InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, The Woes of College Life ❯ It Starts ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters… just the stories that I put them in. I also don't own any of the songs that are used in my fic…
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Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me Hard, make me lose my Hah Hah
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me Hard, make me lose my Hah Hah
The sounds of the club pulsing in his ears, Inuyasha looked around, his violet eyes searching for something to do. Miroku had brought him here under the pretense that they were going to have a good time, again. Looking around, all he saw was the same sluts and jackasses that usually haunted hot spots such as this. Ready to leave and not willing to find his friend to say goodbye, he started to head for the door when she walked in. The same girl who he had seen at all the other clubs Miroku had dragged him to. He was starting to think she was a stalker…or maybe it was just a weird coincidence. The girl always seemed to be surrounded by people and once or twice had some guy with his arm around her.
She was gorgeous…never had too much makeup on and her clothes always seemed to cover her yet show off a tight body that any guy would love to grind against on the dance floor. She never seemed to dance with the same guy twice either…yet there was something about her that told Inuyasha she wasn't that type of girl. Watching her grab two other girls and head to the dance floor, he didn't notice that his destination was no longer the exit.
Leaning against a railing just above her, Inuyasha watched her move her body to the music.
If you can't make me say OOO
Like the beat of this drum
Why you ask for some and you really want none
If you can't make me say OOO
ike the beat of this groove
You don't have no business in this here's your papers
Baby you are dismissed, dismissed, dismissed, dismissed, dismissed, dismissed, dismisse
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me loose my breathe
He was here, too. The guy with the dark eyes. The first time Kagome had seen him, Sango had wanted her to meet a new friend of hers. Miroku had been nice at first and they had managed to have a good time with him until he got a little too friendly with his hands. After excusing himself (sporting a nice sized bruise on his cheek courtesy of Sango) he walked over towards a table full of guys and that's when she had noticed him. Not that she had been paying much attention to him then, or the other times he had been around, but for heaven's sake she didn't even know his name. Kagome liked to party with the rest of them, and didn't mind the occasional glances, but when a guy stared at her like that it made her nervous. Was he some kind of psycho waiting for her to take one step away from her friends? Wasn't gonna happen. I came here to have a great time and no stalker is gonna ruin it.
Careful not to look his way she grabbed onto Sango and Ayame, who followed her to the floor to dance. Starting to move, she soon forgot the dark haired guy and focused only on the beat.
Damn baby all I need is a lil bit
A lil bit of this, a lil bit of that
Get it crackin' in the club when you hear this shit
Drop it like its hot, get to workin' that back
Go shake that thang, yeah work that thang
Let me see it go up and down
Rotate that thang, I wanna touch that thang
Can you make it go round and round
I step up in the club, I'm like who you with
G-Unit in the house, yeah
that's my clique
Yeah I'm young, but a nigga from the old school
On the dance floor, a nigga doin' old moves
I don't give a fuck, I do what I wan' do
I hit your ass up, boy I done warned you
Better listen, when I talk, nigga don't trip
Yo' heat in the car, mine's in this bitch
I ain't tryna beef, I'm tryna get my drink on
Got my diamonds, my fitted, and my mink on
I'ma kick it at the bar till its time to go
Then I'ma get shorty here and I'ma let her know
Miroku said he would be here! Where is he? Sango had followed her friends onto the floor but she was looking around the room for her `boyfriend.' Did meeting at clubs all over town once a week and making out count as having a relationship? She didn't know, but for lack of a better term he was it. Now if she could only find him….
Miroku put his arms around the girl in question, smiling when she jumped at the sudden contact. `Don't worry, babe. It's just me.' He whispered into her ear. As she relaxed against him, he set the pace, grinding against her bottom. Goddamn!!! Is she sexy or what!?! Getting lost in the music and Sango, he failed to notice Inuyasha on the sidelines watching him. Not that he didn't want his best friend to meet the girl he was seeing, but.. come on! All of the hotties tripped over themselves to even glimpse at the guy. Sango was the first girl to actually show an interest in him. Did that make him possessive? Sure, as long as he got to keep his girl, he was fine. Inuyasha could get his own.
Inuyasha, on the other hand, finally took his eyes off of the dancing beauty to find his best friend dancing with a girl. Actually dancing, not getting his ass kicked, or running for his life…they looked like they were having fun. Sure. The pervert gets to have a good time and leaves his poor, tagalong friend to fend for himself…I can do this…right. I'd rather have my balls fall off. I'm gone. He wasn't gonna get Miroku's attention just standing there, so he made his way toward his friend, the music steadily getting louder.
This is 50, comin' out your stereos
Hard to tell though, cause I switched the flow
Eyes a lil low, cause I twist the dro'
Pockets on swoll cause I move the O's
My neck, my wrist, my ears is froze
Come get ya bitch, she on me dawg
She musta heard about the dough
Now captain come on and save a hoe
I get it crunk in the club, I'm off the chain
Number one on the chart, all the time mayn
When the kid in the house, I turn it out
Keep the dance floor packed,
that's without a doubt
And shorty shake that thang like a pro mayn
She back it up on me I'm like oh mayn
I get close enough to her so I know she can hear
System thumpin', party jumpin', I said loud and clear
Oh my god! He's coming this way! Kagome panicked. Sure she had danced with guys before, but those had been friends…really close friends…people she knew. She didn't do well with strangers. Especially stalkers. Ummmm... I'm suddenly thirsty. She got the attention of her friends and Miroku--when had he come?—and headed toward the bar. Looking back, he was still walking her way. Running out of places to hide….
`Sango come with me to the bathroom please?' she begged her friend. Not waiting for an answer she grabbed the poor girl and dragged her into the restroom.
`Kags! What was that about? Did you not see that I was in the middle of a conversation?' Sango looked slightly miffed at being stolen away…okay maybe a little more than miffed.
`He's here Sango!' She looked puzzled. `The dude that keeps staring at me! I think he's a stalker! Sango what do I do?' She rolled her eyes.
`Lemme handle him hun. If I can't get him off your back, then who can? Now can we please go back out there?' So I can get back to Miroku. Sure he was a lecher, but Sango found herself strangely attracted to him.
`Only if you walk out first.'
`Hey bud. I'm out.'
`But Yash we just got here. You can't possibly want to leave already.' Look at all the girls around. He could have his pick and he'd rather be alone.
`Yea I do. You bring me here, you leave me to dance with babes you hardly know, and I leave early. That's the way it always works. There is nothing for me to do here. I'm gon—`
`Stop stalking my friend, or I'll be forced to cut off your balls and ram them up your ass.' Sango apparently wasn't shy with strangers.
`What are you talking about?' Inuyasha was just a little puzzled. `Do I know you? Or your friend for that matter?'
`Kagome says that everywhere we go, there you are. She thinks you stare at her and she doesn't like it so stop.' With that she sat down on Miroku's lap. Inuyasha eyes showed large amounts of confusion until he shrugged it off.
`Well then, you can tell “Kagome” that I have no interest in stalking sluts like her and the only reason I'm here is to be ditched by the friend that you're currently sitting on. I'm sorry if I made a self absorbed little brat feel like I'm giving her any attention at all. I'm gone Miro.' He turned around only to come face to face with a fist. He was knocked back holding onto his face, when he heard the screaming voice.
`WHAT THE FUCK?!?' Still holding his face Inuyasha was thrown forcefully from the club's exit. “That little bitch punched me!'
`And I got thrown out too you asshole!' Inuyasha noticed that the bouncers didn't throw her onto the pavement. No little wench gets to nicely grab her coat and walk out unscathed. He began walking toward his car when Kagome yelled at him. `Why the hell would you say those things about me when you don't even know me? Huh? You're lucky Sango didn't take offense either otherwise she would have knocked you sorry ass back to the—`
`I don't care bitch. You didn't have to fucking punch me! I was telling my friend that I was leaving this dump `cause there was nothing and nobody that interested me at all! Then your friend—Sango I'm guessing, right?—decides to tell me to stop stalking some girl I've never even met before!' This whole time, Inuyasha hadn't once looked at her face. She put a hand on his shoulder and he turned to see what she wanted, stopping dead in his tracks.
`For someone who wasn't interested in nothing and no one you sure do stare a lot. Dickhead.' She turned and walked away as Miroku, Sango and Ayame walked out of the club.
`Kags! Wait up! Miroku, call me later!' Sango and Ayame hurried after their friend. Miroku just turned and walked toward the car as Inuyasha followed.
`Now, normally I wouldn't say anything because I know that you're already pretty pissed off, but…damn it Yash! Now I gotta hear Sango later and I kinda really like this one so could you for one like not ruin anything for me?' Miroku looked a little stressed. He was sure that Sango would chew his ear off before the night was out because of his rude friend.
`Since when…do you have a serious relationship, Miro? I can't remember you ever having a girl that actually liked being groped by you.'
`Shut it Yash. What'd you do to Kagome anyway? I thought Sango could hit hard, but maybe I should be staying on Kagome's good side as well.' He glanced at his friend only to see him with a scowl on his face. Not that it was surprising. Inuyasha rarely wore a different expression. What is it about Yash that girls fall for? He's always got a look on his face like something smells bad.
`Kagome… that her name?' That's the girl that I keep seeing. It's not a bad name….actually kinda suits her well. Arrr…that bitch punched me!
`Have you met her before?' This is a new development. Inuyasha is thinking about a girl. Hmmm…..I must find out more. `You act like you've seen her somewhere? Huh, Yash?' Miroku wiggled his eyebrows for effect. Not that Inuyasha noticed. He was too busy walking toward the car.
`Nah. I've just seen her around. Hey I just noticed something. She's always at the clubs that you drag me to. She's friends with Sango, who you're apparently seeing…hmmmm…'
`Nothing gets past you, Yash.' Miroku said sarcastically. “Sango's the lovely lady that I had the pleasure of meeting….oh about a month and a half ago.'
`And I didn't know this because? Why?' Maybe she's all good looks and no brain. Typical Miro….
`Because she happens to be the first girl with brains that I actually like and I didn't want her to fall for your ass.' Inu's eyes widened. `And now you wanna know how I know she's got brains. You thinking that I'm just typically being myself, looking at a pretty backside without finding out anything about her first. Alas, that's not true my friend. Her and her beautiful group of friends all happen to attend the University of Tokyo.'
`Yea. And we do, too. You're point is?' Almost everyone goes to UT. What's he playing at?
`She's planning on becoming physical trainer. She came up to me and asked if I was in her psych class.' He smirked. `It turns out I have a bunch of classes with her. And you have some with Kagome.'
`Who cares about that wench?' Really? I got class with her? How come I've never seen her before? Inuyasha opened the car door and ignored Miroku's knowing looks. His friend knew him too well.
`Hey Kags! Wait up!' Sango and Ayame chased after their friend.
`He doesn't even know me! Nothing caught his eye…nothing `cept my ass. Who does he think he is staring at me like he does and then trying to play it off like he wasn't? Stupid ass jerk!' She waited by the car for her friends to catch up, then got in the car. She didn't stop her tirade until she noticed that her friends had small smirks on their faces. `What! He's a rude asshole who just insulted me, not to mention that he didn't even know my name and all you guys can do is sit there and smile at me?'
`You think he's cute, don't you?' offered Ayame. Kagome put on her best puppy face.
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Okay… first chapter….hope you're all enjoying it so far. Please review…no flames? Please???