InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Answers ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Except for Kane.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. August has been really busy with getting ready for school and all. The Olympics have been getting in the way, but they are over so no excuses right? And just recently, my grandma has been admitted into the hospital. Her chances have been 50/50, so I've been in the dumps lately and have to admit, I did forget about this story until I checked my email and saw a bunch of reviews. Thank you guys very much! *sighs* Feel much better. Now we will get into the next chapter. And thank you reviewers, your answers will be answered in this chapter hopefully. Sorry if it doesn't make sense, but in time, it will. Don't be too impatient. LOL. Characters are definitely OOC. Rated for language and mature themes.
Chapter 4 - Answers
Inuyasha rolled around on his ultra soft mattress. Everything seemed quieter, much calmer, so dark. Groggily, his eyes fluttered open as he stared out his large glass window near his balcony. How long had he been sleeping, he had no idea. The sky was dark as the stars twinkled dimly, the moon hidden behind the clouds. No sound was heard as Inuyasha listened carefully. Absolute silence. Something was wrong.
He sat up suddenly lifting his arms in a stretch. His eyes surveyed the room, but everything was so far away, yet still so familiar. Grasping the bed sheets, he quickly yanked them away as his jet black hair tumbled down his shoulder. Noticing his human like fingernails a thought crossed his mind. It wasn't that time yet was it? The moon slowly peeked from the flowing cloud as he saw its crescent shape. He had been right. The moon was still out, barely shining. Heading towards the bathroom, he looked through the mirror only to see a young man with violet iris reflect back. In shock, he rubbed the top of his head where his ears had been. They clearly were gone and replaced with human ears. Who knew how long he stared at his reflection as he tried to find an answer. Splashing some water on his face, he dried himself on nearby towel. He thought about the past events, but nothing clicked in his mind. It was as if someone sealed a part of his memory. He sure as hell didn't know what was happening, but someone did.
Grabbing a change of clothes, he quickly tossed his dirty ones aside. His eyes wandered out the window again, but the moon was still there, any human could see. Pacing around his door, he decided that for once, he would step out his room. Of course it was a dangerous thought, but it was driving his curiosity crazy! Never in his life had left his room during his most vulnerable night, but this was an exception. This isn't suppose to happen! He thought to himself grabbing fists of hair. Fighting with himself whether to leave or not, he decided to change into something simpler in case anyone began to suspect him. If he was going out of his room, he'd have to pretend to be a normal human. He grumbled with anger. He never hated his human side so much before. He pressed his ear against the door to listen for noise outside, but with its thickness, nothing was heard. With one deep breath, he clutched the knob and let the door crack open.
Unexpectedly, he was shoved back into his room by a familiar hand as Miroku stepped in slamming the door behind them. Miroku released his grip on Inuyasha's shirt as he commanded Inuyasha to sit down at the table while locking the door. Inuyasha quickly sat down Indian style on the chair as he crossed his arms across his chest annoyed. Finally, someone who would explain what was happening. Miroku sat across him rubbing his eyes tiredly before speaking.
“Inuyasha, I know you have lots of questions—”
“Damn right I do,” Inuyasha interrupted suddenly, but shut his mouth to listen to his weary friend. Miroku rubbed his temples sleepily. He hadn't slept a wink since Inuyasha's transformation but he needed to tell Inuyasha.
“Well, four days ago—” Miroku barely began his sentence before Inuyasha's aggravating voice began to squeal.
“Four days AGO? Are you telling me I've been unconscious for four days? What are you trying to say!” Inuyasha growled. What exactly is happening?
“If you would listen for one moment!” Miroku snapped angrily, but calmly collected himself. “Just give me ten minutes and everything will make sense.” Miroku took a breath waiting for Inuyasha to reply, but instead, the human demon rested his chin on the edge of the table blowing his bangs out of his eyes. Miroku sighed.
Four days ago, all five of them were in the room except for Inuyasha. Kagome rested on the bed still unable to wake as Kaede gently examined her. Kaede couldn't believe Kagome was here. She hadn't seen Kagome for eight years now, yet she still looked the same, the complete physical copy of Kikyo.
Kaede wrung a cool wet head cloth from the ice water and placed it against Kagome's head. Rubbing Kagome's cheek gently, she reminisced about the wonderful young girl that she had missed. In her heart, she believed that Kagome would grow up to be a righteous young woman.
Checking her pulse once more, Kaede had strung up a necklace putting the shikon no tama in the center. Placing the ornament around Kagome's neck, a pinkish light engulfed Kagome's entire body, but within the blink of an eye, it was gone. This caught the attention of the other three bodies in the room.
The king was the first to speak.
What has happened Lady Kaede? Is it in connection to Inuyasha's condition?” Kaede went to sit amongst them at the table leaving Kagome to rest. She knew exactly what had happened, but why it happened was still a mystery to her old experienced self. Kaede positioned herself next to Miroku, directly across the queen as she rested her arms on the table's surface.
“It's a simple matter my Lord Inu Tashio,” she cleared her throat, “The shikon no tama that resided deep inside Princess Kagome's body acted as an equilibrium monitor. Now that it is with her again, although on the outside of her body, it has sealed her leaking power for the time being. It balanced the amount she used, whether she used a lot or none at all. She was always in control of her body. If too much of her miko energy was used, the shikon no tama would give a little more to keep her physical strength intact. It was an energy source for her, but once the orb was taken out from her body, she no longer had control of her powers. With what energy she released earlier, her mind wasn't possibly strong enough to keep it in control. Much like Kikyo, Kagome must learn to have a strong mental capacity to keep her powers dormant otherwise it will break her mind gradually. Everyone remained silent, trying to absorb the large amount of information.
The queen looked puzzled.
“But then Lady Kaede, how is it that Princess Kagome ended up with the jewel. If I am correct, Kikyo had it last am I right?” The queen had not wanted to bring up the topic, but if everything were to be understood, the reason the jewel was here should be known.
“I myself am unsure of something like this. It seems truly impossible since I've only heard about legends in which this situation occurred. To find the answer, research must be conducted my dear Queen.” Kaede thought long and hard.
“Then,” Miroku interrupted briefly, “How does that involve Inuyasha. It's five days too early before his human night.” Miroku could think of an answer, but he needed clarification.
According to my knowledge, Young Lord Inuyasha was quite lucky to be a half-demon. Earlier, after examining his condition, it seemed that Kagome's miko powers purified his demon blood, suppressing it. Nothing to worry about Miroku. With a couple of days of rest, Inuyasha should hopefully turn back to his usual self. It seems being half demon has its benefits. What is dangerous for full fledged demons is merely a stabbing, but quick transformation for Inuyasha. But with what I have observed from Kagome, she has much more potential than Kikyo that it comes to the point where even I myself don't know when Inuyasha will return to his hanyou form. With his human night only five nights away, there is a chance that if by that time he does not return to his original form, he may permanently remain human. Kaede saw the sadden faces of the King and queen.
“Thank you Lady Kaede. I don't know what would have become of my Inuyasha if you weren't here.” The queen stood to bow, as Inu Tashio stood and followed suit. Excusing themselves, Miroku and Kaede were left at the table.
Miroku was about to take his leave as well until a hand grasped his shoulder. Lady Kaede had stopped to get his attention.
“Miroku, I entrust Inuyasha's health into your hands. The moment Inuyasha wakes, you must tell him everything and come find me. I will be in the doctor's chambers or perhaps in the medicinal garden behind the castle. With her grandmotherly smile, Miroku walked out the door and crossed the hall to open Inuyasha's door.
He sighed.
Inuyasha wouldn't be too happy to know the human girl was staying across his room when he awoke. Miroku thought about all the consequences, but due to Kaede's request, the king granted permission. What did it matter anyways, Miroku could feel that Inuyasha had an attraction to her, but was it due to the fact she looked so similar to Kikyo? Standing at the foot of Inuyasha's bed, Miroku stared out of the large glass window that led to the balcony. Please wake up soon my friend, Miroku whispered gently before heading out the door.
End Of Flashback
As Miroku expected, Inuyasha did not take the information well. The monk left absolutely no part out of the story except the fact that Kagome was in the room across. Oh how the hot-blooded hanyou would react if he knew. Inuyasha stood suddenly rushing towards the door. He was going to find that old hag Kaede and make her tell him where the hell Kikyo had run off to. Then he was going to find the stupid wench Kagome, force her to turn him back, and steal the stupid jewel that Kikyo once had. He had one more day left before his human night and here he was, completely human. Maybe if it had been three years ago, he wouldn't mind being human. Inuyasha cringed at that thought, Miroku knowing exactly what he was thinking.
“Inuyasha, think reasonably. The way you are is perfectly fine. I'm sure everyone feels that way as well.” Miroku said trying to block Inuyasha from leaving the room. Even though Inuyasha no longer was a hanyou, he still was much stronger than an average human.
“Leave me the fuck alone! The only things you like are those disgusting beings they call women! I can't be a half-demon! Didn't you learn three years ago? Either you're one or the other. I promised myself that one day I'll find Kikyo's stupid shikon no tama and wish to be a full demon so I can finally leave this fucking kingdom!” The moment Inuyasha said those words; he knew he'd regret them. Behind them, the door had opened as the queen dropped the tray of food she brought secretly for her son. Miroku stopped blocking Inuyasha's way as he excused himself and stepped out of the room leaving son and mother to talk. For now, Miroku's job was done.
The queen quickly picked up the broken items that stained the expensive carpeting. Piling them on the tray, she turned to leave before stopping, her back facing her precious son.
“Is that what you really desire my son?” Her voice trembled slightly. She was going to cry. As a mother, she felt she could not do anything for her son. He had been wronged so much because she gave birth to him. She was ready to let him decide his own future if he wanted despite the fact that he was the Prince of the demon territories. Inuyasha was slow to reply.
He didn't mean to say those things. His anger had made him say such things. Of course, he'd never want to leave his mother alone. Never in his life had he hated her for having him. Instead, he hated his father for not doing anything to protect his mother more. But deep inside, he knew it was a lie. He truly hated himself for hurting her, for being who he was. No one would ever accept him as much as his mother did. Before he could answer she already was leaving.
“You don't have to answer. I'll have Lady Kaede come and bring you something delicious, so wait a little bit okay?” Even without his demon senses, he knew his mother was probably crying. He watched as she exited the door leaving him to sit in the darkness alone.
Inuyasha crawled to the center of his bed, pulling his knees to his chest. He rested his chin in on his knees as a tear fell from his eye. His mind was slipping from him again as a blank emotion filled his head. No longer did he feel like a grown young man, but more like the shadow of his lonely childhood memories. Sloppily wiping the tear away, he let another fall. As a child, this was how he always cried, alone in darkness. He found himself most emotional as a human, unable to control the stream of tears. As he experienced, the only one who would comfort him was his mother, but even he had driven her away. No one would understand his feeling of not belonging. In his lifetime, he would be alone forever.
Lost in thought, he didn't discern the crack of light streaming into his room from his bedroom door.
Kagome woke while pulling a damp lukewarm towel off her head. She leaned against the bed's frame while rubbing her eyes tiredly. Once again, she found herself in an unfamiliar room another large setting. Her memory was fuzzed up as she remembered only the pain that flowed throughout her head. She sighed in relief, the headache had gone away and she was feeling much better since the beginning of her journey, but something heavy weighed her neck down. Craning her head down, she pulled the chain that connected to the pink orb up to her eyes. It was so familiar to her. Placing the orb in between her index and thumb fingers, she took a closer look at it.
A loud crash was heard from the outside her door as the pink jewel fell back against her chest. Curious as to what had happened, she dragged her tired body off the bed. She only now realized that she was wearing absolutely nothing but her underwear. To her left, a long burgundy dress, much like the lovely green dress she received hung next to the mirror. Stretching her little arms, she looked around again and was simply alone. She rushed towards the dress, throwing it on presentably but saw her image in a nearby mirror. Her hair was uneven at all ends, her bangs poufy, eyes glazed, skin pale, lips chapped and stomach empty. She grumbled inwardly. Running her delicate white hands through her hair to soften the edges, she smiled. She looked somewhat alive. Peeking from her door, a woman she'd never seen before walked out of the room across.
The woman had long deep purple hair with bright turquoise eyes brimming with tears as she held onto a tray of broken dishes and spoiled foods. The woman surprised Kagome suddenly when she smiled up despite her saddened composure. Kagome stepped fully out of her room unafraid.
“Excuse me milady, is everything alright? Kagome asked with concern. She went to help the woman hold the tray as she wiped her little tears away with the ends of her woven dress. The queen looked up at Kagome with sudden realization. She grasped Kagome's cheek with one hand shocking Kagome, but Kagome didn't budge. They stared at one another until the queen let her hand fall down, a smile on her face.
“Everything is quite alright dear. It seems like you have awaken. Wait in your room patiently; you have guests who have traveled long and far to see you.” The queen stated in her motherly voice. In the back of her head, the queen could understand why Inuyahsa had been so hesitant to save the girl. She was the exact replica of Kikyo physically, but her presence was different. Even the queen was human, she could tell the young girl was much warmer and inviting. “You are quite beautiful and caring as I've heard. Perhaps you will be a better match for my Inuyasha,” the queen gently squeezed Kagome's hands before leaving with the messy tray.
Kagome blushed lightly. Being told she was beautiful by a more beautiful woman made Kagome embarrassed. The woman was absolutely angelic, the way she talked, her actions, and how elegantly she walked, that woman was no servant. Inuyasha. The woman had said that name. Maybe she was his fiancé, but she seemed much too old for him. Perhaps an aunt, but she had mentioned Kagome and Inuyasha as a couple? There was absolutely no way she and that demon would be together. Besides, they barely knew each other. She brushed the thought away.
Looking at the door the woman came through, Kagome was now aware of her location. This had been the very same hall where she learned the beautiful demon's name. Inuyasha, she whispered. A sudden memory came to her. She had clung on to him after sharing the emotion of the tree. All the while, he never asked her anything, just lent an ear and back to cry on. She blushed furiously. Then after giving her feelings to the tree, she collapsed, but someone had caught her. Inuyasha.
Unsure of what she was doing, her body magically flowed towards that door. With a knock at the door, Kagome was sure that this was his room. The door was recognizable as it was the only golden door within the vicinity. There was no reply, as expected. She slowly cracked the door open sticking her head in. An eerie darkness filled the room as a lone figure sat in the center of the familiar bed. Silently shutting the door, she called his name, but he remained motionless on the bed. She couldn't have come into the wrong room since everything was arranged just like how she first saw it.
She shut the door behind her quietly. Without the candle lit hallways, the room was dark. Carefully sauntering near the bed, she wondered why he draped all the curtains shut leaving no light to enter or escape. As if it wasn't dark enough, she walked towards the curtains now as he sat like a stone figure. From what she could hear, he was awake as he breathed in an off pattern, but he wouldn't acknowledge her presence. She couldn't see his physical appearance clearly, but hoped that the outdoor light would help with her vision. After all, she was only human.
Kagome reached for the curtain, but a hand grasped hers from behind. It was cold and moist as a voice breathed next to her ear.
“Get… out,” Inuyasha warned harshly, as he threw her arm down to her side. Kagome didn't turn to face him immediately, but after being told coldly, she wanted to be as far away as possible. She turned to see that he already climbed atop his bed, sitting again so his back was facing her. No matter how much she told herself to leave quickly, she couldn't help but want to apologize for disturbing his rest.
“I'm, sorry for suddenly coming in without permission,” she headed towards the door in a slow pace until her hand gently gripped the knob. Her hand wouldn't turn as the little orb hiding between her cleavage throbbed uncontrollably. It almost seemed like it was telling her to go back and comfort him. Standing still for the longest minute she'd ever experience, her feet found their way back to his bed. He completely ignored her.
“Excuse me—” Kagome said in her tiny voice but failed miserably as he cut her off.
“Didn't I tell you to get out! If you want to die or live here as a prisoner then just try to stay!” Inuyasha shouted angrily not once facing her. Humans, he scorned them, yet here he was flesh and blood a damned human. He wanted to suffer alone where no one would know his pain. That was a lie. Truthfully he wanted her to stay, wanted someone to comfort him and embrace all parts of him. But he was afraid. Afraid that if she found out about his human side, she'd betray him like Kikyo had once done. He never wanted to feel like that again.
Inuyasha quickly wiped his tears. Stupid human. If he hadn't been so deep in thought, she might have seen him at his weakest moment. He thanked for his room for being so dark as well. If she'd saw his human side, what would she say? He sat crossed legged impatiently, one elbow on his thigh as he rested his chin on the hand. His other hand fisted around the bed sheets as he tried to contain his frustration. Thinking that it was about time he actually kicked her out she unexpectedly walked towards the edge of his bed.
“You! I'm not afraid of you!” Kagome puffed angrily. “You, I don't even know why I was feeling sympathetic! A total waste of my emotion!” She kicked his bed pathetically as he surprised himself by laughing.
Inuyasha didn't understand why, but just her presence was piecing together his broken spirit. He let out another chuckle. She didn't know who she was messing with did she? In one fluid motion, Inuyasha wrapped an arm around her waist before pinning her down on his feathered bed. With one hand, Inuyasha managed to grip both her little hands above her head as his strong legs straddled her waist. How many times had he'd done this to her already?
To his surprise, she didn't struggle, but turned her head to avoid his gaze. He leaned down until his nose snuggled into her hair. Out of all the times he hated being a half-demon, he wished he were now. With a human nose, he could barely smell her underlying scent that drove his nerves to the extreme. His lips parted near her ear as he whispered tenderly.
“So… Princess Kagome, are you scared now?” He made sure to enunciate her name clearly as her eyes widened. Shockingly, she lifted her head so quickly that she bumped heads with Inuyasha. Releasing her, he went to sit at the edge rubbing his forehead. For a girl, she had a hard skull. Kagome sunk deeper into the bed realizing he knew who she was.
“How, how long have you known?” She questioned not worrying about how red her forehead had become. She had worried about this happening. She never thought that out of all people, he would find out. So lost in worry, she didn't notice Inuyasha slump onto the floor with a thud.
Snapping out of thought, Kagome hurried towards him. Before she reached the edge of the bed, Inuyasha had already pulled himself up resting his head on the bedside.
His senses were weird again. This time it was much louder, clearer while an enticing scent hovered above him. Staring at his hands, his stumpy human nails had turned into claws as his little triangular ears probed the surrounding area. This meant one thing, he was back to himself. He couldn't help but feel a little too excited until a little voice reached out to him.
“You! You, are you alright?” Kagome's voice continuously rang in his ear. She knew his name, but she couldn't say it. It would make her sound like she really cared.
Pretending to lay unconscious, Inuyasha listened as she jumped off the bed, her warm hands pressed against his shoulder to wake him. Now that he thought about it, he had never told her his name, nor his status but he hadn't intended on telling her anyways.
He thought about teasing her longer, but the thought of Kikyo crossed his mind. It was best to stop putting salt in the wounds. Taking a deep breath he sat up quickly blinking his eyes as he burst out laughing. He expected her to get angry and stomp out of the room. Well, he was right about one thing, she was angry.
“You! I can't believe— ugh. Once again, I have been deceived by you!” Kagome huffed irritably trying to keep what shred of decency she had left. She would never have anything to do with the demon again!
“Hey, Ka-go-me!” he teased, “I have a name too!” She ignored him completely rushing towards her exit. She did not just embarrass herself twice to the same person, but oh she did. Barely opening the door, a hand reached out to shut it again. She didn't have to think twice about who it was. Extending her hand for the knob again, a cool breath caressed her neck.
“So,” Inuyasha whispered into her ear, “Is this how they teach human princesses to treat other royal persons?” Kagome's back stiffened. Royalty? What was he talking about? There was no way he could be…
“That's right Ka-go-me,” he knew he got her good. He could smell her confusion surrounding her body. Turning her to face him directly in the eye, he tilted her chin with his forefingers. Kagome stared deep into his golden gaze that had her mesmerized making her legs weak.
Inuyasha grinned.
“I'm Prince Inuyasha of the Demon territory. Welcome to my lair.”
My Thanks:
unistar --- kokoronagomu --- funnyduckie1 --- kagomesdouble07 --- Little Miss Lulu --- ~Jasmine~ --- ~Rena~ --- A Name By No Other --- Ro0tin4Kagome --- RobinLuvsInu --- adeaneri