InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Other Side ❯ To Live is to Die ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
back again. I know the prologue may be a bit confusing but that’s the way it’s supposed to be. As the story goes on, it will get more confusing but everything will start to make sense the further along you go. Don’t worry. You’re gonna love it! XD

DISCLAIMER: All characters presented in this fan fiction are not mine. They are property of Rumiko Takahashi. I’m just borrowing them because I thought they would be cool actors for my own little quirks and hopefully the entertainment of readers. The only thing belonging to me is the plot. This is not for profit, solely entertainment. This is a fan based story.

A/N: this fan fiction is rated M for content and though it is early in the story there is a small lime in this chapter. Read at your own discretion. I will not put the warnings when we are about to enter something suggestive. I am just gonna plow through the story and if you don’t like, don’t read simple as that. You have been warned. Now on with the show! XD

One final note: from here on each chapter is going to open with a journal entry from our heroine, just so we don’t get confused.

On the Other Side Chapter 1: To Live is to Die

Four Hundred Years Later
March 2005

It’s been four years… four years since I last saw her smiling face, and four years since I lost my heart. This is the first time I have written. She bought me this diary for my thirteenth birthday. She told me to fill it with all the memories I would have from that moment on. My first memory was to see her slaughtered before my very eyes by the very person she trusted most. Since that day four years ago, my life has been hell. I cannot understand why I was allowed to live while they were snatched away. I have no purpose. My life is not my own. My existence is pointless. Why was God so gracious enough to let me live while she died so cruelly? If I could die, then I could be free. Then I wouldn’t have to live like this. This is the fist time I have written in this diary… and hopefully my last.
Jingling keys outside her door brought her out of her reverie, signaling that it was time for her to leave once again; the lock clicked and the door opened, temporarily blinding her with the bright light that flooded the room. The familiar figures in white coats approached her, each taking both of her arms and leading her out of her small sanctuary. They stopped a couple of minutes later in front of a small changing room before one of the men handed her a small brown package. She stared at the package before turning a cold eye to the man. “He wanted you to change into this before he sees you today,” he explained. “Your family sent this for you yesterday at his request,” the girl’s eyes darkened for a second before she took the package and entered the room. The man shivered, turning to his companion. “Man if looks could kill,” he muttered as he rubbed his arm up and down. “I don’t know what happened to that girl. No one ever says anything on her condition… and she has been here for the past four years. When she first arrived, she was just a scared little girl. Now… it’s as if she locked away her emotions.”
His companion sighed, shaking his head sympathetically. “I’ve seen a lot of people walk in here for multitudes of reasons, but that girl… there’s something different. It had to be something more than just traumatizing for her to just shut herself off like that. And such a pretty girl at that! She’s definitely had it rough.”
The girl stood with her back to the door, clutching the packet tightly. Her eyes narrowed. you have no idea what “rough” is, she thought darkly. She stepped in front of the full length mirror, staring at the unfamiliar person in front of her. Is this me? she questioned as she traced her pale cheek with delicate fingers. It was the first time she had seen herself in a mirror in four years. Despite the neglect she had taken in her appearance, she was still very beautiful. Her waist length ebony hair fell in waves around her slender five-foot-four frame. Her blue eyes were listless, resembling an ice goddess. Her skin was smooth porcelain; her cheeks lacked color and were slightly hollowed from weight-loss. Her full red lips were dry and chapped. She darted her tongue out to wet them as she turned away from the mirror and quickly changed out of her uniform. When she was fully clothed, she faced herself in the mirror one more time: the crimson sundress complimented her complexion; the straps kept falling off her thin shoulders, but the dress fit nicely. The matching sandals fit her petite feet, but she stumbled in them, having forgotten how to walk in shoes other than the flat, almost nonexistent slippers. She heaved a weary sigh as she pulled her hair into a messy bun and tied it with a black ribbon. She exited the room, handing her discarded clothing to one of her escorts, and continuing their trek to their final destination.
They finally arrived before an all too familiar mahogany door; the gold nameplate read “DR. PRIE, PH.D.” one of the escorts tapped lightly on the door before a muffled “Enter” hummed through the wood. Her escorts opened the door and ushered her in; once she was over the threshold, he quietly closed the door, leaving the girl alone with a man she was more familiar with than her comfort level allowed. She kept her gaze straight ahead of her as a nasally voice spoke, “Have a seat, Miss Higurashi.” She stealthily waked across the room and settled herself in a large red armchair adjacent to the black leather office chair behind the desk from where the voice resonated. The chair swiveled around and her eyes met the cloudy gray eyes of a man who appeared to be pushing sixty; he had unruly gravity defying white hair that stuck in every direction with a matching moustache. He wore a pair of round gold rimmed glasses in the edge of his nose; a maroon vest over a white dress shirt with a plaid bow tie and khaki slacks with brown loafers. He sat with her fingers laced under his chin, cradling his head. “How are you today, Miss Higurashi?” he asked in a cheery voice to match his overly pleasant smile. The girl I remained quiet, eyeing him stoically. He chuckled. “As quiet as ever I see. Well, Miss Higurashi, you won’t have to worry about seeing me anymore. This will be our last session,” he stated in a matter-of-fact voice. “I am releasing you today,” the girl’s face remained stoic, but her eyes revealed an unnoticeable amount of intrigue. The doctor continued. “We’ve made arrangements for you to stay with the Inutaishos. You will go to a normal high school as a third year and function as a normal, stable human in society,” the girl continued to stare blankly at the doctor. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and continued. “Your family should be here shortly.”
The girl’s eyes narrowed and her mouth formed a thin line. “You know as well as I do, Doctor, that I have no family,” her voice was flat and barely audible. She could not remember the last time she used her voice. It sounded foreign to her. She could hear some of her accent leak through the flatness: her father was from the southern part of America and her mother was Japanese. Remembering the sounds of their voices made a lump form in her throat. She would never allow herself to show emotion in front of this man whom she hated almost as much as the gods for placing her in this hell. She continued to keep her mask in place all the while fighting to bury her memories once again.
Dr. Prie sat pondering her words. “Miss Higurashi, you must begin to accept your reality. Your mother is dead. Your father is in an indefinite coma. However, your sister is very much alive and your parents’ closest friends have agreed to take you in. You are a fortunate girl. Once you accept this as your reality, and allow yourself moments to grieve, you will be able to move on and function in the world as a normal person.”
The girl’s eyes remained narrowed, never losing their cold nature. She managed to bury her emotions, portraying nothing but stoic rage. “Tell me again.” she responded once again in her lackluster tone. “What does it mean to be ‘normal’?”
Dr. Prie stared incredulously at her. “Why, of course, being able to function in a stable environment without being a threat to yourself and others. We’ve been through this already, Miss Higurashi,” the girl continued to glare at the man, her eyes void of any emotion, giving no clue as to what she was thinking. Her little staring game was beginning to unnerve him and he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. This girl always seemed to get under his skin. He would feel as if she were picking through his mind and unraveling him. Several times he could have sworn that the temperature in the room was rising and it was not because of his nerves. It seemed that every session would end this way, with her saying very few to no words at all. Dr. Prie had worked with many dangerous patients however, none of them disturbed him as much as this small quiet little girl. Even now as they spoke, the heat was steadily rising and he tugged at his collar. A light rap on his door startled him; his voice squeaked slightly as he eagerly replied “Come in!” and he tried to regain his composure. A couple walked through the door and the girl noticed a wave of relief wash over the doctor’s features. She hid the self satisfied smirk that almost betrayed her, smug that if their game would have continued, she would have made the doctor crack. He glanced briefly at the girl, noticing that her intense gaze was broken and she once again retreated into her emotional shell. His trained eye however did not miss the smug look in her eye and he grew almost indignant. He clenched his jaw and turned to the couple, adopting a business-like tone. “Mr. and Mrs. Inutaisho. Please have a seat. We have a few things to discuss before Miss Higurashi is released.”
The woman, Mrs. Inutaisho, looked pleasantly surprised. “She can finally come home?” she half gasped, half spoke. The girl took a moment to inspect Mrs. Inutaisho. She had a young looking face, the girl could see Mrs. Inutaisho took very good care of herself. She was definitely in her early forties, but her face and demeanor showed none of that. She possessed lustrous chocolate brown eyes and jet black hair that stopped below her waist but was held together in a thick braid. Her glossy, pink lips held a natural pout, but were gorgeous as she smiled brightly. She was five-foot-six and surprisingly frail looking. She wore a sleeveless pink button down top that revealed a tasteful amount of the creamy skin of her chest and proved that she had a large bust; her jeans hugged her hips, slimming her more than she already was. She had a trace of shimmering eye shadow upon her eyelids and nothing more. Mrs. Inutaisho was indeed very beautiful.
“So all is well?” Mr. Inutaisho spoke. The girl noticed that he wasn’t lacking in looks either: his silver hair was long and flowing with a charming unruliness to it. His crystal golden eyes sparkled with intensity but it was obvious those eyes were used to being filled with laughter. He had many lines about his face, but they were not from age. He was definitely a jolly man; and very handsome. He had an air of charm that could make women weak in the knees. He wore a blue silk shirt with the first two buttons undone and black slacks. It was no wonder he had such a pretty wife. A feeling of nostalgia swelled within the girl as she stared at the man’s face. He reminded her of someone…
“Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Inutaisho,” Dr. Prie continued. “Miss Higurashi is finally stable enough to return to a normal life. Her schizophrenia has been contained with the medication, which she has to continue once she leaves, as well as the anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Though she has made excellent progress, she often succumbs to her depression and has developed insomnia. It also seems that in her time here she had developed an avoidant personality. It’s often the case with most patients, however the more time she spends with family and friends, that will eventually fade away. Most importantly, her suicide attempts have ceased.”
Lies… the girl thought cynically.
“Thank God,” Mrs. Inutaisho breathed. “We were so worried about her. Especially after--” she stopped and glanced at the girl cautiously. “The incident,” she finished slowly.
No one noticed how the girl stiffened and her breathing became somewhat shallow. She willed herself to not lose control again, especially considering she was finally getting out of this place. Her blue eyes flickered crimson; luckily her bangs hid her eyes from the rest of them as she continued her internal battle. She buried those memories deeper and deeper in her mind until finally she shut down and her impassive façade was in place again. She was numb.
“Of course,” Dr. Prie nodded. “But just as a follow up to monitor her progress and make sure she stays on track, I’ve arranged weekly sessions with another psychiatrist,” he shuffled through some papers on his desk, and looked at one carefully. “Dr. Sandoval specializes in such cases as Miss Higurashi,” he looked at the girl, once again becoming unnerved by her cold intense glare. “Miss Higurashi, I want you to break out of that shell sometime soon. Make many friends. Interact with people. Get involved in things. I hope to see a smile on that pretty face.”
The doctor’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief when her lips curved upward in a dark, mocking way. Everyone was startled when she spoke. “Of course, Doctor,” her tone reeked of sarcasm. “I wouldn’t dream of wasting your good deeds. After all… you are the reason for my recovery,” her grin widened and the doctor was on the verge of a panic attack when he heard her voice in his mind. You will get what’s yours. My hell will be nothing compared to what you will experience. I can hardly contain my excitement.
Dr. Prie stared wide-eyed at the girl. “I believe that is all,” he concluded far too quickly. “Have the receptionist sign these release forms. Here’s Dr. Sandoval’s information, her first session will be next Thursday. Thank you, have a pleasant evening,” he shoved the paperwork at them and practically threw them out of his office. Before the girl left, she cast him one final glance and he froze in horror. She finally shut the door and he could hear her malevolent chuckle. Dr. Prie dropped to the floor retching violently. A nurse entered a couple of minutes later to his violent attack. She quickly handed him a glass of water and shoved two pills in his mouth. Dr. Prie swallowed and downed the water in one gulp, taking deep calming breaths. The nurse helped him to his chair, fanning him with one of his file folders. “It was that girl again, wasn’t it?” she hissed. “She has made no progress since she’s been here. Was it wise to let her go like that? She’s dangerous.”
Dr. Prie removed his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. “She needs an exorcist. That girl is demonic in every way possible. The devil has a hold on her.”
The nurse stared at him quizzically. “You’ve never struck me as the religious type, Doctor.”
In this line of work, sometimes patients teach us more. I have seen the other side, Karen. That girl is holding a great evil inside of her,” his body began to tremble again as the images replayed in his mind. He could see the grotesque way the iron bar protruded from his body and it sent new waves of nausea through him… all of this was induced by that girl. Her glowing crimson eyes were the last thing he thought of before he lost consciousness.
Mr. Inutaisho stretched and massaged an imaginary crick in his neck. “Man Izayoi, you know how much I hate playing the uptight stiff. That guy was a pain in the ass.”
Mrs. Inutaisho giggled. “You played your part very well, Takeo my darling. I thought you were gonna kill the man.”
Takeo snorted. “You know me too well, Honey. How dare he sit there and tell us bullshit like that about our little Rosebud as if she were some kind of lunatic? I swear Normies will chalk anything they can’t understand to some mental instability.”
Hearing her nickname once again made a small smile appear on her face. She looked up and felt the sunshine warm her skin and the wind caress her small frame; she closed her eyes and let the sounds of the outside world envelop her for a brief second. She was finally free and finally able to drop her guard. She took what she called a deep cleansing breath. “Izayoi-chan, Takeo-chan… Ogenki desu ka?” she was able to switch to Japanese so naturally, but Izayoi and Takeo understood her words. They both smiled and nodded to her. That was when she gave them her first real smile in years. “Tadaima,” she whispered and both adults embraced her tightly.
“Welcome back, Rosebud,” Izayoi breathed. “We’ve missed you terribly.”
Takeo let out a hearty laugh. “You gave that doctor quite a scare. I thought he was gonna shit himself!”
The girl shrugged. “He had it coming. I figured it would be a nice parting gift. Just a tiny glimpse of his future although I thing I overdid it with the mind talk,” she added in a mocking apologetic voice.
Both Inutaishos grinned. “I swear you are more like her everyday,” Izayoi said.
They had all grown accustomed to calling the girl’s mother “she” or “her”. It was the only way the girl wouldn’t break down. The girl smiled and linked arms with both adults. “I want to go home,” she said quietly. Her cheeks were tinted red. “I want to see him.”
Izayoi smiled knowingly. “Sesshomaru?” the girl nodded shyly.
Takeo grinned. “Well things are going to be back to normal. Sesshomaru and Rin have been in a funk lately. They missed you terribly girl.”
Her heartbeat sped up. His name still had an effect on her. He was her childhood friend and… her first love. He was the reason she was determined to get out… at least on their terms. She could have easily broken out. She had abilities most people could not begin to understand. She was psychic like her mother. Telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to conjure things merely by thought, all those abilities belonged to her. Being in solitude for so long allowed her to master her skills to the point that she could even practice mind control. Unlike her mother, however, the girl chose to keep her abilities secret. The only ones who knew about them were the Inutaishos, her sister Rin, and her best friend Sesshomaru.
Her heart thumped again. That boy held infinite power over her. The very thought of him sent her heart flying a million miles an hour. The trio remained silent as they approached the Inutaishos’ black Avalanche. The girl remained transfixed in her thoughts as they drove along. “The don’t know you’re coming home today,” Izayoi spoke, breaking the silence. “We were hoping to surprise them.”
“I’m sure they are gonna kill over with excitement,” she yawned and grinned simultaneously.
“Go ahead and get some rest Rosebud. The trip will be awhile,” the girl nodded gratefully and closed her eyes, allowing sleep to claim her small frame. Izayoi smiled at her before turning to her husband. “So what do you think our dear Rosebud did to the good doctor?”
He shrugged with a slight shiver. “I know how Aika was with the mind fucks. One wrong move and you were screwed for life. But we both know that Rosebud is more powerful than her mother so you can only imagine. Being born of her parents… it’s from expected that she would be very talented. Whatever she did to the doctor… well I hope he don’t die from insanity first.”
Izayoi’s eyes widened. “You don’t think she used that…” she stopped.
“Dr. Prie got a nice clear glimpse of his death,” Takeo answered solemnly.
Izayoi hugged herself. “They say payback’s a bitch… what could he have done to make her use that on the old prick?”
“I don’t think it matters anymore. She got the ultimate sweet revenge on the doctor.”
Izayoi’s eyes suddenly filled with sadness and she looked down at her lap. “Do you think we can handle this, Takeo? Our own abilities are nothing compared to this child. We can only do so much before she…” she didn’t continue. The only sound heard was a small sob.
Takeo held her hand. “Aika knew it was to come. That’s why she died protecting that child. She accepted it as long as her daughter was safe. She was truly a remarkable woman.”
“We promised we would take care of the girls, but Takeo, her fate is too much.”
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Humans fear night, Izayoi. It’s uncertain and there are plenty of things to be afraid of. But when dawn arrives and the worst is over, we breathe easy. She will be our dawn. No worries, love,” he watched his wife’s tense shoulders slowly relax, signaling that she had dropped the subject for now. He grinned at her. “Now let’s get our little Rosebud home. I’m sure Sesshomaru is dying to see her.”
Izayoi smiled. “She doesn’t even know how special she is, does she?”
The girl woke up in time to see the car pull into the driveway of a white two story house with blue shutters. The columns surrounded the front porch and supported the balcony on the second floor. At the end of the long porch was a white swing with several lounge chairs. The house radiated old southern hospitality and images of her father flashed briefly in her mind before she willed them away. She quietly got out of the car and followed the Inutaishos into the house. The interior was even more beautiful than outside: the foyer led to the large grand hallway, where a pair of spiraling staircases led to the upper level; in the center was an intricately designed gold and crystal chandelier. To the right of the entrance, the girl could see a comfortably furnished living room with three large burgundy couches surrounding a rectangular glass coffee table mounted on black wood. All the couches were at an angle to face the forty two inch plasma screen television mounted on the wall. An expensive entertainment system was below it. The burgundy complimented the off white walls and champagne carpet. The fireplace matched the color of the wall and the edges were carved into beautiful ocean wave patterns. Above the fireplace was a shelf that housed an assortment of portraits; a gold framed photo of two girls hugging a dorky little boy and smiling brightly at the camera caught the girl’s eye. The dining room was directly across from the living room. A long redwood table that could easily seat twenty four people was in the center of the room. A smaller simple silver chandelier added a subtle elegance to the room. Assorted works of art adorned the off white walls. Beyond the dining room was a moderately sized kitchen that looked rather ordinary aside from the state-of-the-art appliances and delicate china. A small laundry room was to the left of the kitchen and housed a brand new washer and dryer set. The second floor looked as if it housed all the bedrooms and bathrooms. She could not believe her eyes. She remembered how she used to play in this same house wit her childhood friend, but it did not look nearly as beautiful as what she was seeing now. She took a step forward, as a faint smile graced her lips. Izayoi snaked an arm around her shoulder. “Do you think it’s too much?” she inquired.
She shook her head and murmured, “It’s gorgeous.”
“Takeo and I did some renovating some time after you left. Ever since we took over your parents’ business we’ve been very busy and with us being primary entertainers, we’ve been hosting parties out the wazoo. Then we wanted to make sure you girls would be comfortable when you started living with us.”
The girl looked thoughtful for a second and barely had a chance to open her mouth before she was tackled to the floor by a human blur. “Ohmygodyou’refinallyhomeImissedyousomuch!” the girl was squeezed in a massive bear hug; she gasped for air. “Izayoi-chan! I’m dying!”
Izayoi laughed. “Calm down, Rin. She barely had a chance to walk through the door and you’re already smothering her.”
Rin froze then sheepishly stood up, helping the girl up. “I’m sorry. It’s just been four years! That’s far too long to be separated from my sister.”
The girl stared at her. “Sister? The last time you used that word, you throttled me, disowned me, and blamed me for--”
“That was a mistake,” Rin interjected hastily. “You have to understand I didn’t mean any of those thing I said. I was… upset and unfortunately you were my scapegoat. Forgive me Sister. I shouldn’t have said and done those things to you.”
The girl stared at her blankly, then shrugged. “Fine, you’re forgiven.”
Rin blinked, obviously shocked. “Just like that?” she asked.
“Yes, dear, just like that,” Izayoi stepped in. “Now how about you and I go make a special celebratory dinner for your sister and Sesshomaru can show her to her room. Sesshomaru! Honey, come downstairs!”
The girl’s heartbeat sped up and her face began to fill with color. She heard a door open upstairs and a pair of feet move across the floor. A young man came down the left staircase. The girl stared wide-eyed, not believing that the god before her was her old childhood friend. He had sliver hair like his father but it was slightly longer and held together in a ponytail at the nape of his neck; though his bangs covered his eyes, she could see his dazzling golden eyes. His right ear was pierced with a small black stud. He stood at five foot nine and had an impressive lean physique; his arms and chest were especially pronounced. He wore a simple white button down shirt that was undone just below his chest and dark jeans that were torn at the knees. His face was a little long and his lips were plump and kissable, the girl thought with a mental groan. He was gorgeous! His eyes met hers and remained fixed on each other as he descended the stairs, shock evident in his features as well. He finally stood in front of her, both of them still in their trance. Izayoi and Rin took their cue and left the two alone.
Sesshomaru took an appreciative look at her, admiring her beauty and smiled. “You’ve grown,” he said quietly.
She smiled back. “As have you.”
He wordlessly took her hand and led her upstairs to what she guessed was her room. She continued to stare at his form. Four years had done him well. He had gone from an awkward dork to a god chiseled from stone. He smiled to himself, knowing that she was staring at him; he grinned wider when he glanced back at her. She was still beautiful, just as her mother was. They finally reached her room and he stepped aside to let her in. she looked around the room, thankful for Izayoi’s decorative skills. The walls were pale yellow making the room look brighter when the sun shined and she had two windows, one right above her bed and the other on the next wall by her desk. Her bed was a queen sized canopy bed with numerous pillows; the sheer material of the canopy was black and the comforter and pillows were varying shades of red. She had a small walk-in closet which she knew Izayoi had filled. The carpet was snow white and very soft. The only other things in the room were a wooden desk that was waiting to be used, a nightstand with a lamp made of colored glass, and a couple of fern green bean bag chairs. The girl loved the massive color contrast because it so fit her personality. She heard the door close behind her and did not have a chance to open her mouth before Sesshomaru had her pinned against the wall, staring deeply into her eyes, paralyzing her. “I missed you,” he whispered breathlessly, his lips hovering over hers. “Kagome.”
An involuntary shiver ran down her body as he said her name. “There’s no way you missed me more than I missed you,” she whispered back.
He growled low before crashing his lips over hers. She immediately responded, wriggling her arms from his grip and wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands traveled down her body to wrap around her waist and pull her body closer to him. She molded into him, finally succumbing to her emotions and released a quiet sob. He broke their kiss and held her to his chest, letting her cry out everything she held in.
“I was scared,” she cried. “You couldn’t come save me. They wouldn’t let me see you. They wouldn’t let me see anyone. They locked me away. All I saw was the men who took me out everyday and that bastard of a doctor. He tried to feed me lies, brainwash me… Sesshomaru it was terrible.”
He held her tightly and stroked her head. “It’s okay now. I’m here. I won’t let you go again,” she began to take calming breaths as he pressed his forehead against hers. He wiped away her unshed tears. “No more tears now love. Just tell me what happened.”
“I had to become someone else… someone I didn’t want to be. She’s still within me and there are moments where I don’t want to live. I wanted to be with Mom.”
His expression grew stern and he grabbed her shoulders, shaking her gently so he would not startle her. “Don’t ever say that again!” he scolded. “Your mother died protecting you! Do not let that be in vain. You know I care about you and if something were to happen to take you away from me again, I would be miserable. God, Kagome, do you know what these past four years have been like without you? Not being able to see you or hold you… I missed you,” he muttered over her lips. “You were all I thought about. The reason I am who I am now. I wanted you to forget the old me. I wanted to be someone you would be proud to be seen with.”
Her eyes fluttered shut and she shivered from his light touches. “I am proud. I was never ashamed of you. You were the only one I could be myself with. The only one I was comfortable with. I…” she hesitated.
He smiled and closed the distance between them. “I know,” he said between kisses. “Me too,” he kissed her passionately as if to make up for the four years they were apart. She sighed into the kiss and he took the opportunity to dart his tongue past her lips to dance with hers. She submitted to his kiss, letting him lead. He leaned forward, making her fall on her bed with him on top. Kagome placed her hands on his shoulders, slowly kneading them and feeling his body melt into hers. Sesshomaru snaked an arm around her lower back and teased the skin there, causing her to arch into him. It wasn’t long before they were totally engrossed with each other, becoming oblivious to the world around them. His hand began moving lower to where her dress began to bunch up. She arched even further and he took the opportunity to latch onto her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a small whimper. He grinned against her skin. “Picking up where we left off,” her murmured and continued attacking her neck.
“If I remember correctly,” she huffed, relishing how good his lips felt. “Neither of us were in this position. I was only thirteen at the time and you were too much of a gentleman,” she moaned quietly when she felt his fingertips ghost her dampening crotch. “I see your new look came with a new attitude,” she gasped.
He moved his head lower to kiss the exposed skin of her breasts. “But of course, my dear. And you seem to be responding well to my new attitude,” he smirked as he dipped his hand under the elastic of her panties and massaged her bud, causing her to cry out in ecstasy. His eyes darkened. “When was the last time, hm? I’m sure you need this very much right now.”
He continued his ministrations and she writhed beneath him, feeling a knot twist in her stomach. She moaned his name continuously as he pushed her closer to the edge. “Sesshomaru! I can’t… I’m gonna…”
“Do it love. Cum for me.”
That was enough to send her over the edge and her world exploded into tiny shards of white light. Her body was slow to come down from her high, mostly because Sesshomaru had not moved his hand just yet. Her breathing finally came to the semblance of normal and she looked at him with glazed eyes. “Whatever happened to being a gentleman? And the dirty talk was no fair!”
He chuckled. “Kagome, you’re seventeen now. I know that you needed that,” he moved to kiss her neck again and she could feel herself become aroused again. She shakily whispered his name. He kissed and nipped wherever he could and she found herself wanting more. Just a little more…
“Sesshomaru! Kagome!” a voice boomed from downstairs. “Dinner is almost ready. Don’t make me come up there!”
Alex buried his head in the crook of Kagome’s neck and growled, “Goddammit Rin!”
Kagome giggled and stroked his head absently while staring at the ceiling. “I don’t want to leave ever again,” she whispered. “If I have to leave you again--”
“You won’t,” came his muffled reply. “I told you I’m not letting you go again,” he moved so that that now he was lying on her chest and she continued stroking his hair. “You know how I feel about you, Kagome. You’re never gonna leave me again.”
She closed her eyes. “I know Sesshomaru.”
He moved off her and pulled her up with him. He kissed her forehead and grinned. “We must continue this after dinner,” Kagome shivered from his suggestion.
“I swear it’s like you’re a starving man and I just happen to be an appetizing meal.”
His tone became husky and sensual. “You have no idea what four years can do to a man. Of course I’m starving and of course you’re my main dish,” he kissed one side of her neck. “And my dessert,” he kissed the other side.
Her face heated up instantly and she bit back a moan as he sucked and lightly bit her neck. A loud pounding on Kagome’s door broke their passionate moment. “Dinnertime!” came a sickeningly sweet voice from the other side.”
Sesshomaru’s grip tightened around Kagome, and he growled again. “I swear she does that on purpose. Shit Rin!” he shouted at the door. Rin broke into a mad giggle and vanished downstairs.
Kagome leaned into his chest. “We better go,” Sesshomaru did not budge and was muttering something that sounded like methods of murder. Kagome chuckled and briefly kissed him, making him lose his train of thought. “I promise after dinner,” she whispered into his ear.
He needed no further encouragement. He was dragging her out of the room at breakneck speed. She couldn’t hide her amusement and laughed as they descended the stairs.
“She’s here. The one we have been searching for. She has finally returned,” the dark figure whispered into the mirror.
“How much longer until we have her? I’m tired of waiting and I must have that girl at all costs~” the mirror shouted back.
“Soon. All the pieces are in place. Now that she has returned, it is time to set the plan in motion. Do not worry. You will have everything you desire and more.”
“Good work. I expect nothing short of perfection. Carry on but make haste. I grow weary of this damned prison.”
“Yes, Darling. Once this is over, the wedding will be such a grand occasion, the world will speak of it for years.”
“Only if you succeed. Do not disappoint me. I would hate for my bride to return to me in failure.”
“Of course. Rest now. You have used too much energy as it is. I will see you soon, my love.” the image in the glass faded and the woman turned to the man standing behind her. “I know that you are not yet complete and you are missing something that is rightfully yours. I have the perfect candidate to help you. I’m sure he won’t mind if we borrow a precious part of him,” she smiled darkly as she approached the man and looked into his empty eyes. “You two could be identical. Do not worry; you will have what is yours. Then I can have what I want. You will do exactly as I say and by the time this is finished, you will have your life back.”
The man only stared blankly at her with soulless eyes. “K-Kikyo,” he mumbled.
“That’s right. She’s here. Irene is waiting for you. Patience,” she chuckled maliciously. “Now that the wheels are in motion, there is no stopping them. The world’s chosen will fulfill her destiny. Soon, she will give us everything.”

A/N: *Breathes a sigh of relief* That lime was a bit tough to write so early in the story but there is a reason for it. Anyways I thought this would be a good time to clear some things up: yes I am making the characters extremely OOC. It is MY story and they are portrayed the way I want them. Second, yes, Rin and Kagome are sisters. Kikyo will play another role in the story as will Inuyasha. They will not be introduced until much later. And finally, neither the manga version nor the anime adaptation mentioned the names of Sesshomaru’s father and Kagome’s parents. I took the liberty to give them all first names. Sesshomaru’s father is Takeo (which means “violent warrior”.. I thought it was most fitting) Inutaisho. Kagome’s mother is Aika (Meaning “love song”) Higurashi and her father will simply be known as Minoru (meaning “truth) Higurashi.

I’m not a review whore but some feedback would be awesome n_n thanks for reading and I’ll get the next chapter up soon.