InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old and New ❯ Uncle Yusuke ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
A/N: Here is another chapter...Also, in my other story, I did not mention that Kagome and Yusuke were related. That is why I wrote this one. It goes into more depth. Another thing, she sealed up the well because she was not ready to deal with Inuyasha at the time.
Where we last left off:
A human and a...kitsune? hmmm...And he's cute, too.
I glanced into his mind and got a glimpse at a kitsune with long white hair and cute ears on top, just waiting to be petted.
That is his kitsune form.
I tried to glance into the hybrid's mind but stopped at a wall.
(You will not read my mind!) a voice called.
-Poor, baby! And what are you going to do about it?-
iiiiii are thoughts of the person's POV.
uuuuuuis Yoko talking to Kurama and Kagome and Hiei.
+llllll+ is Kurama talking to Yoko and Kagome and Hiei.
-aaaaa- is Kagome talking to Yoko and Kurama and Hiei.
(jfjfjfj) is Hiei talking to Yoko and Kurama and Kagome.
/lllll/is change between point of views. Note: Story is in Kagome's POV unless noted.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
/Kurama's POV/
Hiei and I were patrolling the city when we felt and enormous flow of energy coming from Yusuke's school.
"Let's check it out," I called to him.
"Hn," he replied.
We made it to Yusuke's school, amazed that it was still standing.
Two people stood in the parking lot.
One was Yusuke while the other was...
She was a beautiful girl. She had long black hair and blue eyes. Her body was developed and had curves in all the right places.
She's beautiful Yoko exclaimed.
Yoko was the other me. He and I share the same body. We have since before I was born. It scared me at first but I eventually got used to him.
+That she is+
Let's claim her before Yusuke or Hiei do.
(I can't enter her mind) Hiei said.
+You've already tried then+
(Yeah, and she tried to get into mind as well.)
She came inside here and saw me, red.
"Hey guys," Yusuke called.
"Who are they?" the girl asked, edging behind Yusuke, raising her arms in defense.
"We won't hurt you," I tried to calm her.
"Hn," Hiei said.
"They are my friends," Yusuke said, "That's Hiei and Kurama."
"Oh," she laughed, "I thought that you didn't know these demons."
"You know we are demons?" I asked.
"Of course," she replied, "why wouldn't I?"
"So you know she's a demon, Yusuke?" I asked.
"What?" he turned and faced the girl, "how, Kagome?"
So, her name is Kagome.
Shh! Yoko+
"I am your cousin, Yusuke," she explained, "You are a demon as well. We are just not the same type of demon. You are a descendent of the Ma-zoku (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it) Raizen, Hiei is a hybrid of fire and ice, and Kurama is human and a kitsune at the same time."
"I, on the other hand, am a cat demon," she finished, "and my daughter is a dog demon."
We listened as she explained her story to us. All of the pain she has been through, all the suffering. It seems hard on one her age.
"You are also a miko then," I said once she finished.
"Yes," she replied, "now tell me your stories."
In turn, we each told our story. Except Hiei. She had to pry his mind, which he wasn't too happy about.
"Get over it," she told him.
He glared at her.
He better not harm her.
She turned and walked off.
"Where are you going?" Yusuke asked.
"Home to my daughter," she replied, "and to complain to my mom about school."
We started walking with her. Hiei was jumping from roof to roof.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Iwamoto tried to give us both detention," Yusuke explained, "when Kagome refused, he pushed her against the wall and called her a tramp."
He turned towards her again.
"Did he hurt your arm?" he asked, full of concern.
"No," Kagome replied, showing her arm for inspection. There was no bruise or even redness.
"I am a miko, remember?" she explained, "I heal myself."
We made it to her house, which had a barrier on it. She lowered the barrier to let us through.
"I only use it to purify any demons with the intention of harming me or my family," she explained as we traveled up her shrine steps.
"Why would demons be after you?" I asked.
-You are so nosy aren't you- she asked in my mind.
I am.
-And you must be Yoko. I'm Kagome.-
I know. And soon you will be mine.
+Don't mind him. He's just a little deprived+
"I happen to be the protectoress of the Shikon jewel," she explained.
"Remember?" she asked once she saw our clueless faces.
"Oh, yeah," Yusuke said.
We made it to her door.
"Mom!" she called, "I'm home."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
My mother came inside the living room, holding Meilin by the hand. For a child her age, she is growing rapidly. She is already walking and says a few words.
But then all demon children grow up too fast.
"Mommy!" she cried, clumsily running to me.
I picked her up and kissed her.
My pride and joy.
Yusuke and Kurama stared at the baby in my arms.
"Yusuke!" my mother exlcaimed, "how nice to see you!"
He hugged her and Kurama introduced himself.
"You two make yourselves at home," she said once she found out that they knew everything.
She left to start dinner.
"Meilin," I said to my baby girl, "this is your uncle Yusuke. And that charming young man is Kurama."
"Unca Yuske!" she cried and hugged his leg.
"Ok, kid," Yusuke laughed.
"She seems pretty advanced for a child," Kurama observed.
"She is a demon child after all," I replied.
She toddled over to Kurama.
"Papa Karma!" she exclaimed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
That's all for today. More soon.