InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Sea ❯ More Fighting ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Why you. . !" The man growled enraged that she wasn't cowering in fear. The man raised a fist to rain another blow upon Kagome when a cool, calm voice rang out through the crowd.

"Put the boy down."

Kagome turned her head to see the two men who sat by her table standing and glaring at the man that now held her suspended in mid air.

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Chapter Two

The fat man's eyes nearly popped out of his head at the intrusion.

"Who're you!?" The fat man growled, fist still frozen in mid air.

The man with the long dark blue stepped forward calmly.

"My name is Miroku." The man said is a deep serene voice. Kagome stared at him in awe; everyone had stopped to see what was going on between the two men and Kagome.

"I will ask you once, and only once, to release the boy." Miroku said calmly, his deep blue eyes stared un-blinkingly at the man who held Kagome by the neck.

The fat man shifted from one foot to the other, suddenly very aware of the quiet of the once rowdy bar. It was obvious that he was afraid of this "Miroku", he was glancing around nervously.

"Aw, put him down ya fat moron." The smaller man with the brownish red hair sighed as he stepped up next to his companion.

"I swear Miroku, must you get us involved in every brawl we come across." He mumbled grumpily, his arms folded across his chest.

The fat man seemed shocked that the red headed youth ( for he appeared to be a teenager) had dared to insult him, his hand tightened around Kagome's throat, and white spots danced across her vision.

"What did yer say?" The fat man growled savagely, giving Kagome a little shake.

"He called you a fat moron you twit, or are your ears as messed up as your face." Kagome choked out. She knew it was wrong to bait the man, but she couldn't help it, besides she didn't want to hang forgotten in the air while the three men exchanged witty repartee. ( A/N: That is probably the wrong word, feel free to correct me)

The fat mans beady little eyes bulged even further with rage.

"I'm goin' ter kill you!" The man roared as he threw Kagome across the room savagely, as Kagome had hoped he would do. Kagome landed on the hard wooden floor with a painful *thump*. She skidded about 5 feet before coming in contact with a very solid table.

"Ow. . ." Kagome muttered softly as she scrambled to her feet, ignoring the small splinters that had stung her arms. The fat man was charging her, and surprisingly fast for all the fat on him. Kagome's eyes widened in shock and she ducked just in time as one of his punches soared over her head. The fat man roared and turned, swinging wildly at her, his fist was just about to connect with her face when a strong hand caught the mans wrist, his fist only inches from her face.

Miroku stood, holding the fat man's wrist, staring darkly at the man.

The man roared his anger and swung drunkenly with his other fist at Miroku, who easily dodged his attack and gave the man a solid punch to the gut before throwing the man over his hip. The fat man lay un moving on the floor of the bar, his body limp.

Everyone turned to stare at Miroku who simply looked at all of them calmly.

"Is there a problem?" Miroku asked, his voice soft and serene, almost a whisper but everyone in the bar was able to hear him. No one made a move towards him, or showed any sign of objection.

"Good." Miroku said turning to Kagome, who was looking up at him with wide brown eyes. `Why is this man helping me?' Kagome thought as she stared at Miroku. Miroku walked over to Kagome slowly, he didn't see the man with the chair behind him.

"Behind you!" Kagome and Miroku's companion said simultaneously. But it was too late, the man who held the chair swung down at Miroku, hitting him square on the back. Miroku fell to the floor with a muffled grunt. His full weight was resting on his hands and knees.

Utter chaos broke out through the bar, men of all kinds attacked one another, and punches soared through the air as did curses. But the fight was directed at Kagome and the stranger Miroku, who was still trying to get up from the floor (A chair to the back doesn't exactly tickle).

A tall skinny man wearing what looked to be long greasy rags attacked Kagome, swinging at her with a closed fist. Kagome easily dodged his attack and grabbed his arm pulling him off balance and over her hip, into the nearest table. When Kagome was 12 years old one of the house boys who used to be one of her closest friends taught her how to defend herself. She knew how to get out of a head lock, how to flip someone over her shoulder and hip, and where to punch and or kick on a man. But as soon as her mother found out that Kagome was taking these lessons the house boy was suddenly `transferred' to one of the other estates. Kagome was forbidden to talk to him again.

Another man attacked Kagome, taking her by surprise, his fist clipped her eye before she could move out of the way and Kagome let out a muffled grunt of pain as she savagely kicked the man in the shins, making him holler with pain.

Another man was coming at her from behind as she held one hand to her already bruised eye. Kagome heard a cry of pain coming from behind her and whirled, almost falling over. There was the red head youth kneeing a `would be attacker' in the stomach before giving him a punch to the face for good measure and letting him fall to the floor.

"T-Thanks" Kagome said appreciatively. The youth just nodded at her as he began to throw punches at the men in the bar. HE was a good fighter and fought like he knew what he was doing.

Miroku was back up on his feet and fighting right next to Kagome, a sea of drunken (and some sober) men where charging at them- fist raised in the air.

"Get ready." Miroku said calmly as he prepared himself for the massacre that was about to take place.

Kagome was practically shaking, she had never seen this much violence in her entire life, it was quite unnerving, but she did not back down. Kagome set her jaw and clenched her fists at her side, ready for a fight.

"What is this!?" a calm regal voice broke out through the crowd. Everyone froze, including Shippo who was in the middle of pummeling a much larger beefier man. Everyone's head turned toward the doorway where a tall regal man stood. His silver hair was long and tied into a long ponytail at the nape of his neck. His golden eyes swept over the crowd slowly, as if he was taking in every face for future reference. He was wearing tan colored slacks and a white shirt that had white ruffles on the sleeves and collar. On almost anyone the shirt would have looked girlish or prissy, but he made it look masculine somehow, utterly masculine.

His cool calm golden eyes paused on Kagome for a second and Kagome met those cool eyes bravely, her pulse was thundering in her ears as she stared right back at him. His gaze continued onward and stopped at Miroku.

"Why is it Miroku, that every time we dock you always manage to find yourself a way into a fight, and every time I have to find you a way out?" The man asked coolly.

Miroku gave the man a lopsided grin.

"Just lucky I guess, Captain"

The silver haired man let out a small sigh and his eyes met those of the red head youth's.

"Shippo, I thought you at least would be able to keep Miroku out of trouble. I see that I was wrong."

Shippo dropped the man he was holding and bowed his head.

"Sry' captain." He mumbled.

The silver haired man let out a small sigh and turned to the owner of the bar, who was almost hiding under the bar.

"My . . . apologies for my crew's behavior, we will be leaving, NOW" he said in a calm loud voice.

"Shippo, Miroku, come." He said as he turned on his heel and walked out the door, as if he automatically expected the other two to obey him. And they did not disappoint him, they followed the man wordlessly out of the bar.

Kagome blinked in shock, she ran towards the bar tender and pulled a silver crown out of her boot and tossed it to the man before running out of the doors. She did NOT want to be in the bar when the men realized what had just happened.

"Hey the little runt is getting away!" a loud voice called from the crowd.

Kagome bolted out of the bar and into the bright sunlight that filled the now crowded streets. She ran down the street, weaving in and out of the people and vendors who walked there. She had to get away; she was, to say the least, frightened. She had never been out on her own before and she did NOT expect this.

"Hey he's over there!" a hoarse cry came from behind her. Kagome half turned to see the same fat man and at least three other men pouring out of the bar, running after her.

"Cripes!" Kagome cursed as she picked up the pace and bolted down the street. Kagome had no idea where she was going, she was new to this town and all its different streets and alley ways. Kagome turned down an alley only to find that it was a dead end.

`Oh no!' Kagome thought frantically as she turned to look behind her.

The four men were in the alley, all walking quite calmly towards her, smug smiles on their faces.

"Thought ya could escape us did ya?" The fat man sneered.

Kagome took a deep breath and backed up slowly, she did not trust her voice at the moment.

"We'll teach ya a lesson runt." Another man sneered as he cracked his knuckles loudly.

Kagome kept backing up until she was flat against the hard stone wall. Her mind was racing a mile a minute as she watched the four men approach her. What was she going to do?

The men were almost upon her now, spread out in almost a wall of flesh ( the alley could fit five men standing side by side but because the fat man was so wide they just barely squeezed in). Kagome knew that if she didn't get away that the police may find her body lying here in this back alley.

The men were less then five feet away from her when she decided to lunge. And lunge she did, right between the fat mans chunky legs. Kagome scrambled through the fat man's legs, knocking him over in the process. Kagome was on her feet in seconds, glancing behind her to see the four men looking utterly confused.

"Get `im!!" The fat man bellowed. Kagome let out a small yip and ran as fast as she could, still looking behind her.

And that's when she collided with a painfully solid body. Kagome fell to the ground with a small grunt. Standing before her was the silver haired man, his golden eyes impassive and cool.

Kagome gulped loudly, she didn't know why, but for some reason she feared this man. He carried around him and air of someone who had seen it all, and done most of it. He stood before her with a regal grace, gazing down at her with those cold golden eyes. Kagome wanted to look away from his searing gaze but forced herself to stare back at him. She had pride, and if she died here today, she would make sure that everyone knew it.

The silver haired man changed his cold glare to the four men, who shriveled back into the alley with fear.

"Come boy." He said coolly as he turned on his heel and walked away. Kagome dared a glance back at the four men in the alley before getting to her feet and chasing after the silver haired man. She did not want to be left in the alley with those men.

Kagome followed the silver haired man through the crowd. He walked gracefully, with a confident air that made others move out of the way. Kagome swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and followed him through the crowd, staring at her feet as she did so. Kagome was so busy staring at her feet that she didn't notice when he stopped suddenly and almost ran into him.

Kagome looked up, they were at the harbor, boats of all sizes were docked here. The salty fresh scent of the sea assaulted her nose and the shouts of men and squawks of the seagulls filled her ears. Kagome's breath was ripped from her as she looked at the biggest ship in the harbor. It was a huge ship, with three sails and a mast that seemed to stretch towards the heavens. There were men on the ship, all busy doing something, and it gleamed in the afternoon sunshine. On the side of the boat in gleaming golden letters was: The Sea Mistress.

"Wow" Kagome whispered.

The silver haired man turned around, his cool gaze taking Kagome in, but Kagome didn't seem to notice, she was too busy staring in awe at the ship before her.

The silver haired man nodded his head once as if he seemed satisfied with Kagome.

"This is The Sea Mistress, I am her Captain." The silver haired man said quietly. Kagome turned her wide eyes to the man that stood in front of her.

"Miroku brought to my attention the fact that we need a new cabin boy. He suggested you and I have not the time to look for someone else." The man said coolly.

Kagome's heart nearly leapt out of her chest. This is what she had been waiting for, a chance for adventure and discovery, a chance to explore the world!

"Are you interested in this position, and mind you boy, it will not be an easy one." Sesshoumaru continued.

Kagome nodded her head "Yes, yes please sir." She whispered. But the man heard her and nodded his head.

"I will have Shippo acquaint you with the ship." He said before walking up a plank that allowed him to board the ship.

"Whoa. . ." Kagome said with a bit of enthusiasm. Her new life, her new adventure would start here. Kagome thought to herself as she watched Shippo approach her.

But little did Kagome know that she was about to get the adventure of a life time.

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Hey well that was the second chapter. . . what did you guys think? Was it good for a second chapter? Admittedly it's not the best chapter I have ever written but it will do. And no, I have not forgotten anyone, I have a couple of surprises in mind for the next couple of chapters. But I am always open to suggestions ^_~. Sorry it took so long for me to update but this is not the only penname I have, it's more of a secret penname, lol. So I had to update my other stories first. So please review and a big thanks to all of you who did I appreciate it ^_^