InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Two Minds ❯ Transformation ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the original characters.
Chapter 2
Kagome landed in the bone-eater's well of five hundred years later. She climbed out of the well and made her way out of the shrine.
It's good to be home, she thought. Another moment with Inuyasha and I would've humiliated myself by crying.
“Kagome!” Her younger brother, Sota, ran towards her. “You're just in time! Grandpa thinks he found a demon attacking our water pipes!”
Kagome groaned. “Now is a really bad time. I was hoping to take a bath before going back.”
“Eh. Maybe we should get Inuyasha. On the other hand, it's probably nothing.”
“Yeah. Let's hurry back. Mama was expecting me a while ago.”
“Okay. She was getting pretty worried,” Sota chattered on. “But I knew you'd be ok. After all, Inuyasha was with you. Man, he is so cool! I wish I was as strong as him!”
Oh dear god, Kagome thought. One more word and I'll…
“Ah! Welcome home, Kagome!” Her grandfather stepped out of the house to greet her with a toilet plunger in hand. “I've just ridden our home of another evil threatening to destroy our peace.” He waved the plunger around.
“In other words, Sota took a fat dump earlier and clogged the toilet.”
“Ewwwwww!” Sota exclaimed. “I did not! That was grandpa!”
“It most certainly was not!”
Kagome sighed and walked past her brother and grandfather into the house.
“Mama, I'm home!”
“Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi wiped her hands on her apron as she came out of the kitchen. “I was getting worried. Come have some dinner and I'll go prepare a bath for you.”
“No thank you, mama. I'm not hungry. I'll go do it myself.” Kagome put down her pack and headed towards the bathroom.
“Ohh…” Her mother looked disappointed. “But I fixed your favorite tonight.”
Kagome smiled weakly. “Thank you. But I'm kind of tired right now. I'll take some with me before I go.”
“Oh all right.” Mrs. Higurashi pursed her lips. “It's Inuyasha, isn't it?”
“Boys will be boys, sweetie. Whatever happened between you two, just know that he cares about you. I can see it in his eyes.”
“We're not like that!” Kagome said hastily. Despite her best efforts, her face grew hot with embarrassment.
“Of course,” her mother said with a smile. “I'll go get you some fresh clothes and supplies for your journey while you bathe.”
“Thanks,” Kagome mumbled, her face still flushed. She found a fresh set of clothes and scented shampoos and soaps waiting for her in the bathroom. She leaned over the tub to turn on the faucets and undressed quickly out of her soiled school uniform.
She sank into the deliciously warm water and moaned aloud. This is heaven, she thought. She scrubbed vigorously at her hair, arms, torso, everywhere until she was thoroughly clean.
I should get back soon. Inuyasha is waiting for me. With a sigh, she stood up and climbed out of the tub. As she dried herself, Kagome considered her mother's words:
He cares for you. I can see it in his eyes.
“I wish it were true, mama.” Kagome grumbled. “But he can't care for both Kikyo and me.” She slipped into her undergarments and selected a pair of shorts and long sleeve shirt for comfort. After taking a quick glance at the mirror, she went outside to find her pack of supplies ready to go.
“Thank you, mama!” Kagome called out and swung the pack onto her back. Her mother came out to see her off.
“I do wish you could stay longer sometime,” she said. She smoothed out Kagome's hair and clothes. “Your visits are always so brief. I look forward to the day you're done saving the world so my baby can stay home.”
Kagome hugged her mother fiercely. “I promise to stay longer next time. Take care, mama”
“You too, sweetie.” Mrs. Higurashi kissed her daughter's cheek. “Stay safe.”
“I will.”
They parted as Kagome headed back towards the shrine.
What will happen when we finish gathering up all the shards? Kagome pondered. Does it really mean going back to my old life? Without Inuyasha and the others? She shuddered. I can't imagine my life without them. Would they say the same for me?
At the well, she found her bow and arrows leaning against its side, gathering dust.
I'll probably need these. She picked them up and jumped into the well.
Inuyasha will probably go back to Kikyo. Such a notion made Kagome's heart ache. Okay, get a grip girl. Stop being so depressing. The others are going to ask what is wrong with me so you better start smiling.
Kagome forced a grin on her face as she climbed out of the well.
This hurts my face.
She sighed and started back for the village when a familiar sensation came over her.
A shard of the jewel!
Kagome's heart raced. The jewel's scent was fading fast; there was no time to get Inuyasha. She set down her pack and hurried deeper into the forest with weapon in hand. A mysterious fog circled her until she could see nothing.
She drew an arrow out of her quiver and prepared to shoot. Her instincts screamed at her to run, but a shikon shard was close by and she couldn't throw away the opportunity to salvage another one.
“We meet again, miko.”
Kagome turned around quickly and raised her bow to the dark shape. The fog concealed the speaker's facial features.
“Who are you?”
It laughed. “You don't remember you dear good friend? The one you tried to purify over fifty years ago?”
Great. I get to deal with Kikyo's unfinished business.
“That wasn't me.” Kagome replied.
It laughed again. Somehow, his amusement didn't seem all too friendly.
“Well it wasn't. What do you want with me?”
It stopped laughing. “Well, dear girl, what do you suppose one who was forced to give up hope of reviving his loved one would do to the person who prevented him from doing so?” His face came into focus. A hooded figure grinned eerily at her.
Kagome's eyes widened in fear. “You're The Dreamer.”
“Correct.” He sounded pleased. “And you are the little bitch who dared confront me and succeeded in bringing me down lower than I already was.”
“It wasn't me—“
“Silence!” he snapped, his tone now harsh. “Don't think you can lie to me! I can see the same power flowing through your puny veins. Only…” he paused. “You seem to be weakened. Having love issues, are we?” He grinned again. “This will make things a lot easier.” He raised his arms slowly. “Oh, restless spirit! This god has heard your plea! I offer you this body to harbor your thirst for vengeance. Take it!”
Kagome felt a powerful aura rushing towards her. She fired an arrow in its direction and felt it diminish instantly.
“I'm sorry to say that your purification tricks only work on evil beings.” The Dreamer's smile sent chills down Kagome's spine. “This one is innocent.” He waved his hand in a careless gesture.
Suddenly, Kagome felt a sharp pain in her head, as though her mind was being split in two. She dropped her bow and arrow, and clutched at her head.
“What a lovely scene we have here,” he drawled. “But of course, this will be nothing compared to the thrill of seeing you butcher that mutt of yours.”
“No…not Inuyasha!” Kagome bit her lip to keep from screaming. Kami, please don't let me hurt Inuyasha!
“Is that what his name is? In any case, kill him. Make sure the new set of memories get avenged properly, hm? I'll look forward to seeing it.” He turned and walked away.
“NO!” Kagome forced the pain aside and snatched up her bow. In a split second, she had drawn an arrow and shot it at the dark figure.
“Do shut up and avenge yourself already.”
Apparently, the arrow hadn't hurt him. By now the pain had brought Kagome down to her knees.
Noo…not Inuyasha. Kagome was starting to lose consciousness. My name…is Kagome Higurashi…I won't…can't…kill….him…
Her struggle came to an end as the transformation began.