InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter Twenty: The Death of Kikyo ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!
A/N Here is chapter twenty for you. Just to let you know this story is coming to a close with six more chapters. I would like to thank all my fans that read this story and reviewed it too. Thank you to my beta reader named WitchyGirl99 for beta reading this story for me. Thanks again. Onwards to the story!
Warning: Rape, beatings and mutilation are contained in this chapter. It will be graphic! Character Death! Turn around if you are under age and if you are faint of heart and stomach. If you are not and still don't like it. The place with it will be marked with this [*******RAPE*******} and it would also show that at the end.
Chapter Twenty: The Death of Kikyo
Kagome and Kikyo didn't know how long they were within the room. Only either Kanna or Kagura brought them their food or brought a new pot to use. For some odd reason, their reiki wasn't working when either demon came in. It was as if they weren't mikos anymore or that something was stopping them from using their reiki. To make it worse, Kikyo was getting weaker and weaker every day. Her soul collectors couldn't get to her with souls anymore. She lay down on her side, sometimes breathing heavily or so softly that it was like she wasn't breathing at all.
Kagome looked around; she couldn't tell if it was day or night. A part of her wondered when Sesshomaru would come but his name made her cringe, angry. If he had stayed then this would never have happened. Her mind wandered further with nothing to distract her, questioning if the barrier around Kikyo and her was still activated. Placing out her hand, Kagome didn't feel or sense anything. She assumed it was gone now. She crawled over to Kikyo, trying to see about her condition.
"Kikyo," Kagome said, looking her over.
"Kagome," Kikyo replied, no more than a whisper.
Kagome held onto her for the next few hours or days, nothing happening until finally Kagome had had enough of this. She placed Kikyo down softy as she stood up. "NARAKU! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU FILTHY DEMON!" Kagome bellowed out, her face turning red. Her hands were tightening into a ball, knuckles white.
Minutes went by and nothing was said or heard. Kagome huffed out as she sat back down near Kikyo. More hours went by, and neither Kanna nor Kagura, nor even that new male came by. Eventually the door opened up and Kagome was flung back into the wall, chains wrapping around her wrists and legs.
"Well would you look at that, it's my two favorite mikos," Naraku mocked, taunting them.
"Go to hell," Kagome viciously told him.
"Can't do, Kagome-chan, but right now I have business with Kikyo. Oh, don't worry about her now, but, you will have to later," Naraku stated, pleased. He smirked at Kagome before looking at Kikyo. His smirk turned into a grin this time. His eyes were full of lust, making Kagome feel sick to her stomach, knowing exactly what he wanted.
"Don't touch her," Kagome thundered at him.
Naraku glared at her, slowly walking over. He brought his clawed hand up and with a single finger he cut into her cheek down toward her neck. He smirked at the pain he could read on her face before licking up her blood, letting miasma soak into the wound to taint her blood. Naraku then walked away from her and went towards Kikyo, who was so exhausted she was barely awake.
"Naraku," Kikyo hissed out as he came closer to her. Since she was weak from not getting souls, her body wasn't able to move.
Naraku used his clawed hands to rip off her miko clothing, seeing her naked flesh. It was all Kagome and Kikyo could do to ignore the heavy pants that fell from the demon's lips.
………Inuyasha and the Gang………
It took a week to heal all the injuries they had. Inuyasha complained all the time until Miroku placed a silent sutra on his mouth. Sango woke up slowly, once she was healed, listening to Miroku explain what happened. Her face was full of rage as she looked at Inuyasha and then to Shippo, who was sleeping with tear strains on his cheeks. Now that they were all healed, Inuyasha took it upon himself to sniff out Naraku. He attempted, smelling the air only to raise his head in surprise.
"Sesshomaru!" he snarled. "Where have you been?"
"This Sesshomaru's business is not for you to know. Where is Kagome?" he asked, landing gracefully.
"If you were here when Naraku attacked then you would know that she was kidnapped along with Kikyo! Miroku was out cold; the same with Sango. Two people fighting against Naraku, plus me," Inuyasha bellowed at his half-brother.
Sesshomaru growled, displeased that his intended mate had been with Naraku for a week. He looked at the kit, Shippo, to see he was trying not to cry.
"This Sesshomaru will join you," he told them, doing as Inuyasha had been and sniffing the air.
Inuyasha gaped at him, about to start shouting when Miroku placed his hand over his mouth.
……...Kagome and Kikyo………
Naraku tore off his clothes, his manhood sticking out and hard. Both females saw precum on it and Kagome closed her eyes. She didn't want to see this at all. She felt tears running down her face, sobbing out loud.
"Oh don't worry, Kagome-chan. You will be next," Naraku continued to taunt.
He fondled Kikyo's cheek, hitting her right before she spit in his face. Her head hit the wall hard and the miko groaned in pain. Naraku kissed her bruised cheek roughly, ignoring Kikyo's whimpers. He slowly moved down towards her mouth. He took it crudely and sucked on her lower lip. Naraku used his teeth and tugged her clay flesh hard, his miasma spilling into her mouth.
He let go and grinned. He used his tentacles to hold Kikyo's struggling body as he used his hands to fondle her breasts, a claw cutting into her body. His miasma returned, leaking into the cut so that she screamed in agony at the poison. Naraku continued to bite and cut into her breasts, his hands slowly starting to move downwards. He licked with his tongue, tasting her succulent honey with clay and grave soil. Slowly he kissed and bit at her inner thighs. Kikyo's breathing was heavy and in pain. The tears streaked down her face, the souls within her letting go. Every few seconds, one or two would come out and disappear.
Naraku was grinning, but the moment he noticed the disappearing souls, he growled. He turned to Kagome, getting up and walking over to her again. Kagome had closed her eyes before but she felt someone in front of her. She opened her eyes to see Naraku placing hands on her chest and chanting in some kind of language. She felt more of her soul leaving her body, vanishing into Naraku's hands. Kagome watched in horror, seeing him with her soul and placing it within Kikyo's body. Then he started his pleasure once more. Soon that wasn't enough for him and with one thrust his was imbedded within Kikyo's body.
Kikyo screamed in pain as he thrust in and out, hard and cruel. Soon he let his miasma within her womb, knowing that it would slowly kill her. He pulled out and then came on her face. Naraku looked at Kagome but before anything could happen, someone knocked on the door.
*********End of RAPE*********
"What is it?" Naraku snapped.
"Naraku, Sesshomaru has joined Inuyasha and they are headed this way," Kanna's child-like voice called out.
"Damn it!" he roared. He placed his clothes back on as he twisted his head and smirked at Kagome. "Don't worry, Kagome-chan. I'll be back." Naraku walked towards the door and then disappeared.
Once he left, the chains that held Kagome to the wall vanished, and she crawled over to Kikyo. "Kikyo?" Kagome asked, unsure and scared.
"Ka…go…me… Please take your soul back. I'm dying from all Naraku's miasma within this clay body," Kikyo stated in a whisper.
"No, you'll be fine," Kagome pleaded as she placed her hands along smooth flesh and tried to purify the miasma within her body. There wouldn't be enough time. The miasma was eating at everything before she could contain it.
"No Kagome, I'm dead. Please take your soul and get out of here," Kikyo begged.
Kagome sadly nodded her head. "But I don't know how to get my soul."
"Place your hands on my stomach and let me do the rest," Kikyo told her.
Kagome did as she was told, waiting. Kikyo breathed in and out and spoke both loud and clearly. "Ima ichido watashi no betsu no kyapucha tamashî, anata no seitôna shoyû-sha ni modotte, watashi wa meijiru."
A bright light came around as Kagome saw Kikyo's body lighting up from the inside. The light travelled, moving to her hands and then spreading throughout her whole body. Kagome closed her eyes and once the light was gone, she opened them. She felt her full soul within her body again, but as she looked down at Kikyo, there was nothing remaining but dust. Kagome let the tears fall down her face.
Kagome knew she would have to get out of here now; she looked for something to hold Kikyo's ashes in and found the chamber pot. It was new and never used, better than anything else in their dungeon. She grabbed the chamber pot and started to place Kikyo's ashes within it. Looking around to see that no one was near, Kagome didn't feel any demonic presences around her. She walked over to the door and peaked out. She placed her hand on it and blasted it with her reiki, watching the door hit the wall hard and with a loud thud. Kagome took off running away from the prison. She looked down both directions of the hall, trying to figure out the fastest way to escape.
She turned to see Kagura and Kanna either running towards the prison or walking towards the prison in her way. She placed the chamber pot down, putting her hands together and summoning her reiki into a sword. This was hard and tedious, as the reiki sword took a lot out of her and would soon be too tiring to keep up. She saw Kagura and Kanna look her way, spotting her. Kagome jumped into action first, breaking Kanna's mirror, figuring it was the only reason the child-like demon was even alive. Then she turned to Kagura and slammed her against the wall.
"First, Kagura, you're going to tell me how to get out of here," Kagome whispered, breathing hard. Kagura said nothing until she saw Kagome's reiki pouring into her arm. She held back a scream. "Now tell me!" Kagome snapped at her. This was no time to be nice and gentle.
Kagura surrendered to her, telling Kagome how to get out. The miko nodded her head and stabbed her reiki sword into Kagura's stomach, purifying the wind demoness. She let her go and breathed in and out, her reiki flowing back into her body.
Getting the chamber pot again, Kagome took off in the direction that Kagura told her. She soon saw that she was right and walked out the doors, looking around. Kagome smiled, knowing that she was free from Naraku for now at least.
Without any hesitation, the miko walked away.
A/N- That was that for this chapter. Until next time. Bye
Kikyo's chant: Captured soul, once of mine now of another, return to your rightful owner, I command thee