off the window the room looked even more depressing than before, with the rain pelting off the windows. But at least it was easier to see now.
What Kagome was doing at the moment would usually be considered snooping, but if someone left the a house like the one she was in at the moment, complete with furnishings and rotting food in the refrigerator, she wanted to know who lived there. Curiosity killed the cat, right?
Well it's a damn good thing she wasn't a cat. Poor things- they never stood a chance.
Going to the nearest chest and opening it gently, she saw a chest full of letters and journals, beautifully and richly decorated. Under those were large stacks of newspapers. Not many of the Headlines stood out to her. Most where about how the economy was doing at the moment and things like that. Continuing to look through, on headline stood out. The bold black print stated,
Rin Takaya, 7, was found today buried under the large maple tree in her back yard. She was found half decomposed when the Takaya's neighbor's young boy was weeding around their yard.
Kohaku, 11, was weeding the flowers in the garden, when he realized that a horrible stench was coming from around where a large maple stood. We could not get an interview with the boy, his parents would not allow him to speak to us- to traumatized where his parents exact words.
No cause of death has been released, at the moment.
At the top of the article there was a picture of a young girl standing in front of a huge tree.
She picked up the next article; it had a picture of the same young girl with the crooked smile.
The girl was examined by leading forensics. No sign of death has been found. The little girl is still warm- though she has no heartbeat. When the villagers found out about this… she was immediately staked, behead, and burn on fear that she might be a vampire. Her next-door neighbors told this to us. They also spoke of what a sweet child she was.
“Kagome! We're home!” Her mothers voice rang through the hallways. She was going to have to get out of the attic quick. “Kagome? Where are you?”
She blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I'm in the bathroom- I'll be down in a minute!” Scrambling slightly, Kagome hurried down the stairs toward the bathroom.
On the third step down, her shoelace caught a nail that was sticking out of the wood and she fell. Inches above the ground she felt something wrap around her waist.
Looking up she saw absolutely- nothing. Swallowing slightly and releasing a breathe she didn't realize she was holding she looked around, after she had caught herself.
Out of the corner of her eye, Kagome could see long silver hair and a person turning. With her brain on autopilot she quickly put the stairs back up and raced to the bathroom. Closing the door as silently as possible she opened it again and walked back out.
“Hi mom!” She said, voice slightly waving. “Where'd you go?”
Sota shrugged. “It was boring!”
“I wasn't talking to you!” Kagome replied, annoyed.
Her mother sighed loudly. “Stop it you two. Sota's just annoyed that I signed him- and you, but he doesn't mind that- up for school while we where out. You'll start in a weeks time- no arguments, no discussion.”
After eating and bathing, Kagome found herself thinking about what had happened earlier. There had been no one in the house, and no one had that color hair that she knew of. Trying to ignore the annoying voice that was jumping and dancing around her head saying that the house was haunted, she pulled out a book that she was trying to finish and started reading.
It's to quiet, she thought walking over to her radio and putting in a cd, whichever one she reach first. After about two minutes of Tangerine Dream the cd started skipping. And not the kind of skipping that happened when you got to many scratches on the cd- the songs themselves where skipping. It was a good thing she had picked out one of her rock cd's or it might have been a little creepier. It being two in the morning, Kagome really didn't feel like dealing with this. She turned off and unplugged the damn thing.
When she woke up two hours later, she heard Fukai Mori softly playing.