InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A December ❯ Learning ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Once Upon A December

Chapter Three

Selene Serenity

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Anastasia

Author's Notes: Yeah! More reviews! I love that! Well the ideas are still coming at the moment so here's the next chapter for you! ^_^

Chapter Three

The feather under Kagura disappeared and she floated down to the ground a few feet away from Inuyasha and Miroku. Miroku held out his staff, Inuyasha his sword. Inuyasha made the first move of course and lunged foreward at Kagura. She dodged him and moved to his left, attempting to hit him with a wind attack but Miroku easily knocked it away. Inuyasha quickly swerved around and swung his sword again, knocking Kagura to the ground. "Ha!" Inuyasha laughed as Miroku, began to take the prayer beads and cloth off his hand. Kagura slowly stood up, anger covering her face.

"Damn you!" She cried and wind exploded around her, sending Inuyasha and Miroku a good couple of miles away.

"Inuyasha! Miroku!" Kagome cried as Kagura approached her.

"So you're her huh?" Kagura whispered.

Suddenly Shippo lept at Kagura in a burst of bravery and bit her arm. "Leave Kagome alone!" He cried.

Kagura let out a scream of pain and threw Shippo to the ground. "You little brat!" She turned and looked down at him, aiming her fan at him.

"Leave him alone!" Kagome yelled and rushed towards Kagura, ready to push her down. Instead of a normal push though, a faint purple light surrounded Kagome's hands as she touched Kagura and she sent Kagura flying back, against a tree. Kagura screamed in pain and frustration as she hit impact. Meanwhile Kagome gasped and pulled her hands back. 'What was that?' She wondered.

Kagura stood up and called her giant feather back. "I'll be back for you!" She vowed and flew off just as Miroku and Inuyasha came back.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted as he reached her. "What happened?"

"Nothing…she…she just ran off." Kagome lied, not wanting to discuss whatever had happened to her just then.

"She always was one to run away wasn't she?" Miroku smirked as her secured to prayer beads on his arm.

"Miroku?" Kagome looked over at his arm. "What's all that for?" She asked.

"Ah, you see when Naraku invaded the Miko's temple he also placed a curse upon my family for being close friends with them and helping them. Every member of my family has a wind tunnel in their hand." He explained.

Kagome gasped. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Miroku smiled. "Once I kill Naraku, which I've vowed to do, the wind tunnels will disappear."

"K…kill?" Kagome gulped.

"Yeah. You'd want to kill him to if you knew him. He's the most evil being you'll ever know." Miroku replied. "But try not to worry about that."

"But you said he had something to do with me? What did you mean?"

"He means…" Inuyasha started as he sheathed his sword. "That Kikyo was the only survivor of the Miko family. Naraku vowed to kill you all and steal the Shikon no Tama. But he was unable to kill her and she left with half the Shikon no Tama. If you're her then he's going to want to jewel from you, then kill you."

Kagome face began to fill with fear and panic when Kirara and Shippo walked to her and tried to comfort her. "Don't worry Kagome." Miroku placed his hand on her shoulder. "Inuyasha, Sango and I won't let that happen to you."

"Sango?" Kagome looked at back at Miroku in confusion.

"Ah yes! My sweet, dearest Sango!" Miroku cooed and love took over his face. He sighed repetitively as well as spun around a few times.

"What's wrong with him?" Kagome asked Inuyasha.

"Sango is another friend of ours. She's the only girl Miroku's ever serious about." Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Oh, so they're a couple." Kagome inferred.

"Not quite. Sango doesn't take his love serious." Inuyasha replied.

"Ah. So how will she help?"

"We have to go see her because no one gets to see Kaede with out an interview with Sango." Miroku explained, going semi back to normal. "She's a demon slayer as well so she'll be able to protect you as well."

"Interview!?" Kagome gasped almost angrily.

Inuyasha sighed. "Yes. We were going to tell you on the train, but that plan got screwed up obviously."

"Before meeting Kaede you'll be asked questions that only Kikyo would know the answers to. Well we know the answers though because we grew up with Kikyo until she disappeared, so we're going to teach you." Miroku told her.

"No way! That's lying! I'm not going to lie!" Kagome protested.

"But it's only to get you to see Kaede, once you get in we'll explain everything to her." Miroku told Kagome.

"But it's still lying!"

"How do you know it is?" Miroku gave her a sly look.


"Yeah Kagome." Inuyasha nodded. "For all you know it could be the truth. You really could be Kikyo."

"Me?" Kagome pondered the thought. 'What if I am this Kikyo person?" She wondered. 'If I am, I could finally belong somewhere. With this Kaede person, and even these two idiots.' She giggled at her joke as the others watched her silently. "All right." She agreed hesitantly. "I'm listening, so you guys better start teaching."

"All right! We'll get started right away." Miroku smiled.

"Hold up, you don't expect to walk all the way to Kyoto do you?" Kagome crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"No." Inuyasha shook his head. "We'll be able to catch a bus in the next village that can take us to the boat we were planning on taking."

"Ah, that's good." Kagome let out a sigh of relief.

"So!" Miroku grinned and wrapped his arm over Kagome's shoulders. "You were born to the Miko family sixteen years ago…"

"Um Miroku?" Kagome asked.


"Get your hand away from my chest!" She cried and slapped him in the face.

Inuyasha sighed as he walked next to them. 'He'll never learn will he?'


Sango was just entering her bedroom when a rather large Tanuki appeared at her window. "Hatchi?" She gasped and hurried to the window. "What is it?"

"Lady Sango, Miroku sent me a message to give to you."

"Really? What is it?" She wondered.

"He says that he and Inuyasha are on their way for a visit and their bringing an old friend." Hatchi replied.

"An old friend?" Sango blinked. "I wonder…" She looked out into the sky. 'Kikyo?'


"So this Shikon no Tama thing has magic powers?" Kagome repeated after Inuyasha had told her this.

"Yeah." Inuyasha nodded. "And your family was chosen to protect it from demons and humans alike."

"And the jewel got split in half right?"

"Exactly." Miroku agreed. "If only we had that half that Kikyo is supposed to have…that would really convince Sango and Kaede."

Kagome momentarily put her hand on her neck, and then pulled it away. "Yeah…" She looked down at the floor of the bus.

"Are we almost at the bus?" Shippo wondered. "I've never been on one before!"

"I think so." Miroku nodded.

"Did you hear that Kirara?!" Shippo said excitedly. Kirara meowed in response and Kagome smiled down at the two small demons.

'I've certainly collected a strange group of friends haven't I?' She mused. 'Friends? Do I really have friends now?' She looked from Shippo and Kirara, to Miroku, then paused at Inuyasha and blushed, quickly looking down at the ground. 'If this is what it's like to have friends…I'd like to keep them as friends.' She decided.

Inuyasha meanwhile was debating if Kagome could really be Kikyo. 'She sure does look like her, but I remember Kikyo being a lot sensitive maybe even snobbish…but Kagome she's more out and ready to get her hands dirty. I suppose living in an orphanage for so long might do that to you. I mean her family really pampered Kikyo. Even so, I always found myself unable to talk straight with her. I always got flustered and yelled at her instead…'

And sitting next to Inuyasha sat Miroku, not to deep in thought, but dreaming about Sango…

Author's Notes: Yup, new chapter all done! The idea of having more of Inuyasha and Kagome's inner thoughts came from Teowli. Thanks! ^_^ Well please review the chapter!