InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Lost ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
A/N: First story on here. First Story PERIOD. Please help support me!!! Rated for language and mature themes in later chapters.
Once Upon a Nightmare
Chapter 1- Lost
To Your Majesties:
My beloved parents, as much as I love the both of you, I can't help but feel useless as my younger brother has gone missing and no one knows where he may be. It has been nearly a week since his disappearance and I can no longer sit around thinking about what might have become of him. I know for a fact that he is still alive despite what the rest of the kingdom may think, so I have sought my own journey to find him. I knew that I would not have your consent on me doing so since I am the only Princess of his majesty, King Higurashi, you father, but my feelings overpower anything anyone can say. I only wish to bring my darling brother back home to where he belongs. We both share a sibling bond that no one can break. I do not know where he may be, but do not worry about my whereabouts, I am probably long gone by now. Sending the troops out to search for me will be a futile attempt. Please have faith in me as your only daughter. I know what I am doing and I will never regret this, but I can promise one thing, I will find Prince Souta and bring him home. Do not think of this as hate for you both, but I love our family enough to care about my younger brother. Knowing that I tried to find my brother, I will be happy even if I find him in a manner in which I do not want to speak. Please forgive your daughter, she promises to suffer any punishment when she returns, but ignorance of her lost brother is more suffering than she can possibly stand. I understand that you too are feeling strained and deprived of the laughter Prince Souta would bring to all of us, but please try to understand me. For once, being a Princess of high social status, I want to achieve something more than what can be given to me. I love you both dearly my parents, and if I perhaps shall not come back to you, please know that I love you more than anything. No one can compare the love that you two have shared with me and my younger brother.
Much love From Your Daughter,
Princess Kagome Higurashi
King Higurashi read the letter over again making sure it wasn't just a joke that his daughter was playing on him, but the Higurashi seal was imprinted on the letter that he had broken earlier. The seal was a serious thing, and he knew that this letter could not have been any type of joke, but he wondered what was going through the mind of his daughter to make her write such a thing, more or less to do such a thing to him.
Their kingdom was suffering enough with Prince Souta's disappearance, but now also Princess Kagome. King Higurashi couldn't find it in his heart to tell his wife since she had cried nearly every night since the young prince never came home. But somehow, he knew his wife, Queen Higurashi, was soon to discover the letter since Kagome had unattended the breakfast.
The king slowly stood from his chair that was in the study and walked towards the large glass window. He watched the surroundings outside as birds flew in flocks towards the south due to the season change. He sighed, muttering some incoherent words. Looking to the sky, he prayed to their beloved goddess and miko.
“I pray to you priestess Midriko, you who has watched over our lands since the start of time. Please guide my children to safety and to their home where they should be. Without them, I am a broken king and broken king is a fallen kingdom. Please, I beg of you, protect my children.” The king stood there for some moments before retiring to his chair. He felt as if he'd aged another ten years.
Kagome walked on an unmarked path that would lead to the demon territories. She knew it was not a safe place to go to, but knowing her brother, who loved to hunt the rarest beasts in the land, she somehow figured that she would find him where demons dwelled. Knowing that the troops would never venture this far to search for Souta, she would do their bidding.
Dressed in a commoner's cloak, a large male's shirt and pants that she had gotten in the market from an elderly woman by trading her dress, Kagome had been able to disguise herself in the crowded streets. To make sure that no one would find out about her trade, Kagome bribed the old lady with a wholesome amount of money. Trying to not get caught from the soldiers who patrolled the boundaries of their kingdom, she covered her head with the heavy cloak. As the soldiers marched back to their post, she slipped silently into the forest. She carried very little with her knowing well that the trip was going to be a long one, but she had enough money to last her a month's worth of earnings.
Looking ahead to where she was walking, she found that her surroundings had drastically changed. She had been walking around the area for more than a couple hours before she stopped to admire the nature. It seemed to be more pure and spoke the word magic. And there were no trails that led to any places. Seeing that it was okay to take off her disguise, Kagome let her hood fall below her neck as her hair cascaded down her sides.
She continued on foot like that for another hour until fatigue started to get the better of her. The soles of her feet hurt since she had never walked such a long amount of time in her life. Usually all her travels were done by horse or carriage, but she couldn't risk being caught in the middle of horse-riding. Slumping against the nearest tree, she sat on its root closing her eyes for a second, or so she thought.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes seeing that the sun was about to set. Jumping up immediately, she found that she had been sleeping for at least three hours. She had to find a place to sleep since sleeping out in the wild did not seem such a pleasant idea. She walked past some trees as it got darker and darker. Trying to see her way around the large roots and bushes, she stumbled a few times getting minor scratches or bruises.
By now, the sun had officially set and Kagome was in the middle of nowhere. Turning around, she could have sworn that it was the same tree that she had passed five minutes ago, but all the trees looked alike in the dark. She fell to her knees, feeling the ache in her muscles and feeling the pain from the couple of cuts on her body until a brushing sound came from behind her.
Turning her head slowly, she hoped it wasn't anything large since she heard many stories of demons who hunted at night. She gulped. Slipping her hands into her cloak, she searched for her bow and arrows. There was no way she was going to be dinner to some demon without putting up a fight. Finding the courage to stand, she knocked back an arrow, ready to release at anytime.
“Come out. I know you're there,” Kagome said, though her voice trembled more than she wanted it to. She could feel the presence of the demon that had an aura filled with hunt and hunger. Slowly, a woman figure appeared from the trees looking rather human, but the stench that the woman carried with her made Kagome want to gag. In an instant the evil presence disappeared.
The woman came out, limping along towards Kagome. It was too dark for Kagome to make out her face, but she came closer to Kagome. Slowly, Kagome began to lower her weapon. As the woman stepped into the moonlight, Kagome noticed the woman had long beautiful purple hair and red eyes that glowed like a fire. Before she could get any closer, Kagome put her bow and arrow up almost an arm's length away.
“Stop!” Kagome commanded, but this time, the woman transformed into a centipede type form now hovering over Kagome. The centipede demon flicked its slimy tongue out eyeing Kagome from top to bottom. Kagome couldn't help but feel like she had been tricked. Quickly shooting her arrow at hand, the centipede demon dodged it without a scratch and advanced towards Kagome. Kagome tried to grab another arrow beneath her cloak, but it was too dark to reach for it. She wouldn't be able to protect herself as she would become this demon's dinner. Kagome could see her whole life pass right by her and how she would never really know what happened to her brother. She closed her eyes waiting for the impact that would end her life.
“Wind Scar!” A man's voice echoed through the forest. Instantly the centipede demon was cut down into pieces by a bright light as it disappeared in the wind. Kagome was whipped away by the impact of the wind. Falling beside a tree, Kagome opened her eyes only to see the after math. There were three large indents in the ground and trees that used to be there were all cut down. She turned her head to the left so see two figures head towards her. Kagome tried to stand, but the impact of landing on her back ached more than it should had as she sat there dumbly while two men approached her.
It was too dark to analyze the strangers, but Kagome knew that one of them had to be some type of demon since his eyes glowed an unnatural but beautiful gold. The other one couldn't be made out except that he held a staff of some sort since the chimes that hung from it made a clanging noise. The one with golden eyes sniffed Kagome before making a disgusted noise, offending her somehow.
“Dammit Miroku! It's another human!” the one with golden eyes shouted. By now, Kagome had found a way to stand up, though tiredly, as the one named Miroku started to talk.
“Now, now, Inuyasha, that's kind of harsh. You know, I too am a human,” Miroku explained, emphasizing the word human. Inuyasha didn't pay attention to Miroku who blabbered off about how not all humans were bad, but Inuyasha's attention was now focused on Kagome who seemed to stand tiredly. He walked right up to her examining her after he “sniffed” her earlier.
Kagome, feeling a little self conscious since Inuyasha examined her by trying to take her cloak off, she pushed his hand away.
“Don't touch me!” Kagome gripped her cloak tighter around her neck before walking a couple of paces back. Inuyasha `keh-ed' stepping back to Miroku, but he saw something out in the corner of his eyes. Miroku continued his ranting not caring who heard him, but who was even listening?
Inuyasha sniffed around again and knew that the centipede demon was still alive somewhere. Trying to rid of Miroku's voice and the delicious scent that Kagome was giving off, he tried to pin point the location of the demon. It was near, but where? He closed his eyes to get a better feel of his surroundings. The ground beneath him shook. `I've found you!' Inuyasha thought, but felt the demon head to the girl whom annoyed him greatly. He was unsure of what to do, but his instincts had him dive straight for the girl.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha seemed like he was in a trance. She then noticed he had cute ears on the top of his head. She was tempted to touch them, but surprisingly, she was pushed back forcefully, someone on top of her. Just then, half of the centipede demon popped out of the ground beneath them.
It hovered above Inuyasha and Kagome. He thought he had destroyed it, but it seemed this demon just wanted to a more painful death.
Kagome tried to take a full breath, but having a grown hanyou on top of her and a heavy cloak, it was cutting off her air supply. Inuyasha failed to notice this since his senses were so focused on the demon above them, but he heard the voice of his trusty friend Miroku. Instantly, Inuyasha put more weight on Kagome protecting her from getting sucked into the wind tunnel that Miroku released.
She tried to kick him off, but that only caused him to add more weight onto her. `I'm going to die!' Kagome told herself, until she felt something strong pull at her as the mysterious man on top of her crushed her, his arms wrapped around her tightly as he straddled her waist. It was almost as if she was being sucked into a large amount of air. Speaking of air, she greedily gasped for what air she could get; until the suction feeling disappeared.
It was only a matter a seconds before everything, or at least everything of the demon was gone. Miroku wound his beads over his right hand again and sighed with relief. Slowly, the monk crossed over to his friend and the mysterious young woman. `Hmm… I wonder what her bum feels like.' He grinned in his perverse way. Inuyasha stood up brushing himself off and glared at Miroku. He knew Miroku was thinking indecent things about the human girl. For some reason, Inuyasha's anger welled up as he slapped Miroku across the head. Stupid monk, thinks he can just feel anything that's rounded. Keh!
Kagome lay scattered on the ground, the moon still hidden behind the clouds. At least the man had gotten off of her as she shifted her weight to the right side trying to stand up. She brushed the dirt off of her now pity looking cloak that had torn in all sort of places and grabbed her now snapped bow. She sighed inwardly at the fact that she was a pathetic looking princess who could barely protect herself, not to mention that the two men were arguing over something again.
She wouldn't stick around to hear their conversation since it didn't sound so pleasant; only catching the words `pervert' and `dumbass' from the golden eyed man. She had to admit though, that he had the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen even though she couldn't see his face in this dark forest, plus the cutest ears. She sighed again, she'd probably never get to touch his ears ever, but she had to leave them to find her brother. Time was running out for her brother and her.
Slowly turning on her heel, she felt a familiar sinister presence, but it was so weak she barely noticed. The two men also had stopped talking, finally realizing that Kagome intended on leaving without them, but she didn't bother to stop walking either; seeing that she had wasted a lot of time already. Turning around one last time she saw them running towards her, weapons in their hand ready for battle. The man with the staff shouted some incoherent words to her, but she was too late to realize what he had said until she turned her head around to come face to face with only the head of the centipede demon.
Kagome let out a shriek.
Inuyasha kept running, not understanding why his legs were moving. It was as if his instincts had kicked in, wanting to protect this human. But why? He continued at a consistent pace that got faster and faster with each heart beat, but no matter how fast he ran towards her, she was so far away. Miroku thought about using his wind tunnel, but it would end up sucking the girl into the black hole as well. Trying to keep up with this friend, Miroku noticed that the half demon's face had changed upon meeting this young girl. He smiled a bit, thinking about all the things that could be running around his friend's mind.
Kagome could not believe that after all that killing, it was still alive. She had not expected to see it so suddenly, but she could do nothing about that. The demon's head floated right above her own, staring down into her eyes.
“Give it to me! Give it to me!” the centipede repeated, its beady red eyes not once looking away from Kagome. She didn't understand what it wanted, but she stepped back and alarmed the creature. The centipede demon knew that the girl was trying to escape as it bit right into her side; its fangs digging deep, pulling out its prize.
Kagome's eyes shot open with the impact. The filthy creature had just bit her side, and was sinking its teeth in as if it was looking for something inside her. On instinct, the power within Kagome released itself in a pinkish glowing form, getting rid of the demon for good.
She fell on her knees, exhausted already with the day's events and now an unknown amount of energy had just flowed out of her. Instantly, she clutched her injured side feeling the warm blood seep through her fingers. She cringed at the pain, biting her lips to stop it until a small little orb fell upon her hand. Kagome lifted the thing to her face with one hand, examining it when she heard footsteps stop right beside her.
She cocked her neck to see who it was, but just then the moon had finally showed itself. Kagome came face to face, with a rather handsome man. Even without the moon, she made out his beautiful golden eyes, but now she noticed just how cute his ears really were, and the color of his hair seemed so silky and silvery that she just wanted to fall asleep in it. Who knew how long she stared at him, and him at her, but she was happy for a brief second until her pupils went blank, her mind slipping farther and farther away from her.
Inuyasha and Miroku had arrived moments later after watching the girl destroy the demon with her powers. Miroku had immediately recognized that power as a miko purification release. The moment Miroku and Inuyasha spotted the girl, they had noticed she had a different aura than others, but they had not thought of her as a miko.
As the moon came up, Miroku and Inuyasha had gotten a better look at the girl, but both were shocked the moment her face was illuminated by the moon. Miroku looked to his friend to see his reaction as Inuyasha just stared at her. Miroku saw the multiple emotions run through Inuyasha's eyes as the half-demon`s gaze never once stopped from the young girl.
It's, Kikyo. Inuyasha told himself. It's really her. He stared at her forgetting everything that existed at that moment. Their eyes locked onto one another for a brief second until Inuyasha finally realized that a strong stench of blood was coming from her. At that same moment, she had fallen forward, Inuyasha catching her gently. He picked her up bridal style, tucking her arms within his chest. With swift movement, Inuyasha ripped part of his haori and wrapped it around her waist to cover the wound.
He glanced at her one more time. She has to be Kikyo. No, she is Kikyo. He tried to tell himself. But something about her aura was more, calming, beautiful and pure. Running ahead of Miroku, he shouted to his friend.
“Miroku! Grab her stuff on the ground; I'm heading out first. Meet me at the castle gates.” Within moments, he was only a dot in the horizon.
Miroku sighed. This is going to be bad. Miroku mumbled to himself before doing the things commanded from Inuyasha. Sure the mysterious girl looked oddly familiar to Kikyo, but any idiot would realize the difference between the two. Sometimes, Miroku thought, Inuyasha, you really confuse me. He finished gathering her broken weapon but noticed a small pink glowing orb lying among the tall grass. Picking it up, Miroku's eyes widened. She's the one. Miroku's breath stopped examining the fragile ball. I must inform the king.
Pocketing the item, he himself headed for the castle.