InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Wild Side: Smutletts ❯ Head Games ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Nelson Bannaba made a request on my LJ site for mind-shattering head in a smutlett. I've taken a couple of cracks at it that ended up turning into completely different stories…some of it even snuck into the end of “Hanyou Fantasies.” But, finally, I managed to get this out. Hope you like it, Nel! And thanks to Inuhanyounikki and, 45cats and a few others on LJ that helped me discover new uses for the feline persuasion. Oh, and Sadie's review asking for the `abuse of the sit command' came in after I'd finished writing this… but I think this smutlett qualifies in fulfilling that request? Note: formal requests for smutletts should be made at my website:
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or anything. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi, lucky lady.
Head Games
The magical light died and I launched myself out of the well. I was starving and I could already smell Mrs. Higurashi's cooking. I got as far as the top of the well when I heard my name.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome's voice had `that tone' in it. But I was hungry so I ignored it and launched myself at the door. “Sit!”
“Damn!” My face came down on the wooden landing just below the sliding door exit. So close…
“What the fuck did you do that for?” I managed to roll over on my back and sit up just as she climbed out of the well. She's probably pissed `cuz I didn't carry her out of the well. I'm hungry and she can use the exercise!
“I want to talk to you, that's what!” She walked up to the bottom of the steps with her hands on her hips. We were eye-to-eye.
“We can talk in the kitchen,” I rubbed my jaw. “You didn't have to sit me just to talk to me.”
“In private…” she hadn't stopped looking mad, and I got a bad feeling about where this conversation was going.
“Oh.” I grumped. “Well, what is it?”
“I want to talk about Sango.” Kagome hadn't moved, except that her face seemed to be larger now, looming over me with angry eyes.
“Sango?” I was confused. Of all the things I thought she would say, `Sango' was the last one that might have occurred to me. “Why the hell do you want to talk about her in private? Go back to the past and talk to her if that's what you want. I'm hungry.” I gathered my feet under me preparing to stand.
“Sit, boy!” My head slammed backwards, the beads choking off my air for a few seconds before relaxing to merely pin me.
“What!?” I was really pissed now, staring at the ceiling waiting for the spell to wear off. “What is so fucking important about Sango that we can't talk about her over food?”
“How do you feel about Sango?” She stepped up on the platform to look down at me, her hands straight by her sides and jammed into fists.
“What? What the fuck kind of question is that?” The beads were starting to relax so I could sit up again, but I thought better of it and stayed on my back, staring daggers back up at her. “I like Sango! She's a good fighter and a good member of the team!”
“How much do you like her?” Kagome looked even angrier, if that was possible.
“I just told you! She's a good fighter.” I did sit up then, the conversation having become totally pointless as far as I was concerned. “I like her just fine!”
“You carried her back from our last battle-“ she started waving her hands.
“Of course I did!” I interrupted. “She was injured!”
“Then how come when I looked back at you carrying her, your fundoshi was straining to capacity? I could even see it under your stupid hakama!” Kagome's face was the color of beets.
Oh. She's jealous. I sat up then and laughed at how completely stupid this was turning out to be, but laughter turned out to be a bad move on my part.
“Sit!” she screamed it this time and I went down even harder. I was sure I'd have a bruise on the back of my head by the end of this argument.
“Kagome,” I'd stopped laughing, but I was still amused, looking up at her angry face. I could almost see up her skirt from this vantage point, too. “What do you think I was looking at when I was walking along with Sango on my back?”
“I have no idea!” She was still waving her arms around.
“Your fucking skirt,” I almost laughed again. “Haven't you noticed that I pretty much always have a hard-on when you're around?”
“No.” She looked down at my crotch. “You don't have one now.”
I looked at her standing over me, her legs long and smooth disappearing up into her short skirt, and realized I could get hard pretty damn fast if I tried.
“Give me a minute.” I couldn't help it and I laughed again.
“No way.” She said, her eyes going wide, but fixed on my dick, which turned me on and I felt a little flush of heat down there.
“Yes, way,” I said as I started to harden up.
She bent down and put her hand on me, which just sped up the process.
“Oh my God!” She blushed as I began pushing up under her fingers.
“Told `ya.” I smiled really big.
“I'm still not sure I believe you.” She was looking at me really suspiciously, but she didn't move her hand and I just kept getting stiffer. I was starting to enjoy this fight.
“I know how to get the truth out of you.” Now she looked more than suspicious, she looked devious and she started to untie my pants. My dick got a little squeamish at the look on her face - and besides, she was tickling me.
“Hey!” I sat up and tried to push her hands away, but I had to be careful of my claws, so I didn't do a very good job of it.
“Sit!” She yelled and I slammed back down, head first as usual. As the stars started to clear, I felt her get the knot on my hakama untied. I blinked a few times and saw the rough wooden ceiling of the well house come into focus just as I felt her do that neat little trick to get me quickly out of my fundoshi - the one I'd showed her last week. Because we'd been practicing, she had my cock out in the open, half erect, in no time.
“Oh, shit!” I said as I felt her hands move all over my dick.
“What's the matter?” She was scaring me with that tone in her voice. “Do you have something to hide?”
“Nooo!” I groaned as I felt her tongue move slowly over the head.
“'No' what?” she said. “'No', you don't have anything to hide, or `no' don't torture the truth out of you?”
“Uh,” I breathed harder as she licked me again. “The first one.”
“We'll just see about that.” I felt her go down over me all the way. It was probably the anticipation as much as anything, but I got so hard so fast it surprised even me.
“Alright,” I heard her say through a haze, as she pulled off me, “tell me who's in charge here.” There was something really weird about this situation. I was used to her sitting me. And I was used to our sex being kind of raunchy - raw and risky - but this dominatrix thing was not what I was used to. I didn't have anything to hide - I didn't think - but I wasn't sure she couldn't come up with something I didn't want to admit. And I didn't trust my mouth not to start babbling if she kept this up. So - being the idiot I am - I tried to get out of the situation.
“Kagome, can we do this-“ she went down over with me with her tongue, lips and both hands so fast and so hard I completely blanked on what I had been planning to say. When she came up off me, I was breathing like I'd just finished a ten mile sprint, and then I remembered I'd been planning to get her to stop, so I sat up and started to reach for her.
“Sit!” Down again. Definite bruise back there. “Tell me who's in charge right now or I don't start again,” she gave me a little squeeze with her hands which sent me into a spasm. It was too late, I couldn't ask her to stop. My dick wouldn't let me. And she had the beads, after all…
Kami!” I said. “You are!”
“Good,” she started licking up and down the length of me, giving the head an extra little swirl with each stroke, and I groaned. “So tell me this,” she said, “do you ever look at Sango and wish she would do this?” She came up off me again.
“Don't stop!” I cried, completely ignoring her question, my little head sucking all the blood from my big head as it tried to reach her mouth.
“Tell me the truth or the dick doesn't get it,” I looked up to see her smiling a mischievous grin just above my desperate cock.
“No!” I was telling the truth and got another little lick as a reward. But then I had to go and open my stupid mouth again. “Sango's really pretty-“ Kagome stopped moving her tongue. “but she's not nearly as scary as you.” Kagome licked me again, and I pushed up into her hand just a bit.
“Why's it good that I'm so scary?” I felt her put her mouth around the head of my cock, her lips pressed just under that sensitive little ridge that makes me crazy, her tongue poised on the tip. She was tantalizingly close to moving again.
“Well, for one thing, I don't think she would do this to me - ah!” Kagome dove back over me until I started moaning something about scary women.
“And what if she would?” She'd stopped again, her lips pressed in a kiss on my more excitable head.
“It just wouldn't be the same…” I was definitely telling the truth now. “Besides, I'd be dead `cuz you and Miroku would gang up and kill me.”
“Probably true,” she rewarded my honesty with another thirty seconds of wet fingers, which had me writhing.
“What about Miroku? Or Sesshomaru?” I could tell she'd stopped licking me, but for a minute I thought she'd asked about some guys we knew…
“What?” I wasn't even sure she'd said anything, she couldn't have meant what I thought I heard her say…
“What about Miroku?” She did mean it! “Or Sesshomaru?” I felt my dick start to soften a little in her hands at this thought and she seemed to notice this too, pulling on me a little harder until I was firm in her hands again.
“Kagome, you're freakin' me out,” I was still breathing hard, but for more than one reason now.
“Answer me, then,” she said with a cruel look in her eye. “They're both pretty to look at. I'm sure there are perverts out there that would be turned on by them going down on you. Are you one of them? Would you rather they were doing this?”
“No!” There was no question I was telling the truth about this, and she thankfully lowered her head to erase those awful images from my mind again. And this time she kept at it. On and on. Up and down. Hard and soft. She was building me perfectly, slowly. Really, really good. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. And maybe I had because when she stopped again, I almost didn't care for a second. Then I cared a lot. “Oh, please…” I felt a growl building in my chest. “Please don't stop.”
“I have another question.” She licked me again, just a little bit.
“What?” I made a weird, whiney growling noise that I didn't even know I could do.
“Why haven't you given me a pet name yet?” She kept giving me little licks. Just enough to keep me from jumping her, but not enough to get me back on that slow, happy climb to somewhere amazing.
“What's a pet name - ah!” Her hands got quick all of a sudden and then slowed down, wringing little gasps out of me. “And why the hell do you want one?” I was panting now.
“A pet name - you know. A special name that only you get to call me.” She stopped talking for a minute and went back over me a few times. I was on the road to losing it now.
“Like - uh - ah - what?” I could really only gasp at this point. “Like `baby' or something?”
“Baby?” She stopped moving completely. I could tell she thought this was a bad idea.
“No!” I tried moving, but she let me go, so I stopped my hips and ground my teeth. “I promise never to call you `baby'….” She slid her fingers back over me in that little circle thing she did that I loved, playing her tongue just under the head of my cock. “So what should I call you?”
“I don't know.” She stopped and I squirmed under her hands. “Like, my pet name for you could be `puppy' or something.”
“If you ever call me `puppy' I'll-“ She was back on me and completely forgot where I was going with that.
“What?” She came up for air.
“I don't know.” I did manage to thrust myself into her fingers almost three times before she let go. “Just don't call me `puppy'… and please keep going.” She did. Pet name? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? I thought I should figure something out quick or this torture might go on forever.
“Well, you are a dog…” she said somewhat defensively, but mercifully kept going, trying to be helpful I guessed.
“True.” I managed to huff. “And dogs do like to sniff around… chase down… hunt…” I was starting to turn myself on with the thought of hunting her down - metaphorically speaking, of course.
“What do dogs like to chase most?” She let her fingers take over for a while, slowing the pace until my eyes started to cross.
“Anything that does this and smells so good,” I panted. She stopped moving. Apparently this was a bad answer because my dick started screaming at me, telling me what an asshole I was. “Well, not `anything'…” She started up again, still slow, and my dick shut up, “Uh…” I had to come up with something fast, “Cats!” I was so fucking smart I amazed myself. “Dogs like to chase cats!”
“And what do they do with them when they catch them?” She was picking up her pace a little, so I thought maybe I was on to something here. “Well - ah! - most dogs just want to play… but some like to nibble on their little pussy…” Oooooooh. This has possibilities…She wrung a deep sort of rumbling moan out of me just then, so loud I'm sure anyone out in the courtyard must have heard it.
“'Cat,' huh?” She was speeding up again as she thought about this. I, myself, was starting to think I'd call her fucking Queen if she just didn't stop anymore. “I could live with that.” She said finally
“Uhhhh,” I said, having lost focus on the conversation completely and her lips closed around me again.
“Okay, that's all good” she came off me to speak, and now I was throbbing in her hands, the rest of me gasping for air. ”Back to Sango.”
“What?” I was now desperate. “Enough with the head games, already! I thought we did her already.”
“Did we?” She had that cruel look on her face and she tightened her fingers hard and moved them all the way up my shaft, squeezing the tip lightly but not moving back down, making me crazy for her to move, or let me push into her fingers.
“Did we what?” I whimpered this time, the growl completely gone.
“'Do' Sango?” she flicked her tongue over my tip, which was peeking through the little circle of her fingers. “I must have missed it.”
“No!” I couldn't help it and started to pump my hips into her hand a little bit, starting to lose control. She figured out what was going on and let go fast. I fell back on the boards, squirming around with nothing to push against.
“What if Sango would do this with us?” She picked my cock back up in her hands and lowered her mouth over me carefully, just touching me lightly with the circle of her lips and little flicks of her tongue, promising something wonderful if I came out with the right answer. Only problem was, I had no idea what the right answer was.
“Fuck,” I tried pushing myself into her again, but she just released her lips and moved away. “This is so confusing.”
“Answer the question,” she sat back up and held me in her hands.
“I don't know,” I whined. It really was the truth. I felt her mouth around me then, pumping hard up and down as her hands massaged my balls, until I was about as high as I could get before losing it - which I thought at the time was a sign that she appreciated my honesty. But in retrospect, I think she just wanted to incapacitate me, because a few seconds before I went off in her mouth, she vanished.
“See ya inside!” Her voice sounded really chipper as I writhed around on the floor of the well house. I gave some serious thought to just finishing myself off right there, but then it occurred to me that what I wanted more than anything was to fuck her brains out, and that was going to be a lot more fun if I was this horny. So I just squirmed around for a little while until some of the blood started to return to my brain. Finally, I felt like I could relax and I opened my eyes to see the door still wide open to the outside, and stupid Buyo the cat sitting over my head, peering at me upside down.
“Sorry, Buyo,” I told the cat as I twisted my clothes back around and tied them off, “You're the wrong cat. I'm not chasing you tonight.”
I was still straining my fundoshi when I left the well house.
I ran into the kitchen and snagged a couple of bananas on my way to her room. Luckily, Grandpa was snoring on the kitchen table and Mrs. Higurashi and Souta were nowhere to be seen. We'd missed dinner. I jammed one banana in my mouth as I ran up the stairs and held onto the other one for later. I heard her in the bathroom and couldn't believe my luck as I slipped into her room and hid behind the door, my first goal being to avoid getting sat.
She took for fucking ever, but it gave me time to get undressed and unwrap that stupid fundoshi, which also took for fucking ever. While I was waiting, I ate the other banana and figured I'd last a little longer. Finally I heard her coming down the hall and smelled the rosewater from her bath before she even got in the room; it turned me on - like I needed the help.
As she came through the door, I called softly “here, kitty, kitty, kitty...” and just as she started to turn, I jumped her, clamping my hand over her mouth and holding her to my chest with the other. I kicked the door closed and shuffled her over to the bed.
“Now that I've caught my kitty, I need some pussy…” I let a little growl rumble in my chest.
She didn't struggle and I heard her giggling, which let me know she'd been expecting this and that my use of her new pet name seemed to be to her liking. I pushed her down underneath me, still hard as a rock, and pressed myself into the curve of her ass.
“Your turn.” I whispered into her ear. “Don't sit me, or you get squished.” I took my hand away from her mouth. “Now, get out of the fucking towel.” I raised myself off her about three inches so she could squirm out of the towel. “Turn over.” She obliged, bumping softly into me as she twisted into the bedding. I saw her eyes sparkle as she came to face me. “You are so gonna get it,” I said as I came down on her damp body, kissing her until we were both breathless and my cock was oozing at the tip as it pushed into her thigh.
“You taste like banana,” she said when I came up for air.
“I told you I was hungry. I was gonna make you eat one for me, but you kind of already did that.” I kissed her again and lifted my body off hers a few inches while I moved my knee between her thighs, urging her to open them for me. She did and I put the head of my dick right into the good spot and moved in and out about an inch or so.
“You're already wet,” I said, bending to lick at her ear. “Even after a bath.”
“If just looking at my skirt can do it to you, just imagine what you pushing up against my rear can accomplish.” She arched an eyebrow knowingly at me and brought her arms up my back, her nails skimming my skin.
“Good,” I pushed in a little and stopped, pulling back up off her. “Now, I'm not moving `til you do yourself.”
She giggled. We usually played this game in reverse where we tried to beat each other to orgasm, but I knew it was easier for her to come when I was moving and wanted to return the torture favor. I felt her hand slip down between us and her muscles clench around me as her finger started moving over that little pussy I'd finally caught. I was already breathing hard and hoped I could hold out when she started to go pink and closed her eyes. I gave her an experimental pump and sure enough, she arched her back and let out a little moan. I wondered if my bravado had really been a good idea, since I was so primed, but it was too late to worry about that now. As she started to move her hips in little tilting movements, it turned me on even more and I tried to remember my plan.
“Okay,” I rounded my back, pushed in and out once and licked at her breast as it came up towards me. “Now you answer the question.”
“Wha-?” the word was more of a puff of air in my ear as I felt her hips start to move faster, wringing a little spasmodic thrust out of me and a moan from both of us. One of her moans sounded like what question?
“Would you do this with Sango and me?” I managed to hold onto my original plan at least this far, but I was losing the I'm-not-going-to-move battle and had started little pushes into her.
“Ooohh,” I couldn't tell if this was a sound of pleasure or comprehension from her. She wasn't answering the question so I somehow stopped my hips and felt her relax some of her movements, even as her finger kept moving down between us. I licked at her breast again.
“Come on, Kagome.” I breathed into her neck moving up to her ear, “you made me answer it.”
“Yeah,” she breathed into my hair and I felt her lips on my cheek. For a minute I thought she meant `yes.' “But you cheated,” she clarified. I pumped into her a few times and got lost for a minute in her body's response as she arched and moved against me.
“No I didn't.” I said as my lips hovered over hers, promising a kiss. “I told the truth. I don't know my answer to that question until I know what you'd want.”
“I don't know either,” she said just as her tongue came up to my lips and my hips won the battle of wills. I started thrusting into her as we kissed and I felt her hand move between us, stirring her body into jerky motions under me. Given my earlier torture, I wasn't able to last very long and knew I'd have to help her along if we were going to go off together.
“Come on, kitten,” I growled when we broke the kiss. “You can do it. I want you to come on me. Just let me have it.” I pumped a little harder as I felt her tighten underneath me. “Give it to me.” That did it and I felt both her hands come around my back as she pulled me down on her completely, writhing and moaning into my neck. I exploded into her then and we cried out as the orgasms surged through us both, tensing every muscle and then leaving us spent in a naked mess on her bed.
A few minutes later, I managed to lift my head off her shoulder.
“Think we woke Grandpa?” I asked.
“No,” she said. “We'd have heard about it already if we had.”
“Oh good,” I dropped my head back down and kept waiting for my heartbeat to return to normal.
“You sure I can't call you puppy?” She sounded very cute just then.
“If you let me catch you like that a few more times,” I said, wondering if I was going to regret this, “I'll think about it.”
This game has possibilities….
The End