InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Omnes una mantent nox ❯ Omne initium est dificile ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha /tears/ or any of the other characters in my story
except for Kimiko. I made her up and she is all mine!

Hi there! This is my first FanFic so if it sux blame my English teacher… lol well if she
read it she would die of emberrisment… old fashond….

The title is… Every beginning is difficult

I’ll be using Latin titles for the chapters… why? Cuz I feel like it. No really, I just
think it makes that story sound better…

Sorry if the characters seem really weird. The plot is weird… so I have to adjust them
accordingly. (Wow, I sound so formal…) (Help)
“InuYasha,” Kagome mumbled in her sleep. InuYasha’s ears tweaked at the sound of his name,
but he remained silent. He thanked that the others were gone and left them alone. He
wanted to hear this.

A soft moan exited her lips. InuYasha’s heart skipped a beat. Was she dreaming about him? In
addition, having an erotic dream nonetheless. Crimson found its was onto Kagome’s cheeks as
she let out a particularly load moan. Short raspy moans followed after. InuYasha looked down
at his tight pants. What are you getting so excited about mister? Inuyasha moved over to Kagome.

Kagome snapped open her eyes. InuYasha peered into her face. Her eyes grew wide and fearful.
And her moth formed the shape of a small ‘o’. Her face flushed deep scarlet and she pulled her
head under her sleeping bag.

“Go away!” Her muffled voice shrieked from under its protector. InuYasha tugged the barrier
away from her face.

“You were, weren’t you.” Not a question ,but a statement. Kagome pulled the blanked back up.

“I don’t wanna talk about it!” the soft plea begged. InuYasha yawned rather noise fully and
dropped down onto Kagome. Trapping her beneath his left arm.

“That’s fine with me. I’m tired anyways.” Kagome gasped form within her confinements. She felt
his arousal precariously placed right atop her womanhood. She felt unsure at first. Quickly, her
breathing matched his, slow and steady.

InuYasha woke up. He felt something rocking up agents himself. He moaned softly. He realized what
it was and stood up fast. He should not have touched her like that. Even though it was through a blanket.
A/N really short chappie i know....Gomen nasai!!! But chappie 2 will be longer promise!!!