[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: mindfreak 
The endless horizon almost seemed devoured by the sea. Nothing was ahead but the open blue. Machiavelli sighed wondering if she would ever see the end of her voyage. She had hoped that she would. After all, it was only fair. She leaned on the golden rails of her ship, The Golden Deception, and sighed as she sensed her first mate approach.
“What is it now, Sesshoumaru?”
She sighed, irritability dripping on every syllable. Sesshoumaru seethed, angered momentarily for being addressed as such but that feeling only left as soon as it came.
“The crew is restless”, he replied after what seemed to be forever. At this, the captain rolled her eyes.
“Then tie Inuyasha up. Is that not how you have handled the “restless crew” in the past?”
Indeed, they have always referred to Inuyasha as a crew because hands down the one hanyou was just as troubling as an entire crew of humans, vampires and demons put together. Sesshoumaru only chuckled at the thought.
“No, this time I am serious captain. The crew is restless.” He cocked his arrogant head to the side, his silver hair rushing to the side some spilling over the shoulder of his leather trench coat.
“I suppose you did not hear of the fight this morning between Inuyasha and Kouga?” Sesshoumaru questioned the bored woman in front of her.
“Yes, that I did,” she answered. “Kogame broke the fight.” She more stated than asked.
Sesshoumaru only nodded. The woman looked down at her khaki cargo pants and black long sleeve shirt while playing with the ivory hilt of her sword which hung at her waist while contemplating her next move.
“Call the crew to my quarters,” she murmured as she turned to leave. “Oh,” She called, stopping the tall demon in his path. “Also forewarn them that I expect an explanation” she added in a mere whisper dripping in subtle venom that could have easily been missed. But not by Sesshoumaru who only nodded before leaving.
Machiavelli only chuckled s she passed through the hand carved French doors to meet the sight of her ever so cluttered chambers. With maps strewn about with compasses here and there and clothes dangling from chairs with here closest companion, Lucifer, splat in the middle of it all.
“Calling the crew already?” He question with a smirk.
“Yes!” She snapped. “I refuse to have my crew divided and bickering like mere children. I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!!!!” She snarled. Lucifer simply shook his head. The woman could resemble a child herself sometimes.
While the captain stood fuming, the motley crew burst through her door, pushing, shoving and yelling. The whole lot of them.
“HEY!” One voice called out.
“Stop shoving!” Another answered.
“Well, if your butt wasn’t so ginormous…” another hollered out. This was followed by a sharp slap and a dull thump which could only mean Miroku had acted on the “butt” mentioned before.
Machiavelli had patiently (or impatiently) waited for the mayhem to end before her patience or lack of, ended. At that time she screamed for silence with such a rate that the entire cabin shook. When she saw that she had each and every person undivided attention (save Miroku who was lying on the floor dead to the world around him), she gave a pleasant smile, well she tried anyway. Points for effort!
“What is wrong with you?” She demanded after a moment of heavy silence. “Why are we now breaking out our swords on one another?” After another moment of that awkward silence, Sango spoke up…quietly spoke up.
“Well, ca..captain. The fight today was….” She was cut off
“I know of the fight today, thank you” Machiavelli stated rather curtly.
“But that is rather the norm for Kouga and Inuyasha. They fight on a regular basis. That’s the norm for those barbarians.” Kagome spoke up on behalf of her friend.
“Agreed…”spoke Machiavelli but was cut off by Inuyasha, no less.
“Hey, I am not a barbarian!” He cried out in objection to the adjective used against once again. Machiavelli only sighed and turned to the aggravated hanyou. Watched him for a moment or two before speaking,
“Why don’t you go back to sleep and wake up from this dream your having.”
This one statement earned her a growl from Inuyasha yet it was not heard over the roar of laughter from her crew.
“Ok,” she called for silence then when she achieved it, she let her eyes roam over everyone to see if there were any missing faces.
All the women were there. The human women aboard were few, being only Kagome and Sango and the only human male was Miroku, who by the way had finally returned to the world of the living from the floor and had distanced himself from Sango. For the time being anyway.
There weren’t that many more demons than humans seeing as to the dominant species was indeed vampire, the demon consisting of Anastiasia, Dereyck, Mereyck, Somora, and Sesshoumaru. Then there was the ‘beloved’ hanyou, Inuyasha.
Angel, a vampire, was leaning in a corner. Smoking his cigarette, of course. Jade, standing next to him stroking her ivory hair, her face decorated with a small smile. Lucifer at his place on the captain’s right and Shiloh on her left. Now there’s something to be said about Shiloh or most commonly referred to that needs to be stated now or to be forgotten later. Shi is a beautiful vampire. He has long tainted silver hair that reached his ankles and piercing grey eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light. Yet he has sworn off any chance of a sexual relationship with both female and male alike for some reason known but to god. Which was a shame. He would have created the most gorgeous offspring.
Only Malakai was unaccounted for but then again. He’s been missing for some time now. And now that she had chance to make a note of it, the almighty Ryouku and his gay teddy bear, Adrea were missing. ‘Sesshoumaru must have gone out of his way to be sure that the gay duo didn’t show’ she thought as she recalled the demon’s resentment to the homosexuals.
“We have our heading” Machiavelli announced in a monotone voice. “We are heading to the Islands most commonly known for their dangerous jungles and the death these…climates hold within.” She scanned her audience hoping to catch a shimmer of fear…yet getting none, she continued.
“Men have been known to go missing and turn up dead and women have been known to go missing and remain missing. For some reason the creatures within these so called ‘forests’ have a liking to women for some reason not to bee known.” She sighed. “There, now is my crew satisfied?” And she waited for her answer as murmuring ran through the people before her. And after awhile…a long…tortuous long time…well two minutes later, Sesshoumaru silenced the crew by asking what they dare not to ask.
“Why do we need to go to Misery Isle anyway?” At this, a gasp ran through her crew as they anticipated an answer. Yet she merely glared at the bold demon for asking such a question.
“Why do you ask?” Was her only reply.
“Because we’re so tired of being blind to your travels” answered Kagome. At this, Machiavelli just rolled her eyes.
“Yea and we have yet to see any profit from any of our last ventures” Cut in Dereyck. Then she sighed…
“Unless you count the loss of fluffy’s arm” Added Dereyck’s twin Mereyck. Sesshoumaru only growled at this and Jade chuckled. Machiavelli only nodded then offered the demon the slightest of smiles at the use of his most hated pet name.
“I see we have lost faith in our captain.” Machiavelli announced.
“No, no, no, no…” Kagome began but was immediately cut off by Machiavelli’s evil eye.
“Then why am I suddenly questioned?” Machiavelli countered with her smooth tone.
“Because we’re curious” answered Shi who earned himself a gasp from most the crew, for he is not known to speak before. At this Machiavelli could feel her patience rile up yet she asked as calm as can be…
“Can no one FATHOM what we are search for?”
“Is it shiny?” Called Inuyasha from the back causing every one who knew him best to press their foreheads to their hands in shame.
“Does it hold value?” Asks Kouga.
“Depend…would one place value on knowledge?”
This said, the mood of the room brightened. This meeting was actually going some where. They pondered what she said as she went to the window in the back of the room.
“Is this a map?” inquired Angel as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.
“No”. And at this he only shrugged and lit another cigarette, much to the annoyance of his mate, Jade.
“What we need are answers.” Machiavelli replied to that of the intense silence. “Now go,” she commanded sternly. “Prepare to make birth.”
And with that, the crew left her swiftly and quietly to gaze upon the ocean trailing behind the shop over the most beautiful sunset.
Why did Inuyasha and Kouga Break into a fight?
What was the true reason Ryouku and Adrea miss the meeting?
Who is Malakai and why is he missing? Where could he be?
Why has Shi vowed to celebacy? What happened to him?
What's wrong with Misery Isle and why couldn't the author give it a more mysterious name?
mindfreak: Grrrrr!
What are the answers that Machiavelli seeks? Answers to what questions?
Mindfreak: I know this isn’t as long as I hoped it to be but worry not…I will up date frequently. Well as i can...I hava ap classes coming up and it IS my senior year. Im going to be busy. Sorry. Review please. And…No flames, they will destroy my fragile self esteem…thanx
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Horror /
Hentai /
Adventure |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 07.20.2006 |
Updated On: 08.02.2006 |
Pages: 2 |
Words: 2.0K |
Visits: 227 |
Status: Work In Progress
The endless horizon almost seemed devoured by the sea. Nothing was ahead but the open blue. Machiavelli sighed wondering if she would ever see the end of her voyage. She had hoped that she would. After all, it was only fair. She leaned on the golden rails of her ship, The Golden Deception, and sighed as she sensed her first mate approach.
“What is it now, Sesshoumaru?”
She sighed, irritability dripping on every syllable. Sesshoumaru seethed, angered momentarily for being addressed as such but that feeling only left as soon as it came.
“The crew is restless”, he replied after what seemed to be forever. At this, the captain rolled her eyes.
“Then tie Inuyasha up. Is that not how you have handled the “restless crew” in the past?” Indeed, they have always referred to Inuyasha as a crew because hands down the one hanyou was just as troubling as an entire crew of humans. Sesshoumaru only chuckled at the thought.
“No, this time I am serious captain. The crew is restless.” He cocked his arrogant head to the side, his silver hair rushing to the side some spilling over the shoulder of his leather trench coat. “I suppose you did not hear of the fight this morning between Inuyasha and Kouga?” Sesshoumaru questioned the bored woman in front of her.
“Yes, that I did,” she answered. “Kogame broke the fight.” She more stated than asked. Sesshoumaru only nodded. The woman looked down at her khaki cargo pants and black long sleeve shirt while playing with the ivory hilt of her sword which hung at her waist while contemplating her next move. “Call the crew to my quarters,” she murmured as she turned to leave. “Oh,” She called, stopping the tall demon in his path. “Also forewarn them that I expect an explanation” she added in a mere whisper dripping in subtle venom that could have easily been missed. But not by Sesshoumaru who only nodded before leaving. Machiavelli only chuckled s she passed through the hand carved French doors to meet the sight of her ever so cluttered chambers. With maps strewn about with compasses here and there and clothes dangling from chairs with here closest companion, Lucifer, splat in the middle of it all.
“Calling the crew already?” He question with a smirk.
“Yes!” She snapped. “I refuse to have my crew divided and bickering like mere children. I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!!!!” She snarled. Lucifer simply shook his head. The woman could resemble a child herself sometimes.
While the captain stood fuming, the motley crew burst through her door, pushing, shoving and yelling. The whole lot of them. “HEY!” One voice called out. “Stop shoving!” Another answered. “Well, if you butt wasn't so ginormous…” another hollered out. This was followed by a sharp slap and a dull thump which could only mean Miroku had acted on the “butt” mentioned before. Machiavelli had patiently (or impatiently) waited for the mayhem to end before her patience or lack of, ended. At that time she screamed for silence with such a rate that the entire cabin shook. When she saw that she had each and every person undivided attention (save Miroku who was lying on the floor dead to the world around him), she gave a pleasant smile, well she tried anyway. Points for effort!
“What is wrong with you?” She demanded after a moment of heavy silence. “Why are we now breaking out our swords on one another?” After another moment of that awkward silence, Sango spoke up…quietly spoke up.
“Well, ca..captain. The fight today was….” She was cut off
“I know of the fight today, thank you” Machiavelli stated rather curtly.
“But that is rather the norm for Kouga and Inuyasha. They fight on a regular basis. That's the norm for those barbarians.” Kagome spoke up on behalf of her friend.
“Agreed…”spoke Machiavelli but was cut off by Inuyasha, no less.
“Hey, I am not a barbarian!” He cried out in objection to the adjective used against once again. Machiavelli only sighed and turned to the aggravated hanyou. Watched him for a moment or two before speaking,
“Why don't you go back to sleep and wake up from this dream your having.” This one statement earned her a growl from Inuyasha yet it was not heard over the roar of laughter from her crew.
“Ok,” she called for silence then when she achieved it, she let her eyes roam over everyone to see if there were any missing faces. All the women were there. The human women aboard were few, being only Kagome and Sango and the only human male was Miroku, who by the way had finally returned to the world of the living from the floor and had distanced himself from Sango. For the time being anyway. There weren't that many more demons than humans seeing as to the dominant species was indeed vampire, the demon consisting of Anastiasia, Dereyck, Mereyck, Somora, and Sesshoumaru. Then there was the `beloved' hanyou, Inuyasha. Angel, a vampire, was leaning in a corner. Smoking his cigarette, of course. Jade, standing next to him stroking her ivory hair, her face decorated with a small smile. Lucifer at his place on the captain's right and Shiloh on her left. Now there's something to be said about Shiloh or most commonly referred to that needs to be stated now or to be forgotten later. Shi is a beautiful vampire. He has long tainted silver hair that reached his ankles and piercing grey eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light. Yet he has sworn off any chance of a sexual relationship with both female and male alike for some reason known but to god. Which was a shame. He would have created the most gorgeous offspring. Only Malakai was unaccounted for but then again. He's been missing for some time now. And now that she had chance to make a note of it, the almighty Ryouku and his gay teddy bear, Adrea were missing. `Sesshoumaru must have gone out of his way to be sure that the gay duo didn't show' she thought as she recalled the demon's resentment to the homosexuals.
“We have our heading” Machiavelli announced in a monotone voice. “We are heading to the Islands most commonly known for their dangerous jungles and the death these…climates hold within.” She scanned her audience hoping to catch a shimmer of fear…yet getting none, she continued. “Men have been known to go missing and turn up dead and women have been known to go missing and remain missing. For some reason the creatures within these so called `forests' have a liking to women for some reason not to bee known.” She sighed. “There, now is my crew satisfied?” And she waited for her answer as murmuring ran through the people before her. And after awhile…a long…tortuous long time…well two minutes later, Sesshoumaru silenced the crew by asking what they dare not to ask.
“Why do we need to go to Misery Isle anyway?” At this, a gasp ran through her crew as they anticipated an answer. Yet she merely glared at the bold demon for asking such a question.
“Why do you ask?” Was her only reply.
“Because we're so tired of being blind to your travels” answered Kagome. At this, Machiavelli just rolled her eyes.
“Yea and we have yet to see any profit from any of our last ventures” Cut in Dereyck. Then she sighed…
“Unless you count the loss of fluffy's arm” Added Dereyck's twin Mereyck. Sesshoumaru only growled at this and Jade chuckled. Machiavelli only nodded then offered the demon the slightest of smiles at the use of his most hated pet name.
“I see we have lost faith in our captain.” Machiavelli announced.
“No, no, no, no…” Kagome began but was immediately cut off by Machiavelli's evil eye.
“Then why am I suddenly questioned?” Machiavelli countered with her smooth tone.
“Because we're curious” answered Shi who earned himself a gasp from most the crew, for he is not known to speak before. At this Machiavelli could feel her patience rile up yet she asked as calm as can be…
“Can no one FATHOM what we are search for?”
“Is it shiny?” Called Inuyasha from the back causing every one who knew him best to press their foreheads to their hands in shame.
“Does it hold value?” Asks Kouga.
“Depend…would one place value on knowledge?”
This said, the mood of the room brightened. This meeting was actually going some where. They pondered what she said as she went to the window in the back of the room.
“Is this a map?” inquired Angel as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.
“No”. And at this he only shrugged and lit another cigarette, much to the annoyance of his mate, Jade.
“What we need are answers.” Machiavelli replied to that of the intense silence. “Now go,” she commanded sternly. “Prepare to make birth.” And with that, the crew left her swiftly and quietly to gaze upon the ocean trailing behind the shop over the most beautiful sunset.
Mindfreak: I know this isn't as long as I hoped it to be but worry not…I will up date frequently. Review please. And…No flames, they will destroy my fragile self esteem…thanx