InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old Friends or New Rivals? ❯ The Visitors ( Chapter 1 )

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It was the day when Kagome, and her friends, Rin and Sango, were going to their school, Western High.
`Agh!!!!, were's my uniform!!!!!' Rin screamed
`I think its in the closet' repiled Kagome
`Oh yeah~'
`Stupid, that should have been the first place you should have checked'
`Well sorry if my brain isn't as humongus as yours!!'
After that coment Sango and Rin started to laugh there guts out.
` Hurry up or we'll be late for school' Kagome said
Then all three of them jumped in Kagome's lexus.
When Kagome arrived at Western High, she was greeted with a honk from behind.
`Must be Inuyasha.' Kagome thought
Then from behind Inuyasha, Sessomaru(sp?) and Miroku stepped out.
Then they were greeted like every morning since all of them were dating.
(A/N: the couples are Kag.&Inu. , Rin&Sess, San&Mir.)
A kiss on the cheek and they set for the day until Inuyasha found something disturbing about Kagome. So he went up to Sango and asked her what's wrong with Kagome? All Sango said was that Rin made a joke.
So all through out the day Kagome ignored her friends. Until llunch that is,
At lunch Kagome was sitting at her usual table when she felt a tap on her shoulders. Kagome turned to see who it was, without thinking she greeted the person with anger/rudeness.
(A/N: Kagome was sitting at the table with everybody but they were quiet because they knew when Kagome was pissed she was really PISSED!)
`Hey that's not how you used to say hi to me!'
Kagome reconized this voice and quickly turned around.
`AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, RYOU!!!!!!'
`Okay that's not it either!' said the mysterious person.
Behind the person came out two more people.
` Kazuma!!, Kyo!!!!' Kagome greeted them
She finshed getting all hyped and asked them what they were doing.
Of course Rin and Sango saw them as well and hugged them with a bone crushing hug.
They guys are of couse jealous~
Ryou answered and they were transferred students to the school.
`That means your gonna be here forever?!' Rin asked Kyo
`Sort of' Kyo answered
`Yeah' the girls screamed.
Then Sessomaru came up to Rin and asked her who is he?
`This is Kyo pointing to the guy with orange hair with a tight shirt saying “BACK OFF” and baggy jeans. Pointing to the guy nezt to him he had reddish brownish hair he was wearing a plain white shirt with a jean jacket and black pants, ` This is Kazuma' Then to the final guy he was wearing a black silk blouse and dark blue jeans, `This is Ryou'
Then after the intros were done Rypu asked Kagome ` So little Sand Dome finally got herself another boyfriend' teasing.
After hearing her childhood nickname every but Inu., Mir., Sess, broke up into laughter.
` Hey milk nose stop calling me names!!!' kagome yelled to Ryou.
Then every one broke up into even harder laughter.
Once everyone was calm. It was the end of lunch before running out of the cafetaria Kagome told everyone including Kyo , Ryou, and Kazuma to meet her in front of the school once school was done.
Then everyone broke up going there separate ways around the school.