InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter Twenty-one: Final Battle with Naraku Part 1 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!
A/N- Here is chapter twenty-one. Please enjoy it. Unedited but i will give this to my beta reader to check over and when i get it back i will switch it again.
Chapter Twenty-one: Final Battle with Naraku Part 1
Kagome raced out and towards the woods. Kagome run against the winds that blow around her. She only stops for a rest then went on running again. She had to get to Inuyasha and tell him about Kikyo. She also needed to rest as her reiki was almost gone from using it against Kagura.
By now, Naraku must have known she would escape and he would be trying to get her again. She wasn't going to that room again or near Naraku. Until the final battle, she would kill him with her friends.
Next was that she would need to talk with Sesshomaru more about the whole scent marking and that he wanted to mate with her more in details. She would also need to make up her mind about it. Her mind was in torment with many things that needed to be placed back for now and concretate on one thing and it was to get back to her friends.
Her breathing was hard and heavy from all the running, she trip on a root and shot out her hand as she grabbed something firm and warm. She whimpered softly as she was brought into a hug. Her eyes widen after the opened again, not that she noticed that they closed on her. All she could see was white, red and yellow haori.
"Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked unsurely.
"My mate," Kagome heard from his mouth again. Somehow this time didn't bother her as much as it did. Kagome felt warm and safe, she also felt secure within Sesshomaru's arms. Wait….arms. Last time, she saw him he didn't have both arms. Kagome glanced at his waist to see another sword with Tensaiga.
"Sesshomaru… you have both arms and a new sword." Kagome stated.
"I have overcome the task my father gave me. The sword was made from my power and it also restored my arm. Its name is Bakusaiga." Sesshomaru answered Kagome.
Kagome pulled away and smiled. "Inuyasha told you, what happened?" She knew he that he did by him standing here. "Where are they?"
Sesshomaru looked back him as he must have heard someone yelling out her name." KAGOME!"
Sesshomaru pulled out Kagome's daggers from his sides and gave them back to Kagome.
"Thanks." Kagome whispered. She didn't think her weapons that she dropped back then.
She placed them on within her right hand while still holding onto the chamber pot with Kikyo's ashes within them.
Inuyasha speeded into the area as he looked at Kagome and gazed around to see Kikyo.
"Inuyasha, Kikyo is dead. Naraku infected her with his miasma and violated her. I tried to purify the miasma but she asked me to kill her peacefully. Here are her ashes again." Kagome told her friend.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome then to the chamber pot as his eyes watered a bit but he shook them off as he took the chamber pot from Kagome and disappeared to mourn over Kikyo again.
Kagome looked at Sango, Miroku and Shippo. "Shippo." Kagome opened her arms and Shippo raced into them.
He stormed back into the room to finish with Kikyo and started with Kagome. To find them both again, he knew Kikyo as dead. Kagome must have escape from this room.
He raced out and called for Kanna, but when she didn't come. He walked down the halls, cursing under his breath and soon he came upon ashes on the ground with a broken mirror within it. He snapped out as he growled loudly.
She killed Kagura and Kanna, his eyes turned deep red with rage. He blast out of the mansion and into the sky. He called on his forces and grinned evilly. The final battle is now, no more fooling around with them anymore.
Naraku flew off with his army behind him.
….The gang…..
Kagome told them what happened to Kikyo and her. Naraku wanted to do to her after he was done with Kikyo. She could see her friends look at her in horror and Sesshomaru wanted to kill Naraku even more. Inuyasha had come back yet.
Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome around her waist and flew a bit away from the group. He landed with Kagome holding onto him for dear life. He gently placed her against a tree and sniffed around her face, neck.
Kagome was baffled what was going now, but his nose slowly descended downwards, soon he stop where his nose wasn't allowed. Kagome struggled away but Sesshomaru held her tighter. He came up with red eyes.
"Mate, not hurt or taken. Beast is pleased." A rough side to Sesshomaru's voice called out.
"Great, his beast is out."
"Yes, beast, This Kagome is fine. Your master needs to speak to me." Kagome ordered.
Sesshomaru's beast smirked and licked her face as he went away. The eyes turned amber from red as Kagome looked at Sesshomaru.
"Next time, warm me about him." Kagome hissed out.
He grinned at her, and the lean in sealing her lips with his. Kagome gasped at his lips touching hers as his tongue went into her mouth lapping up. Kagome moaned and groaned as his kiss become over passionate.
Really was she not going to mate with him, his kisses were mastered. Kagome moved her back closer to the bark of the tree. Her chest stuck out as she slowly moved against Sesshomaru without noticing she was.
Sesshomaru growled lightly at her, as his hands went to her hip to stop her from moving. His manhood was poking her core now. He could feel warmth from her as his ….sniff. He growled more roughly now as he pulled away.
Naraku flew into the clearing. "I see that Sesshomaru, the great and mightily daiyoukai is falling in love with a human. She's mine, Sesshomaru and not yours."
Sesshomaru growled at him as he stuck out his light whip to kill him but he moved fast.
Naraku called out his forces to attack them. Sesshomaru split from Kagome. Kagome pulled out her daggers and she waited until Naraku came. That was until she heard many youkai's screaming and coming their way. She placed them at her side and then pulls out her bow and arrows. She notched four of them and shoots out.
She only could see the pink light was the youkai's were gone. Miroku threw his sutra's as the Saimyôshô insects around them.
She could see that Naraku had brought lots of the demons to this battle. She jumped up as she took out Sora Ki and Kinsaiga; she landed down as she slashed at the enemies. Some jumped back but others were on the ground rolling trying to stop her reiki from purifying them.
Kagome ducked and rolled around as she clashed sword with many kinds of demons as with every each one she had killed. She was also sporting many cuts and bruises, but nothing life threatening.
She swing right and left with Sora Ki first then with Kinsaiga, she raced alone to help her friends. Kagome heard Sango and Miroku racing into the battle. They started to attack the youkai's around them helping out.
Soon they all heard Inuyasha yelling out his attacks, killing many youkai's. Kagome kill off two other demons as she made her way towards Miroku again. He was using his wind tunnel and she could see the poison hurting him.
Kagome got to Miroku fighting for his life with miasma. She reacted fast as she ducked kick out the demon behind her.
She heard a thud on the ground as she turned as she stood up to see it was a large troll demon. His smell was revolting as her nose hairs fell out from her nose. Kagome uses Sora Kin to get rid of him as she turned back to Miroku.
She walked over to him as she stabbed the around with Sora Kin and Kinsaiga as the daggers glowed pink and blue slowly encasing the two within a barrier. She kneeled down at Miroku as she listened to his breathing that was hard and laboured.
She slowly pumped reiki into his body as she slowly purified the miasma that was slowly killing him. She stops when she knew he was going to be alive and okay. She turned around to see many demons licking their lips at her.
Her own lips curled up with disgust at them, she pulled out Sora Kin but left Kinsaiga within the ground. With that dagger would protect Miroku as it still held the barrier around him.
She stormed out as she slashed the first one to come near her. She was low on reiki as she needs to finish this within a few turns.
While she just barely misses being hit in the stomach with a large claw. She shook her head at herself, as she hits the demon that tried to kill her. Her dagger was soon out of her hands again as she rolled and ducked away. She screamed in pain as her back was cut into with sharp claws.
Kagome fell to the ground and looked behind her to see a demon licking his claws, it grinned at her as he walked closer to her. She rolled onto her back and muffled a agonizing scream as she kick the demon away.
Soon a Sesshomaru stood in front of her and killed the demon. He turned back and looked at her. His eyes told her that he was scared to lose her.
A/n- That is all for this chapter. Until next time. Bye