InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, No! Not Another AU?! ❯ What in the...? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Edited 7/28/04

~*A/N: *peeks sheepishly around corner* OK, so I know it's been eons since I've updated. Please don't hurt me! Too many damn people are getting married, I tell you. They need to stop it so I can get back to what's really important, my beloved readers! Since you've all been waiting so long, you'll get plenty extra chappies, k? K. Now, go and read. You've waited long enough!*~

DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters, songs, or brands in this fic. Except for Mr. Announcer-man, of course!

Chapter Three: What in the...?!

"And now, we welcome to the stage, Funky K and Company!" the announcer shouted into the mic, as a group took the stage behind him. In the front center stood a boy of about seventeen, arms down at his sides, head bowed. He wore his long black hair back in a ponytail, a black headband around his head. He was dressed in a tight black muscle shirt, black vinyl pants, and black boots. Standing near him were three girls, all dressed in skimpy black dresses with plunging neck lines, with skirts that barely reached the top of their thighs. They all had black hair, at varying lengths. The one on his right had it cut in a bob, just reaching her chin. The one on his left had her mid-length hair pulled up into a messy bun, feathers sticking out of it. Behind him and slightly to the right, another girl stood with hair down to her waist, tied loosely in a low ponytail with a black ribbon. A few feet behind them all, a boy with reddish-brown hair stood over his decks, dressed in a black velour sweatsuit. He placed a record on the player, and music erupted from the speakers. The boy up front looked up as the music began. He sang into the headset microphone on his head.

"No, I'm not tryin to be rude
But, hey, pretty girl, I'm feelin you
The way you do the things you do
Remind me of my Lexus coupe
That's why I'm all up in your grill
Tryin to get to to a hotel
You must be a football coach
The way you got me playin the field."

As soon as he began to sing, he and the three girls had begun dancing, swiveling their hips. Kagome rolled her eyes and spoke to Sango, "Give me a break!"

"I know," Sango replied, turning to Kagome.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about, I like this song!" Rin yelled, dancing. Her friends turned to her, the look on their faces horror-stricken.

"Rin! Stop that! You're embarrassing us!" Kagome yelled, grabbing the younger girl by the shoulders, earning a pout from Rin.

"Now gimme that 'toot toot'
And I'll give ya that 'beep beep'
Runnin her hands through my 'fro
Bouncin on 24's
While they say on the radio...
This is the remix to ignition
Hot and fresh out the kitchen
Mama rollin her body
Got every man in here wishin
Sippin on coke and rum
I'm like 'So what, I'm drunk'
It's the freakin weekend, baby
I'm about to have me some fun
Let me see you bounce-
Now let me see you bounce-

Inu-Yasha smirked in amusement, turning to Miroku, who was practically drooling at the scantily-clad women onstage. "Oi, Miroku! Snap out of it!" he said, thumping his friend on the head.

Miroku rubbed his abused head, grinning sheepishly, "Ano, gomen, Yash. Couldn't help it, ne?"

"Bounce, bounce, bounce," Shippo chanted happily, bouncing with every spoken "bounce" to accent the word.

"Baka!" Inu-Yasha thumped the younger boy on the head, earning a pout.

"What was that for?" Shippo whined.

"Don't tell me you actually like this crap?"

"Ano, well, not really, but I really like to bounce!" With that, Shippo grinned, and resumed chanting "bounce" while bouncing.

"Kami-sama, I'm surrounded by bakas," Inu-Yasha muttered, looking up to see Kagome and Sango clutching each other in fits of laughter.

"Now it's like 'Murder She Wrote'
Once I get you out them clothes
Privacy is on the door
Still they can hear you screamin more
Girl, I'm feelin what you feelin
No more hopin and wishin
I'm bout to take my key and
Stick it in the ignition
So gimme that 'toot toot'
And I'll give you that 'beep beep'
Runnin her hands through my 'fro
Bouncin on 24's
While they say on the radio..."

With another thrust of his hips, a group of girls in front of Kagome went wild. "That's it! I'm out of here!" she yelled to Sango, trying to be heard over the screaming fangirls. Sango nodded, pulling a reluctant Rin behind her.

"This is the remix to ignition
Hot and fresh out the kitchen
Mama rollin that body
Got every man in here wishin
Sippin on coke and rum
I'm like 'So what, I'm drunk'
It's the freakin weekend baby
I'm about to have some fun"

Inu-Yasha watched Kagome push through the crowd, Sango behind her with Rin in tow. He smacked his forehead, 'Why didn't I think of that?' Miroku looked at him, puzzled, and Inu-Yasha jerked a thumb over his shoulder. Miroku nodded, understanding, and tapped Shippo on the shoulder. The bouncing boy whipped around, frowning slightly as Miroku pulled him through the crowd. The music faded to rumbling bass as the boys left the auditorium, exiting through the same doors Inu-Yasha had seen Kagome pass through.

"Fresh air!" Shippo yelled, taking in a deep breath as soon as they were outside.

"Now what, Inu-Yasha? It's too early to head back to the hotel," Miroku asked, leaning against the side of the building.

"Feh, I don't care, as long as I don't have to watch that baka shake his ass anymore." Unconsciously, he was staring at the figures of three girls, who were seated on a bench just out of hearing range.

Miroku followed his gaze, grinning as recognition hit. "Uh huh, sure, whatever you say."

Shippo joined in, bouncing around Inu-Yasha, taunting him, "You just wanted to follow those girls! Inu-Yasha's got a cru-ush!"

Inu-Yasha once again bopped the bouncing boy's head, scowling, "What the hell gave you that idea?"

"Only the fact that you've been staring at them the entire time," Miroku commented, pushing off the wall and heading towards the girls.

"Oi, Miroku! Where in the seven hells are you going?!" Inu-Yasha shouted after him.

"To talk to the girls, baka," Shippo answered him, bouncing away after Miroku.

Inu-Yasha turned his face to the sky, arms outstretched, muttering, "Kami-sama, why me?" Receiving no answer from the starlit sky, he shoved his hands in his pockets, scuffing his feet as he reluctantly followed his friends.

Reviews revisited: Thanks so much o__o (sorry I couldn't do it correctly, damn notepad), meera, and Laura-chan for the reviews. Hope you all haven't given up on me?

~*A/N: Can anyone guess who "Funky K and Company" were? Well, if you can't, all I have to say is "YOU CALL YOURSELF A FAN?!" Again, gomen gomen gomen for the wait, but I'm going to make it all worth it! Ja ne, minna!*~