InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On My Mind ❯ Down and Dirty ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[On My Mind]

[2: Down and Dirty]

He chucked another piece of paper off the roof in frustration. He had been sitting there for a few hours and couldn't think of a damn thing to write down. His patience was growing thin and he was so close to tossing his guitar over the edge as well. He pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes in attempt to push something out of his brain. He knew it was all because of her and his stupid nerves that wouldn't permit him to write like he did before. He had always just written when he felt like it-but now he just couldn't. He opened his eyes and then he started to play the only tune that haunted his mind along with his angel. It was slow and practically mean to be left alone with no words at all.

"Why are you sitting on your roof in the middle of the night?" Came a gentle voice from his driveway. He glanced down and his heart leapt into his throat. She was standing there with an oversized sweater on and some short shorts. He had to think for a second before he replied to her question hoarsely.

"Trying to write a song." She nodded her head in understanding and began to fidget with her hands. He watched her as her little habit began, as she was probably thinking of something to say. His courage boosted a level at her shyness and he took the lead. "What are you doing out in the middle of the night?"

She looked up at him and melted his heart once again with her smile. She stepped a little closer to where he sat and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Being a naughty little girl." She said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He smiled at her answer and felt a warm feeling spread throughout his body. "Actually I can't sleep and I heard you playing again. So I thought `hey, why not come out and see what you're up to.'"

"Well I am utterly stuck as you can tell by my paper grass." He said nodding towards the tiny balls that littered most of the front lawn. She giggled and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Don't force it, let it come naturally like it should." She said letting her eyes scan over his body and guitar that was resting on his lap.

"Wish I could but I need some new stuff. Mr. Shaw wants me to play at prom and since I really didn't want to do it and being stupid made up the excuse that nobody wants to hear me sing. So now there's a vote for me and another chump. Might have to play before prom and I need something that wont get me boo-ed off the stage or at least push me to the point that I might smash my guitar over someone's head." He laughed as he thought of doing it to the bastard that tried to kill her the previous night. She turned around when her name was called and her mom was standing on her porch with her arms crossed.

"I'll be looking forward to hear you once again. But mom calls!" She said before bolting over to her house where a very angry looking woman sat. She turned back once around to look at him before leaving him once again to himself. He smiled and then suddenly a tune came into his head. He started to play it and then added more. Suddenly his writer block was gone and he was on a roll. All thanks to her.


He had woken up in a pretty good mood, and his dad couldn't even believe that it was his son. He shoved on a blue AC/DC shirt and some black shorts with the same studded belt. He put on his band and his converse and kept his hair in the usual style-up. He was guessing that Tommy was sick or something because he hadn't shown up for two of his classes and Kouga couldn't help but worry. He fell partially asleep during his spare and finally in last block was when he felt like he was a walking tomato. He was half-asleep during class when an announcement came on the PA system.

"Seniors I have a great announcement to make! We are going to hold a contest for two of our very own musicians to play at the prom. It's your decision so the voting will take place on Friday at lunch and then Thursday at lunch, make sure that you're all at the cafeteria to see them perform! Our contestants are: Liam Goushoo and Kouga Lee. Thanks for your time and please support your own prom." Mrs. So said enthusiastically before the dreaded mention was over.

He felt like everyone's eyes were on him and he could feel his face turning red. He looked up and he was right-all eyes were on him. He glanced around the room with a bewildered look on and scanned everyone's faces. They were all surprised-all except one. Ayame was sitting there with an amused smile on her face and twinkling eyes meant only for him. The classroom was dead silent and he felt like he was going to explode. Then he did the dumbest thing that he could've ever done.

"What the hell are you all looking at?" He snapped before looking back down and the picture that he was tracing in his book. Everyone started to laugh and Kouga couldn't have been more embarrassed than he was at that moment. When the laughter died down the teacher spoke.

"Well that was some announcement Mr. Lee. We all congratulate you and hope you do well." Then her voice changed tone. "Now that that is over, back to your assignment please."

He looked up from his book and was glad that no one was left looking at him. He looked over his right shoulder and saw her with the same amused look on her face. He smiled back at her and then went back to his work when he realized that a lot of the jocks were watching him with deadly looks. He shrugged them off and then started to actually work. He smiled again at the memory of her smiling face and how she looked at him-at him.


He had his music blasting throughout his house and started to play the air guitar as he danced in his kitchen and around the room. His dad was working late on a case and his team was all stuck at a hotel that they had booked and were working none-stop. But the good thing was that he had the house all to himself and he could do whatever he felt like doing. He had a green popsicle in his hand and he was partially using it as a microphone. His voice was smooth along with the loud sounds of Guns n' Roses, and much louder. He had let his dog out for a little run around the neighborhood-Rocco, his Rotwieler. He had left the door open a crack and it was quite easy for someone to just walk in.

`Welcome To the Jungle' had just come on and he automatically started singing it as loud as his voice would go. He had stripped off his shirt after spilling Popsicle juice down the front and was now jumping around with the top of his navy blue boxers showing above his black shorts. His socks were still on and he was having fun sliding around on the hardwood floors. His favorite part was coming on and he got ready to have a little fun with it. There was a long hallway leading to his front door that went to the kitchen and it was his choice of stage as he suddenly took a run and then slid on his knees as far as it would so. He continued to play the air guitar until he noticed the legs of someone in front of him.

He cursed himself mentally as his eyes went upwards to see her standing there with a huge grin on her face. He got back to his feet quickly and started to spin the Popsicle in his hand nervously. He could feel his face heating up and his heart beat quickening.

"That was some move you had there." She said with her gentle smile. He felt himself get hotter in the face and looked down at the ground between them. "The door was open a bit and I couldn't yell to anyone with the music this loud so I let myself in. Sorry."

"I-it's okay." He said like he'd never spoken to a girl in his whole life. She looked him up and down, but let her gaze linger on his toned chest longer than she had meant to. He had completely forgotten that he was dancing without his shirt on. "Dads not home, spilt Popsicle on my shirt-sticky." He said quickly not being able to form complete sentences. She giggled.

"I can see that, no car in the driveway." She said motioning to the area where the driveway was located. An awkward silence surrounded the two and Kouga started to get a little uncomfortable. He cleared his throat hoping to regain his composure.

"Why are you here?" He immediately regretted phrasing it that way since he sounded a little rude. "I mean-uh-what brings you to my door-I mean house-hallway-me." He said only digging himself deeper. She giggled again and she flipped her wavy hair over her shoulder.

"My mom's working on some proposal thing and I noticed that you were home alone. So maybe we could hang out together or something. That is unless you just want to be alone with your...Popsicle." She said looking down at the melting juice. He licked up the juice that was about to touch his hand and he felt himself looking like an absolute fool.

"No, you can stay." He said after his tongue was done lapping up the juice. "That is I mean if you want."

"I think I do want to stay." She laughed. They stood there a moment longer before he pulled the first thing that came to his head.

"Want a Popsicle?" He asked innocently. She nodded her head and followed him into the kitchen. It was pretty clean so he didn't have to run around hiding dirty dishes or underwear. He reached into the freezer attached to his fridge and pulled out another green Popsicle that was in its wrapper. He handed it over to her and she took it as quick as he pulled it out.

"Nice place you have-and here I thought that it was going to be messy." She said as her eyes scanned over the room.

"You clearly haven't seen my room then." He mumbled before biting off the top of his Popsicle. He almost choked at her answer.

"Can I see it?" She asked almost as innocent as a little girl. His eyes opened wide and he had to cough so he didn't choke on his food. He looked around his kitchen debating whether he should show her his room. Finally the beauty before him won.

"Alright, just don't make fun of it." He said as he motioned for ladies first. She headed over to the front door where the stairs were located. He told her that it was the room to the left when you got up to the top and she immediately found it. At first he thought that she was about to break her promise and start to laugh but she didn't.

"I love your room so much." She mumbled as she stared in awe at the green and blue walls. They were covered with posters of 80's bands and some guitars. In the corner she spotted three eye-catching guitars that she couldn't help but rush over to look at. The first two were electric guitars, one red with a black inside and the other silver with graffiti letters all over it. The third was a black acoustic guitar that was practically screaming for it to be played. She looked back over at him with a glint in her eyes.

"Can you play me something?" She asked glancing down at the guitars once again. He stiffened and knew that it was one that he had to refuse.

"I can't really play in front of people and-"

"Okay shut up. You need to practice for Thursday when you have to play in front of the grads. So why not let me be your audience?" She said giving him the puppy eyes. She was cunning and devious-something that he could never be. He sighed before giving her a half-smile.

"Alright, but you owe me." He said as he tossed his Popsicle stick in the garbage before picking up his acoustic guitar. He settled down on the edge of his bed next to her-searching his mind for a song to play. Then it came to him like he had just played it. He gave her a smile before pulling his pick off of his floor and strumming the guitar. He kept his eyes on the guitar, not wanting to embarrass himself by watching her and forgetting the words.

I dig my toes into the sand

The ocean looks like

A thousands diamonds

Strewn across a blue blanket

I lean against the wind

Pretend that I am weightless

And in this moment

I am happy, happy

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were


I lay my head onto the sand

The sky resembles

A backlit canopy

With holes punched in it

I'm counting UFO's

I signal them with

My lighter

And in this moment

I am happy, happy

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were


Wish you were here

I, oh

The world's a roller coaster

And I am not strapped in

Maybe I should hold with care

While my hands are

Busy in the air


I, wish you were here

I, wish you were

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were here

I, wish you were


Wish you were here

He finished the song and looked up at her with a fear of her mocking his work. But when he met her eyes they were shinning with different emotions. Her face was shocked, but in a good way. She was simply staring at him, as if wanting to tell him something that has been weighing on her shoulders for a long time. He searched her face for some sign that she liked it, but couldn't find anything that made sense.

"That was…beautiful." She said finally finding her voice. He looked away and blushed slightly. No one had ever said that to him, but no one had really heard him play before. "You have such a way with words. Where does your inspiration to write all your songs?" He froze-all of his songs? For all she knew she had only heard this one song that was about her, but he clearly couldn't tell her that.

"What exactly do you mean `all your songs'?" He asked slowly trying to figure out a way to answer her question. He looked back up at her and saw a slight flush find its way to her cheeks.

"I don't mean to sound like a nosy neighbor, but I've heard you play many times before when you've sat and played on your roof. Sorry." She said as she looked away from his gaze. He felt bad because he felt like he had caused her to do such a thing.

"No, it's okay. Don't feel bad. I'm the one who chose to play on my roof so you or anyone else around us can't help it if they hear my stuff." He said trying to make her smile reappear. She looked up at him and gave him a nervous half-smile. It was all right for now, but he would see that smile once again. "And to answer your question…well there's this person who mainly has been a plague to me ever since I've laid eyes on them." He added quietly.

A mischievous smile spread across her face and she leaned a little closer, making his heart beat pick up its pace. He could feel her warm breath graze his cheek as he watched her eyes with curiosity.

"And who might this person be?" She asked in a voice that made him feel like she was tempting him to claim her right now. He gulped and tried to pull his gaze away from hers, but it was like she had him locked.

"A person, y-you know." He said in a low voice that made him feel a little uneasy about it all.

"Is this person a girl, or a guy?" She asked scooting a little close so that the arm of the guitar was hovering over her lap. He was tempted to move away, but he was on the edge-literally.

"A-a girl." He answered as if she was hypnotizing him into giving her anything she wanted. She let her fingers trace the guitar chords as she continued to quiz him.

"Do I know this girl?" She asked tilting her head partially. He nodded, as his mouth suddenly felt dry. "Does this girl have a name?" She asked moving a little closer so their thighs were touching. He nodded again. "And what is this girl's name?" She asked as she moved even closer so their faces were only inches apart. He couldn't breathe with this distance in between them and he could feel her name on the tip of his tongue ready to tell her. Her eyes glittered only a short distance away and her lips the same.

"I-it's-" He barely whispered. He couldn't bring himself to and was so glad that the phone rang, but at the same time disappointed. He looked over at the cordless ringing behind him and he reached back and picked it up. "Excuse me." He said politely as he picked it up.

"Hey pops, yeah I've eaten." He said as his eyes drifted from the girl next to him to his guitar in his lap. "Yeah I know that I have to look after myself, I'm not a baby. I'm eighteen dad, you gotta trust me sometimes." He laughed slightly and then stroked the chords as he listened to the lecture he was getting. "All right, I get you. I get you. See you whenever okay? Bye." He hung up the phone and tossed it behind him.

"Your dad?" He nodded as he got up reluctantly to put his guitar back on the stand where the other awaited him. She looked away from him down at the floor and then started to fidget again, her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt. The awkward silence passed over them again and Kouga was beginning to feel something really stupid on the tip of his tongue. But as if God was by his side at that very moment the doorbell rang and Kouga had to once again excuse himself.

"Damn, what do people want with me?" He said irritably as he started for the door. "Be right back." She giggled and watched him as he disappeared down the stairs till he was out of sight. The doorbell rang a few more times as if someone was very impatient. He opened the door to only be greeted with an unwelcomed sight. Before him stood his very ancient neighbor Mrs. White who was covered in mud and Rocco who was also caked with mud from head to foot.

"Hello Mr. Lee." She stated firmly as if she was about to tell the cops on him. "Mind explaining to me why your little mutt here is once again found in my beautiful prize-winning garden rolling in the mud?" Kouga looked down at Rocco and then back at the angry woman. He had to find it fairly amusing and could hardly hold back his laughter.

"Uh-because he likes to roll in the mud and your garden is the only one that provides it for him?" Kouga said mindlessly trying to find an accurate reason as to why his faithful companion was already getting him on everyone's bad side.

"I think not young man. Got a better excuse?" She asked letting go of Rocco's collar and crossing her arms over her mud caked sweater. Kouga scratched his brain for anything that would get him out of the mess that he was currently in, but he couldn't. Then just as when he was about to accept her words of disrespect a tiny chuckle was heard from behind. He spun around and saw Ayame advancing towards the dirty scene.

"Does it bother you that poor innocent Rocco here likes to get down and dirty? If you are so devoted to your garden then why not place a fence around your property? If you are so careless to allow any animal of any sort to just simply stroll by and then mess up the arrangement a little bit then you should not be blaming it on this innocent puppy." Ayame stated as if she were in court proving her employer-Rocco-was innocent. Mrs. White's face was shocked and she seemed to be lost for words. Kouga could barely hold in the amusement at how Ayame had stopped the scary old witch in her tracks. "Now good day to you!" Ayame turned around and stalked into the kitchen with her head held high and a smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks for dropping Rocco off, have a good night." Kouga said bending over and lifting his muddy dog up and bringing him inside. With his foot he closed the door in his wake and steadily made his way to the kitchen where the back door stood. Ayame was chuckling to herself on the counter when she came in viewing range for him to see.

"Did you see her face? I stopped her right in her bloody tracks!" Ayame exclaimed as she slid off the counter to open the back door for him. She somehow had a feeling where he might be heading.

"Yeah I saw. Man that witch scares me to death. She's over here practically everyday with this hunk of mud by her side. I've never been able to think of something so intelligent before." He laughed as he put Rocco down in the middle of the deck. "Rocco stay." He pointed at the dog and then went in search of the hose.

"Why thank you kind sir." Ayame joked as she watched him from the door. "You plan on hosing your dog down on your deck?"

"Yeah, I always do. It's more of a tradition if you think of it." He said as he picked up the end of the long and narrow green rubber that lay at his feet. He reached over to the tap where a single silver handle sat waiting to be turned for the release of the water. He turned it on but no water came out of the water gun at the end. He strolled back over to where the two were waiting him and then looked down at the hose in his hands.

"And your dog just stays put?" She asked raising a brow. He tested the pressure so that it wouldn't harm the dog. He looked over at her with a sly grin.

"No, I usually chase him around my yard until he's semi clean. Are you implying that you want to help with the wash up of my buddy here?" He asked as he looked from his dog to the girl. She looked from each and then crossed her arms as if in thought.

"Maybe I am."

"Well then by all means, come on down." He said waving towards the dog.

"Or I can use the hose." She stated with a smile.

"No way! I always use this baby here. Why should I let you use it?" He asked as she started to approach him.

"Because I'm a girl and you just have to." She said only a few feet away. His throat began to tighten slightly and his heartbeat was hurting his ribs. She placed a hand on his bare chest and looked deeply into his eyes. Her face got closer and closer until their lips were only inches apart. Her breath was sweet and sensual making it hard to be in the close distance with her. Her other hand brushed against the one holding onto the hose but the feel was soon gone as she grasped onto the hose and pulled it away from him.

"Thank you so much for your cooperation Kouga." She said with a smile as she pulled back only to go back in and give him a soft kiss on his left cheek. His heart almost flew from his body as he felt the softness of her lips on his skin and the warmth that her hand on his chest brought. She was his drug and he could never live without her-he knew it. She pulled away with a partially satisfied look on her face and looked into his eyes. Her pools of dazzling blue shone with the twinkle of the brightest star in the galaxy. Her scent was intoxicating, her beauty was breath taking, and she was altogether a goddess.

Rocco barked loudly as if trying to get their attention. Ayame looked away from his powerful sight and then looked down at her hand which still lingered on his chest. She pulled it away reluctantly and forced herself to turn away from him. Kouga slowly came back to and felt as if he was just born again from a single kiss-even if not the one he wanted to indulge in.

"Now you go down and hold him still while I hose him down." She said looking back at him. He nodded with a smirk as he made his way to his dog. She watched him with a devious and plainly evil plot forming inside her head as he took off Rocco's collar and held him in place. He looked back up at her and clearly missed the mischief dancing around in her eyes. As soon as she turned on the hose it was all downhill for Kouga-or at least in his eyes.
