InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Pitcher's Mound ❯ Ice and Ramen ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

On the Pitcher's Mound
By RisuBento (lady le fay on mm . org)
Chapter 2:
From the diary of Kagome Higurashià July 4th,2000:
Okay…so I went the stupid party with Inuyasha and was completely ditched. He had left, almost as soon as we got there, with a group of guys from school, to some party. I was completely embarrassed to say the least. I was the last person at the party and Izayoi had Sesshoumaru drive me home. God! That man should be arrested for being beautiful! I was so completely nervous, riding in the same car as him but he broke the ice when he asked me what college I wished to look into. I immediately, well I was at first shocked that he was speaking to ME, but then I told him that I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go. Probably some place close to home. He nodded and surprised me when he asked if I liked his younger brothersorry! HALF-BROTHER! I shook my head and laughed. He was quite amused to say the least. After he had dropped me off I continued into the town house and was surprised to find that the party Inuyasha had left for was a party at OUR humble abode. I was so incredibly furious that the very first person I came across I socked him straight in the jaw.
MAN! Did that ever feel good! That is…until I realized that I had punched Kouga Wakamiyathe star player of our high school's baseball team (besides Inuyasha that is…). He lay sprawled on the floor while everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I was so flustered that I was sure my head would've ended up on a bowl of ice cream somewhereit was THAT red! Just like a cherry! Needless to say…I'd threatened to call the police if the partyers weren't out from the house in 10 seconds…they were gone in 6.
Inuyasha was found hanging over the toilet, emptying his insides. I don't think he got with ANY girls that night. And I was shocked and disgusted with myself when I realized that I was relieved he hadn't been with anyone.
Hell…the idiot was so overly hung over and high…that as I was dragging him down the hallway towards his bedroom, he admitted that he was a virgin and that he was waiting until he'd found the 'PERFECT' girl. I dropped him.
Damn…I gotta go. The 'idiot' is calling for me to make him 'ramen'!
Kagome stood up from her desk and was heading out towards the living room when she tripped over a pile of baseball equipment. Grumbling, she stood and stomped out into the kitchen.
"You need to learn to not leave your crap laying around where people walk, you idiot! I nearly killed myself just now!" She yelled, filling a pan with 4 cups of water and placing it onto the stove.
"Yeah well…that's what women are for…to clean up after the men." Came his smart aleck response.
Kagome gasped and stomped over to the fruit bowl and picked up an apple—chucking it and squarely beaming Inuyasha in the back of the head.
"OWWWWW! What the fuck's your problem, bitch!?" He yelled, clutching his head in pain.
"You deserved it you pig. And I WON'T be the one cleaning up after you. You are 100% capable of cleaning up after yourself. You're just too stupid to realize it." She said, adding the last part quietly…but not quietly enough.
"Oi! I heard that wench! I ain't stupid and you know it, stupid!" He yelled, flipping channels on the TV; still rubbing the back of his head with one hand.
Kagome rolled her eyes and added two packs of ramen to the now boiling water. It was entirely true. Inuyasha Kagiyama was so smart that it made Kagome looked like a 5 year old when compared to him. He'd never even needed to try and get good grades—it all just came to him and it stuck. Kagome on the other hand was someone who struggled relentlessly to keep a perfect 4.0 her entire first, second, and third year of high school. She went to cram school and after school study sessions so she could do extra credit.
OOOOOOH! IT MADE HER SO MAD! She couldn't exactly call him stupid because in truth of it all—he wasn't. She was, compared to him.
Finishing her and the idiot's bowls of ramen she carefully trudged out into the living room and held his out in front of his face.
His eyes went cross eyed as he looked into the bowl; sniffing. "I didn't want chicken, wench."
Kagome rolled her eyes and set both bowls onto the coffee table in front of them. "Deal with it. You said you wanted ramen—you didn't specifically state what 'kind' you wanted." She said, plopping down next to him.
"Keh. Whatever." He grumbled, picking up the bowl and demolishing its contents in the matter of minutes.
Kagome grimaced and finished hers off in 10 minutes after. Glancing at the clock she sighed and stood taking both of their bowls and chop sticks. Bringing them out to the kitchen, vowing to wash them later, she opened the freezer and took out an ice pack. Taking a clean towel from a drawer she wrapped the cold package in it and ventured back out to the living room.
When she held it in front of his face, he quirked an eyebrow and glanced up, giving her a look that said-"And you're giving me this because…?"…
"Your baseball game starts in 2 hours. You're pitching today right? You need to ice up your arm." She said, smacking the clothed ice pack against his arm.
"Oi! That hurt wench!" He yelled, holding the package to his bicep. Kagome rolled her eyes and left the living room and went down the hallway to her bedroom.
Opening her journal again she wrote:
Okay! I'm back! The 'idiot' needed food and an ice pack. Lazy bastard. Anyhoo! At least I won't have to see his pretty-boy face next year in school! He graduated at the end of June…thank goodness. The baseball championships are coming up pretty soon and so he needs to be ready for it. There's going to be a lot of recruiters for professional teams there and Inuyasha is hopingHOPINGto be discovered. Pffft! Good luck stupid!
I've gotta go…again. Inuyasha is yelling that my mom is on the phone.
Okay…here's a quick update. I know it was probably boring as hell…but I didn't really have a whole lot of time since the last time I updated. I've been as busy as hell and haven't been able to get over a huge block of brain farts…
So here y'all go! Enjoy!