InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old and New ❯ Why? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
A/N:I will be trying to post up as many chapters each week as I can. I'm hoping to get this one completed before I move this summer. Don't worry, I'll still be up to my old tricks.
iiiiii are thoughts of the person's POV.
uuuuuu is Yoko talking to Kurama and Kagome.
+llllll+ is Kurama talking to Yoko and Kagome.
-aaaaa- is Kagome talking to Yoko and Kurama.
(jfjfjfj) is Hiei talking to Yoko and Kurama.
/lllll/ is change between point of views. Note: Story is in Kagome's POV unless noted.
It has been a few months since that day...That day that Inuyasha and I mated.
Of course, no one else knew. I doubt that Inuyasha really cared. He just kept on rambling about making a wish on the jewel, which I would not allow. I wasn't sure what to do with the jewel.
I began to notice the change in me. Of course I knew that I was to give birth soon. We did not use any form of contraception that day...and the other days...
Shippo knew. He was so excited. Inuyasha...He either knew and didn't say anything or else he was even more dense than I thought.
Miroku knew. Sango did, too.
I knew that Inuyasha kept seeing Kikyo. I shouldhave killed the bitch when I had the chance. It pained me to see my Inuyasha seeing that dead corpse.
I stood by the well, waiting for Inuyasha. I told him to meet me here so that I could speak to him about our baby.
My baby...
I placed my hand on my stomach. I was already showing.
He must know now.
Inuyasha appeared in front of me.
"What do you want, wench?" he asked.
"How could you not know about our pup?" I asked him.
"I did," he replied as he edged closer towards me.
"Then why?" I asked, tears coming to my eyes, "why didn't you say anything. It seems as ifyou are ignoring me. Everyone has noticed."
"Because why would I want you when I have Kikyo," he explianed as he slashed at my stomach.
I protectively placed my hands there, only to find more blood seep through. He pushed me down the well.
I screamed as I fell, darkness claiming me.
The last thing that I heard in my mind was Kagome!
/Author's POV/
Souta Higurashi walked outside his house towards the well house. He did this everyday, hoping that his big sister, Kagome, would return.
"Sis," he whispered into the wind.
Just as he opened the well house, he heard something that would forever remained in his heart.
It was a cry of anguish, pain, betrayal...The sound resembled a cat howling into the night sky. The sound resembled...
"Kagome!" he cried, running inside the well house.
He found his sister, outside the well on the steps, crying her eyes out. Blood pooled around her, coming from her stomach it seemed.
"Kagome," he said as he tried to stop the bleeding.
"Mom!" he called.
Kagome's mother (what was her name?) ran inside the well house and screamed.
Souta ran off to dial 911 while his mother tried to calm Kagome down.
"Please hurry!" he told the operator.
An ambulance left the Higurashi shrine that day, taking Kagome and her precious infant with them.
More soon. Read and review!