InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Other Side ❯ Good is Now Evil ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I managed to get the next chapter out! I had been battling writer’s block for a couple of weeks now and finally something came out of it. I will be the first to admit that it is sorta confusing (if you’re not me that is and don’t know where I’m taking the story XD)but if you’re smart I’ll give cookies to whoever can figure it out ^_^

DISCLAIMER: All characters presented in this fan fiction are not mine. They are property of Rumiko Takahashi. I’m just borrowing them because I thought they would be cool actors for my own little quirks and hopefully the entertainment of readers. The only thing belonging to me is the plot. This is not for profit, solely entertainment. This is a fan based story.

Song Inspiration for this chapter: I Don’t Care by Apocalyptica ft. Adam Grontier from 3 Days Grace.

Chapter 3: Good is Now Evil
It’s hard to tell who to trust. I thought things were fine; turned out to be a slap in my face and then there ware those in question. Every fiber of my being is screaming that things are not what the seem yet I can’t decipher it any further. It feels as if someone is pulling my life along like a character in someone’s sick play and I’m the only one who doesn’t know the plot or what’s going to happen next. Like the kid left out of the big playground secret. It goes back to that night four years ago. That’s where everything began yet nothing makes sense and there are no clues. But maybe if I revisit that place that was once my home… I can start getting some answers.

Sesshomaru quickly carried Kagome to her room after his parents assured him that she was okay. There as no need to panic and it would often happen with Kagome; still it didn’t ease his worry. He laid her on her bed and she moaned slightly. He immediately felt relieved to her that small sound from her and knelt down to brush some of her bands from her sweaty brow. He watched her intensely, unaware of the other presence in the room. It reached out and plunged its hand into his back, extracting a bright light from his heart.
Kagome stared wide-eyed at the statue. “Mom,” she whispered. She reached up and cupped its cheek in her hand. “What is this?” she asked herself. “What is going on?”
“We finally meet,” came a voice from behind her.
Kagome turned to face a girl sitting in a tree on the edge of the lake. Kagome couldn’t see her face, but judging by her height and build she was around Kagome’s age and wore nothing but a plain white form fitting dress; it was strapless and stopped a little above her knees. She had no shoes but everything about her was neat and clean. Kagome moved back across the water as the girl gracefully dropped from the tree and waited at the lake’s edge. When Kagome finally made it to the edge, she gasped; she looked at the girl with intrigue and confusion: she looked exactly like Kagome. “Who are you?” Kagome asked cautiously.
The girl smiled. “For the moment you can call me Eve.”
Kagome blinked. “Eve? And what do you mean ‘for the moment’?”
Eve giggled. “My, aren’t we inquisitive. I guess that is to be expected. However, I cannot be the one to give you all the answers. That is something you need to ascertain yourself.”
Kagome blinked again, slightly more confused than before. “Okay,” she responded slowly. “So what is this place? And how did I get here?”
Eve smiled and gazed at the water. “This place is your sanctuary. Kinda like and eternalized place that you created many years ago. When your mother died, it sort of became a memorial for her.”
Kagome glanced back at the statue of her mother. “That explains it then,” she muttered.
Eve smiled again. “Honestly, do you believe that everyone is out to get you?” she giggled, then her face became solemn. “You aren’t far from the truth. Dark forces are stirring and you, my dear, are the key to it all.”
Kagome’s gaze remained on the water but her body stiffened. “I kinda figured that I am the cause. For as long as I can remember I’ve felt like I’m different. Not in the sense that teenagers differ, but that I have something no one else has. Aside from my powers… something more,” she faced Eve with a soft expression. “So what am I?”
Eve knelt down and placed a finger in the water and watched the ripples glide across the surface. “You are Kagome. You are the chosen. You have a deep power locked within you and you must become stronger in order to tap into it.”
Kagome remained unmoving, but her heartbeat sped up. Why don’t you use your powers and save yourselves, Kikyo? that dark voice taunted. I will kill your mother if you do not show me your power. Reveal yourself to me!
Eve continued playing in the water. “You understand? That day was only the beginning. There is much for you to achieve and little time to do it. You are completely different from the others.”
Kagome stood, determination etched on her face. “Well I may as well do this. If I don’t then it won’t end, will it? It has to end with me right?”
Eve nodded. “You are indeed her daughter.”
They both gazed at the statue before turning to face each other. Eve placed her palm against Kagome’s chest; an explosion of light erupted as the two remained connected. Once the illumination faded, Kagome sank to the ground, panting and clutching her chest; she was wearing a dress identical to Eve’s, except hers was black, and no shoes just like Eve. Kagome squeezed her eyes shut, resisting the urge to scream in agony. She felt as if her chest was being ripped apart and her heart and lungs were being crushed. Eve stood over her looking apologetic. “Please just bear with it. It needs a moment to accept you.”
Kagome gritted her teeth and nodded; she clawed the grass and took deep breaths in order to calm herself. The pain doubled and she let herself slip out of consciousness to cope. When she opened her eyes again, she was standing in a pitch black room with a single spotlight on her. She looked around, but could see nothing at all. She could hear whispers ringing through the darkness, letting her know that she was not alone. She stood her ground ready to face whatever was going to jump out at her. She was surprised when a little girl walked into the light: she was small and blonde with big innocent blue eyes; she wore a simple white robe but no shoes. Her face was emotionless but Kagome could see wisdom behind her deceptive appearances. “Kagome, do you realize what is to happen?” she asked in a clear, small voice.
Kagome shook her head slowly. “I don’t understand what is happening or even why. I do know that in order to stop whatever is happening that it has to end with me. I won’t claim to be perfect. Nor will I understand everything at first. I just… don’t want my mother’s sacrifice to be in vain. Whatever she left to do in this world I will do. I will do everything in my power to make sure that no other sacrifice takes place.”
The girl nodded, but frowned. “You know nothing of your destiny, yet you accept it readily. You ask no questions and are ready to face whatever danger you may face. Why?”
Kagome looked at the ground. “I had always known that I was different. When I was very young, I could never see my future clearly, yet everyone else’s was very concise. No, I didn’t see my mother’s death until the day before and I still do not understand what happened to my father. I do know that everything revolves around something within me.”
The girl still looked skeptical. “Your power can lay ruin to the world. The entire balance hangs on your shoulders. You would risk the world to get your answers. Your death would still serve the purpose you seek and end the sacrifice.”
“And who’s to say that in another millennium or so the same thing happens?” Kagome challenged. “If I don’t find a way to end this here and now, the war may never be over!”
The girl’s eyes widened. “You are awakening…”
Kagome’s eyes glowed impossibly more blue and the whole room lit up with light. Kagome faced numerous women, all different shapes, sizes and ages, all of them wearing the same white robe as the girl. They all stared at her in disbelief as her eyes remained brilliant crystal blue, but held unwavering determination. “I am awakening,” Kagome confirmed in a sagely voice. “And you all understand that the war between Heaven and Hell did not end with Kikyo. They have been after me for years and the torment will not end in my death. It would only make my soul that much easier to obtain.”
The women stood in horror as realization dawned on them; she was right. The girl smirked. “Very well then,” she waved her hand, acknowledging the women around her. “There is nothing we can do. Lady Kikyo has already spoken. We grant you the power Lady Kagome. We look forward to see just how you harness it.”
Kagome bowed her head. “I assure you, you will not be disappointed.”
The light faded around the women, leaving only the little girl in view. “May God be with you,” she said and faded just as the others had. Kagome remained in her single spotlight a moment more before she looked up into the illumination and faded into the darkness as well.
Eve sat at the lake’s edge, cradling Kagome’s head in her lap. She could only guess what was happening within the confines of Kagome’s soul and hoped that Kanna was not too hard on her. She was slightly startled when Kagome’s eyes shot open, shining a more radiant sapphire than normal; her body hovered slightly above Eve and translucent silver wings burst from her back, fading as quickly as they appeared. Kagome fell to the ground, hugging her body and panting; her pain was finally gone. She turned to Eve with a weary smile. “Well that could have been worse.”
Eve knelt beside her. “Kagome, what happened?”
Kagome looked thoughtful for a second then confused. “I don’t know. I can’t remember what happened. I just remember a girl… she was young. Then she said I was awakening. Then there was a group of women and then nothing.”
Eve’s face was stoic. “I see,” she stood up. “Well, in any case, you have been accepted as Lady and Guardian of the Shikon Jewel.”
Kagome quirked a brow. “The Shikon Jewel?” she questioned.
“Yes. It is a jewel that was created over four hundred years ago. It holds unimaginable power and only special women can wield its power. Women of your lineage.”
“That explains the psychic powers,” Kagome verified.
Eve nodded. “That’s correct. Throughout the generations the powers weakened steadily until it could only be passed off as inherent psychic powers. Nothing complicated, just a simple glimpse into the futures of regular mortals. However, your mother became the exception; her power seemed to flourish and grow. Strangely, she lost her power right before her death.”
Kagome thought about the night her mother died and recalled how her father had mentioned something about her mother’s power’s being weak. Kagome didn’t know that her mother had completely lost her powers, otherwise, Kagome was certain that her mother would have been able to foretell her future and prevent her death. “What could have caused her to suddenly lose her powers like that?” Kagome wondered aloud. “They were innate abilities. There’s no way they would suddenly disappear, especially if it was in her blood.”
“Even I cannot begin to know the reasons,” Eve explained. “We thought that your mother was the one. But when you were conceived…” Even trailed off. Kagome didn’t push it, knowing she would get some answers later. When Even turned to face her, a light smile on her face, Kagome knew the subject had been dropped for now. “How about a friendly spar?”
Kagome blanched. “You're joking, right?”
She winced when she felt a shallow cut on her arm caused by a sword Eve suddenly conjured up. Eve smirked. “Do I look like I'm joking?” Kagome's eyes narrowed and she jumped back, landing a few feet away. Eve charged at Kagome again, with the intent to kill. Kagome managed to dodge each of her attacks, choosing to remain defensive for a while. Eve thrust her blade, aiming straight at Kagome's heart; Kagome jumped, managing to keep her weight light enough to land on Eve's sword, effectively causing Eve to lose her balance and fall forward. Kagome pinned the sword to the ground by standing on it and right when Eve looked up, her eyes me the tip of a similar sword Kagome materialized seconds after throwing Eve off balance; Kagome grinned triumphantly. Eve kept her wide-eyed focus on the tip of the blade before her. “You are well trained,” she stated.
“You know for someone who seems to know so much about me, your information is severely lacking. My father was well versed with the blade and my mother was an excellent archer.”
“Of course,” Eve chuckled. “I concede defeat for now. It’s time for you to leave anyway,” Eve stood brushing imaginary dirt from her form. “I will be here to guide you, and help you understand more as you go along. I am part of you Kagome, so know that I’m on your side.”
Kagome nodded. “Thank you Eve,” Kagome extended her hand and Eve took it causing a hazy silver shimmer to form around their clasped hands; the meadow faded away around them and was replaced with a blue watery haze. Kagome fell through the illumination, leaving Eve and finally returning home.
The shadowed figure smiled forebodingly as she held an orb in her hand. “Thanks a lot, Lover,” she chuckled wickedly before fading into the darkness, leaving Sesshomaru unconscious on the floor. Just as she vanished, Kagome’s eyes shot open and she sat erect, gasping and choking for air. She placed a hand on her chest and could still feel the dull ache, signifying her little episode was more than a dream. She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Sesshomaru lying on the floor. Fear entered her heart as she hurried to him, cradling him in her arms and pleading for him to wake up. He moaned softly, his eyes fluttering open and she immediately pulled him into her embrace. “Thank God! I was scared,” she cried.
“Kagome,” he groaned as he tried to sit up. “Don’t worry about me, how are you? Is everything okay?”She nodded. “Just strange dreams,” she frowned when she looked at his face. “Your eyes,” she whispered.
He blinked a couple of times. “What about them?”
“They’re different,” Sesshomaru’s eyes were no longer his usual radiant amber; they were now a dull shade of yellow. “What happened?” she inquired as she reached out to touch his cheek.
Sesshomaru looked startled for a second and in a slight panic attack, slapped her hand away. “Don’t touch me!” he barked.
Kagome held her hand to her chest, the hurt evident in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice.
He ran a hand through his hair, taking deep breaths to calm the inexplicable rage he was feeling. Kagome flinched when he stood up abruptly, fists clenched. “I gotta go,” he said through gritted teeth; he turned and walked to her door; right before he left he said, “And leave me alone for a while.”
Kagome remained on the floor completely dumbstruck and wounded, but she could not tell which was more prevalent. His eyes disturbed her but his attitude perturbed her more: how could he have gone from doting one second to seemingly hating her the next. The more she thought about it, the more peeved she became until she just growled in frustration and stood up, grabbing her jacket and walking out the door. The clock downstairs chimed seven times indicating the time; Kagome was sure that she wouldn’t be questioned, but left as quickly as possible so she would not be noticed.
She stepped into the serene, chilly mid-March air; the heavens were a fusion of blue and black and the moon was suspended lazily in the east, casting its lethargic, forbidden glow across the small island town, threatening to engulf the world in its hazy enchantment. Night birds and crickets sang their nocturnal sonnets; the grass had begun to dew and the sweet damp fragrance of spring filled her nostrils. The lazy aura continued to saturate the air until the entire town was under the night’s misty spell, slowly retiring to their evening rituals. Kagome was the lone wolf of the night, enjoying her solitude in a newfound freedom. After that encounter with Sesshomaru, she needed a moment to sort out her thoughts and events that occurred in her brief return home. Since the night her father attacked her and killed her mother, Kagome had a difficult time making sense of anything that went on around her, especially after meeting and speaking with Eve. She could not understand why she so readily accepted everything Eve told her without question. Most people would think it totally ludicrous. However, Kagome could not deny the strange things that were happening to her and the strange power she could feel coursing through her body. She sighed. She knew she couldn’t back out now. Even if she did, it was no telling when it would come back to bite her. “I just can’t win,” she muttered to herself. She continued walking aimlessly until she recognized the are she was in. She darted through an alley, turned a couple of corners and stopped in front of a large building with wide windows overlooking the city. She smiled nostalgically seeing that the old dance studio she and her mother frequented had not changed a bit. She walked up to the front door; as expected it was locked. She smirked as her grip tightened on the knob and she sent a minute flow of energy, effortlessly unlocking the door and letting herself in. She took her time climbing the stairs, letting her memories take over. It seemed like every step she took held some sort of memory. Had she really been gone four years? It felt more as if she had just been asleep for a long time; her memories played out so clearly and vividly, she could feel the torrent of emotion that was threatening to engulf her. Using the technique she learned during her incarceration, she willed the memories away to the deepest recesses of her mind and numbed over; she hated having to resort to that technique, but if she could not find a way to cope then she really would have lost her mind.
She finally made it to the top floor and quickly entered the room that had the largest window, overlooking Crescent Point and the moon simultaneously. Kagome was momentarily mesmerized but the scene before she threw off her jacket and began stretching. She smiled to herself as her muscles stretched out; it had been a long time since she used her muscles thoroughly and she planned to make up for all that time. Once she was fairly loosened up, she went to peruse the music selection; a CD Apocalyptica caught her eye, particularly a track named, “I Don’t Care.” She loaded the track and positioned herself as she awaited the opening chord. At first she simply swayed to the music but quickly caught a rhythm and was soon maneuvering across the room in almost inhuman grace and agility. That was Kagome’s other secret: she was a dancer, just like her mother. She remembered the countless hours she and her mother spent working on dance routines. She remembered the first time she saw her mother dance, and instantly fell in love with it. She loved it so much, she wanted to become a professional choreographer. When she was locked away, she never danced; but now that she was free, she had to dance. She could never extinguish the fire in her soul that burned solely for dancing. She could never rid herself of the pure ecstasy she felt whenever she heard a rhythm and moved her body in time to it. It was her single passion. As the song began to reach its climax, she twirled three times in rapid succession before collapsing on to the floor, still moving her body in rhythm before springing back up and continuing her ritualistic dance. She was so engrossed in the combination of music and her dance that she was oblivious to the pair of eyes that watched her intensely.
He watched her dance with a grace that only goddesses possessed. He felt as if he had walked in on some kind of fallen angel having a private moment and it took all his will power not to reach out and make sure she was real. It was the first time in years he had seen her this way, allowing the fire to consume her entire being, only being smothered when she danced. She enchanted him unknowingly with each motion of her body: her swaying hips, coordinated steps, graceful arms, and the way her eyes closed in complete bliss as she moved, her ebony hair winding all around her, adding to her ethereal beauty. His soul yearned for her, yet something held him, letting him know that he could never have her; that was what angered him most. He could not understand how he could love a creature so much yet hate her with equal ferocity; he could never understand the feelings she caused within her.
The music ended and so did her dance; she remained in her pose even after the last chord faded into nothing. A unexpected applause from the doorway caused her to break out of her daze and she spun around to meet Sesshomaru’s dull yellow stare. Though she knew it was him, the look in his eyes terrified her. She touched her chest. “Sesshomaru!” she gasped. “Y-you scared me. Wh-what are you doing here..?”
Sesshomaru maintained his hard gaze. “I followed you to make sure you wouldn’t do anything reckless. Breaking and entering sorta ranks up there you know.”
She could feel her irritation grow. “Not that you care, but I needed some fresh air. Especially after you pushed me away earlier,” she folded her arms over her chest. “I figured space would be good for the both of us.”
“So you left without telling anyone where you were going?”
“In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a big girl now. I don’t need a fucking babysitter anymore.”
“I wouldn’t know because you are acting pretty damned childish.”
“Fuck you!” she snapped as she went to grab her jacket.
She squeaked in surprise when Sesshomaru slammed her against the wall, pinning her arms against her sides. His face twisted into a cocky grin and he chuckled. “You weren’t saying that when I finger fucked you,” he responded smugly. “As I recall, you were screaming my name as I made you cum. Shall I remind you?” he released one of her arms and trailed his hand down her body. “Should I do to you things that no other man will ever do to you? Shall I remind you who you belong to?”
Kagome wanted to fight against him but she could not help the effect he had on her. The way he talked to her combined with his touch caused her brain to shut down. It was as if he had put her under some sort of spell and honestly, she did not want to be awaken from it. He leaned forward and grazed his tongue against her racing pulse. His smirk widened as he inhaled her scent and bit her neck, drawing blood. She cried out in pain, then moaned as he licked up her blood. He sucked on that spot for a couple seconds more before he grabbed her chin and pulled her into a rough, hungry kiss. Kagome responded quickly, battling his tongue with her own. His hand went under her shirt and played with the skin there, causing goose bumps to pop up all over her body. She once again felt heat travel through her stomach and pool into her nether region; her knees began to quiver and thankfully Sesshomaru and the wall prevented her from collapsing to the floor in a boneless heap. She suddenly felt cold air hit her exposed chest; she wondered when Sesshomaru made her top magically bunch around her midsection, but was not complaining when his teeth gently nibbled on her hardened nipple then sucking on it hungrily. Her body was growing hotter and muddled her mind more.
“Kagome! Wake up!”
Kagome’s eyes opened wide. Eve? her mind finally started working and she realized what was happening. She pushed him away, covering her exposed chest. “We gotta stop this,” she spoke, trying to control her breathing and trembling voice. His eyes only darkened more and he pinned her to the wall again, nipping at her skin as if she had said noting at all. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Sesshomaru, stop,” she demanded. He did not budge. “Get away!” she screeched, pushing against him with all her strength. Her powers acted defensively, exploding from her palm and slightly burning him. Kagome collapsed on the floor, hugging her body and breathing heavily; Sesshomaru yanked her up and smacked her across the face.
“Know your place, bitch!” he snarled and raised his hand to strike her again.
“No!” she cried and this time, she purposefully threw him back with a huge burst of spiritual energy, sending him flying across the room and smashing into the large mirror. She saw that he had numerous cutes and gashes, but she didn’t care at the moment. She started to quickly readjust her clothes.
“No time. Run!” Eve’s voice commanded.
Not wasting any time, she grabbed her jacket to over herself and sprinted down the stairs and out of the building as fast as she could; she ran aimlessly for what seemed like hours before she collapsed on the ground when her lungs screamed for air. She finally let the tears she had been holding back flow freely and she sobbed into the grass. How could he have done this to me? What happened to him for him me so badly? Rain began to fall on her crumpled form, but she could care less at the moment. She was broken by the man she loved more than anything in the world. She felt a presence near her and someone offered her a hand. She looked up to the owner of the hand, surprised to see her own sapphire eyes looking back at her. “Eve?” she sniffled. “How..?”
“I’m only a projection, though I’m very real to you. Because you are stronger now, I can manifest myself in the physical world,” she explained. Her eyes were sad however. Kagome knew she had witnessed everything that had happened. She gratefully took Eve’s hand and allowed her to help her up. Eve quickly moved to help adjust Kagome’s wet clothes so they were covering her properly. She gave a sad smile. “I told you that I’m on your side. I will protect you with all my power. I’m so sorry Kagome.”
Kagome shook her head. “It’s not your fault. Thank you for saving me. I know I would have regretted it if something had happened,” Kagome looked at something behind Eve and her eyes widened. She spun around and looked at a sign and gasped. “It can’t be,” she whispered.
Eve looked at her, concern etched on her face. “Kagome, what is it?”
“This place… is my home.”
Eve turned around and saw the house she was talking about. “I remember this place from your memories… the place where you grew up,” it was a charming little pale pink house with a black roof. The old weathered decorations on the door and along the porch were all projects Kagome, Rin, and their mother had made and painted together then placed on the lawn for everyone to see, She also saw the cement block all of them placed their handprint in, their name under each cemented palm to indicate its owner and the family name written boldly beneath it. Kagome stepped up onto the porch and looked at the small stained glass sign her mother made that read “Welcome to our home!” She reached out and touched the knob of the door and immediately her mind was filled with images:
A young woman sat near the edge of a lake, not caring that the rain was drenching her. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she clutched a necklace tightly in her hand. “All because of this?” she whispered looking at the necklace in disgust. She wanted to throw the thing into the lake and forget it, but something prevented her from doing so. Instead, she bitterly placed it around her neck and sighed. She looked out at the lake again, her features slowly calming, but her eyes remained dismal. “Minoru,” she whispered only to have it drowned out by the heavy downpour.
Kagome snapped back to reality and jerked her hand away from the knob, her face looked horrified. Eve was beside her in a second. “You had a vision,” she stated more than asked. Kagome nodded, her body beginning to tremble slightly. “What did you see?” Eve pressed.
“A girl… she was about my age, and I couldn’t make out her face very well. She was upset about something and it was connected to a necklace she was holding. Then she whispered ‘Minoru’,” something struck her. “That’s Dad’s name.”
Eve never took her gaze off the front door. “Looks like you have a purpose for being here today,” Eve said calmly. “Here in the place where it all began for you… it has clues for your task.”
Kagome understood and approached the door again. She gulped as she twisted the handle and let herself in. As she stepped through the portal, she noticed that everything was left exactly as it was four years ago, save the large amounts of dust and cobwebs everywhere. Her footsteps echoed off the hollow wooden floors while Eve noiselessly followed her. She walked past the living room and once again had a vision:
The woman from the previous vision held her swollen stomach as a single tear escaped her lashes. “I’m sorry Little One for all the pain I will cause you,” she looked up as a man entered the room and wrapped his arms around her. He did not notice the melancholy expression on his wife’s face.
“Have you decided a name?” he asked sweetly.
She nodded. “Yes. Her name will be --”
The image faded before the name could be said. Kagome stumbled back slightly, and Eve was behind her ready to catch her. Kagome assured her that she was fine and continued walking through the house until she stepped into the kitchen:
“They should be back soon. Tonight is the only night I can do it… if not then there’s no telling what will happen in her future. I have to do this. As much as I love her and I don’t want to leave her it is the only way. She is strong,” the woman sniffled. “I can’t believe it has finally come to this… I thought I had more time,” she paced around the kitchen, clutching a small package tightly. “It’s all I can give her.”
“You can still back out of this,” another voice came from the corner but Kagome could not see anyone. “There are other ways to deal with this.”
The woman shook her head. “No, this has to be it. She is… the reincarnation after all. If it doesn’t end with her reincarnation then there is no way to determine if it ever will.”
The hidden figure sighed. “It is totally up to you. I only hope that it doesn’t backfire.”
The woman lowered her head. “It doesn’t matter. Whatever happens, I will pay for it. My soul is already lost.”
The figure slammed his hand on the table. “Why does it have to be this way?! Why do you have to give your soul to him?!”
“It was decided before she was even born. Had I known then… I was foolish to believe that he could save me… and now I must pay for my sins.”
“But, what about..!”
“It has to be this way…”
Kagome inhaled deeply and placed a hand on her racing heart. “Eve I don’t know if I can handle anymore,” she whispered brokenly. “It’s too intense.”
Even placed a comforting hand on Kagome’s shoulder. “I understand Kagome. But you must remain strong. It will help you.”
“But I don’t understand what’s happening. I can’t even see the people involved.”
“I promise you will. Just bear with it Kagome.”
She took a shuttering breath and walked to the stairs. She hesitated a moment before she took the first step; it creaked loudly and she squeaked from the sound. She swallowed thickly and walked up the stairs, cringing ate every noise they made. She passed the first bedroom door: her parent’s room.
“I love you,” the man said firmly. “But I cannot allow you to do this! What if it doesn’t happen the way you plan? Or worse, what if it does succeed and you break her in the process?”
“I understand how you feel but,” the woman looked at her husband, more determined. “They will come after her no matter what. At least this way there is motivation.”
“Motivation?!” he demanded. “You’re going to kill her!”
The woman shook her head. “I know she will survive. She is stronger than I ever was. She won’t easily succumb.”
The man looked desperate. “But what you are asking of me… for me to just sit here and allow this to happen to her! That girl means the world to me and I can’t just do that to her!”
The woman burst into tears. “I’m sorry,” she whispered dejectedly. She thrust her hand forward, causing the man to collapse against the wall. “I cannot waver now. It’s the only way.”
The man grunted in pain. “Don’t do this! Please!”
The woman shut her eyes as if to strengthen her resolve. “Forgive me,” she began chanting and the room filled with white light.
Kagome fell to her knees, clutching her head and sobbing. “How could she have done that? What was it all for?”
Eve looked sympathetic. “There is one more room you must see.”
Kagome shook her head violently. “I can’t! I can’t take anymore!”
Eve grabbed Kagome’s shoulder. “Kagome, please,” she said sternly. “You must. I know you can handle this.”
Kagome slowly stood and walked to the room she dreaded finding the most. She pushed open the door to find her old childhood room exactly as she had left it. As she walked into the room, she was not violently attacked by visions as she had been in the other rooms. Her eyes clouded and she walked into the room in a trance. Her room melted into a white hospital room and her bed became a hospital bed occupied by a woman, her husband beside her. Kagome still could not make out their faces, but she could feel the worry and anxiety pouring from their auras. Doctors and nurses were gathered around a small bundle of blankets.
“I can’t understand why she isn’t responding to anything,” the doctor said. “She’s functioning. Everything is working perfectly. Her brainwave patterns are fine. She is a very healthy baby but she doesn’t respond to stimuli. Her eyes are an unusual color… and they don’t have any life in them.
“What do we do?” the father asked.
“We’ll have another look at her charts. This child is not brain dead by any means. It’s baffling.”
“Please. I want to hold my baby,” the woman pleaded.
One of the nurses placed the child In her mother’s arms before departing with the rest of the medical personnel. The mother looked into her baby’s lifeless eyes. The child had a healthy heartbeat, she was breathing, she was a beautiful baby girl. Here eyes were just dead. She hugged her baby and noticed that when she held her child close, she whimpered and moved slightly. Her mother was even more shocked when her tiny hand reached up and clutched her necklace. A bright light erupted around them; when it faded the child was screaming her little lungs out, her tiny arms and legs moving about. Her mother stared in disbelief before moving to comfort her. The sweet little girl calmed and her mother observed the bright innocent eyes staring back at her. No one noticed something missing from her mother’s necklace as they all stared in awe at the baby nor would it be noticed for a while.
Kagome’s lower back burned ruthlessly as she came out of her dreamlike state; her birthmark burned with such intensity she felt as if her skin would melt off. She became dizzy from the pain and dropped to the floor unconscious. She could hear the drone of voices as she fell deeper into the abyss.

A/N: I must say I am very happy with the way this chapter came out. I wanted to keep it dark a bit longer before I get to other things and this totally worked out for me. I could have done better with the ending but I really wanted to get this chapter out because it had been so long since I updated. ^_^ I hope you guys are happy with me and while I’m not a review whore feedback would be most appreciated especially if y’all have some ideas because I get stuck pretty often =P. Any ideas would be welcomed as well just PM me and if I like it I will dedicate the chapter to ya! XD Thanks for being patient and sticking with me so far. I will try to have the next chapter up soon.

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