InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Two Minds ❯ The Dreamer ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not, and never will, own the original Inuyasha series.
Hello readers! Thank you for taking the time to check out my very first fan fiction. Yup yup. My very first. Comments and constructive criticism are very much appreciated so please make sure you review! Thanks very much and I hope you all enjoy!
--Dragon Girl
Chapter 1
The Dreamer
“Rumor has it that he's lived for over two hundred years!” Myoga said. “Much longer than me. He is quite powerful and can be manipulative.”
Myoga, Miroku, and Shippo looked up as Inuyasha and Kagome entered Kaede's hut.
“Who is this big bad hermit?”
Myoga closed his eyes, deep in thought.
“He is one who…became insane.”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha, who replied by shrugging. Kagome turned back to Myoga. “Why don't you tell us about him?”
The flea youkai took a deep breath. “As I was saying, he has lived over two hundred years and usually keeps to himself. Nobody knows exactly where, of course. For almost his entire life he has been known as The Dreamer, for his extraordinary abilities.”
“What kind of abilities?”
Myoga considered the question momentarily before answering. “Well, because he rarely makes appearances to people nowadays, nobody is quite certain. I've heard that he can switch the minds of people and sometimes even change some parts of the person's memory to his liking. I'm guessing that just the switching part is his specialty because he can take the memories of one who has already left the world of the living and place it into a living being's mind.”
“That's not nice,” Shippo pointed out. “Only a monster would go around like that ruining lives.”
“Alas, The Dreamer is no monster,” Myoga corrected. “He is every bit human, but one consumed by an obsession to revive his wife.”
“She supposedly died giving birth to their first child. Both mother and child were malnourished so when the mother could no longer summon strength to push, the baby died within her.”
Kagome and the others were grief-stricken by such a tale. “And after that, he sought to bring his wife back through sorcery?”
“That is correct.” Myoga sighed. “But no matter how many times he tried to insert his wife's mind into another's body, he could not find satisfaction in his work. Eventually, his insanity got the better of him.” The elder youkai's face was grim. “Not many want to reflect on the horrors he brought upon scores of family when he attacked randomly, and broke the lives of many people. In time, he retired to some unknown place and was neither seen nor heard of ever again.”
“Then why do you bring it up now, Myogajisan?” asked Kagome.
“Well, I thought you could all use a bedtime story.”
“Feh.” Inuyasha stood up. “More like you want us to be on guard. So where is it old man?”
Myoga sighed. “Always on top of things, my lord Inuyasha. In truth, I don't know. Not its exact location, anyway. All I know is that he may be nearby.”
“How do you know?”
“When The Dreamer is near, one's sleep becomes…distorted. You are still sleeping but your mind is not at rest. Instead, you are looking out at—“
“Nothing but darkness,” Miroku finished. “You are also overcome by a chilling sensation and find yourself unable to move. You, too, are experiencing these restless nights?”
“So am I,” Kagome said slowly. “I thought maybe it was the stress of my upcoming exams.”
“Me too! Me too!” Shippo cried. “Kagome, I'm scared!” The little kitsune jumped into Kagome's lap.
“Shhh….it's ok.” Kagome stroked his fur and looked up at Inuyasha. “You, too?”
“Nope,” he replied. “Only nightmares.”
“Really?” Miroku asked. The idea of Inuyasha having nightmares seemed incredibly amusing and unlikely. “What about?”
“None of your business.” Inuyasha said flatly.
Kagome smiled. “It's ok to be scared of something, Inuyasha. You can tell us. We won't laugh.”
Miroku snickered.
“Now I'm definitely not telling.” Inuyasha glared at him.
Kagome sighed. “Well in any case, I promised Mama I'd be back twenty minutes ago to bathe and restock on supplies. She'll be worried if I don't get back soon.” She picked Shippo up from her lap and set him down on the floor beside her. “Get some rest, you guys. We'll discuss The Dreamer again tomorrow.” She picked up her bag and stood up.
Inuyasha grabbed her arm before she could take a single step. “Oh no you don't. What if that thing out there gets you?”
“I'll be ok, Inuyasha. Let me go.”
Kagome was thoroughly frustrated. “Inuyasha, I'm late. Don't make me say the `s' word.”
“I don't care,” Inuyasha said stubbornly. “I'll bring you down with me.”
Even if Inuyasha wasn't, Kagome was well aware of how intrigued her audience was. “Inuyasha, may I have a word with you outside?”
The two exited Kaede's hut.
“Oh darn,” Miroku said, disappointed. “I was hoping to be further entertained.”
Inuyasha and Kagome walked in silence until they reached the bone-eater's well. The clear sky and fresh night air cooled her frustration.
“What did you want to say?” asked Inuyasha. The curious and childish expression on his face brought a small smile to Kagome's lips.
“Your nightmare was only a dream, Inuyasha.” Kagome said quietly. She went on quickly as the hanyou's eyes widened in surprise. “I'm not going to be hauled away by some youkai and devoured whole. I'll keep the jewel in my possession and bring it back safe and sound. You don't have to worry about losing the jewel,” she hesitated before continuing. “Or losing your strongest lead to saving Kikyo from Naraku.”
Inuyasha opened his mouth to protest, but Kagome placed her finger over his lips.
“Don't worry so much. I've been back plenty of times and come back safely. You'll see.” Kagome gave him a quick hug and climbed into the well.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha gripped the edge of the well and peered into its emptiness. I didn't dream about losing the jewel, he thought sadly. I dreamt about losing you.
A/N: Whew. First chapter finished! On to the next I go. Remember to submit reviews!!!