InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the River's Bank ❯ Prologue

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I still don't own Inuyasha.

On the River's Bank

Inuyasha lay on the bank of the river drying from his bath. The sun glistened off the moist skin of his naked body. His hands were folded behind his head, causing the muscles of his chest to be more pronounced. The golden orbs of his eyes lay closed as he drifted into a light sleep. His long silver hair fanned out about him in a halo, so to dry more quickly. He looked like a god. And from her hiding place up on the cliff, Kagome agreed.

She had watched him as he bathed. Watched as the water rolled lazily over his tanned flesh to join the rest of the slowly flowing river. She revelled in the way his wet hair stuck to his toned back. He seemed powerful in ways no battle could show as he had stood with the light that reflected off the water dancing over him. In the years she had spent with him, she had learned how to stay down wind, especially when she watched him. Now he lay napping out on the river's bank for all the world to see, just below her hiding spot. It was time to put her plan into action.

Kagome made her way quietly from the cliff top to the small path that lead to the river. She didn't need to worry about the others. Sango had taken Miroku and Shippou to a neighboring village and they wouldn't be back until late. Carefully she moved along the path, watching her feet lest she stepped on a twig. When she exited onto the bank she saw that Inuyasha still lay sleeping. With a smile she turned her back on him and stripped out of her clothes.

Kagome waded into the water softly as possible, praying that the sound of the water splashing against her legs wouldn't wake him, yet. When she'd reach a place where the water was halfway up her hips she stopped and looked over her shoulder. Inuyasha was still sleeping peacefully. She took a deep breath and sunk fully into the water. It was chilly, causing goose bumps to rise on her skin. She placed her feet firmly on the river bottom and pushed herself to the surface.

Inuyasha woke with a start at the sound of a loud splash. He looked up just in time to see Kagome stand fully up, arch her back, and sling her hair back. The wet locks sent a slim arc of crystal clear water into the air. It sparkled in pinpoint rainbows for just a second before raining back down and splashing off Kagome's creamy skin. She reached up and smoothed the raven curtain over her head and down her neck. Kagome was standing so he could see the water rolling over the curve of her breast and the nipple perked with cold. With her arms raised and back arched, it made her ribs show and the curve of her stomach look more dramatic. His eyes followed the excess water from her hair as it rolled down her spine and over the curve of her butt to rejoin the rest of the river.

He suddenly found his throat very dry. She looked incredible. The sun shining off the droplets of water that were lucky enough to still be clinging to her skin gave her a heavenly glow. Her pitch hair followed the muscles of her back down and shifted as she brought her hands forward to cross loosely just under the curve of her breasts.

Inuyasha suddenly became very aware of his lack of clothing. Heat rose to his face as blood rushed to his loins. He was staring at a naked, bathing Kagome, while naked himself. She was going to kill him. Wait. He was here first. What right did she have to walk in on his bath and then get mad at him for being there?

He froze as she looked at him over her shoulder. Then she smiled softly, a light blush crossing her cheeks, before looking away. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. She knew he was here and she wasn't mad. Something clicked in his mind. She was here, of her own accord, knew he was here, and they were both naked. She was inviting him.

Still cautious, in case he was mistaken, he began to wade out to her. He couldn't remember when he had started to want her. Before Kikyo came back, but by how much he wasn't sure. Over the last year and a half the desire had only gotten worse. But this was sweet, innocent, Kagome. His every advance had always been met with a 'sit'. Now she was inviting him to bath with her.

He came up behind her and stopped. She knew he was there. Their auras were twisting around each other in greeting, so how could she not. Kagome shifted to cross her arms over he bosoms subconsciously. Inuyasha let his eyes follow the curve of her breast, over her ribs, dipping in at the stomach, then final flaring out at the hips before they disappeared into the water. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, to know her.

Kagome turned her head to look up at him, causing her wet tresses to sparkle. Her face was slightly pink. Gently he reached out a moved a stray bit of hair behind her ear, cupping her cheek at the end of the gesture. His golden eyes locked with her blue ones. For a moment they looked at each other, then he leaned down and gently placed his lips against her's. The kiss was soft, sweet, and chaste for only a moment before the hand on her cheek move to the nape of her neck. He licked her lips for entrance and Kagome opened her mouth to him. Inuyasha arched her neck and drew her closer as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. His other arm reached around and wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him.

Inuyasha would have chuckled at how timid she was after inviting him, if he had not been so engrossed in the feel of her mouth and the places where their bodies touched. Her wet breasts were pressed firmly against his dry chest, the nipples hard from cold and arousal. Her hands had found a hold on his back, her long nails digging slightly into the flesh as if she might fall if she loosened her grip. His arousal was pressed firmly against her thigh and she could fell the pulse as it became engorged even further with every second.

Inuyasha left her mouth and began trailing soft kisses over her jaw. When he got to her ear he gently nipped the lobe before running his tongue over the sensitive backside. Kagome shuddered in his arms and gasped. He slid his tongue down her neck. The hand at the nape of her neck fisted in her hair and arched her even further so to expose her soft round breast to his gaze. Kagome hands slipped from his back to his biceps, dragging her nails as she went. Inuyasha gave a low growl of pleasure. Her new position also pressed her heat powerfully against his member.

He moved from the base of her neck across her collarbone then down to her cleavage. The water that was clinging to her skin gave her a fresh taste, free of all the pollutants of her time. He moved to the right breast and took the nipple into his mouth. Kagome drew in a sharp breath as he nipped the peak. He continued to work the soft mound of flesh, licking, nipping, sucking, and rolling it until it was red and swollen. Then he turned to its neglected twin.

Kagome was beginning to find it hard to breathe, but weather from her arched position or the feelings that were running through her was impossible to tell. The feeling that was pooling in her lower abdomen was driving her beyond reason. All she knew was the need to fulfill it and Inuyasha would be the only one who could do that for her. Her right leg slid up to his hip. Inuyasha gave a pleased growl that vibrated through her body at every point of contact and drew a ragged moan from her. The hand that had been around her waist moved down over her ass to find the warmth in the junction of her legs.

He parted her folds and heard her gasp as the cool water hit the over heated flesh. Releasing the nape of her hair, he allowed her to straighten as he moved the hand to support her against him. The hand at her junction found her entrance and pressed two fingers into her. She moaned as he drug them slowly back out before thrusting back into her again. Liking the reaction he repeated it, only this time with enough force to lift her to her tiptoes.

Kagome's mouth found his neck and began to kiss and nip at the toned flesh. Inuyasha hissed through his teeth and thrust into her more forcefully. Her hand moved up into his hair, pulling him down into a soul-searing kiss. His tongue plunged into her, dominating her, as he should. She was ready, he could feel it.

Suddenly he pulled away from her completely, turned her around and leaned her over the low rock she had often used for her bathing supplies. Kagome gulped and gasped as he breasts were pressed to the cold stone. Inuyasha lifted her hips slightly, kneed her legs apart, and positioned himself at her entrance. He leaned down so his chest was to her back.

"This may hurt a bit." He whispered against her ear before giving it a gentle nip. Then he rocked forward and entered her in one smooth movement. Kagome stiffened at the sudden intrusion. Inuyasha whispered endearments between gentle nips, kisses, and licks to the skin he could reach and slid his claws lightly down her arm to interlock his fingers with her's. He used his other to support his weight on his forearm. As Kagome relaxed beneath him he began to move.

The tension that had been building in Kagome's abdomen was now tightening into a ball in her stomach. With each thrust it threatened to consume her. She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the stone for support. Inuyasha's hard chest was pressed firmly against her back, the sweat and water making him slid easily over her. His mouth was now working with teeth, lips, and tongue on the side of her neck. His pleased, purr-like growl was sending vibrations through her body, even at their deepest point of contact.

Inuyasha could never have imagined the feeling of being inside her. He had dreamed about it, fantasized about it, but it was nothing like living it. The sounds she was making as he drove in and out of her were like balm on years of frayed nerves. Mewls and moans only for him pulled at his ears and demanded his demon blood to take what he needed. He worked his way to the base of her neck and began to nibble the skin until he found a spot he liked. Her body tensed as she came to her peak. He set his teeth and when she screamed his name he bit down. Her inner muscles clamped around him, bringing him over the edge with her. His eyes rolled back in his head as his seed filled her.

His energy spent he took back his hand to support his weight on both forearms so he wouldn't collapse on her. He lazily licked the wound he had left on her neck. She was his now. Let Kouga come, he had no claim. Kagome had gone limp beneath him, her breath coming in gulps as she tried to regain herself. He pushed into her a few more times, drawing out tired moans, before pulling out.

Carefully he gathered her into his arms and walked back to shore. When he got to where the water was knee deep he sat down and let the cool water wash away the sweat from their activities. Kagome's head was resting against his shoulder, her breathing had calmed to a more normal pace. He smiled softly down at her, but she was quickly falling to sleep. He nuzzled her temple and stood. On the river's bank he lay down on the grass and covered them with his top. In the warmth of the sun the two lovers drifted to sleep in each other's arms.