InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ominous Rant ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ominous Rant
In the mist of darkness I sit waiting, wanting them to fall
I enjoy the pain and suffering of others
The sounds of those screaming in agony lights the fire of my soul
As the snake sits and watches its prey, I do also
I swim in longing as the unfortunate ones cross my path
Oh I loath the happy, vengeance for them will be sweet
I am the one evil that good will not overcome
I will reign adding blood upon the land
I am field with desires of power and I will twist all to my will
I have already turned lovers against one another
I have ruin families in the pursuit of entertainment
Using others for the benefit of myself alone sends shivers of pleasure up my spine
I have but to wave my hand to send a legion to fight for me
I dine in the shadows and wait for the heroes to come
They think themselves prepared; fools, all will perish