InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Human Heart ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Just thought I’d write another piece on my favorite characters of all time. Sesshoumaru and Rin. I can’t really say for sure whether this will be a longer or shorter fic. But, one thing is for’ll be romantic and slightly set in the future. And of course occasional appearances from the Inuyasha cast. I realize this chapter is rather short...and there’s nothing I hate more than a short chapter. But, it is only an intro. so cut me some slack.
Lyrics ‘Learn to be Lonely’ are from The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack-good movie, lol.
Enjoy and Review!

Once Upon A Human Heart

Chapter One: That which is lost-You’ve gotta learn to be lonely

Child of the wilderness, born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely, learn to find your way in darkness
Who will be there for you?
Comfort and care for you?
Learn to be lonely, learn to be your one companion
Never dreamed out in the world there are arms to hold you
You’ve always known your heart was on it’s own
So laugh in your loneliness, child of the wilderness

The sun set over the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan and little Rin Shimorai was just adding the finishing touches to her new flower garden. It had bloomed rather beautifully this year, she considered. The weather had been quite fair this spring allowing the bright and alluring colors of nature to shine through the flower petals perfectly. To top it off, the cherry tree near her parents modest house had blossomed rather fully, bathing the grass and stone path around the small porch in the pink, silken buds. It was her favorite time of all, spring, that is.

‘There, she thought to herself in all her child-like glory, ‘It’s perfect!’ Leaning back to set her skirt-clad bottom on the cool ground beneath her, she stretched her arms out behind her and let her hands rest on the lush grass. Her legs extended out before her, she wiggled her tiny toes through her open-toed sandals. Silently, she enjoyed the sway of her flowers in the evening breeze. Taking in the deepest breathe she possibly could a familiar scent caught her attention. ‘Mmmm...mama’s making soup tonight. She thought as the aroma filled her button nose.
“Rin!” Her mother’s commanding voice called to her from the porch, almost on cue with her thought. “Come in dear, it’s time for dinner.”

“Yes, mama!” She responded eagerly. Rin had been working all day to get her flowers just right and was now quite famished. “Rin is coming!” She announced once more as she stood and ran to her mama’s side.

“And make sure you get yourself good and clean before you even think about sitting down to eat! Especially all that dirt underneath your nails.” She lightly scolded with a chuckle. “You look as if you were a wild child, girl.” Her mother smiled.

“Yes, mama.” She giggled as she skipped off to the bathroom to wash up. Her mother let out a hopeless sigh and a shake of the head as she hurried off. But she couldn’t help the honest smile that came to her face as she looked back to her youngest child’s small, but quaint, garden.

Dinner came and went for little Rin after her bath. Her, her father, mother and elder brother had all ate the heaping portions her mother had served them. And Rin had nearly burst out of her seams at the mention, by her father, of how lovely her garden had turned out. “Really Pappa?” She asked in awe, still in disbelief that he was actually proud of her handy work.

“Of course, your lilies have turned out to be quite exceptional.” He smiled at his daughter and sipped the last of his tea.

“Phf, no biggie! Anybody can plant weeds!” Her brother chimed in of his own accord and stuck is tongue out at her in jealousy of their fathers attentions on her.

All Rin could think to counter with was returning the favor of sticking her tongue back out at him. He was only a few years older than she and somehow he thought of himself as the ‘better’ sibling. ‘The nerve...’ She thought angrily. However, being the elder and protective brother he was, even he had his moments of kindness toward her.

“Now, now.” Her father interrupted their stare-down. “It takes a gentle touch and a steady hand to make a flower blossom to perfection.” Rin smiled triumphantly at her brother, daring him to disagree with their father. She had won the battle.

Just then headlights from a vehicle illuminated through their kitchen windows and an engine was heard pulling into their small driveway, soon followed by four doors slamming shut. Signaling that four people had exited the vehicle.

“Who on earth could that be?” Her mother asked, worry and curiosity laced her voice. Her father looked to her mother and gave the simple command to take the children into the bedroom and stay there until he found out who these people were and what they wanted, just in case. Obeying, she took Rin by the hand and ushered her brother by the shoulder to her parents room while her father took it upon himself to approach the unexpected visitors. Moments flew by and still he had not returned. Listening intently, she began to hear voices raised in an arguing manner, but it still sounded muffled. Then her fathers voice yelling out to her mother and...a gun shot. She felt her mothers grip on her hand tighten and a gasp escape her mouth.

“What was that noise, mama?” She looked up and asked. She did not respond.

Soon, their simple country house was filled with noise of clattering and men’s loud boisterous voices. They broke glass heirlooms, carried valuables back out to their vehicle, ate their food and continued rummaging through their personal belongings. It wasn’t long, however, before heavy footfalls became louder as one of the intruders worked his way toward their current hideout.

“Oh no!” Her mother gasped out in terror. Taking quick, maternal action she pushed her children toward the bedroom window. Upon opening it, she told her son to take Rin and get help then picked her daughter up and set her on the seal. “Run Rin!” She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. Little Rin could only furrow her brow in confusion. What was going on? Everything was happening so fast.

Just then a pounding on the door caused her mother to leave her side and rush to ward off the intruder. Rin glanced back for one moment to see a large man slam open the door and easily evade her mothers futile attempts of a fight. The man quickly pulled out a large blade and slit her throat without a second thought of it. Her brother rushed at him in a raging fury toward the man for what he had just done to his beloved mother. Rin’s brown eyes widened as she jumped out the window and ran from her home, past her garden and into the night as fast as a little girl could. Tears streamed down her face in fear, sorrow and confusion as she ran. Looking back for only a mere second, she saw her elder brother trying to escape through the window...only to fail and have the man stab him in the back with the bloody knife he used to kill her mother with.

Run She repeated her mothers words like a constant through her disheveled child’s mind. And that she did, Rin ran into the night like no living thing had ran before. She didn’t know where she was going and she never stopped. She didn’t even have the state of mind to notice that as she ran there were more and more houses around her. The buildings got bigger and taller, the smell of society was more potent. Lights were everywhere, as were people that didn’t even take a seconds glance at the terrified youngster that flew by them on the sidewalks of the big city. Concrete was everywhere, lights, signs, people, it was almost unreal. Rin had unintentionally ran her little self into the heart of Tokyo.

Learn to be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived -life can be loved alone

Next Chapter:Sesshoumaru and Rin meet! What’s this...wolves?! Run Rin!

Thank you so much for your reviews. You don’t know how much I appreciate them.
Once again, not much of anything as far as this chapter goes. But it will come!
Avril Lavigne lyrics ‘Nobody’s Home’ and ‘I’m with you’