InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Older Brother ❯ Older Brother ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the supporting characters.

This is the fourth continuation installment of the 'Friends With Benefits' series!

This is the order of One Shots you should read before starting this one: 'Friends With Benefits,' 'First Quarter Moon,' 'Parenthood,' 'Sit Boy.' There are things here that may not make complete sense if you do not read the other One Shots first.

Description: Sesshomaru hasn't been too keen in accepting Kagome's sisterly affection. Kagome is confident she can break down his walls and become the little sister he doesn't know he needs.

Warning: This One Shot contains adult content. Reader discretion is advised.

Older Brother

Kagome is sitting under the Goshinboku, her bow and quiver within reach. She is watching her eleven year old adopted son Shippo, show the twelve year old Rin some of his new fox magic tricks. Her two and a half year old shiyhanyou Moroha, is picking flowers only a few feet from her, where her mother can keep a close eye on her.

Sango has her one and a half year old twin girls; Kin'u and Gyokuto fussing around in her lap. They are seated on the other side of Goshinboku, taking in the nice spring sun.

Inuyasha and Miroku had to go to a job about an hour away to slay a demon wreaking havock on a village. As long as everything goes well and the villagers are well taken care of, they should be back by dinner time, where everyone will be sharing a meal together.

A few months ago, fifteen year old Kohaku had taken Kirara and left the village to travel the lands and slay demons for anyone who may need the help. His older sister was sad to see him go, but knows that in his heart, he must do this. He still feels badly for what Naraku had made him do, so he seeks to help anyone in need whenever he can.

Sesshomaru is nearby, keeping a close eye on his adopted daughter, Rin. His mate, Kagura is at the Western lands, resting from her current pregnancy with twins. Since he and his brother stopped trying to kill each other, they have been in the human village a lot more often. His Rin wants to play with other kids her age and she seemed to have taken a liking to the young kitsune. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the kit use a trick to make fox fire burst from his hands and appear with a Sakura Blossom held out towards the young female.

Kagome also looked over from her spot with her daughter and smiled when she noticed the young children's matching blushes. Rin happily took the flower and put it behind her ear as she looked down at her twiddling hands. Shippo, being a smaller youkai, only comes up to about Rins shoulders, but Inuyasha is sure that he will be hitting a growth spurt soon.

"I know how much you like flowers." Shippo blushed as his emerald eyes gazed up into Rins brown ones. "It looks pretty in your hair."

Rin put her hands behind her back and rocked on the heels of her feet. "Thank you, Shippo." Her blush turned into excitement when she asked, "Can I see the multiplication trick again?"

Shippo happily agreed as he popped into twenty different versions of himself and tried to hide his real body from her sparkling eyes.

Kagome shook her head as she grabbed her pup and held her close. She moved a strand of hair from Moroha's face to behind her ear and straightened the red bow that went crooked on the top of her head. She looked into the curious brown and gold speckled eyes of her toddler.

"Don't ever grow up, my perfect little puppy. Your brother seems to be growing way too fast."

Moroha sniffed the air and let out a little whine at the scent of her mothers tears. She put her tiny clawed hands to Kagome's cheeks and leaned forward to lick the lone tear away.

"No cry, mama." She whined softly in Inu as she cuddled her face into Kagome's cheek.

Kagome wrapped her arms around her pup and let out a breathy giggle. "Don't worry baby girl. Mama's okay."

She breathed in the scent of her little pup. A mix of her and Inuyasha, along with the pups own flowery essence. Since Kagome's mating about three years prior, her senses such as eye sight, sense of smell, and hearing are much stronger then a normal human. Slightly stronger then that of a quarter youkai like Moroha but less then a hanyou like Inuyasha.

Like Inuyasha's demon would be calmed by Kagome's scent, before he found his true alpha and could fully control his inner demon, Kagome uses the woodsy scent of her mate the same way. The calm flowery scent of her pup also helps with her different emotions.

Lost in thought as she was, she missed the approach of the daiyoukai until Moroha excitedly pushed back from Kagome's arms and jumped up and down.

Kagome looked up to see Sesshomaru with his normal mask of indifference staring down at her. He quirked an eye brow at the little bouncing pup. Before either could speak, Moroha held her arms up towards the dog demon Lord and demanded his attention.

"Fluffy-Oji! Up!"

Kagome covered her mouth with her hands to hide the obvious amusement at Sesshomaru's shocked face. Sango had turned to watch as the toddler kept asking to be picked up by a demon most would be scared to even approach.

Sesshomaru's cold mask of indifference returned as he ignored the child and looked back at the young Miko. "This Sesshomaru demands you not allow that kit to court Rin."

Kagome's amusement gone, she grabbed Moroha into her arms and stood up to stare angrily at the arrogant man in front of her. Most would call her crazy, being only five foot two inches, glaring at a very powerful six foot dog demon Lord. But she wasn't even afraid of him when the man tried to kill her four and a half years ago. She sure as hell isn't going to cower in fear now.

"Listen here Sesshomaru, you will not demand anything of me. Let alone what my son can or cannot do. Rin is his friend and if he wants to give her flowers and show her his kitsune tricks, he will. When they get older, I will speak with him about the subject, but I will not keep him from his destiny."

"Miko -"

Kagome growled lightly, "Kagome. My name is Ka-go-me."

If she didn't know any better, she would have thought she heard a sigh come from him, but his mask stayed firmly in place.

Moroha started to get annoyed with being left out and made to reach for Sesshomaru once again. "Fluffy-Oji!"

Kagome's amusement returned as Sesshomaru glared at the child.

"Why does your spawn call this one that name?"

Kagome snickered and pointed at his mokomoko. "Because of that. She can't say your name yet and 'fluffy' was the first thing she came up with."

"Fluffy!" Moroha grabbed more towards him, making him retreat a step.

Kagome laughed for real that time. "Come on, Onii-san, she wants you to hold her." She held Moroha out towards Sesshomaru.

His glare went back to Kagome. "This Sesshomaru will not hold a child and will not tolerate being called such."

Kagome sighed. "You hold Rin and you are about to have twins. And drop the whole 'this Sesshomaru' crap. It isn't gonna work on me, Onii-san." She enunciated the final word to show she will damn well call him what she wants.

"Such a nuisance." As Sesshomaru was turning his back to walk away, he paused in his tracks when he scented tears and heard a small cry. He turned his head and saw Kagome glaring at him as she held her pup under her chin and rocked her to stop the pups in coming tears.

"Fluffy-Oji not want me!" Moroha's tears started to fall freely as she whined in the Inu language.

Sesshomaru stepped closer to Kagome and without a word held his arms out. Kagome hid her knowing smile well as she kissed Moroha on the cheek and handed her over. Sesshomaru held the pup in front of his face and watched as she started to calm down. Her tears stopped flowing, turning into small sniffles when she looked into golden eyes so similar to her fathers. A large fanged smile broke onto her face as she reached forward to trace the markings on his cheeks with her tiny hands.

"Pretty! Fluffy-Oji and papa both pretty!"

Now Sango and Kagome couldn't help their collective laugh but the look in Sesshomaru's face was less annoyed and more soft hearted. He moved the pup to the crook of his left arm and looked into her curious eyes. Moroha started to sniff wildly, trying to remember her uncles scent as he used a claw on his right hand to swipe her stray hairs away from her face.


"Kagome." She murmured.

Sesshomaru sighed but stated, "Kagome."

Kagome gasped lightly, not expecting to actually hear him speak her name, and looked up into the stoic eyes of her brother-in-law. "Sesshomaru?"

"Your pup is strong."

Kagome's smile was wide, happy to have shared this moment with someone she wishes to be closer to as a part of her family.

"Well, she is Inuyasha's daughter."

Sesshomaru's lip wanted to quirk slightly but he kept his mask in place as he looked back to the half asleep pup in his arms and back to the Miko unafraid in front of him. He nodded his head slightly in understanding.

They then heard a growl come from behind Sesshomaru. Inuyasha walked up with his hand on the hilt of his sword, his alpha fully dominate in his demeanor. His purple stripes, instead of a fine line are jagged from his anger. His eyes are the glittery molten gold of his raging alpha and he lengthened his claws and fangs purposely.

Just because he and his brother had a truce of sorts, does not mean he fully trusts him to hang around his mate and pup when he is not around.

"Inuyasha.." Kagome said in a way that she wanted him to know everything was fine.

Without turning to look at his brother, Sesshomaru carefully handed the fully asleep Moroha to Kagome. Kagome smiled her thanks as she held the pup in her arms and glared at her mate. She walked around Sesshomaru and looked Inuyasha in the eyes. She could tell his demon was angry. She just doesn't fully understand why. Sesshomaru is no threat to them anymore.

"Inuyasha. It's okay. Moroha wanted her Uncle to hold her."

Inuyasha took his hand off of the hilt of Tetsusaiga and stuffed his arms in the sleeves of his Suikan. "Keh, and I'm just s'posed to believe he agreed?"

Sesshomaru growled lightly in warning. "Little brother. You are not accusing this Sesshomaru of taking the child."

Kagome hasn't had to calm down his demon in a couple months now. Ever since Inuyasha came into his full power about five months ago, his demon has gotten angry a few times. He doesn't go on a bloodthirsty killing spree like he would used to, but he becomes a little agitated that only his mate could fully calm down.

The first time it happened was only a few days after his alpha rose. Kagome knew how to submit to make his demon focus on something other then what aggravated it, so she did the only thing she could think of. She bared her neck for him and the immediate response of his fangs on her neck had her almost orgasming right then and there. But the taste of his mates blood and the submissive act, caused him to calm his raging beast and focus on something more substantial to his needs. Especially if his mate and pup are in no immediate danger.

Kagome put a thumb to his ragged cheek mark and bared her throat to him. "It's okay, Inuyasha. Your brother won't hurt us. Come to me, my alpha."

Inuyasha growled as he maneuvered his daughter to his left arm and grabbed Kagome by the nape of her neck with his right. He sunk his fangs into her mark, tasting her blood on his tongue and scenting her raising arousal.

Kagome took a deep breath in of his musky, manly, woodsy scent and held back her moan as he licked the wound clean. She pulled away to look back into his glittery golden eyes and smiled when the jagged marks on his face were back to being straight lines. His fangs and claws were back to normal also.

Kagome turned back to Sesshomaru, blushing because she knows he understands just what had happened and how it made her feel.

"I'm sorry, onii-san. Thank you for holding Moroha. She really has taken a liking to her uncle."

Sesshomaru wanted to roll his eyes but kept his mask firmly in place. "I do not take offense, Kagome." He looked again at the sleeping shihanyou and the smallest of smiles crossed his lips for just a second, but it was there. "I grow fond of her as well."

Without another word, he turned and walked to where Rin and Shippo were still playing out in the field. Kagome was slack jawed at his use of her name without being told to say it and the fact that he spoke in the first person towards her. She smiled and turned to an even more surprised Inuyasha.

"Just.. what.. huh?" He looked back at the amused Miko and shook his head in amusement.

"I told you I could get him to warm up to me." Kagome teased.

Sango stood up from where she was watching, holding a twin in each arm and walked to her friends. "I watched the whole thing, Inuyasha. Sesshomaru changed a whole lot in just a short amount of time."

"Feh. What, you put a spell on him or somethin'?"

Kagome rolled her eyes as she reached for her child. Inuyasha handed the sleeping pup to Kagome and she kissed her forehead lightly before holding her comfortably so she doesn't wake up. She leaned in and gave Inuyasha a quick kiss before turning to Sango as she started to speak.

"Where's Miroku?" Sango asked as she was getting her own children situated comfortably in her arms.

"Back at your place getting the meat I caught skinned and ready to cook."

Sango nodded her head and turned back to Kagome. "You guys joining us for dinner?"

Kagome smiled as she used her free hand to grab Inuyasha's. "Yeah. We will be there in about an hour or so."

Sango nodded her head in understanding and left to put her kids down for a nap before starting on chopping up some vegetables from her garden.

After watching Sango start to walk away, Kagome turned to Shippo who was still making little gifts appear through his fox fire for the young Rin. She smiled and shook her head before calling out for him.

"Shippo! It's time to go."

Shippo turned to say goodbye to Rin, but Kagome walked up to them and spoke up to Sesshomaru first.

"Sesshomaru, would you and Rin want to join us for dinner?"

Inuyasha scoffed from behind her, causing her to turn a glare on him.

Shippo and Rin both looked excited and turned pleading eyes towards the Lord of the West.

"This Sesshomaru does not eat human food, Miko."

Kagome sighed and shook her head in exasperation. "Onii-san, I will not tolerate that anymore. Call me Kagome. And drop the act. I know you are capable."

Sesshomaru's brow arched before his lip twitched up in a small smirk. "Indeed."

He started to walk towards their friends hut without saying much else. When he passed Inuyasha, he glanced at him and spoke.

"Your mate is very astute, little brother."

Rin smiled at Shippo as she skipped behind her father.

Inuyasha does not know what the hell just happened as he looked at Kagome for an explanation.

Kagome giggled as she grabbed his hand to drag him to their own hut before heading to their friends. But before walking a different direction than Sesshomaru, she called out to him.

"We'll meet you at Sango and Miroku's in an hour, onii-san!"

The only sign that Sesshomaru heard her was the slight nod of his head in the affirmative. She smiled at the dog demon walking away before dragging Inuyasha back to their hut. She turned to Shippo who was watching Rin skip away and smiled at him.

"Do you want to go play with Rin before dinner, Shippo?"

Shippo excitedly nodded his head and ran in Rins direction as soon as Kagoms gave him a nod of confirmation. Kagome laughed at his antics before turning her attention back to her mate.

"Kagome? What the fuck is going on? Ya sure ya didn't put some sorta spell on him?"

Kagome laughed quietly, being careful not to wake the sleeping toddler. "Be practical, Inuyasha. I just know that Sesshomaru is a much nicer guy then he lets on."

Inuyasha scoffed, "Yeah right. Just 'cuz he don't try to kill us anymore, don't mean he's changed all that much."

Kagome shrugged her shoulders. As a well trained Miko by this point, she can see the goodness in the older youkai's soul. What used to be filled be hatred and jealousy, is now filled with a warmth that would not be there if it was not for Rin. She is only giving it a little push in the right direction to make him understand he does have family who cares about him, now if only she can convince the very stubborn hanyou.

As they made it to their hut, Kagome walked into Moroha's room and slowly, so as not to wake the pup, layed her down for her much needed nap. She gave her a small kiss on the forehead and then left as quietly as she could, closing the bedroom door behind her.

After she left the room, she looked at Inuyasha who was staring at her with his arms crossed. "What?"

He quirked an eyebrow at her, his alpha rising to slightly intimidating levels. "What game are ya playin' at with Sesshomaru?"

Kagome walked up to him and put a hand to his facial markings, slightly jagged from being so wound up. "I just know there is a goodness in his soul that he is afraid to allow others to see. I want him to know he has family. Can't you forgive him for his past mistakes and accept him as your older brother now?"

Inuyasha growled lightly, "I don't like how he started to look at you and talk to you. It sets my demon on edge."

Kagome leaned in and kissed him lightly before reaching up and stroking one of his ears. "I only see you, Inuyasha. My big strong Inu-hanyou. My alpha." She kissed him again, a little more insistently before continuing. "I see him as the older brother I never had. That is all. You know it's true. We can't break our mate bond." She takes his right arm in her hands and lightly strokes his mark on his wrist, causing him to moan.

His growl was animalist as he captured her lips with his and backed her into their bedroom. Kagome moaned into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck when she felt the back of her legs up against the bed. She pulled back and rested her forehead against his, panting from the heat of their kiss.

"I just want our family to be complete, Inuyasha. You, me, Moroha and Shippo. Sango, Miroku, and their children. Even Sesshomaru, Kagura, Rin and their future pups. I want us to all be a family. Don't you want that too? Don't you want to stop fighting?"

Inuyasha looked into her pleading brown eyes and sighed. "It ain't that easy, Kagome. He hates me. He respects you because you are a beautiful powerful Miko."

Kagome's smile was warm and genuine. "He doesn't hate you, Inuyasha. After so many years being at odds, he doesn't know how to be friendly. But look how he looked at our daughter, our two and a half year old shihanyou. He already adores her and Moroha loves her fluffy-oji." Kagome laughed at the look of shock on her husband's face. "That is what your daughter called him to his face. More than once."

Inuyasha couldn't help it, he laughed, hard. "I can't even imagine the look on that bastards face!" His laughs continued for another minute before he finally calmed himself down.

"Just try for me, Inuyasha. For our daughter who wants her Uncle in her life. For you, who could benefit from his older brother looking out for his family. For all of us who could benefit from another family member who deserves to feel loved."

Inuyasha growled lightly but his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I still don't like how he looked at you.."

Kagome giggled lightly before scratching the base of his ear, causing him to purr quietly. "I'm yours, Inuyasha." Knowing his demon needed more confirmation, she bared her throat for him and said, "I submit to my alpha. Show me who I belong to, my mate."

Inuyasha's growl was sensual as his fangs snapped to her mating mark, causing Kagome's knees to weaken and a moan to break free of her lips. He was quick to lift her up, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist. He ceremoniously dropped them both to the bed with him on top as he licked the wound clean from her mark.

He pulled back and stared hard into her eyes. "Mine." He growled out before slamming his lips to hers.

Kagome moaned as she scratched his ears and bucked her hips into his. The taste of his lips and tongue on hers. The feeling and scent of his arousal as he takes control of her body. His strong alpha rising to the surface as he allows his demon to be free. He lengthens his claws and fangs, accidentally nipping her lip in the process, but it only heightens her own arousal.

Kami, how she loves this side of him. The primal, animalistic, rough mating that brings them both to new heights. Submitting to her mate, her alpha, makes her wet with need for him. The feeling of his hard cock through their clothing makes her want to bend to his every will. His woodsy, forest scent mixed in with his arousal, has her moaning and writhing with so much need, her entire body feels like it's on fire. His furry ears under her touch, knowing just how much he enjoys it when she scratches them, drives her wild. His tongue swirling around hers, taking complete control of their movements. His fangs nipping at her bottom lip before licking the sting away.

Kagome's legs tighten more around his waist, trying to get her hot center as close to his hard cock as possible. Her hands work harder on his ears to make him lose more of his control. She moans into his mouth as he bucks against her body. She whined at the loss of his lips when he pulled away.

Inuyasha looked into her eyes, his sparkly golden orbs staring deep into her soul. Their mate bond humming with their mutual desire. Her desire to be dominated and his desire to dominate. The perfect combination for an alpha Inu and his bitch.

"You are mine, bitch. Mine."

He takes a fistfull of her hair to force her to bare her throat for him once again before sinking his elongated fangs deep into her mark. The need in their bond, so strong that her orgasm broke through without any warning.

Inuyasha had made her orgasm just by biting her mark before, but this was insanely Intense. A full body sensation causing her to uncontrollably writhe beneath him.

"Yours! Yes, I-I'm yours Inuyasha!"

She continues to buck her hips beneath him, her orgasm ongoing until he finally releases his hold on her mark and seals the broken skin with his saliva.

While Kagome lay there panting, Inuyasha removes her legs from around his waist and stands up off of the bed. He removes his clothing one by one, smirking when he sees her eyes open to watch him intently. He removes his Obi, Suikan and Hidagi first, then watches as his mate licks her lips in anticipation of his next move. He drops his Hakama, being left in only his Fundoshi.

"Crawl to me, bitch."

Kagome's eyes snapped up to his and nodded her head before stating, "yes alpha." Then got onto her hands and knees, crawling towards the end of the bed where he is standing.

His deep growl sent her arousal spiking again and when he responded with, "Good girl." She moaned as her walls clenched in undeniable need.

She looked up at him through her lashes, waiting for his next command and was very happy with what is to come next.

"Take it off."

She licked her lips and looked back to his straining Fundoshi. She sat up to her knees to be able to undo it properly. When she was able to get it unwrapped, she almost moaned just by watching his cock spring free, dripping with his need for her. She allowed his Fundoshi to fall to the floor at his feet and went in to engulf him into her mouth but was stopped by his hand on her throat, not enough to hurt her, just enough to keep her in his control. He lifted her face up to look at him and he gave her a hard stare.

"Undress first."

He is barely keeping his composure, but he absolutely loves this game they play. It feeds his demon with the need to control and he can absolutely tell through their bond, how much his sweet little Miko loves to be controlled by him.

After the first time they had discovered bondage about five months ago, Kagome had explained that it is something many people do in the future. She didn't know a whole lot about it since he was the only person she was with and she never watched porn. (She had to embarrassingly explain what that was to his shocked amazement). Whenever she did masterbate, it was always while thinking of him and only him. That was a huge boost to his already inflated ego.

But she did say what she knew by hearing about it from other teenagers talking at school. The power dynamics and what it means to be a dom or a sub.

The fact that they already started that without even really knowing much about it, proved that it is perfect for them. It's not something they do everytime they have sex, but when the need to dominate is there, they fall right into their respective roles.

She also explained how a person can be called a 'switch,' meaning they sometimes dominate but sometimes submit. Like that very first time she controlled him by using his kotodama. She said that if he doesn't think his demon is okay with it, she won't force it but she really did enjoy having him at her mercy. He loved the adorable blush at that admission.

He explained that while his inner demon was confused and raging, he really did like having her be so confident and in control. He wants to try it more on his human nights before escalating to his normal hanyou self again. She readily agreed, so for the last five months they have been having a lot of fun increasing their sex life. She has fully dominated his human self three times, the other two times they were both in the mood to make love instead. And the other times they have played with him as her dom, she has fully integrated herself as the submissive bitch she knows he loves. Soon, she hopes to dominate his hanyou self again, but won't push him to it before he is ready. She loves what they have and how far they have become, she can't imagine it getting much better than this.

After Kagome finished getting fully undressed in front of her mate, she looked into his golden gaze, waiting to be told what to do next.

Inuyasha growled in appreciation as he looked at his perfect mate, sitting on her knees on the bed in front of him. The perfect swell of her breasts, her flat stomach and curves of her hips, leading to the glistening core between her thighs.

Inuyasha grabbed the base of his cock and stroked it a few times, allowing a bead of precum to drip from the tip. He watched as Kagome's gaze flittered downwards and her tongue darting out to wet her suddenly dry lips.

"Do you want to taste it, my bitch?"

She nodded her head and got back down on her hands and knees to be eye level with his dripping cock.

He growled at her as he used his free hand to grab a fist full of her hair to make her look up at him.


"Y-Yes. Please let me taste you, Inuyasha."

He lessened his grip on her hair but kept his hand there for future leverage as he lowered her head back down.

"You're mine, bitch. Just as much as I'm yours. This cock is fucking yours. Open your mouth for your alpha."

She keened at his words and immediately obeyed. Her mouth open and tongue out waiting for the taste she loves so much. She moaned as he allowed just the tip of his cock to brush her tongue lightly. She licked the precum off of the tip and then licked her lips in delight.

She looked up into his eyes when he pulled her away from him. "Mmm. More, please."

"You wanna make me cum with your mouth?"

"Kami, yes!"

"Be a good bitch and take it all then."

Her eyes rolled back as she opened her mouth wide for him, once again. He slowly slipped his cock into her moist lips and groaned at the feeling of her tongue sliding along the base.

Kagome moaned against him when she finally got to engulf his length. Still not able to take the entire thing at once, he is much too big for that, but she can take a good portion of him and it is absolutely one of her favorite things to do.

Inuyasha slid in and out of her mouth slowly. Sliding to her throat and then back out to the tip, loving the way she takes him so well.

After a few more thrusts, he pulls all the way out, smirking at her whine of protest, but he has a better idea.

"Lay down on your back with your head off the side of the bed."

She immediately did as she was told, glad to not have to hold her weight up any longer. She layed on her back, head slightly off the bed, her knees bent with her feet flat against the large futon. She layed her hands on her stomach and then looked up at him, without being told, she opened her mouth wide.

Inuyasha groaned at the scene of his mate laying and waiting for him, like the good bitch she is. He put his left hand to the base of his cock and his right hand to her throat, just to lightly brace her.

"Such a good girl."

Her eyes rolled back at his praise and she moaned when she felt his cock slide back into her mouth. She loved this position. Able to take her alpha's huge cock much deeper then in any other position they have used.

He slid as deep as he could go, and felt as she relaxed her throat to be able to take him even deeper without gagging or choking. He groaned and closed his eyes tight before pulling back out to the tip.

Kagome licked around his tip and gave it a kiss before opening back up for him to repeat the slow thrust into her throat once again.

As he continued to stroke her tongue and throat with his cock, Kagome lowered her right hand to between her legs. She moaned against him when she felt just how soaked she really is. She dipped two fingers inside of her and lightly bucked her hips as she sucked on his cock harder and harder, encouraging him to thrust slightly faster.

Inuyasha watched as Kagome pleasured herself and couldn't help the moan and growl that escaped him at the sight. When she sucked him harder, he increased his slow thrusts to be a little faster.

"Fuck, 'Gome. Such a fucking good bitch. Take my fucking cock and swallow my cum."

Kagome hummed against his swollen cock in response as her fingers stroke her clit, making her even more needy.

"And no cumming until I allow you to."

Kagome whined lightly but did as she was told. She slowed her movements on her pussy but kept herself hovering at the edge. She licked and sucked him faster and harder, loving the way his thrusts increased as time went on.

Inuyasha moved both of his hands to grab her breasts and tweak her nipples as he thrust more and more into his mates throat. Kagome moaned against him loudly that time, causing Inuyasha to growl in warning.

"Not that loud, bitch. Pup is sleeping."

Kagome looked up into his golden eyes and hummed against him in understanding. They really don't need to be interrupted right now.

She continued with her ministrations on her dripping wet opening, dipping her fingers inside and then using her slickness to rub circles along her clit. When she felt close to the edge, she forced herself to come back down, knowing she wasn't allowed to cum just yet.

Licking more insistently as she sucks him harder, she gives pleading eyes at her mate. His hands are massaging her breasts, pinching her nipples and her own hand on her clit is feeling too good. She had to force herself to stop a few times, almost tumbling over the edge. She whined lightly against him and saw the knowing smirk on his lips.

Inuyasha grunted at how good her mouth feels around his shaft. He sees her eyes begging for release, her hips bucking slightly and her fingers having to stop every few seconds or else she'll cum without his permission. The whole scene is just making him that much more aroused.

"You wanna cum?"

"Mmhmm!" Was all she could respond with as he fucked her mouth harder and faster.

"Fuck.." Inuyasha's eyes rolled back as he pinched her left nipple and moved his other hand to lightly stroke her mating mark.

Kagome nearly screamed at all of the sensations. His hot, hard cock in her mouth. His fingers pinching her nipple, and his other hand stroking her mark. Her own hand working her pussy. It's all too much, she feels like she's going to explode.

"Mmmm!" She thrashed around on the bed, sucking him harder and licking him faster. Wanting to taste his seed, wanting to cum along with him.

When Inuyasha could scent the salt of her tears, he growled. He stopped holding back his release to give her the reprieve she needs.

"I'm so close." He growled. "When you taste my cum, you can cum too."

Kagome's eyes rolled back at that statement. She dipped her fingers back inside of her and used her essence to rub her clit, bringing herself back to the brink of orgasm. As soon as she heard his grunt and growl and she tasted the first drop of his seed, she bucked her hips against her hand, letting go completely.

Inuyasha could sense it when she was about to scream, loudly. He moved his hand from her mark to wrap around her throat and choke her just enough to keep her quiet. Kagome's muffled sounds were music to his furry ears as he thrust lazily into her, the last drops of his cum being swallowed greedily. Kagome's hand starting to slow around the same time as he pulled out of her mouth.

Inuyasha released her throat and watched as Kagome gasped for breath, having orgasmed very hard while her air was restricted from being choked. He lifted her up and sat her in his lap to straddle him while sitting on the edge of the bed. He kissed her lightly before resting his forehead to hers.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Kagome giggled lightly as she cupped his cheeks with her hands, placing a tender kiss to his lips. "Of course not. You know you didn't, mate." She emphasized the final word, knowing he will always know what is too much because of their wonderful bond.

He growled as he nipped her lip before kissing her once again. "Good." His golden eyes twinkled as he spoke again. "Do you want to ride me now, Ka-go-me?"

Her eyes widened only for a moment before she responded. "But.. Doesn't your demon need the control today?"

Inuyasha leaned in to the side of her head and nibbled lightly on her ear lobe, down her neck and to her shoulder where her mark is. He rumbled out a soft purr when she bucked against him.

"I can still do a lot from underneath you, my mate." He growled out as her bucking hips became insistent.

"Kami, Inuyasha. How do you do this to me?"

Inuyasha layed back onto the bed and lifted her up by her hips. "The same way you do this -" he slammed her body down onto him in one smooth motion, causing her to bite her lip hard in order to muffle her moans. "- to me."

Kagome immediately collaped onto his chest, her nails digging into him as he continued to lift her up and slam her down by the hips.

"Fuck!" Kagome hissed under her breath, trying not to be overly loud, but being filled by him feels too fucking good.

Inuyasha chuckled at his mates choice of words. He then put his hands behind his head and watched as she lifted her face to look down at him questioningly.

He quirked an eye at her. "Ride me, bitch."

Kagome moaned at the authorative tone in his voice before she sat straight up on top of him, bracing her hands on his chest and lifted herself up his shaft and back down to the base.

"Fuck, Kagome. You are so fucking gorgeous."

Kagome whimpered softly at the compliment as she continued her movements on top of him. She watched his facial expressions and saw that he was looking straight to where their bodies are connected. His eyes glittering with his alpha, his purple marks more jagged then usual and his claws digging slightly into the palms of his hands behind his head.

Kagome used this opportunity to feel along his sculpted chest with the palms of her hands and the tips of her fingers, loving the way he flexes beneath her touch. She moaned as she started to rock forwards and backwards on his shaft in a lazy but distinct rhythm.

"Fuck 'Gome."

Kagome whined lightly as she layed her body against his, her breasts flat against his chest. She reached her hands above his head to stroke and scratch his ears as her lips connected with his in a very sensual kiss. What started as a mating meant to appease his demon, turned into one of complete desire and love. Their bond is humming between them, growing stronger for each other.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms behind her back to pull her in even closer then before. He thrust up into her as she rocked her body against his. Their lips brushing lightly together, their breath intermingling as one. Neither of them know or care when this mating turned sweet and sensual, but they both are enjoying it just as much.

Kagome pulled back to look into his eyes and moaned at the love she could feel pouring into her through their bond. She gave the same right back to him and heard the small growl in response. She leaned her face just a hair away from his, lips almost touching but not quite as her fingers continued to stroke his ears and her body continued their slow and sensual movements.

"I love you and only you, my husband. Always."

Inuyasha purred quietly, matching her rhythm with his own thrusts as his eyes close halfway. "I love you, my wife. Forever."

Kagome closed the gap between them as her body moved against him faster then before. Her moans of pleasure being swallowed by his mouth. Inuyasha lowered his clawed hands to her buttocks to lightly squeeze as he helped her body establish an ever faster rhythm.

Kagome opened her mouth when she felt his tongue against her lips and welcomed the wet appendage into her warm cavern. She curled her own tongue around his to taste all of him. The feel of him moving against her, in perfect harmony with her. The taste of his tongue dancing with hers. The smell of his desire for her. Kami, how she loves that the mating allows for her to scent his emotions just like he can scent hers.

She licked along his fangs, accidentally drawing a bead of blood. Inuyasha was quick to suck the blood from her tongue, closing the wound and making them both groan together. Kagome lightly moved her fingertips up and down the hairs of his ears just the way she knows he likes, causing a growl of appreciation to come from her lover.

She pulled away from his lips just to look into his lust filled gaze and nearly came on the spot. "Kami, Inu.. So.. good."

He growled as he thrust up into her, making her bite her lip to keep from yelling out her pleasure. "Fuck. I'm gonna fill you to the brim, Kagome. You're gonna be dripping with my cum."

Kagome moaned as she continued to stare into his eyes, unable to look away even of she wanted to. "Kami, so fucking close! Inu.. Ah!"

Inuyasha pulled her back down to his lips to muffle her cries as her release caused her entire body to spasm out of control. He shoved his tongue into her mouth and thrust up into her harder and faster until rope after rope of his seed coated her womb.

They continue moving together lazily, body and mouths unable and unwilling to pull away just yet. Kagome's hands began to slow their movements on his ears as her body started to be overcome with exhaustion. Inuyasha groaned lightly against her mouth before pulling her body off of him and laying her down next to him.

He rolled over and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling his face into her neck as a puppy might do. The thought made a small smile come to Kagome's lips as she sighed happily.

"I love you, Inuyasha."

He rumbled out a content purr. "Love ya too, 'Gome."

Kagome grinned, knowing he's gonna pout at her next statement. "We gotta go over to Sango and Miroku's for dinner now."

Inuyasha's entire body slumped in defeat as a sigh escaped his lips. He looked up into her amused brown eyes and said, "Do we have to?"

Kagome laughed as she scratched his ear lightly, loving how he leaned into her touch. "Yes, baka. Not only did we plan to all eat together, but I invited Sesshomaru and Rin. And did you also forget that your son is already over there?"

"Keh." He growled lightly.

Kagome flicked him in the ear, making it twitch away from her touch. "Be nice. We are going over there and we are going to sit down and have a meal with your brother."

His ears plastered to his head but he admitted defeat. "Alright wench. Come on, I can hear the pup waking up."

Kagome pulled Inuyasha in to give him a quick kiss before standing up and getting dressed into a light blue Kimono. Inuyasha watched his mate admirably while he redressed into his firerat.


Kagome smiled when she heard the little pups tired voice. "She is such a daddy's girl."

Inuyasha smirked as he walked out and headed to Moroha's room, Kagome right behind him. Inuyasha saw the shihanyou rubbing her eyes and yawning before she looked around confusedly.

"What's wrong pup?" Inuyasha asked as he lifted her up from her small bed.

"Papa? Where fluffy-oji?"

Inuyasha had to repress his laugh as he saw Kagome holding her hand in front of her lips to hold her own amusement in. He looked back into the little pups curious gaze and stroked a stray hair from her face.

"We are gonna go see him now, pup."

An immediate smile broke out on her face as she clapped her hands together. "Really!?"

Inuyasha sighed but nodded his head. "Ya like Uncle Sesshomaru, don't ya pup?"

Kagome watched as Inuyasha is easily wrapped around the two and a half year olds tiny little finger.

Moroha giggled and nodded her head vigorously. "Ya! Fluffy-oji pretty and turn to big doggie! He nice and he lub me!"

Inuyasha looked to Kagome and saw her smile and nod as if to say, 'I told you so.'

"Alright pup. Let's go see your Uncle." As they grabbed Moroha's baby bag and walked out of the hut, Inuyasha asked Kagome, "Did she call Sesshomaru pretty?"

Kagome giggled lightly and nodded her head. "She told him to his face that he is pretty just like papa."

Inuyasha's facial expression was priceless. "I am not pretty! That's such a girl word. Feh."

Kagome laughed and Moroha growled.

"Papa pretty! Fluffy-oji pretty! Mama pretty!" She growled and yipped at her father.

Kagome laughed again and kissed her daughter on the cheek, making her giggle.

"She likes your permanent demon stripes on your face, Inuyasha." Kagome reached over and stroked the straight purple line on his cheek. "I love them too." She kissed the one closest to her and smiled when he blushed. "Still blushing after all this time? After everything we do?" She kept the sentence vague but gave him a sensual look, which made him growl quietly.

He looked away from his wife's heated gaze as he switched Moroha over to his left arm so he could reach with his right to hold Kagome's hand. Kagome smiled at him as she laced her fingers with his.

When they made it to Sango and Miroku's hut, the first thing they noticed was Shippo and Rin playing tag out front. A game Kagome had taught them all to play a few years ago. Sesshomaru is standing off to the side, keeping watch but staying as stoic as ever.

Kagome waved over at Sesshomaru before calling for his attention. "Onii-san!"

Inuyasha sighed in exasperation at his wife's insistence on befriending his older brother. Moroha's eyes widened and a big fanged smile broke out on her face. She copied her mothers waving and yelled towards the dog demon also.

"Fluffy-oji!" She glared at her father and yelled, "down!"

Inuyasha glanced to Kagome and when she nodded her head with a warm smile on her face, he let the toddler down to the ground. Moroha immediately ran towards Sesshomaru and when she held her arms up, hands making little grabby motions, Sesshomaru only hesitated a few seconds before using his mokomoko to scoop the child up and into his arms. Kagome and Inuyasha stopped about ten feet away, watching as Uncle and niece bond.

Moroha giggled as Sesshomaru's mokomoko wrapped around her and pulled her into his arms. She grabbed onto it and hugged it tight when he was about to pull it away.

"Soft! Fluffy!" She cuddled her face into it and let out a soft purr of contentment.

Sesshomaru watched intently as the young pup showed no fear of him. She cuddled into him and his mokomoko and her scent showed only happiness and love. His own heart swelled a little at the feeling. He glanced over at Rin and back to Moroha. He thinks about his own mate back at the castle, pregnant with their twins.

'Father.. Is this what it felt like.. to feel.. love?'


Sesshomaru's voice had a sense of affection to it, that had Kagome and Inuyasha listening and watching intently. Kagome's smile was heart-warming, and Inuyasha held onto her hand a little tighter. Maybe she wasn't wrong, after all.

Moroha looked into golden eyes that are so similar to her fathers but a little different. She sniffed lightly, and knew that their scents were very different also. Sesshomaru also has two purple marking on each cheek whereas her father has one. She reached forward and smiled when he pulled her close enough to let her touch his cheek. She leaned in and licked his chin affectionately, causing a small smile to tug at the daiyoukai's lips. When he pulled her back, he spoke once again.

"Why do you not fear this Sesshomaru?"

Moroha cocked her head to the side as she thought about his question. Why would she be afraid? She couldn't really explain it fully with her limited speach so she spoke half in the human language and half in Inu.

"Fluffy-oji nice. Pretty. Strong. Doggy!" She giggled before yipping and growling more of an explanation in the Inu tongue. She specifically said, 'Fluffy-oji protects pack. Fluffy-oji loves us even if he doesn't say it. I love you too, fluffy-oji.'

Sesshomaru's eyes showed his shock at her extensive language. Normally an Inu would be about three to four years old before they could speak that well in Inu. At just two and a half, this quarter youkai can express herself very well. Then her words hit him straight through his heart.

"Do you have someone to protect?"


Moroha smiled and nodded her head before thinking hard and repeating the word outloud. "Potec!" She giggled at the ability to speak a new word.

Sesshomaru looked back at the crowd that he seemed to have attracted during his distraction. Inuyasha and Kagome are holding hands watching him intently, Kagome smiling widely, Inuyasha gaping at him. Rin and Shippo stopped playing and sat down in the grass not too far away, Rin smiling up at her father, while Shippo is looking around at all the adults. Miroku and Sango had come outside when they sensed everyones presence and wondered as to why they were all outside. They each have a one and a half year old toddler in their arms.

He looked around at everyone, his stoic mask still in place. He landed his gaze on a smiling Rin, then to the smiling Kagome, before back down at the little pup still snuggling with his mokomoko.

"You are correct, little pup. I, Sesshomaru, do have those he wishes to protect."

He turned his attention back to the young Miko and walked up to her. He lowered Moroha down to Kagome's eye level using his mokomoko and nodded slightly in her direction.

"You have a very smart pup, Kagome. I am very impressed with her intellect."

Kagome beamed up at him as she grabbed her daughter in her arms and handed her to Inuyasha. When Inuyasha took Moroha, he watched as his crazy wife grabbed Sesshomaru's hand.

"Moroha shows no fear of you, because there is no need. You come here with a human child you adopted just so she can play with other children her age and be around other humans. You do not wish to injure any of us and she is right when she says you protect us. You are a good man, Sesshomaru and I will keep calling you onii-san whether you like it or not."

Sesshomaru watched, surprised as this little human Miko held onto his hand and told him how much of a good man he is. He allowed himself a small smile as he nodded his head.

"Indeed. I would not expect any less from you, Kagome."

Kagome smiled widely at him as she started to drag him towards Sango and Miroku's hut entrance. She grabbed Inuyasha's free hand with hers and led both Inu's into the hut. Everyone else glanced back and forth to each other, shrugged their shoulders and followed behind to enjoy a nice meal.


Within the next three weeks, Kagome has been able to break down Sesshomaru's walls little by little. He has sent Jaken back and forth to the Western Lands in order to check on his mate but has stayed nearby the village so Rin could be near her friends and family.

Every other day or so, Kagome finds Sesshomaru out by the forest edge. She continues to call him her older brother, and he no longer tries to deter her from that. He has yet to acknowledge her as little sister but he has been very receptive to Moroha, his little inquisitive niece. He even transformed into his large dog form just to appease Moroha's wishes when the pup started to cry.

Kagome has been able to make an obvious smile come to the dog demon Lord too, which she is very proud of. She rolled her eyes whenever jealousy flew through her bond with Inuyasha. He just needs to learn that Sesshomaru is nothing but her brother to her. One day, she hopes they can all get along great.

Currently, Kagome is working on her vegetable garden, little Moroha helping to pull weeds next to her.

Inuyasha and Miroku are working at yet another extermination job and Sango is at Kaede's with Rin and the twins. Shippo went along with Inuyasha and Miroku because he wanted to be there to help.

Kagome dropped what she was doing and lifted her head. Her senses tingled before she even scented anything on the air. She quickly grabbed Moroha and held her to her chest. She was backing up towards the entrance of her hut, cursing herself silently for not having her weapon with her.

Before she could make it though, a giant spider youkai, fully transformed landed in front of her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, sensing that two spiderlings were behind her, blocking her path to her hut.

"Kuso.." She said under her breath. 'Inuyasha..'

Moroha started to whine, sensing her mothers fear and when she saw the big hairy spider, she tucked her face into Kagome's chest and held on tight as if her little life depended on it.

Which it might.

"It's okay, Moro. We'll be okay." She sent a hard glare at the spider. "You might want to leave us alone or you'll regret it when my mate gets here."

The spider transformed into his humanoid form and laughed.

Kagome watched as the man before her took a step forwards. His smirk was down right evil. She could admit that he is rather attractive in appearance but his soul is tainted black. He has dark black hair cascading down his back. Bright purple eyes with a hint of red as the pupils. Sun kissed perplexion and he is a couple inches taller then Sesshomaru.

She glanced behind her when the spiderlings also transformed. They look no more than ten years old, but no less menacing. She gulped and held Moroha tighter to her chest when she looked back to the man in front of her.

"What do you want?"

That evil laugh again, sent shivers of disgust down her spine.

"Why, little Miko. I want you."

Kagome glared defiantly back at him. "Well too bad! My mate will not hesitate to kill you if you harm me or our daughter."

He shook his head in mock amusement. "Oh, little Miko. I know who and what your mate is. You dare think I'm afraid of a half-breed?" He laughed again as he took another step towards her. "I come because, my mate has died. What a pity, but I require a new one." His smile caused her to retreat a step but when she glanced behind her, the young spiders were keeping the doorway blocked.

"What the hell do you mean!? I will never become your mate! I am fully bonded!"

He took another step towards her. "Who said you had a choice in the matter? My spiderlings need a mother. I need a mate. You would make strong children with me."

Kagome nearly vomited when he said that. Her disgust clear on her face. She patted Moroha's back when she started to fuss. "Shhh. It's okay." She kissed her on the head and glared at the arrogant youkai. "You just called my mate a half-breed! Why would you want to have one of your own!?"

His smile, showing of his fangs dripping with venom had her squeezing her child tighter.

"Little Miko. Your mate is weak compared to what our spiderlings would become." He held his hand out towards her. "Now, come with me and I will allow your child, to live."

Fear rippled through body and mind, more than she had felt since Naraku.



Inuyasha and Miroku were walking back to the village, Shippo walking in front of them, when Inuyasha's mark started to burn.


Miroku turned to the hanyou. "What is it?"

Inuyasha closed his eyes tight and fell to the ground on his knees. His mate is scared. The bond is pulsing with fear. His eyes shot opened when he heard her voice.


Without a word to the others, he ran.


Kagome looked behind her to the spiderlings and then back to their father. She cuddled Moroha close, breathing in the scent of her child, laced with the scent of fear. She shook her head.

"I will not come with you."

His purple eyes bled fully red. "So be it." With a flick of his wrist, his children lept forward to grab Kagome from behind.

She didn't want to do it. She didn't want to hurt children. But it was either her child or his. She held her whimpering pup close and erected a barrier. She covered Moroha's ears with her hands to keep the sounds of the two children's pain filled screams from getting to her as much as possible. She looked up angrily, tears in her eyes, at the horrified man in front of her.

"I warned you not to mess with me. Leave or my mate will not make your death as quick as theirs."

"You bitch!" He quickly transformed into the giant spider from before, but Kagome stayed standing tall within her barrier, holding her child close. She doesn't dare enter her hut, knowing it will just be destroyed by this beast.

As soon as he reared back to shoot her with the green poison dripping from his fangs, Kagome closed her eyes and strengthened her barrier as much as she could. Instead of the barrier being melted and the pain she expected to feel, she heard the spider screech in agony before complete silence.

Kagome opened her eyes and dropped her barrier before falling to her knees and crying in relief. She pulled Moroha back to look at her tear stained face and wiped her sweaty hair to behind her ears.

"It's okay, Moro. Uncle Sesshomaru is here." Kagome looked up and smiled weakly at the daiyoukai. "Sesshomaru.. Thank you."

Sesshomaru crouched down in front of Kagome and placed a hand to Moroha's head. The pup smiled up at him and held her arms out. Without hesitation, he grabbed her and held her close. He looked back to Kagome and hesitantly wiped a tear from her face with the pad of his thumb.

"You are unharmed, Imouto?"

"Yeah, I -" She smiled widely at him. "You.. called me.. little sister?"

He gave her a small smirk in return. "Indeed." He held out his hand and when she grabbed it, he helped her to stand on wobbly feet.

They both turned when they sensed Inuyasha's presence.


Inuyasha barreled out of the tree line and ran straight into Kagome's arms. He picked her up and held her to him before putting her back down and sniffing around for injuries.

"Are you hurt? What happened?" He turned to Sesshomaru. "What's going on!?"

Kagome pulled Inuyasha back to her and kissed him lightly. When she pulled away, she rested her forehead to his. "There was a spider youkai and his two spiderlings. They tried to take me but Sesshomaru saved us." She looked into his eyes and sighed. "I killed the children, Inuyasha. They looked no older than ten!" Tears returned to her eyes but Inuyasha only breathed out a sigh of relief before wiping them away for her.

"You did what you had to, Kagome. I know you wouldn't have if there wasn't any other choice."

Kagome sniffled and nodded. "He threatened to kill Moroha and take me as his mate."

Inuyasha's growl was immediate as his demon surged within him. "Bastard!"

"Little brother."


Inuyasha quickly turned and locked eyes with Sesshomaru. He calmed when he saw his pup looking at him worriedly. He held his hands out and Sesshomaru swiftly handed the child to her father. Inuyasha had tears in his eyes but held them back, refusing to cry in front of the daiyoukai.

"Thank you.. brother." Inuyasha managed to say through his rage and sadness at almost losing everything.

Sesshomaru nodded and locked eyes with Kagome. "Your mate is very strong. She protected her pup with no physical weapon. This one is pleased to call her imouto."

Kagome reached out and grabbed Sesshomaru's hand with her right as she put her left hand to Inuyasha's shoulder.

"Thank you, Sesshomaru. I am very grateful and also happy to call you, onii-san." Her smile was bright and it made Sesshomaru's lip twitch up the slightest bit.

Sesshomaru looked back to Inuyasha. "See to your mate and pup, little brother." He nodded his head slightly before turning and heading back to his post to protect Rin in case she is in need of it.

Kagome kissed Moroha on the cheek and hugged Inuyasha around the waist. "I'm sorry. I forgot my bow in the hut and they were blocking the entrance and -"

Inuyasha cut her off by pulling her face from his chest by the back of her hair and smashing his lips to hers. Kagome sighed happily against his mouth as tears slowly fell between the both of them. Moroha cuddled her face into Inuyasha's chest and purred lightly, happy that everything seems to be okay again.

That is how Miroku and Shippo found them when they arrived a moment later. Shippo popped from his eagle form, allowing Miroku to stand on his own two feet.

"Mother? Father? What happened?"

Kagome pulled back from Inuyasha's lips and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent to calm down her frazzled nerves. Inuyasha turned to a worried looking monk and kitsune.

"My mate and pup was attacked. She killed two of them, Sesshomaru killed the third."

Miroku asked, "how did you know, Inuyasha? You ran as if you could hear her scream your name."

Inuyasha put his nose between his mate and pups heads to breath them in and sighed. They are safe, everything is okay.

"I did hear her."

Miroku and Shippo both looked confused, while Kagome gasped and pulled back to look into his eyes.

"You heard me?"

Inuyasha adjusted Moroha to his other arm and lightly moved a stray hair from Kagome's face to behind her ear.

"Yeah. I felt it through the mark. Your fear. Your need for me. Than I heard it in my mind. You yelled for me, koibito."

Kagome pulled him by his kotodama and sealed her lips to his. "Can you hear me, Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha's surprise gasp was all the confirmation she needed as she deepened the kiss further. Inuyasha growled quietly and responded.


Kagome smiled against his lips before pulling away and resting her forehead against his. "Our mate bond knows no bounds. Did you know this was possible, mate?"

Inuyasha looked over at his curious friend and son before locking his glittery alpha eyes with his mates brown depths. He smirked smugly before responding.

"I did not, mate. This will definitely come in handy. Let's only inform our pack. No one else. We might also need to let the flea in too."

Kagome nodded her understanding as she pulled away from Inuyasha and grabbed her pup from his arms.

"Are you okay my little puppy?"

Moroha smiled, knowing everyone is happy again. "Ya mama. Fluffy-oji potec pack!"

Kagome rubbed her nose to Moroha's, making the pup giggle. "Yes. Your Uncle Sesshomaru protects us."

Miroku coughed to get their attention before speaking. "So uh.. what is going on my friends? You said you could hear Kagome. Then it was as if you were communicating without words." He querked an eyebrow at them, waiting for an explanation.

Inuyasha and Kagome glanced at each other before Kagome spoke up. "Inuyasha and I will get Sesshomaru and meet you both at Kaede's where Rin, Sango and the twins are."

Miroku and Shippo gave each other a look of confusion but left to the old Miko's hut as Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha went towards Sesshomaru's aura.

They found the daiyoukai nearby Kaede's hut, close enough to protect Rin if needed but far enough to not intimate the villagers.

"Onii-san." Kagome smiled as she stepped up to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow at them. "Imouto." His lip fluttered up in amusement at Inuyasha's ear twitching in respinse to his new nickname for Kagome.

"Will you come with us to Kaede's? There is something.. new.. I think you should know, but we only want to explain it once."

Sesshomaru gave a curt nod as he started towards the old Miko's hut.


He turned his head slightly to look at the pup from the corner of his eye. He saw her hold her arms up for him, making him sigh quietly to himself. He sent a small glare to Kagome when she let out a soft giggle at his expense. He held his hands out and pulled the pup to be eye level with him.


Moroha put her tiny hands to his cheeks and leaned forward to lick his chin to say thank you in Inu before speaking allowed.

"Tank you, Fluffy-oji. You save mama and me. I lub you!" She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, catching him off guard as he looked to the smiling Kagome and smirking Inuyasha.

Sesshomaru patted the pups head before pulling her from around his neck to look into her brown and gold speckled eyes.

"I have grown fond of you also, little one."

Kagome put her hand to Sesshomaru's arm and lightly squeezed her own appreciation before grabbing Inuyasha's hand and heading towards the others.


When they made it to Kaede's, Kagome anounced their arrival before entering the hut. Kaede was behind a cooking pot, making some sort of stew. Rin and Shippo were sitting together in the far left hand corner. Miroku and Sango were sitting against the back middle wall with their twins in their laps. They all looked up when they entered and it was easy to see the surprise that Sesshomaru was not only joining them but holding a happy Moroha in his arms.

Kagome smiled to her friends before sitting across from Miroku and Sango, Inuyasha sitting behind her and pulling her to lay flush against his chest, making her blush slightly. Sesshomaru stood by the entryway with Moroha curled up in his mokomoko.

"Ready to tell them, my alpha?" Kagome purred seductively in his mind.

Inuyasha discreetly nipped the back of her neck in reprimand for the little stunt. Maybe this will be his downfall rather than an advantage if his mate tries to entice him that way.

"Hentai little Miko.. Focus. How the hell are we gonna explain this?"

Kagome's laughter rang throughout his mind as she took a deep breath in and looked around to see all the curious faces on her.

"So.. What we are about to tell you, cannot be spoken to others. We will also inform Totosai and Myoga." Kagome turned to Sesshomaru. "Kagura can be trusted also." She received a nod in response. "Today, there was an incident with a youkai and his young. Long story short, I was frightened for not only myself but my pup. Inuyasha obviously felt my stress through the bond but something else we did not know was possible had happened."

Taking another deep breath, she closed her eyes and heard Inuyasha's encouraging words flow through her mind.

"Breath, wife. They are our friends."

She looked back at her friends, her family, her pack and finished her explanation. "I yelled for Inuyasha but only in my mind. He heard me yell his name within his own mind. We have already tested it and we can fully communicate to each other without speaking aloud."

Everyone was silent for the longest time before Sango was the first to speak up.

"Kagome.. That's incredible! I have heard of such things but it was thought to be legend. It was said that only those who were born for each other and who's bond is so strong, could accomplish such a feat."

"Ay, very good indeed." Kaede nodded her head and continued to stir the meal.

Kagome smiled, glad that she has some insight to the reason behind it and relaxed back into Inuyasha's warm embrace. She turned to Miroku as he began to speak.

"Well, my friends. We all knew you were meant to be, but this.. It's remarkable. It would definitely be an advantage if the need arose. I do wonder, how does the bond get to be so strong that it occurs?"

They all noticed Sango's blush, Kaede snickered proving that she knew the answer and Sesshomaru smirked the littlest bit at the two.

Inuyasha growled. "What!?"

Sesshomaru couldn't stop himself from embarrassing his brother, only feeling slightly bad for also embarrassing Kagome.

"The more intimate the mates, the stronger the bond, little brother."

Kagome and Inuyasha wore matching blushes as she put her face in her hands.

"Well, that's embarrassing.."

"Keh.. Bastard was happy to say that to the lecher."

Miroku's grin was wide as he shook his head in amusement. "I see. So, Inuyasha. How strong is your bond?"

Inuyasha glared at the monk the same time Sango's hand connected with his face.

"What does that mean, Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asked. She had thought to call him father before but never gained enough confidence to do so, so she continued with what she felt comfortable with.

Inuyasha couldn't help but snicker at his brothers screw up with his own kid. Luckily for him, Moroha had cuddled into Sesshomaru's mokomoko and fallen asleep. The twins were babbling to each other not paying any attention to the adults. Shippo, being a youkai, knows exactly what they mean, wearing his own blush.

Sesshomaru turned to Rin. "Hn." He glanced to Kagome, a silent plea for help, causing her to giggle aloud at the big tough daiyoukai not knowing how to answer his human daughter.

Kagome turned to Rin and said, "Physical touch such as hugging each other, Rin."

"Oh! Okay!" The oblivious twelve and a half year old responded before looking back at the blushing Shippo.

"Let's strangthen our bond some more, my wife." Inuyasha's hold on her tightened the tiniest bit, causing her arousal to spike along with embarrassment.

"Inuyasha! Sesshomaru can smell us!"

Inuyasha let out a near silent purr, only able to be heard and felt by Kagome since she is leaning against his body. "Let the bastard know how strong our bond is."

Kagome turned her face to glare at him before a small gasp escaped her lips at feeling his erection against her bottom.

Miroku looked between the two, knowing they are silently communicating and finding it fascinating.

Sesshomaru smirked slightly at having caught exactly what his idiotic brother was trying to accomplish within their minds.

Miroku asked, "If I may be so bold as to ask, what is it you two are speaking about now?"

Kagome's blush and Inuyasha's smirk was enough to go by, but Sesshomaru hit the nail on the head.

"I believe monk, that this one's brother is trying to convince this one's imouto to strangthen their bond further."

Kagome jumped up from her spot on the floor as soon as Miroku's laughter filled the hut and stomped over to Sesshomaru.

"Alright. Give me my daughter. I think it's time for this conversation to end."

Sesshomaru nodded as he handed her the sleeping pup. "As you wish, imouto." His smirk at her flush made her blush darken even further.

She turned to Kaede and said, "Thanks so much for welcoming us into your home, Kaede. We will see you tomorrow." She saw the blushing taijiya and the lecherous grin on the monk. "We will visit again tomorrow evening." She turned to Shippo and spoke quickly. "Shippo, you may spend some time with Rin but be home before it gets dark." She stayed long enough to hear his excited agreement before rushing out of the hut with Inuyasha hot on her heels.

Inuyasha caught up to her quickly and swiftly lifted her into his arms bridal style, careful not to jostle the sleeping toddler in her arms.

"Where are ya goin' mate?"

She burried her face into his chest and sighed. "Just embarrassed."

He growled out a comforting sound, calming her different emotions and stayed silent the rest of the way home. When he entered their hut, he slowly put her to her feet and took Moroha from her arms. He went into the pups room and layed her down in bed. Moroha mumbled something about 'cuddly fluffy' before she stuffed her thumb into her mouth and growled a soft and content sound.

Inuyasha turned back and took his mates hand to lead her into their bedroom. "Are you okay, Kagome?"

She nodded her head as she wrapped her hands around his neck. "Yeah.. I know it's not something youkai normally get embarrassed about but.. I'm still human. I may have youkai senses now, but I'm still Kagome."

Inuyasha nuzzled Kagome's face with his own and nibbled her chin, an Inu's way of apology. "I am half human too, mate. I'm sorry I embarrassed you."

Kagome growled slightly as she spoke. "Sesshomaru just couldn't help himself because he needed to embarrass you."

Inuyasha laughed as he kissed her lightly. "He wouldn't have even been there if it wasn't for you, Kagome. You are amazing, ya know that? He is comfortable teasing us because he sees us as family now. That's all you. He openly called you his little sister with our entire pack listening."

Kagome smiled wide, her embarrassment gone. "I think it had a lot to do with Moroha too, you know. She has him wrapped around her tiny little finger already. Her Uncle fluffy." She laughed as Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist and put his nose into her neck. He breathed in her scent and nuzzled her mark.

"Kami, I love you."

"I love you too, Inuyasha." Kagome smirked as she reached up to lightly caress his right ear and spoke within his mind. "How about we strengthen our bond, my alpha?"

Inuyasha growled deep within his chest and before she could blink, her clothes were in tatters on the floor and she was pinned down to the bed.

"As you wish, my bitch."

Inuyasha's lips crashed down to hers.


A/N: I hope you are enjoying this series! If you haven't noticed, In this universe, youkai and those with youkai blood such as Shippo and Moroha, will age as normal humans until they reach about eighteen years of age. I am doing this for a reason, so bare with me. This is why Shippo is eleven but almost as tall as the twelve year old Rin.

Now starting from this part of the series, the ones that follow will not make much sense unless this one is read first. There was only one or two things in this one that may have been a little confusing from a previous part, but because of Sesshomaru's new connection to their family and Kagome and Inuyasha's new found mind speaking, the future parts won't make much sense unless this one is read before them.

Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!