InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ohayo San Francisco ❯ Building blocks ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha, it's the sole property of Goddess Romiko Takahashi, and I cannot take credit for her genius.
Kagome's father forcibly gets her married to Inuyasha, but she is only interested in the delectable Kouga. When Inuyasha realizes that she considers their marriage invalid, he is shattered. Would he be able to convince his wife that he is the one for her?
A/N: This fic does not intend to disrespect Americans or Japanese! Please do not flame me for this!
R&R please!
Please NOTE: All underlined dialogue is in Japanese and the rest is in English.
This chapter is dedicated to all those wonderful people who supported me in my time of need. Thank you, so very much!Your emails and messages of support helped me get over this difficult time.
Ohayo San Francisco
Chapter 6
Building Blocks
Go back to Japan, Inuyasha, I am not your mate!"
Everyone was looking at her in disbelief at her harsh statement, especially Inuyasha. He looked as if he had been kicked in the stomach and it was more that she could take. She sneered once, for good effect, at the shocked hanyou and then whirled around and stormed out into the hallway.
Running high on indignation and anger, she made her way through the hallway into the small sitting room. Barely had she entered the room that her steps began slowing down till they were almost dragging. It was as if someone had deflated her off all her anger, leaving only a solid chunk of guilt in its stead. A guilt that sapped her of her energy, making her head whirl fiercely.
Even as she sank onto the couch with a soft moan, she heard the hanyou growl in the kitchen. Heavy footsteps stomped out of the kitchen to the front door and then the sound of the door shutting forcefully reverberated throughout the house. She cringed, her eyes squeezing shut at the harsh sound that marked the angry Inuyasha's exit.
Deafening silence echoed across the house, choking her, stifling her, needling her. She supposed her parents had yet to recover from the stunt she had pulled, for not a sound could be heard from them. And somehow that silence, made her feel worse than their shouts and screams could have. Despite all her intent to make them understand her reasons, she could not find it in her to walk the few steps and face their disappointed eyes. She knew that she had crossed a line that was not meant to be crossed. That this was one mistake they that they would not pardon with ease. Not that she blamed them. For deep down, she knew...knew that she had acted most despicably.
Fighting off the creeping self-loathing and disgust, Kagome told herself that she had no option. She had not wanted to hurt Inuyasha but when all other attempts to extricate herself from the mating had failed, she had known that she would have to go through with her crazy plan. When she had formulated it, she had known that it would hurt Inuyasha somewhat but had hoped that he would shrug it off as a mistake. But after hearing the mating vows and the emotion behind those words, she had known that Inuyasha had taken the mating very seriously and would be crushed at her rejection. Despite knowing that, she had said those hateful words. Knowing that her each venomous word was driving a stake through his heart, she had continued with her plan to drive him away.
And it had cost her heavily to spew that venom. For as she strove to break his heart, pain and guilt at her deception had swamped through her. She had felt dishonorable and lower than the cheapest whore. For essentially she had used herself, her body, her very soul to procure her 'freedom'. By teasing and tempting the poor male with a consummation ceremony that she never intended to go through. By clouding his mind enough to make him forget all about registering the mating. By bartering herself to gain her end!
Despite all that had happened, the thing that pained her the most and that had nearly undone her then and there was that despite being shocked at her announcements, the thing that had been upmost in Inuyasha's mind at her venomous diatribe was concern for her. Concern for her, when she was repudiating him so viciously! When she was acting like a little bitch from hell, he had been worried about her! `Kami! What have I done…'
Kagome shook her head, rubbing her eyes. Now that it was done, there was nothing to do but pick up the pieces and carry on. Her life would continue pretty much the same as it had before, since she did not set any store in what happened. It was a shameful act and she would regret doing it but it did not mean anything significant to her...but what about Inuyasha? Despite her intentions to drive him out of her life and her mind, her thoughts turned back to him. By now Inuyasha would be halfway to the airport to fly back to Japan. What would happen to him? Would he revert back to the quiet, sad, ignored hanyou he had been when she had met him or would his new-found confidence remain with him? Would he be bitter about her fraud or would he forgive her with time? Would the Japanese youkai try to punish him for using the forbidden Ancient Vows - vows that he had used expressly for her? Would he forget her...
The small spark of anger that had been building in her was fanned by the direction her traitorous thoughts were taking, different emotions warring within her. Irritation at herself for thinking about him at all and for worrying about him, when he was no longer a part of her life. Anger, for both coming up with the despicable plan, and then for regretting it to such a degree. Fury at her parents for forcing her into this situation, and for ignoring her wishes. And absolute rage at the hanyou for being so… damn nice! She wouldn't have minded it so much if he had been a confident player or a smart smooth talker. Instead, he had been a vulnerable, insecure hanyou and she hated what she had done to him with every fiber of being.
She heard a sound behind her and took a deep breath. Whirling around, she got ready to plead with her parents and offer them her weak explanations when she froze on seeing who it was. Inuyasha loomed behind her, his beautiful eyes splashed with pink, as if he had been crying heavily. He just stared at her, his face betraying nothing, but every line of his body betraying the tension in him. His voice the sound of death warmed over, he whispered. "Why? Why do you push me away?"
His tone was quiet but it enraged her, for she had no true answer to his question. Telling him that she had planned this ever since she had been informed of their mating was just plain cruel, and more than she could handle. However, making him hate her even more would be more effective in sending him away. Channeling all her rage and self-loathing into her words, she spat at him. "Inuyasha, you could not be so stupid that you don't understand what I meant? I have realised that there is nothing common between us! You are a rustic, illiterate, peasant and I am a high-powered editor of the most fashionable magazine in the world. You are from the remotest parts of rural Japan and I am the daughter of a successful businessman, who is used to staying in a certain style. You are as misplaced in my world as a fish would be on land. We do not match and I don't want to be your mate."
Pink eyes bored through her, as his voice dropped further. "You should have thought of that before mating with me."
Her anger spiked at his calmness. 'Why is he making it more difficult for me? Kami! I hate this! Please forgive me, Inuyasha!' She brought her hand up to stop him. "Hey! Hey! What mating? I told you that I do not recognize that little mumbo-jumbo as a valid marriage. You didn't register it or consummate it, so guess what, poof, no mating!"
He growled viciously and she realised that what she had thought as calmness was only a mask to hide his turmoil. He practically seethed, his fists clenched at his sides. "If that's the problem, we can rectify that." Within a trice he had vaulted the couch to straddle her, his face contorted in rage. He pushed her against the couch, pinning her, and held her hands in an unbreakable grip. He lowered his face to hers, a savage grin twisting his face. "Oh, yes, quite easily rectified!"
His words brought her out of her shock and she began squirming beneath him to try and free herself from his hold. "Get off me, you fucking overgrown dog! You flea-bitten, moth-ridden piece of shit!" She bucked, and grappled, and kicked, and flailed about, but to no avail. Inuyasha kept her pinned with ease, watching her tire herself with a nasty grin on her face. Realizing the futility of her actions and feeling the beginnings of a sudden dread, she screamed for help, sure that her father would be able to deal with the crazed hanyou.
Inuysha's ears flattened against his head as her screams grew louder and her efforts more frantic. As she paused between ear-splitting shrieks to draw in much needed breath, he mildly informed her. "Your parents left quite a while back. Apparently they agreed that I should sort this out in my own way." He grinned at her and then nuzzled her throat lightly before looking back into her face.
The small flicker of dread grew larger, and Kagome froze gazing at him stupidly. Raising her hands above her head, he gripped both of them in one hand. The other hand he brought to her chest, dragging one claw to from the neck of her vest to the beginning of her cleavage, leaving a small tear in the fabric. Kagome screamed at him, abusing him with every expletive she could dredge up in both languages, even as she made a final effort to dislodge him, twisting and turning like an enraged wildcat.
Ignoring her efforts at throwing him off her, he pressed his lips to the newly exposed skin on her chest. Kagome immediately froze. "Don't do this! I'll make you regret this, if it's the last thing I do! You fucker, you lay one more finger on me and I'll make sure you are executed for this! Hanyou or not, you will suffer for this as no one ever has."
He raised his head to meet her desperate gaze, his voice all the more menacing as it was so soft. "No, you won't, cause by then you'd be mated true and proper!"
Those words broke the dam, and thick rolling clouds of fear shrouded her mind. The thought that Inuyasha would rape her to punish her for rejecting him, and in the process complete the mating process, sickened her. She stared at him, all the fight gone out of her. A broken sigh wafted past her trembling lips. "Please, Inuyasha, don't do this! I beg you!"
The nasty smile vanished from his face, his eyes back to a somber golden. He stared at her for a scant second and then immediately moved off her. "You see, Kagome, how easy it is for me to take you? No one would find fault with me, if I did, not even your parents." Kagome turned her face away, and he gently turned it back toward him. "Whether you believe it or not, you are my mate! I wanted you to know that while I can force you on this issue, I will not. I swore never to hurt you. And I will abide by it. I will wait for you to accept me the way I am." He gave her a hand to lift her off the couch. Kagome stared at the hand as if it was a snake that would bite her, before reluctantly letting him help her up. Once she was standing, she shivered and moved away from him.
Inuyasha sighed at her pale face and downcast eyes. "Don't be afraid, Kagome. I apologize for this with all my heart." He knelt and bowed to her while on his knees. Kagome stared at him in confusion. The still kneeling Inuyasha raised his hand pleading with her, his ears flat against his head and desperation rampant in his eyes. "Please! Don't be afraid of me, I wont be able to stand that."
To her surprise, Kagome realised that she didn't fear him. Despite his rough treatment of her, only seconds ago, she knew that he would not actually harm her. She recognized that he could have done great harm to her if he had wanted, but had done nothing more than pressing a chaste kiss at the hollow of her throat and making an inch long tear in her vest. It was clear to her that he had done that only to shock her, and he had succeeded in it. But, while she was not exactly scared, she was wary of him. The ease with which he had overwhelmed her had revealed to her just how strong he was. Sure, she was no great yardstick by which strength could be measured, but the lack of effort on his part to subdue her struggles had opened her eyes to just what he was.
She shook her head, more to clear her head of the conflicting emotions, than to negate his words. "Inuyasha, I...I'm not afraid of you. I just...I'm sorry about this. Believe me, I didn't want to hurt you by this. I know I have made a terrible mistake, but can't you forgive me...and forget this whole `mating business'?"
Still on his knees, the hanyou looked zapped by her words. "Forgive you, I will. However, this 'mating business' cannot be forgotten. You ARE my mate, despite what you say." Kagome turned away, biting her lip and racking her brains for some way to convince him, when she felt his hands her shoulder. She tensed slightly, but relaxed as he whispered into her ear from behind her. "You say that we do not match. Perhaps you are right, but how can you say that without knowing anything about me?" He paused, and she moved not a muscle, wondering what he was going to say. She would have preferred to see his face as he spoke, to reassure herself of his words, but somehow the way he stood behind her, his warm hands steady on her shoulders, was extremely...reassuring. It was almost a shock when he began speaking again, his warm breath caressing her cheek and ear. "Mates are many things but above all, they are the most intimate of friends. And, everything happened so fast between us that we never got a chance to form any significant friendship." He turned her around to face him, his intense golden orbs scanning her face for her reaction. "I would like to rectify that. Since you reject being my mate, I offer you my friendship. I offer you a chance to know me better, so that you can make an informed decision."
Kagome gaped at him. She knew that her decision was final, that she would never agree to be his mate, for she was already engaged to the gorgeous Kouga. Still, she thought that befriending Inuyasha was the least she could do after betraying him so cruelly. She was confident enough of her decision to recognize that knowing him would not change her mind about anything. So, she smiled warmly. "Sure, Inuyasha, I would like that."
A brilliant smile broke across his face, transforming his face into a thing of great beauty. Once again, Kagome cursed her luck for not having a camera handy. The solitary fang that protruded from his grinning mouth and the mellowness in his striking eyes, topped with two adorable perked-up doggy-ears made for a pretty picture. She found herself grinning along with him, and shook his proffered hand with enthusiasm. "Friends?"
Inuyasha nodded. "Friends!"
Inuyasha watched Kagome sashay away, his smile dimming with each step she took away from him.
Only he knew of the Herculean effort it had taken him to remain rational and calm in the face of provocation. When Kagome had first negated their mating, he had worried about her health and then later thought her joking. His horror was extreme when he finally realised the web of deception that Kagome had spun around him. All his hopes and dreams had shattered into a billion pieces when the implications of her words had sunk in, when her cold, cruel barbs had hit home.
He should hate her - Kami knew that he wanted to - but he could not make himself think badly of her. He knew why she had lied to him and though it hurt him, could understand her abhorrence of him. After all, his first impression on her had hardly been exemplary. Still he had hoped...
He returned to the Kitchen, casting an eye on the half-prepared dishes for lunch lying abandoned on the counter. He grimaced, since they reminded him quite clearly of his own life, for he had been incomplete his entire life. He had thought that in Kagome he was gaining a mate who would not mind his half status and would complete him. Unfortunately for him, she had abandoned him, not unlike the food that had been deserted by Akio in her haste to get out of the house. 
He was glad that Kagome's parents supported him. In his anger and confusion, he had been a little rough in asking them to give him some time alone with Kagome and they had immediately left, giving him commiserate looks as they scurried away. Deliberately, he had sat in the empty Kitchen for some time after their exit, and not gone after Kagome till he was reasonably confident that his anger and hurt had been leashed away. But, he had not counted on her acidic words to fray the already tenuous leashes that held his angry beast back. He had snapped and let his beast have its head. He had wanted to impress upon the naive girl, just how bad he could have been, so that she would realise just how good he was and how patient he was being. 
Of course, he had not realised that she would actually become frightened of him due to his rough actions. His beast had whimpered when the first trace of fear and pain had emerged in her scent. If that had not been enough for him to cease his actions immediately, her broken plea had nearly made him howl in unhappiness. She was his mate, and to scent and hear her fear him, had actually hurt him. He had been uneasy till he had been able to ascertain that she was truly did not fear him. The relief at that knowledge had prompted him to find a middle ground to their thorny problem. He was sure that once she got to know him better, she would accept him as her mate. And, so he had proposed being friends. A proposal she had gratefully agreed to.
After that everything should have been better. But it wasn't because there was still a very potent problem that was unresolved. And the problem was that every second he was around him, her scent teased him mercilessly. It beckoned to him, entranced him, filling him with a savage need to complete the mating process. He wanted her so bad that he had to physically hold himself back to avoid attacking her like a rabid animal. The knowledge that she did not want him was an impressive brake in his runaway desire, but it was a close thing, the way his beast panted for her. Inuyasha knew that it was the mating ceremony that had increased his desire for her to a manic level, but for him it was more than just a way of completing the mating process or even just having sex. For him it would be a validation of being wanted, of celebrating Kagome's equal desire for him, of marking the beginning of a shared life. For those glorious moments, he could afford to wait - after all since he had never expected it to be possible for him, what was a little delay?
He gritted his teeth against the gripping pain, and very deliberately sat down with his head resting against the cool marble of the Kitchen counter. He would drink in the pain and the desire. He would control himself. He had to!
Kagome awoke from her fitful nap, uneasy and unhappy. Her stomach roiled unpleasantly, and she wondered if she was sick. She lay still, wiling the nausea to disappear. Taking deep breaths seemed to help, and she attempted to cleanse her mind and body by breathing deep and long, the way Miroku did when he meditated. A few minutes later, she hopped out of bed feeling infinitely better.
Stretching once, she decided to get back in touch with her life. She called Kouga, desperate to hear his voice and reassure herself that she had not dreamt up the engagement. Though the impressive rock in her dresser was evidence enough, so much had happened since then that she felt that it had all been a glorious fantasy. She drummed her fingers on the dresser, as the phone rang and rang and rang. Disappointed, she called the next best thing for her. 
Fortunately, Miroku picked up the phone on the first ring itself. "Hey, Kagome! When did you get back?"
She sighed in relief. Hearing his voice gave her strength and melted her doubts away. He had always been her partner in crime, since the time they had been toddlers and she knew that he would understand her like no other. In halting words, she told him how the failure of all his proposed plans had led to her devising a plan of her own, and how that particular plan had resulted in a certain 6 foot side-effect landing at her house. Miroku remained silent through the entire spiel, as she rambled to a close. "...and now he's still here, stubbornly trying to convince me that I am still his mate. He says that we should be 'friends'. Ya, rite! As if that will change my mind about him!" Silence greeted her words, and Kagome grew concerned. "Miro, you there?"
"Kagome!" Her name wafted across the airwaves, as if borne on the back of a disappointed sigh "How could you do this?"
His horrified words brought her up short. She blinked and stared at the phone, not believing what she was hearing. Clearing her throat softly, she tried to work some moisture back to her mouth. "'re asking me this? You know I had no choice."
He made an impatient sound and she could just imagine the irritation that would be painted on his face. "Yes, I realise that you were on a spot. But what you did was way beyond wrong. To marry someone like that, it is just so cold and cruel. I am disappointed in you. The poor boy!"
'Not Miroku too!' Tears appeared in her eyes. She had been sure that he would understand. Unhappiness made her voice sharp. "Well, excuse me for trying to do whatever I could to get out of the situation. I would have been hitched to him no matter what. At least this way it does not bind me forever since I'm still technically unmated. Tell me what you would have done differently?"
A sigh met her words. "I'm sorry baby. Perhaps you are right. But I still feel bad for Inuyasha. He is being punished and rejected for no fault of his. I think what he did was right in the-"
Having heard enough, Kagome slammed the phone down in a fine display of temper. She massaged her temples, fuming at the perceived betrayal of her best friend. A thundercloud pasted on her face, she stomped down the stairs to grab a bite to eat. She had barely set foot in the Kitchen that she saw her parents speaking softly at the central counter. Both were sharing a pizza, their faces bathed in worry. Even at a distance Kagome could see the togetherness, the affection and the love they held for each other. A pang hit her as she wondered if she would ever find that in her life. Attempting to ignore them and their disapproval, she moved to the refrigerator and rummaged through it for something to eat. With a triumphant smile, she had just emerged from its cold depths with a sandwich and a salad, when her father spoke. "Kagome! We have to talk."
'No, not now! I dont need this, not right now. Can't they leave me alone!' Rolling her eyes, she made to leave the room but her mother's sharp 'Kagome, your father is talking to you.' halted her feet. Her father had a volatile temper, but never had she heard her mother use that tone with her. It cut right through her, and she reluctantly turned around, putting the plates on the counter. Facing her frosty-faced parents was not easy, and she felt once again like a ten-year old caught doing mischief. To shake off the feeling, she leaned back against the wall, crossing her ankles and her arms loosely, the very picture of a girl taking her ease. "Okay, I'm listening!"
However, the attack from an unexpected source - her mother. "Kagome, we have given you everything you wanted in life and I fear that having had things easy you have become spoilt.You do not think of the future, preferring to live in the present. You never think of the consequence of your actions. Despite your age, you still act like a child. I think it is high time, you start acting your age."
Outrage sprung her out of her slump. "What? How can you say that mom? I'm an extremely successful editor who has people lining up to meet her. Thousands of women, across the world, depend on my advice to make decisions about their life. I am the final word on what is hot or not, on what is good and bad, on what works and what won't. I set the fashion trends, the looks and the colour palettes for each season. Does that sound like something a child would do? Then, how can you call me a child? Just because I did not fall in with dad's idiotic plan to marry me off to some random person?"
Kenta opened his mouth, a glower on his face but Akio shot him a stern look and he subsided. Turning to Kagome, Akio shook her head. "Perhaps trying to force you wasn't the smartest thing to do. But if you are so intelligent and such a force to reckon with, how did you believe that if you had actually put your foot down, we would have forcibly got you married? It was a gamble that we were taking by talking tough and we had hoped that you would not call our bluff." Akio ignored Kagome's desperate cry. "The way you acted, however, was beyond childish, it was immature. You could have clearly told us that you did not want to marry him instead of throwing temper tantrums. You could have sat down with us and had an adult-to-adult conversation about your reasons for not marrying Inuyasha. Instead you had to stoop to a level of dishonor that sickens me. Have you no shame? Is this what we taught you?"
With every word Kagome felt as if she was melting. 'Was all that for nothing? How could I have missed the truth? Did I truly act childishly? To think I could have avoided all this drama by just using my head!' She seemed to crumple into herself even as she realised that her mother was right. She could see now that she had been foolish to take such an extreme step...but then, she had not been thinking clearly. The whole situation had been so bizzare and had moved so fast that she was swept away in it. And though this heavy cloud of disappointment and regret was added to the layers of guilt that were already festering in her, she tried not to let it show. False bravado sparking through her, even though all she wanted to do was to lie down and have a good cry, she shot back. "Yes! I was taught to do whatever was needed to get things done. And I did whatever seemed right to me. I don't regret what I did, besides the fact that I seem to be stuck with that mutt." The lie burnt her even as she said the words, and her stomach lurched unpleasantly. She pressed a hand to her stomach as if to soothe the sudden spasm of pain that wracked her. Licking her lips, she half-turned and picked up the plates of food, just for something to do since her appetite had just been brutally killed. With the false cheer intact, she moved towards the door. "I'm sure you'll understand if I have dinner in my own room."
"For the last time in my house!"
Kenta's sharp words froze Kagome. She blinked once, assimilating what that meant, before turning around slowly. "You...You're throwing me out?" Without even waiting for a reply, she shot back, her eyes burning with unshed tears. "Fine! I anyway was thinking of getting my own place. A place where I won't have to deal with interfering Know-it-alls! Just let me make a few calls and then I'll be out of your hair for good!"
She banged the plates on the counter and walked out. Footsteps sounded as she ran to her room.
There was silence in the Kitchen, and then Akio fell against her husband's chest, weeping softly. Kenta ran his hand through her hair, soothing her. "Shh! You know we had to do it. I know it hurts but...this will be good for her, you'll see."
"My ba-baby! Kami, what have w-we done?”
“We did what was necessary, Akio! Kagome needs to learn to shoulder responsibility. She may be very good at what she does, but she still views the world through rose-tinted glasses. Living alone will do her a world of good.”
Wha…What if she g-gets into trouble? Wh-who'll look after her?"
"I will!"
Both turned to see a determined Inuyasha standing in the doorway. A small smile appeared on Akio's face even as she wiped her eyes.
"I will look after her. Don't worry at all. I am very good at protecting and keeping safe what is mine." The smallest smile cracked his serious visage as he gave them a short bow. He picked up the plates discarded by Kagome and walked out of the room leaving behind two extremely relieved parents
Kagome closed the phone with a sigh. She was now the proud owner of a beautiful house overlooking the ocean and golden gate bridge. The house was perched on a bluff high above the ocean and offered a panoramic view. It was artistic creation of wood and glass that was both pleasing to the eye and extremely relaxing. Away from the beaten path, yet easily accessible, her new house was a one-of-a-kind marvel.
Maya had used the sun-kissed premises for one of their shoots and Kagome had instantly fallen in love with the gorgeous place. The glass skylights and large double pane windows let in the light, giving the house an airy, cheerful look and also highlighting the incredible views. At that time, she had promised herself that she would try to find a similar house for herself.
When her father had issued his ultimatum, Kagome had instantly recalled that Sango had mentioned just last week that her dream-house was up for sale. Kagome had lost no time in contacting the owner, crossing her fingers that the house had not been bought. TO her great pleasure, she found that the place was still up for sale. The owner was so happy to get a call from her, that he had all but tripped over his feet to offer her the place. He had immediately agreed to let her take possession of the house that very evening, trusting her to take care of the paperwork and the payment later. Negotiations over the price had been surprisingly easy. Though the price finally agreed upon was a little steep for her budget, it was still a far cry from the actual price of the house.
It was a happy moment for her, but she was dazed at the speed at which her life was changing. First mating Inuyasha and then leaving home to her new house, it was too much for her to assimilate. She picked up her clothes and began throwing them into her suitcases, emptying her wardrobes methodically. She worked like a maniac, stripping the room of everything that made it hers. Soon, the room was empty, as empty as she felt inside herself. It was a strange hollowness that left her no space to think of anything. She worked on automatic, doing what needed to be done, without thinking about it. 
A discreet tap on the door brought her out of her stupor. She frowned, wondering if her parents had come to apologize. Steeling herself, she opened the door only to find Inuyasha standing there. Bitter disappointment swamped her and she took it out on the reason her life was thrown out of loop. "What do you want?"
Instead of answering, he raised his hands to show her the plates he was holding. She stared at the offering of food, and then at Inuyasha's placid face and burst into tears. Juggling the plates, he freed one hand to pull her into a one-armed hug. He stroked her back, murmuring vague sounds of compassion, even as she laid her head against his shoulder and cried her heart out.
Inuyasha felt Kagome's hurt and wanted to wince himself. The scent of her tears and her whimpers were distressing him. Only the fact that she had come for comfort to him, stopped him from snarling. Instead, he began a soft rumble from deep within his chest to soothe his agitated mate.
It took Kagome a few minutes to stop crying and a few moments more to realise just where her head was pillowed. She unwound herself from him, moving back rapidly, wiping her tears. "Sorry about that! I-Its just..."
Inuyasha closed the door and set the plates down on the dresser, giving her a warm smile. "Hey, what are friends for?"
Kagome bit her lip, staring at the large damp spot on his shirt. 'Friends? That doesn't sound so bad. Yeah, I could get used to that.' Feeling better with each passing second, she gave a small smile. "For making them wet?" Then she realised what she had said, and immediately blushed.
Inuyasha laughed loudly, enjoying her embarrassment. Despite her red nose and puffy eyes, she looked gorgeous to him. "That would be a side-benefit that I wouldn't mind, of course!" She coloured some more and he got a sudden urge to kiss her plump lips. Trying not to let his mind go down that road, he pointed to the food. "Keh! You forgot these downstairs."
Throwing him a grateful look, she picked up the salad and began wolfing it down. She had been ravenous, but had not wanted to face her parents again after snubbing them. She knew that Inuyasha was amused by her actions but she ignored him commendably.
Having stuffed herself, she sighed, getting up to close her suitcases and bags. Inuyasha watched her, mildly commenting. “You going somewhere?”
Kagome huffed. “I'm getting my own place. This used to be home, but somehow, it seems to have lost that home-y feeling. I'm shifting to my own house.” Saying that, she hefted one of her bags, only for Inuyasha to grab them from her. "I can understand. Here, let me help!"
Kagome smiled, as he ended up carrying all her suitcases and bags, leaving only her laptop and a few odd files for her to carry. As they walked down the stairs, she broached the subject carefully. Inuyasha! Are you sure you want to stay here?"
He never paused. "No! I am leaving."
Kagome smiled to herself. "Oh! Good. When he threw her an amused look, she quickly amended. “I meant good for you! Now you can go back home, where you belong.”
He nodded. “I know this is not where I want to be, so yes, you are right. I will go where I belong.”  
Satisfied, Kagome skipped to the Kitchen to bid farewell to her parents. Quick but emotional goodbyes later, Kagome walked to her car, where Inuyasha patiently waited. She got into the car and then waved to him. A strange pang hit her, as she stared at the calm, motionless hanyou by the roadside. She got out of the car and impulsively hugged him. She felt him tense up, before returning her hug carefully. “I'm so sorry about everything, Inuyasha! Have a good trip and an even better life.” She scurried to her car, without looking at him, and drove away, leaving one forlorn hanyou staring after her.
Kagome sank into her new soft, fluffy couch, a blissful smile on her face. She sipped champagne, silently toasting her house.
The house was everything she remembered and more, and now it was undeniably hers. From the classy beige furniture and the warm cream and white walls to the breathtaking view of the ocean from most of the rooms in the house and the attached deck, she loved everything about it. The roof of the living room and lounge was entirely made of glass, while the roof of the kitchen had a recessed roof with small windows lighting up the entire room. It was fully furnished with classic wooden furniture in shades of maroon and beige that passed her critical eye. Equipped with the latest gadgets and the most expensive knick-knacks, the house was perfect.
It was also perfectly empty, something that should not have troubled her, but did. All her life, she had lived with her parents, and there had always been laughter, noise and colour in her life. The sea of beige and cream, while beautiful did not have the vibrancy of home. It did not have the pillars of her life, her parents. It did not have the comforting memories of her childhood and neither did it have a feel of belonging.
She shook her head, wondering what had gotten into her. This was what she had wanted, what she had chosen, and this was what she would live with. She would make this house, this apartment into her home. She would put her unique touch on this house and create her own personal space, creating new memories, till it became her own. 
She had just taken another sip of the champagne to celebrate her new resolve, when a knock on the front door jolted her. Cautiously she made her way to the door. While the house was secured by one of the strongest security systems available, she was aware of being alone and that the house was mostly constructed of glass, even if it was tempered glass. Stills of the various horror movies involving scared, single females falling prey to psychopaths that she had seen flashed through her head, even as she carefully peered through the peephole. Her breath came out in a whoosh. “Oh, no! This can't be good!”
Surprised and a little irritated, she swung the door open to reveal an amused Inuyasha. “What are you are doing here?”
Leaning against the doorframe, he gave her a saucy smile. “Well, you wanted me to go home, to go where I belong. Guess what, Kagome, this is where I belong. With you!”
To Be Continued…