InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, No! Not Another AU?! ❯ You WHAT?! ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Edited 7/28/04

~*A/N: *looks around sheepishly* So, um, how's everyone's summer going? *dodges flying objects* Good, eh? ehehehe... Well, I gave you people seven damn chapters last update. SEVEN! Can't be TOO angry with me for taking another two months, can you? *dodges more flying objects* Guess you can. Well, without further ado, here's chapter ten!

DISCLAIMER: Who, me? I swear, it wasn't me. I would NEVER say I owned any of it... (mwahaha)

Chapter Ten: You What?!

Kagome closed the door and locked it, leaning back. A hand went to her grinning lips. After a few minutes of her silence, Sango looked up, halting mid-step in kicking off her shoes. "Kagome, are you feeling alright?"

This brought Rin's attention as she pulled an over-sized t-shirt over her head, her hair sticking out messily in all directions. "Kag-chan?" she questioned, slowly stepping towards the dazed girl. Kagome remained silent. Rin shot Sango a confused look, Sango shrugging in return. The girls stepped cautiously closer to their friend, until she was boxed in by them.

"Uh, earth to Kagome," Sango said, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Ah! Kami-sama, don't sneak up on me like that!" Kagome screamed, having jumped a foot in the air at realising their proximity.

Rin looked up at the taller girl quizzically. "But we didn't sneak up on you," she said, hands on hips. "We called to you, and when you didn't answer, we came closer to see if you were ok."

"Yeah, Kag, you were really off in la-la land there for a minute. What's up?" Sango said, turning and heading back to her former occupation of changing into sleepwear.

"Up? Why would something be up?" Kagome asked, blushing furiously as she hurried to pull out her own pajamas.

Rin still stood near the door, her head cocked to one side in confusion. "Why are you blushing?"

"I-I-I'm not blu-blushing, it's just really hot in here! Hot, yeah, that's it..." she trailed off, crossing to the window to crank up the air conditioner.

"Whatever you say, Kag," Sango replied, shaking her head. The girls silently finished getting ready for bed, and assumed their sleeping posts. It was Sango's night to have a bed alone, so Kagome and Rin were bunking together. "Konban wa," Sango called from her mound of covers.

"Konban wa," Kagome and Rin replied in unison.

Kagome lay for some time silently staring up at the ceiling. 'He kissed me,' she thought, smiling to herself and letting slip a contented smile. Rin looked from Kagome to the ceiling, back to Kagome. "Why do you have that look on your face?" she whispered.

Kagome jumped slightly, startled that Rin was still awake. "What look?" she whispered back.

"That dreamy look, like you get whenever you watch Roger Clyne perform."

Kagome was thankful for the darkness, knowing her face was currently doing a good impression of a tomato. "Just thinking about how awesome it's going to be when we win. No big." She couldn't explain it, but she didn't want to tell her friends about the kiss. Not yet. Maybe they would worry that it would distract her from the competition, and hot or not, no guy was going to get between her and her dream of a recording contract. No more singing other people's songs, no more cover gigs. They could finally start performing their own songs.

"Oh," Rin replied, bringing her back to reality. "I thought you were thinking about how Inu-Yasha kissed you. But if it's just that..." she broke off, turning on her side away from Kagome.

Kagome sat up straight, eyes threatening to pop out of her head, "You saw!"

"How could I not see?" Rin replied, sitting up and breaking out of a whisper for the first time.

At all the noise, Sango's disgruntled voice came from her nest of covers, "I can stand you two whispering, but if you insist on yelling, I will have to throttle the both of you."

"Gomen nasai, Sango-chan, it's just that Kagome thinks she was being sneaky when she kissed Inu-Yasha."

"You WHAT?!" Sango threw off her covers, hair slightly mussed from the movement.

Kagome blushed furiously, undetectable in the dark. "Ano," she mumbled, watching her fingers intently as she fidgeted. "He, ah, sort of, ah... kissedmegoodnightwhenwegotbacktotheroom," she said rapidly, grimacing as she prepared for her friends tirade.

"What?!" Rin screamed. "I just thought he kissed you on the dancefloor?!"

"Ano," Kagome fumbled. "There was that, too."

"Kagome!" Sango exclaimed, silent for a moment as if deciding. "Good for you."

"Nani?" Kagome replied, confused.

"That's great!" Rin piped up. "That is, if you think so."

"Ano, well, yeah, I guess I do."

"Well, it's settled then," Sango said, laying back down. "Can we please get some rest now?"

"Hai," Kagome replied, relieved. They all made themselves comfortable, silence stretching out for a few more minutes.

"Oh, and Kagome," Sango's voice came again from the other bed.

"Hai?" she asked, stifling a yawn.

"Just don't let it affect your performance."


"Good. Konban wa."

"Konban wa," Kagome said softly, staring up at the ceiling again, reliving the kiss. Rin shifted in the bed next to her, and Kagome turned to see the younger girl studying her in the dark. "Something wrong, Rin?"

"Ie," the girl shook her head, still staring at Kagome.

"Then might I ask why you continue to stare at me?"

"Well, I was just thinking..."

"And..." Kagome prodded when Rin didn't finish her thought.

"Are you going to marry Inu-Yasha?"

Kagome floundered, trying to get a grip on herself enough to answer. Sango snorted loudly from under her pile of covers.

~Meanwhile, next door~

Inu-Yasha closed and locked his door, leaning against it. Sharp fangs appeared between smiling lips. Shippo, once again, had already curled up on his bed and was fast asleep, soft snoring reaching the unlistening ears of the hanyou. Miroku pulled his shirt off over his head and sat down on his bed to remove his shoes. He glanced up when the lock clicked, grinning stupidly at his inattentive friend. "Hey, Yash," he called out. No answer. His grin became mischievous, a plan hatching in his perverted little brain. "Well, if you won't pay attention to me, I'm just going to have to take it..." he spoke softly, heaving a weighty combat boot at the hanyou. It hit him square in the stomach and bounced to the floor. Inu-Yasha stared stupidly at the offending article of clothing, trying to figure out what he had done to it to earn such a violent outburst. The answer came to him as he recalled the owner of the offending boot, who was currently collapsed on the floor, redfaced from laughing.

Inu-Yasha growled, picking up the boot and attempting to stuff it into its owner's mouth. "What's so damn funny, Houshi?" he snarled.

"You... standing there... staring off into space.... with this look... on your face... and then... just staring... at my boot..." he bit out between gulps of air before another fit of laughter took him. He was valiantly trying to keep from being forced to digest the leather footwear when all the noise aroused the kitsune nearby.

"What's all the racket?" Shippo asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "Is it morning already?"

"Go back to sleep," Inu-Yasha said, beginning to win the shoving match as Miroku was tiring with his laughter.

"K," Shippo replied, flopping back onto the bed and immediately resumed his snoring.

"Odd kid," Inu-Yasha mused, momentarily forgetting his battle with Miroku.

"So, Yash," Miroku said, standing up and catching his breath. "What had you looking all dazed and confused?"

"None of your damn business," Inu-Yasha grumbled, throwing hat and sunglasses to the side. Miroku watched silently as his friend prepared for bed, an angry expression on his face that kept him from querying further. He shrugged to himself and continued undressing, then went to brush his teeth. When he exited the bathroom, Inu-Yasha was already laying on his nest of blankets on the floor, and Shippo was spread-eagled on the bed, murmuring to himself. He shut off the light and crawled under the covers. He closed his eyes, only to have them shoot open again by muffled screeches from the girls next door.

"Wonder what that's all about?" he questioned no one in particular.

"Fuck if I know," Inu-Yasha grumbled from his make-shift bed.

"Inu-Yasha and Kagome, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Shippo sang softly in his sleep, just loud enough for the other two boys to hear. At this, Miroku burst into laughter, while Inu-Yasha growled, his face flaming red in the dark room.

"I'll kill you, you damn little spy!" Inu-Yasha yelled, leaping from his spot on the floor to the bed Shippo slept on.

Shippo roused to see the angry silhoutte of the hanyou crouching above him, "Oh, Yash. Morning already?"

"Ie," muttered almost inaudibly.

"Then what's up?" Shippo asked, not yet aware that he was in danger.

"Me. Kagome. You. Voyeur." Inu-Yasha chipped off each word, his finger poking Shippo in the chest to accent each word.

"Ittai! Stop it!" he cried, failing to push Inu-Yasha's crouched form away. He stopped suddenly, "What's a voyeur?"

Miroku's laughter caught both their attention, throwing Inu-Yasha off guard long enough for Shippo to escape from under him. "Where'd that little shit go?" Inu-Yasha asked, glancing around for his small form in the dark.

"Dunno," Miroku replied, his laughter dying down. "Shippo, come out."


"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Inu-Yasha chanted.

More silence.

"Shippo, stop being stupid. He wouldn't really hurt you, you know."

"Promise?" came a small voice from somewhere above their heads.

"Yash?" Miroku glanced his way.

"No deal," he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yash," Miroku said condescendingly. "Be nice..."

"Do I have to?" he whined.

"Hai," Miroku replied.

"Fine, fine, I'll leave the brat alone," he said resignedly, hopping off the bed and back to his spot on the floor. A few seconds passed, and Shippo reappeared, looking skeptically at the lump on the floor as he settled back into the bed. The room became still, and each began to dose, except Miroku. He was studying the ceiling, recalling Inu-Yasha's earlier comment.

"Hey, Yash?" he called.

"Can't it wait until morning?" came the muffled reply.

"Why'd you call Shippo a 'voyeur', anyway?"

His tone turned embarrassed, "I told you before, none of your damn business."

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G," came Shippo's sing-song voice again. The boy was once again singing in his sleep.

"Gotchya," Miroku said, chuckling. "Konban wa, Yash."

"Konbon wa, jackass," he grumbled, punching the blankets into a more comfortable shape before settling down to sleep.

Reviews revisited:

RikuJ: 10 out of 10! Wow, gotta make sure I keep with this one, ne? J/K, this one's probly the one I'm most into right now, to the despair of those who love "In the beginning...", but I'm glad you're enjoing it!

~*A/N: Well, sorry it wasn't the longest, but I didn't want to roll right into the next morning. Depending on how far I get tonight, I might get another chapter out yet. Otherwise maybe tomorrow. Hmm... my muse is here, Roger is singing to me... well, from my speakers anyway. But one can't be too demanding... especially when I got to see him live last Sunday! For those of you who aren't familiar with Roger Clyne, for shame... ever heard of a little band called the Refreshments? Well, now he has Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers... amazing musicians whose music may make an appearance in later chapters. Anyway, Roger has successfully made my "sexiest man in the world list", replacing Orlando Bloom for the top spot. (Sorry darkrose!) Enough rambling, off to write chapter 11! Ja ne, minna!*~