InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh my gosha it’s not inuyasha ❯ hidden feelings and Naraku‘s plans ( Chapter 2 )

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Oh my gosha it's not inuyasha

Chapter 2. hidden feelings and Naraku`s plans

A/N- hey well the only thing I own in this ch is the song kagome sings just to let u know byebye

Part of last ch-

" what do u think you doing inuyasha!!" screamed kagome but inuyasha was charging kurama who moved out of the way and brought out his rose" what are you going to do cut me with the thorns are u truly that weak" inuyasha hissed as he let out the wound of the wind attack but it was blocked by a whip that was they rose whip held by kurama but before they could attack again kagome jumped out and raises one hand facing inuyasha and yelled "sit boy" which sent the half demon to the ground. Kagome looked at the way she was standing and blushed she was embarrassed by the way she was standing

After kagome told inuyasha kurama was a friend he told her about him kikyo she took off running in the woods while everyone else but kurama went to the village

New ch starts**

Kagome made her way to a small field of wild flowers and sat there and started to cry little did she know she was being watched

**kurama's point of view

I watched the girl who I couldn't stop thinking about now known as kagome

I wanted to make her feel better how could that inuyasha fellow not see that this girl loved him and how hurt she was I was about to go to her when she started to sing I sat there and listed to the song she began to sing

The love I once felt fades away

The world is so cold I can hardly breathe

As the tears of the past falls slowly down my face

Is this fate, the fate of loneliness is what I must always have

Please heal my broken heart

When will I get to see my true loves kind eyes?

Why must my life be like darkening dream?

That seems to never end

When will it end, will it always be so tragic

Come now my true love that is waiting

Let's now make one of two lonely souls

The sands of time please stop just for a little while

So I can stay forever in his arms

Let this one dream be forever ours to keep

Let the dream become so real

All of the darkness and sadness disappears

Now I see the love in your gentle eyes

The dream is now real

True love is now revealed

When she was done I decided to make my presence known I slowly walked over to her and knelled down next to her and gently touched her hand, she looked at me with tears still falling down her face I slowly reached out and whipped them away which made her smile slightly "kagome why do you shed your tears when you are so beautiful?" I questioned while mentally kicking myself for saying she was beautiful I mean she is but I might as well tell her I'm falling in love with her

After a while she started to tell me that she was in love with inuyasha but he only say her as kikyo I had to admit they two looked a lot alike but kagome was more beautiful because she seemed more a live to me but anyways she told me more about what she was doing here and all and I found out the reason they looked so much a like but in the end she started crying again which kind of made me regret asking her but she fell into my arms while sobbing and I held her close trying my best to make her feel better once she stopped crying we made our way back to the village

Mean while at where ever naraku lived

He sat looking into the mirror that his offspring kanna held in her pale hands "yes the plan is falling into place , in no time at all the miko kagome shall be mine and I will rule the world" he said as kanna left the room

Later that evening at the village**

"fox fire" yelled shippo showing off his attacks to the new comer of their group he showed his other tricks as well the monk showed what his demon scrolls could do and it made one mad half demon but before he could do anything kagome sat him

**kagome POV**

I sat next to kurama as he watched my friends show there powers but not to its full powers the only one that didn't show their powers were inuyasha and kikyo. I smiled when he laughed at shippo's shape change into inuyasha making fun of him I even laughed but something was bugging me it was they way kikyo was looking at me with her lifeless eyes I brushed the though away when shippo jumped in my lap to keep safe from inuyasha after a while I talked Kurama to show us that rose whip of his and her did it was very cool I think and so did shippo but inuyasha just gave a "feh" and said " who can something made from a flower do anything pretty boy?" I just opened my mouth about to sit him for being so rude when Kurama looked at me and lipped "don't let me show him" so I deiced yea that should be what inu gets for opening his big mouth and with that I nodded and kurama attacked

I cracked up at the site of inuyasha wrapped up in the whip and couldn't get out kurama decide to show some mercy and let me go while kikyo rushed to him but I didn't care anymore which was odd

**pov end **

later at night kikyo told the group she was going to go get some souls kurama was confused as heck but kagome explained to him

when kikyo was far in the woods she stopped and spoke "come out Naraku" with that a man clad in a pelt landed next to her "so my dear kikyo is that spell working" he said in his normal clam voice "yes inuyasha is mine like he always should be and you will get you part of the deal soon" with that kikyo left and went to get some souls

back at the village kurama sat there with the girl who just got done crying her self to sleep only a few feet away

kurama pov**

I got to take her way from her I thought to myself with that I walked over and picked her up in my arms I looked around and I say the others two humans cuddling and then I saw the kit that was so fond of kagome as she he I picked him up and sat he on her belly and changed into youkai form and grabbed her back with my tail and headed out of the hut

Aki- well that is one more ch yippy!! Well I will make more also if this ch is weird well I'm sick so I `m not in my right mind