InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ Same Old, Same Old ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Same Old, Same OldPrompt: bullyRating: PG-13Warnings: mild languageSummary: Kagome comes to Inuyasha's rescue in the halls... again.

"All alone, little brother?" Sesshoumaru hissed in the hanyou's ear.

Inuyasha jumped, banging his shoulder against the door of his locker. A moment later, all of his books and papers were on the floor while everyone around him laughed. 'Not again,' he mentally groaned.

"Why can't you just leave me the hell alone?" he growled in frustration.

"Because you are a disgusting creature who should not even be here," the taiyoukai replied with a dark smirk.

"Sesshoumaru!" He turned as he heard his name called in an enchanting but also irritating voice, enchanting because the sound seemed to wrap around his head in a most pleasant way but irritating because he knew what would come next. "Just leave him be! He wasn't doing anything to you so you have no reason to be picking on him."

Sesshoumaru turned to face the teen that had pushed her way through the crowd to place herself directly between him and his younger brother. "He is breathing my air. That is reason enough."

"No," she said angrily while poking him in the chest with one finger. "It's not. Now go away."

"Kagome," Inuyasha whispered in her ear. "Just let it be."

"You know I can't," she replied without turning. She glared at Sesshoumaru as if trying to set him aflame with just her gaze.

Without a word, the taiyoukai turned and walked away, ignoring the groans of disappointment from his classmates that had been hoping for a more physical altercation. He couldn't help but do as she asked, even though his friends teased him mercilessly about his weakness for the girl.

There was just something about Kagome Higurashi that he found irresistible. If only she didn't insist on standing up for the filthy half-breed she had, for some unfathomable reason, befriended. She'd been his best friend only a few short weeks ago, before Inuyasha had transferred in, but she'd dropped him like a hot rock when the hanyou needed a friend. All the time they'd spent together, all the work he'd put into escaping the friend zone, wasted.

Still, he couldn't get over her. When Sesshoumaru wanted something, Sesshoumaru got it, and he wanted her. Too bad she didn't seem to understand that unwritten rule, because she wanted nothing to do with him anymore, not so long as he continued to treat Inuyasha as his station dictated.