InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh' Grow Up ❯ Naraku’s Sick Humor ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oh' Grow Up!
Disclaimer: I don't own any thing!
Part One: Naraku's Sick Humor
Naraku smiled as he looked at the object he held in his hand. The Shikon Jewel, now complete, had fallen into his grasp due to a series of complicated and rather violent events. He had decided that now it was time to dispose of that mutt InuYasha and his comrades, but how? Dozens of gruesome tortures instantly flashed across Naraku's mind, but none seemed to fit. Then he realized that childhood must have been a living hell for the hanyou. The Buddhist monk he wasn't concerned with... the Kazaana would kill him as it had his father and grandfather before him.
So, he decided, the hanyou, slayer, and that little wench will all be turned into children... yes...
The next morning, Miroku woke to find a small child tugging at his sleeve.
"Mister Miroku, when did you get taller than me" the child asked.
The monk stared at the little boy for a moment, uncomprehending, and then realization hit him like a ton of bricks. This child was InuYasha. On the other side of the campsite, a young Kagome and Sango were still asleep. Miroku groaned as the young hanyou proceeded to pick his nose. Kids were one thing the monk had no experience with. Send onis, kitsune, hanyou, wind witches- anything but children.
A while later, after the girls had woken up, they had set off down the road towards Kaede's village. The kids were riding on Kirara's back. Miroku had refused to let InuYasha hold the Tetsusaiga- at least, until the young hanyou began to throw a temper tantrum.
The three had all their memories, but they were from a child's perspective. InuYasha seemed to remember being taller and thought girls had cooties, the girls thought boys were icky, none of the kids thought Miroku was a pervert (they didn't know any better) and all the battles were remembered only vaguely, and seemed to be an immense game to the kids.
I can't do this, Miroku thought, there is no way in heaven or hell I can take care of three four-year-olds by myself...