InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ohayo San Francisco ❯ Obsessions ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha, it's the sole property of Goddess Romiko Takahashi, and I cannot take credit for her genius.
Kagome's father forcibly gets her married to Inuyasha, but she is only interested in the delectable Kouga. When Inuyasha realizes that she considers their marriage invalid, he is shattered. Would he be able to convince his wife that he is the one for her?
A/N: This fic does not intend to disrespect Americans or Japanese! Please do not flame me for this!
R&R please!
Please NOTE: All underlined dialogue is in Japanese and the rest is in English.
Ohayo San Francisco
Chapter 1 -
The loud beats of Samba and drums filled the air on the warm San Francisco afternoon, as the Mardi Gras procession made its way to Harrison Street. The entire street was filled with people dressed in exotic clothing adorned with beads, feathers, shells, ribbons and sequins. People wearing colourful masks were dancing and celebrating the joyous festival with perfect strangers.
In this crush of humanity, Kagome Higurashi, dressed like a samba dancer, looked at her watch, cursing her friends for being late. The after-party was just about to start and she knew that the two would hate to miss out on the celebrations.
Just then a hand squeezed her butt, and a mischievous pair of violet eyes twinkled at her. “Hey beautiful, can I get some of that?”
Grinning back at her childhood friend, Kagome batted her long, fake eyelashes. “For a handsome hunk like you, I'd bend backwards!”
A disgusted snort met her words as a female dressed as a warrior princess rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Kagome, don't encourage his hentai behaviour. Miroku's already a pervert par excellence!”
Kagome laughed. “Chill, Sango! We've been friends for like forever, and Miroku and I always greet each other like this.”
Miroku, dressed as a monk, quirked an eyebrow and smiled charmingly, “Jealous, Sango? If you ask me nicely, I promise never to do that to anyone but you.”
Kagome laughed, as Sango slapped the monk's wandering hand away from her behind with a growl. “As amusing as it is to see you two bickering like an old-married couple, we have to get to the after-party in exactly-” She glanced at her watch, “- two minutes! So, let's go!” She immediately began pulling her friends towards the heart of the crowd, “Hurry, I don't want to miss even a second of the fun.”
For the next two hours, they danced and drank; accepting kisses and hugs from strangers. They gorged on a variety of delicious food that included crab gumbo, smoked red beans, fried plantains and pork kebabs. As the party dwindled, a very sated Miroku drove the tired girls to Sango's apartment. Excusing himself on account of some urgent business, he hugged both girls, winking at Sango before taking off.
Kagome entered Sango's flat, a wondrous look on her face. She had never visited her friend at her house and was simply amazed at the décor of the house. The living room seemed like a shrine to Japanese culture. Delicate Origami creations were elaborately showcased on wrought iron tables and shelves. Calligraphic Haiku adorned the walls in elaborate frames, sharing space with posters of Japanese films and popular boy-bands. Beautiful Ikebana arrangements were placed around pristine white sofas and a pair of white leather lazyboys. One wall of the tastefully decorated large room boasted of a glass enclosed wall cabinet that showcased ancient Japanese weapons including katanas, shurikens and tantos. A life-size model of a crouching Ninja in one corner completed the effect.
“Wow! No one would ever doubt that you are Japanese looking at your living room. The only thing lacking is the Japanese flag. A nice big white cross on a red background would look perfect on that wall, and would go so wonderfully with your colour scheme.”
Sango gave her a horrified smile. “That's Switzerland. Don't you mean a red circle on a white background?”
“Yeah, yeah, same thing. I knew that it was red and white. But you're missing the entire sarcasm bit. Really, don't you think this is a tad overdone?”
Sango grinned as she made her way into the kitchen. “Nope! I know some people find it excessive but I like it the way it is. I am proud of my Japanese heritage and I want the world to know it. Besides, some of this stuff was my mom's. So, keeping it around is like having a part of her with me.” So saying, she emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray of snacks and lemonade.
Kagome made a noncommittal sound and changed the topic. “I am so glad that we got the day off. This was so much fun. Oh, before I forget, we have to arrange the cover girl for the magazine tomorrow.”
The two girls worked as editors in a highly successful fashion magazine called `Maya'. It was where the two of them had met and had instantly hit it off. In the past few months, they had become fast friends and acted more like sisters than friends.
Setting the tray on the table, Sango sat on the sofa tucking her legs under her. Rolling her eyes, she groaned. “Oh no! You delegate that to one of your underlings. I don't want to get involved with this stuff again. After working so hard to get to where we are, I am not going to do this menial work anymore. Handling prima donnas and their attitudes is not my forte and I will be damned if I bow and scrape to another stick-figured bitch!”
Kagome laughed at her friend's vehemence. “Come on. It's not as bad as you're making it out to be. They're a little haughty, but nothing we can't handle.” Seeing the incredulous look on the other's face, she shrugged. “Okay, so they can be a handful! But, it has to get done otherwise we'll loose this month to the competition, and that's something-”
She broke off as her mobile rang. Flipping open her stylish phone, she spoke airily. “Hello.” Sango saw the girl tense, as she immediately switched to Japanese. “No, mother. I am with Sango, my friend from office, the one I keep talking about-
“Yes, I know we had to go to lunch with the Hatamori family, but I was busy and besides I am not interested in Hatchi, he resembles a weasel-
“No! Mother, I have told you so many times before that-
“Forget it! I no longer wish to talk to you on this matter. It is clear that you do not understand my point of view, and I certainly do not agree with your old-fashioned thinking, so there is no point in discussing this. Bye!”
Closing her mobile, she banged it on the table and cursed long and hard in two languages.
Sango gave her a sympathetic look. “Bad, huh?”
“Sango, if I have told them once, I have told them a thousand times that I don't want to marry a Japanese boy. But, no, they persist in setting up meetings for me with prospective suitors. I hate it!”
Sango leaned back, “But, in a way they are only looking out for you, Kagome. Try to see things from their point of view. You are Japanese and …”
“Hold on!” Kagome stood up and began pacing around the small room. “Firstly, I may have Japanese parents but I am American. Not Japanese! How can I be Japanese when I was born in America? You and Miroku are the only two people of Japanese descent that I actually talk to. The rest of my friends are all American. I think, react and behave like an American. My attitudes and preferences are American. Then how can I identify myself with a small island thousands of miles away, a land that I have never even visited. And, secondly, what right do my parents have to interfere in my life? When I marry, I will marry someone I like. Someone handsome, dashing and rich; someone with taste, social standing and power; someone who is an American like me. And, definitely not Japanese!”
A suspicion grew in Sango's mind as she stopped her friend's pacing. “Anyone specific you have in mind?”
Her worst fears were confirmed when a dreamy smile grew on her friend's face. “Yes. Kouga Ookami.”
“Kagome! You mean our twice-divorced youkai boss? Come on, he's the worst kind of guy to fall for.”
“Wrong. He's just right for me. He's good-looking, smart, stylish, rich and extremely charming.”
“What? He may be these things but he's a compulsive flirt. And, are you forgetting that he's been divorced - twice? That kind of habit hardly bodes well for any future relationship!”
Kagome sauntered to the lazyboy, a pout on her face. “It wasn't his fault! He didn't know that he was marrying slutty bitches who were only interested in his money! He told me that he even when he realized that they were bleeding him dry, he tried to make the relationship work. It was only when their money-grubbing ways and their constant cheating became intolerable, that he had to divorce them.” Reclining on her chair, a faraway look in her eyes, she continued. “So I agree that he's made a few mistakes in choosing a life partner, but then he was waiting for the perfect woman for him - me!”
A raised eyebrow eloquently conveyed Sango's skepticism on the matter. “Hmm! Your version is quite far from the universally accepted truth, that it was actually Kouga who strayed repeatedly. But then no one can be certain of the truth except for the parties involved. Keeping all that aside, he's one of the most powerful and influential people in San Francisco. I would say that he's way out of your league, so I hope that you aren't holding your breath for his proposal.”
“Sango Watanabe! That is a mean thing to say. Here I'm telling you that I like him and you are trying to get me down. How heartless can you be?” The fine sheen of tears in Kagome's eyes immediately sobered up Sango.
She got off the sofa to sit on her knees before Kagome's lazyboy. Contrition shone on her face, as she inclined her face slightly. “I'm sorry! I never meant to deride your emotions. I just don't want you get hurt. I don't want to see you get crushed if he ignores you or worse breaks your heart!” A muffled sound that sounded suspiciously like a sob had her peering anxiously at Kagome's face which was covered by her hands. “Kaggie? Honey, please don't cry!”
A roar of laughter greeted her frantic words. Sango watched in amazement as Kagome rolled off the chair, great whoops of laughter coming from her. “San-Sango! Your f-f-face! Pri-Priceless!”
Sango tried to look angry at the deception, but could not remain unaffected by the other's amusement and started laughing.
As the merriment subsided, Kagome hugged her friend. “I'm sorry! And, thanks for trying to look out for me. But, don't worry about me. I am not that weak. I know that he is good looking and rich, and that he can have any woman he desires. You don't have to tell me about that.”
Sango bit her lip at her friend's flat voice. “So, I understand what you mean. As for him being out of my league…well, he's invited me to dinner tonight.”
For a second there was silence, and then with a loud squeal Sango launched herself at Kagome. “What? He's taking you on a date? Oh Kami! Even though I think this is a bad idea, I am so excited for you!”
Within seconds they were embarking upon a quest to find Kagome the ultimate dress. As they roamed from store to store in search of elusive perfection, Kagome smiled to herself. `Watch out, Kouga! I am going to sweep you off your feet! You will be mine!'
Kenta Higurashi looked askance at his wife. “Well? What did Kagome say?”
His wife shook her head slightly, and placed the phone on the kitchen table. “What she always says - that she does not want to marry a Japanese boy.”
The man growled deep in his throat his face tight with anger. He banged a fist against the kitchen counter, and then whirled to face his wife. “Why does she continue to disobey us? I am not forcing her to marry anyone. All I ask of her is for her to keep an open mind to boys from our own community. But, no! She thinks that she is above them. Where did we go wrong with her? Why does she turn her face from her roots? Tell me, Aiko, how did this happen?”
A bitter smile flitted on the woman's face, as she came to stand besides him. “It is your wish to be a perfect American that drove your daughter away from her culture and roots. When we came to America from Japan, thirty years ago, it was you who forbade me from following any of our customs. You would frown on my wearing the kimono even in the privacy of our flat. You were the one who harped on having the perfect American family. And, Kagome was raised in the American way. Now that you feel the pull of your customs, you want her to be Japanese. That is hypocritical, Kenta. You should not insist that she find a husband from amongst our community. Let her follow her heart.”
His wife's words seemed to deflate Kenta, as he rubbed a weary hand over his eyes. “Oh, Aiko, how I regret my earlier attitude. I wish I had listened to you earlier.” He straightened as she pressed a kiss to his brow. “I am not a tyrant, Aiko. I am not punishing her. I just want the best for my daughter. She has grown up so much and I know that she will soon leave us and go far away with a strange man. It scares me! I want her to have a good life with a good man. How can I trust her to make the right choice? I don't want her to rush into something and then regret it for the rest of her life.” Picking up one of his wife's hands in his large hands, he laced his fingers with hers, a gentle smile on his face. “I want her to have what we had, my love. A perfect union of mind, body and soul. And I fear that none of these American boys will be good for her. For all her forwardness, she is still traditional and conservative in many ways. She needs someone who will understand her, and more importantly be able to love her for herself.”
Aiko pressed a quick kiss to Kenta's hand that was still laced with hers. “I know, my love. But he doesn't have to be Japanese. I am sure that there are many nice boys here who will be suitable for her-”
But the stubborn father was not to be swayed. You have met her friends. Do you think any of them will take the time to nurture her spirit and to take the effort to work on a relationship? That, when things turn rough, they will stand by her? That they will not say that they need `space' and part ways with her? No, none of the boys that I have seen have that kind of strength. They would prefer to take the easy way out and that would end up hurting her.”
I agree, love, that there has been none till now who has been good for her. But trust your daughter. She will make the right choice. Let her find her own soul-mate!”
“Perhaps you are right. But, just think, a Japanese boy will be able to do what I failed to do and will instill in her an appreciation for her culture. And, think how cute our grandchildren will look.” When Aiko gave him a level look, he relented. “Fine! Fine! I will talk to her tonight. I will put forward all my points rationally and let her make a decision in an intelligent manner. If she wants, I will give her a chance to search for a capable life-partner. But, I will not let her make a wrong choice. Aiko, do not expect me to stand by and watch her ruin her life.
Aiko beamed, Kenta, I know you want the best for her. Don't worry. We have given her a good upbringing. She is a level headed person and I'm sure the boy she finds will be perfect for her!”
A rather tipsy Kagome finished her glass of wine, a smile on her face. She gazed adoringly through hazy eyes at her companion, wondering how she had become so lucky. Never before had she thought that she would date the object of her infatuation of many years, and now that Kouga was with her, she was buzzing on cloud nine.
She spied their reflection in the plate glass mirror on the wall opposite their table and nearly burst into a giggling fit. `We make such a sexy couple, as if the Kami made us, keeping the other in mind.'
And indeed, a striking pair they made. Kouga's sapphire blue eyes and deep dimples made for an attractive package, set as they were in a face that would not be out of place on a gorgeous super model. His long pony-tailed black hair gave him a rakish look. His six foot plus height and his excellent physique, which was very impressive even by youkai standards, made him seem like a Greek god. His immeasurable charm and magnetic appeal, was the icing on the cake, making him the vain recipient of admiring glances from ladies wherever he was. Not that Kagome was any less attractive. Her long black hair had been cut in steps with bangs covering her forehead. Her deep blue eyes, a colour most unique considering her antecedents, gleamed with intelligence. Her flawless skin shone radiantly and her infectious smile lit up her face. Her perfectly curvy figure made her the cynosure of all eyes. And together, they seemed like a model couple.
“I hope you are enjoying yourself, Kagome.”
His words jolted her out of her thoughts. It seemed to her as if his deep voice was intimately caressing her, as he said her name, and she shivered lightly. “Oh, yes! This has been a most wonderful evening.”
And, it had been truly magical. The evening had started with them going to the opera, an experience that Kagome was not likely to ever forget. Though she had not understood a word of the proceedings, tears had automatically come to her eyes at the pain in the singer's voice as she sang of her lover's death. Kouga had quietly offered her his handkerchief. She had been mortified at her emotional reaction, but then had calmed when she realized that many of the other women were also dabbing their eyes.
After that they had gone to a very exclusive party. Kouga had taken her around the room, where she saw the crème-de-la-crème of San Francisco society and indeed, American society. To her surprise Kouga was on a first name basis with many of the elite attendees and had introduced them to her, calling her a friend. A sort of giddy excitement had coursed through her as she realized just how powerful and influential her boss was. From senators to socialites, sportspersons to stars, Kagome met them all with quiet confidence though in her heart she was jumping with joy.
A star-struck Kagome then followed Kouga into one of the city's best and most expensive restaurants. After some scintillating conversation over some exquisite food, Kagome now sat relaxed in her chair, wondering once again at the amazing evening she had had.
“I am glad. You would not believe me perhaps, but tonight has been one of the best dates that I have ever had.”
Kagome blushed, even as a pleased smile crept up her face. But Kouga was not finished. “I generally don't date my employees. But I am glad that I made an exception, otherwise I would never have realized what a wonderful person you are. Kagome,” He leaned forward across the table and captured her hand in his, “I want to see you again. I hope you do not think it forward of me.”
No other words could have given her as much happiness as those simple words had given her. Containing her excitement and joy with great effort, she gave a shy nod. “I would like that too.”
Kouga raised her hand to his lips and pressed a sweet kiss to it, as his glittering eyes remained fixed on her face. “My dear, you have made me a very happy man.”
She wondered if it was possible to expire with joy. Her heart was galloping a mile a minute, and she raised one hand to her chest as if trying to quell its frantic beating. Attempting a nonchalant smile, and almost pulling it off, she replied in a thick voice. “I think its time I left, it is getting rather late.” One small part of her wondered whether Kouga would invite her to his house, and if he did how she would reply to his invitation. Though she was no blushing virgin, she was not the sort of woman who indulged in one-night stands. But, then again, he was her long-time crush and that did turn things around a bit.
Busy grappling with her own thoughts, she was startled when Kouga started laughing. “Don't tell me you have a curfew time? Come on, the night is still young. It is barely past midnight. There are so many more places to go to, so many things to see, so much to experience.”
“I would have loved to. But I have work tomorrow and-”
“I know your boss is an absolutely scary demon, but don't worry, if he is mean to you just tell me and I'll sort him out. For now, please say you'll come with me!”
She hesitated, but only for a second. Giving in to the slight haze of wine that was clouding her mind, she let go of all her inhibitions, beaming wildly. “Sure!”
Kouga offered her his arm, and then whisked her out of the restaurant. As she lay her head against the leather seats of his car, she wondered at their destination. Within moments, he answered her unasked question, as he stopped his fancy car at the marina. They made their way aboard a large yatch that set sail soon after they walked across the gangplank. The boat was decked with lights and flowers, and was full of beautiful young people intent on having a good time.
As she took in the crowds around her, Kagome's jaw dropped. “Wh-What is this place?”
A smirking Kouga drew her close and gently closed her mouth with a finger under her chin. “This, my sweet, is called the Pleasure Boat. A night out about the town is not complete without this experience. I bet you've never seen anything like this. Come, I'll take you around.”
Kagome walked besides him in a daze, absorbing the ongoing decadence with rampant fascination. Several decks on the yacht had been converted into dance floors with DJs spinning some groovy trance and techno tracks. Crowds of people were swaying to the music. Many of the dancers seemed to be high on more than spirits, and her suspicions were confirmed when a man offered to give her ecstasy for a price. Though she didn't understand the offer at that time, it was only later that she realized that he was a drug dealer and that she had been offered drugs.
A grinning Kouga took her to another level where an entire deck was turned into a game area where many games were in progress. The thing that raised her eyebrows was that each game had a naughty twist to it. From strip chess to a blindman's bluff involving French kissing and groping, the deck had it all. But it was a basketball game involving sweaty, bare-chested men dressed in miniscule hot pants that had attracted a large hooting crowd of women. Pieces of feminine clothing were being offered to the participants as favours and the men tied the offered clothing around their arms and legs, almost as if they were being marked by that particular woman. Some of the more handsome players, had several such `favours' adorning their body. The match was fast-paced, with lewd promises being shouted out by women to each of their champions to make them perform better on the court. Kagome's ears burned with embarrassment as she fought not to keel over in shock. Some of the things that were being called out, she wasn't sure were even humanly possible.
One look at her burning face, and Kouga snorted with laughter. “Do you know what the strips of fabric are for?” As she hesitantly shook her head, knowing that the answer would be something rather naughty, Kouga leaned over and whispered, “The members of the winning team get to `encash' the promises made by the ones' whose clothes they are marked.”
Just then, a girl shouted a shocking promise to her champion, and the man immediately scored a basket, his blazing eyes locking on the cheering girl. Kagome had never seen such naked lust in anyone's eyes, and immediately blushed.
She was, then, glad when Kouga steered her towards another deck where several pools and Jacuzzis were situated. The largest one, an Olympic size pool, was filled to the brim with beer, with women and men in various stages of nudity, frolicking in the golden brew. Kagome swallowed at the sight of so much debauchery and so much depravity in one place.
By then they had reached the cabin areas. Most of the cabins were occupied with frenzied couples making full use of the comfortable beds. Kagome kept her eyes trained on the corridor in front of her, neither looking left nor right. Bright colour suffused her cheeks, as she wondered how people could have sex without even closing their doors. A strange sound had her looking around in alarm, and she gasped, her blush deepening to a tomato shade. A full-blown orgy involving at least a dozen people was in effect in that cramped cabin, and the sight blinded her instantly. Kagome quickly shielded her hands around her eyes, mimicking a horse's blinders, to avoid looking anywhere but straight. She did not know where her date was taking her, and as she followed him hesitantly, slight trepidation arose in her.
They had reached a deserted, dimly lit corridor, when Kouga suddenly stopped. He turned towards her and gave a light sniff. His voice seemed to be stroke her senses like velvet. “Are you afraid, Kagome?”
The question rocked her. How could she answer a question that was so loaded? If she said yes, then he would be offended, but if she said no, then she would end up lying. Trying to ignore that he was slowly moving towards her, an enigmatic smile on his face, she spoke honestly, “Yes, but only because you are deliberately truing to shock me.”
He stopped and slowly caressed her face. “Ah, my poor girl. I realize it was a mistake getting you here. I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. However, our destination is a little further. Perhaps you will forgive me then?”
He shepherded her along the corridor till they reached a set of doors guarded by two enormous youkai. For a second there was silence, before the two giants cracked smiles and allowed them to enter. And once again, Kagome was left speechless. The enormous room glittered like it was decked in diamonds. The clink of chips and the rattle of slot machines filled the charged up atmosphere. Sophisticated humans and youkai milled around the various green-felt tables scattered across the room. She sighed in relief as she realized that Kouga had brought her to a casino! From craps to roulette, black-jack to poker, all the essentials of a casino were present making the room as well-equipped as a Vegas casino. Wherever she looked, fortunes were being made and lost, and the sight of all that money made her queasy.
Kouga whispered in her ear. “Do you want to play?”
As she nodded hesitantly, he immediately snapped his fingers and a tray with a large stack of chips appeared before him. Kagome's eyes widened with dismay as she realized the enormous amount that the bright pieces of plastic represented. She immediately refused to take them. “No! Kouga that is a bloody fortune. I will not take these chips. I have money and I will only play with the amount I have. I don't-”
His laugh cut off her tirade. “Oh, Kagome! Relax. These counters don't actually represent money. Did you see me buy them? Have I given them any money? Didn't you see that the house just gave them to me? Just chill, and enjoy.”
And a relieved Kagome did just that!
At the end of an enjoyable two hours, she had increased the number of chips she had started with due to a streak of rare luck. Pleasantly tired, she walked towards the entrance of the casino. As they returned the counters at the cashier, she was shocked to see the man hand them a wad of crisp notes. “Kouga…but you said that they did not represent money!”
“I lied a little! I wanted you to be comfortable and knew that if you knew you were playing with real money, you would have chickened out. So, I just bent the truth a bit.”
Anticipating her question, he cut her off. “I come here often, and I have an account here. So I did not need to buy the counters, since it was adjusted to my account. And, these notes are your winnings. I want you to have it.”
Kagome blanched, offended at his words. “No, I will not take this money. It is yours!”
“Please take it. It's hardly a large sum. The initial amount has already been credited to my account. This is only the extra that you won with your own luck. And besides, I have already received a rich dividend from my investment.” His words were met by her blank stare. Smiling, he moved her into the corridor. “I enjoyed watching you play. Do you know every time you won, your eyes would twinkle and your cheeks would glow like blooming roses? That sight was more rewarding to me than any money that could be offered to me. Please take the money, or I will throw it into the ocean.”
Humbled by his emotion, and charmed by his words, she took the money deciding to spend it buying a gift for him. She inclined her head, a soft `Thank you' tumbling off her lips.
It was past three a.m. and the roads were deserted as he drove her home. He stopped the car in front of her elegant house, and turned to her. “Kagome, I-”
Instantly, his words were smothered by her lips as she kissed him. They drew apart after a few seconds, as she blushed darkly. “I'm sorry I-”
It was his turn to halt her words, as he laid a single finger on her soft lips. “Shhhh!” He chuckled, instantly shattering the tension in the car. “Look at us behaving like teenagers. If someone saw us right now, would they believe that I am considered to be an extremely successful businessman, and that you are the highly respected and admired editor of one of the hottest magazines on the west coast?”
She smiled at him. “Thank you. For everything! This evening was wonderful. I will never forget it.”
“I won't let you!”
The intensity in his words drew her breath away. “Uh..”
“Will you do me the honour of being my escort for a dinner party tomorrow?”
She pinked at the thought that she had actually captured his attention. The fact that he wanted to spend time with her, that he wanted to see her again, made her stomach flip-flop. “Yes! I mean, I would love to.”
He gave a teasing kiss that made her lips tingle. “Great, I'll see you tomorrow.”
She was nearly floating as he escorted her to her door. They kissed again, a long pleasurable battle of wills, and then one gentle caress later, he was gone.
She let herself in, unmindful of anything but that last tender look in his eyes. So it was a shock when the living room light came on. “What the hell do you think you're doing waltzing home at four in the morning?” She raised her guilty eyes to meet the blazing ones of her father.
`Shit! I am so busted!'