InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Early ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Except for Kane.
A/N: Finally. I'm back. I'm really well rested. Got my all my wisdom teeth out, so I'm probably not the smartest cookie out there now. Sorry for such slow updates. I thunked myself on my head already. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and very Merry Late Christmas!
Chapter 6 - Early
Someone touched her sensually, holding her safely in their arms. Each touch calmed her frayed nerves, calmed her beating heart and her restless spirit. She imagined her prince wrapping her within his heart, but she was blind to his face. Relishing each moment, her hands situated themselves firmly against the hardness of his chest and her lips pressed gently into the touch. She wanted so badly to see what or who was making her feel the unknown emotion swelling in her chest, but it slowly dissipated as she felt one last kiss on her forehead; her eyes now straining to see within her realm of dreams.
She walked around in the dark, her arms swaying around to find some sort of solid object, but she met nothingness. The warmth just moments ago disappeared as fast as it had came leaving her alone. Continuing ahead with increased speed, a small light glowed ahead of her. Each step brought her closer to the small beam of light, yet there was a boding danger that crept down her spine. Finally making her way out into the light, she felt her knees give way as her white gown quickly soaked the streaming liquid blood.
Kagome woke with a cold sweat. Her eyes surveyed the room as she came to the conclusion: she was alone.
She was having nightmares again. It had been almost three years since she'd last had them, but they were finding their way back. Pulling herself up, she wiped an unwilled tear with her backhand and wrapped her body with an unfamiliar robe. She quickly tossed the bed sheets away from her to examine any traces of her dream coming true, but there was no blood. The sun had not yet rose, but her dream had her shaking. There had been so much blood as if staining her. Constantly telling herself it was a dream, she couldn't swallow the fact that it was telling her something. Perhaps it was leading to Souta. Would she find him dead? She shuddered at that thought.
Breathing in a sigh, she brought her hand to wipe the sweat and trailed her finger down her jaw to her lips. She remembered how her dream had been peaceful at first as someone silently protected her and kissed her gently.
`Inuyasha' She thought, feeling the length of hair fall beside her own as his strong muscular arms surrounded her. Still puffy lips, there was no way Kagome would believe he'd actually kissed her so tenderly. She hadn't even known him for more than a week. She mentally slapped herself for even considering him a candidate of her love as a blush slowly crept on her cheeks.
At her side, she felt an empty but lingering warmth. Finding herself collapsing into its protective mold, she grasped the bed sheets and sniffed the familiar scent. Despite having such a terrible nightmare, she somehow found herself dozing off again.
“Souta,” she unknowably mumbled, “Please be safe.”
As the words left her mouth, she didn't realize an irritated hanyou sitting outside the balcony staring at the disappearing moon. With a low grumble and clenched fists, Inuyasha clasped tetsaiga to his waist and took off into the rising morning.
Jumping from tree to tree, Inuyasha brought himself to his calming place. The sacred God tree. Sitting atop his favorite branch, he leaned against the trunk cradling his head within his hands.
He needed some time to think. Somehow that girl Kagome and gotten under his skin, made him confused, angry and different. He experienced so many emotions with her since there encounter that he didn't have enough fingers or toes to help him count. He barely even knew her, yet something in his heart was telling him otherwise. Scratching the back of his head, he stared into the waking sky remembering why he had up and outside so early in the morning.
Inuyasha shifted on his bed as his hands wandered through silky threads. A warm breath caressed his cheek in such a pattern that he pulled it closer towards his body letting his hands move downward to encircle its warmth. He had been resting comfortably until cold little fingers found their way through his inner robe before resting themselves on his bare chest. Inuyasha's breath pitched again when the strange hands rubbed him gently seeking shelter from the coldness.
On reflex, he opened his eyes to see a very stunning yet sleepy Kagome snuggle deeper into his hold. Releasing her immediately, his little ears heard the soft whimper escape her pink lips. He didn't want to wake her, but his clawed hand naughtily and gently stroked her cheek. Inuyasha told himself he was tainting someone as beautiful as she, but his hand wouldn't stop. Leaning closer to her sleeping form, she surprised him by planting her petal soft lips against his own. His eyes nearly popped out of his eye and told him to pull away, but her tenderness called him to return the favor, tenfold.
Forgetting who he was, Inuyasha gently kissed the top of her lip, her bottom, then the fully kissed her with such care as if he'd break her if he didn't. She moaned softly into his ears, her arms now entangling themselves around his neck.
Inuyasha couldn't control himself. If he didn't let go now things would get worst. The way her voice echoed in his ear from his touch had him almost falling of the universe. He had to pull away. `She's not even awake you idiot!' He scolded himself. If he hurt her in some way, he'd never forgive himself. He was a half breed, something no one would ever accept. With all his will, he forcefully peeled himself off of her. Jumping off the bed, he thought he heard her tiny voice whine in protest to his leaving her.
He quietly crawled on his bed to her again only to wrap her up in his robe tossed to the side since he had accidently ripped her dress earlier in the day. He found himself grinning like a fool suddenly.
After tucking her in to bed, her eyes squeezed tightly as if having a nightmare, Inuyasha felt compelled to make it disappear. As his mother once said, `When my loved ones have a bad dream, a kiss on the forehead will make them go away.' His body moved on its own while his lips pressed an affectionate kiss atop her head. The stress in Kagome's expression calmed immediately and he smiled at his job well done.
He walked outside to lie on the balcony to calm his beating heart. Staring at the waning moon, he sighed. Tonight he'd be a human again after the day passed by. He had just turned back into his real self last night, and he'd have to suffer another night of demon less features. Perhaps it was better for him. To be accepted as a hanyou was just a dream that would never come true for him.
Shutting his lids, his ears picked up the panic in Kagome. She had woken up shortly after their fiasco. He definitely was not ready to see her. If he stayed outside, perhaps she would fall back to sleep, but he smelt a tear.
`She's crying dammit! Was it because I kissed her? I swear I didn't initiate it, but it was my fault. I didn't stop.' Inuyasha moved closer towards the balcony door that would lead to his room to apologize, but she was already lying down again and he realized her body had now occupied his very mold. Feeling his heart do a flip-flop, he collapsed on the ground trying to keep his emotions in check. She had purposely moved right into his vacant spot. A smirk was finding its way to his lips until his tiny triangular receptors caught the few words that had his blood boiling.
“Souta,” she mumbled quietly, “Please be safe.”
`Souta?' Inuyasha questioned himself, `Who the hell is Souta? Her lover? No wonder why she was crying because she was missing her lover. Because I kissed her and she thought I was her lover the whole time. Because I was stupid enough to think that perhaps…' he wasn't going to finish that sentence.
Pulling tetsaiga to his side, he leapt away from her, to get as far as he could from her
… Yet Inuyasha found his every thought filled with her. The way she moaned so seductively in his ear when he kissed her luscious lips, her cute expressions when she slept, how she crawled into his missing presence, everything was about her. Inuyasha slammed his fists into the tree to quell his rising anger.
He couldn't have any of it, none. She was probably already betrothed to this Souta person she had called out to so sadly. She probably was so in love with that Souta person, so in love that she cried when she dreamt of kissing him, but it wasn't. It had been Inuyasha instead.
Inuyasha hadn't realized that his claws were digging into the trees bark until a little bird flew by tweeting sweetly. Running his hand through his long silvery hair, he took long deep breaths. He absolutely, positively, and most definitely was not jealous of this Souta person in anyway.
Absolutely not.
He sat a little longer until the sun rose a higher almost ready to start the new day. It probably was best to head back since his mother would be asking for him.
In the meanwhile, he'd have to find a way to apologize to his mother for his trip up last night. He really didn't mean to yell like that. He was somewhat proud of whom he was sometimes and his mother and father had been the only ones to accept that. Saying `I'm sorry' would not suffice for his mother. He'd have to think of something clever to keep his mother smiling.
Leaping into the air, he'd also have to keep his distance from Kagome. She definitely was dangerous. Ever since her arrival, she'd made him rush her to his kingdom, made him unconscious for four days, turned him to his hated human form, made his insides all gushy, kissed him, and most definitely did not fear him.
`Yep, she's dangerous,' He gulped, but he could handle himself. She was only a pathetic human that he absolutely was not attracted to in any way whatsoever.
Kagome sat in front of a mirror. After being awaken from her second peaceful slumber by Sango, then made to leave Inuyasha's comfortable bed to cross the hall into her own room, Kagome was cranky.
“Kagome,” Sango began, “The King requests our presence for…” Kagome's loud growling stomach interrupted as Sango erupted in a laugher “… breakfast, was what I was going to say, but I think your stomach can read my mind.” The two girls laughed as the maid entered with a new dress for Kagome. It was simple yet exquisite. It was a golden yellow, with long sleeves that puffed at the shoulders the scooped down around her neck. Just below the bra line, the dress fanned out to the ground with a swirl of golden yellows and oranges. Never in her life had she seen such beautiful dresses.
“Princess Kagome,” the maid addressed, “A bath has been prepared for you and if you need assistance with your dress, I will be outside this door waiting,” she kindly stated. Kagome couldn't help the smile that formed. A warm bath? What more could she ask for?
Thanking the maid and excusing her for the time being, Kagome made a rush to the bathroom to take the warm bath that had been prepared for her.
“Sorry Sango, but I think I'll relax a little before my meeting the King. A princess must always be presentable when introduced to a figure above her.” Kagome ran off to slam the door before Sango could even say anything. Sango grumbled to herself. No matter where they were, Kagome couldn't ever resist taking a bath.
Settling herself on the bed beside dress, Sango sighed slightly. Examining the laid out dress, she noticed that the long underwear the humans usually wore were not placed beside the dress; instead there was a skimpy triangular piece with two holes on either side for perhaps the legs to go through and a wide strip of cloth with two straps to cover the chest. Sango blushed slightly. `Is this what the demon territory wears for protection?'
She couldn't cover her embarrassment in time as Kagome exited the bathroom in a time faster than Sango had ever known in her life. Draped in a robe, Kagome sauntered over to Sango ready to slip on her dress, but noticed her blushing friend.
“Sango, what's wrong?” Kagome asked almost innocently, but Sango only turned her head to stare down at the two foreign pieces of clothing. Kagome stood there confused for a moment before a blush quickly replaced the color of her cheeks.
“Are those… the undergarments?” Kagome questioned, but Sango only gave her a blank stare. As to answer their questions, the maid quietly knocked on the door. Kagome beckoned her to come in. Even before the two confused woman could speak, the maid was already speaking.
“Sorry for not explaining your attire my lady.” She bowed down only enough before Kagome grabbed her arms.
“Please, don't mention it. You may call me Kagome—”
“I cannot have the honor of calling you … that, Princess. A lowly servant as I am glad enough to be graced in your presence,” She pointed her chin down to avoid the eyes of Kagome, but a gentle hand grasped both her cheeks and Kagome stared kindly into her dark brown eyes.
“Don't worry about such honorifics. What is your name?” Kagome questioned, never leaving the gaze of the young woman. Kagome always thought no matter the difference in status, everyone was the same. Unexpectedly, the young maid with short curly black hair began to shed a couple of tears.
“…My name is… Ayumi, Pri…. Kagome,” Ayumi said in between her tears. All her life, she'd only met a few royalties whom gave her the respect she deserved, but Kagome had been one of the kindest souls she'd ever been blessed to meet. After a moment of recollecting herself, she immediately began to explain the “foreign” pieces of clothing.
Inuyasha jumped into his room landing quietly on his two feet. Just like each time, he came to an empty room. He knew Kagome wouldn't be sleeping his bed when he got back but he secretly hoped she would. Scanning the room and the empty bed, he hopped onto the center of his bed digging his nose into the sweet scent that remained. The scent swirled around in his mind bring him to a great euphoria that he hadn't realized Miroku walk in.
“Ahem,” Miroku cleared his throat. This caught the attention of the half-demon. “Enjoying yourself there?” The answer to his question was a pillow being thrown in his face. Even though pillows were soft, the way Inuyasha threw it was enough to kill someone.
“Shove it monk! I don't need your bullshit in the morning,” Inuyasha said acerbically, immediately sitting up Indian style, his back facing the monk.
Picking himself off the ground, Miroku made his way to the furious demon prince. Sure he was risking his life, but this was Inuyasha, someone he had grown up for almost ten years now. Even though they fought like this, Miroku could always count on Inuyasha.
“Well, if you're done with your childish act—”
Another pillow was thrown at him, but he dodged it effortlessly knowing Inuyasha's behavior.
“Geez Inuyasha. After all these years you're still the same,” Miroku grumbled, “Anyways, you father would like you to come down for breakfast.”
Completely ignoring Miroku, Inuyasha splayed himself across his bed and shut his eyes. Letting the words of Miroku go in one ear and out the other, he smiled at how annoyed his friend was becoming. He absolutely was not going to eat anywhere near his old man since Sesshoumaru would be there. His presence would just make things tense and soon there would be a fight. Either he embarrass his mother like he always did or he stayed in his room and there was peace. He went for the latter.
Desperate to get Inuyasha into the dining hall, Miroku smiled an evil grin remembering the guests that would there.
“Inuyasha, during the breakfast Lady Kagome will be present.” Making sure to articulate Kagome, Miroku swore he saw one of Inuyasha's fuzzy ears move to better hear. Laughing to himself, he noticed Inuyasha rush to the bathroom before slamming the door.
“Hey Inuyasha! What—” Inuyasha cracked the door open enough to pop his head out.
“You win monk. I'll go, but only this once. Get me something suitable to wear while I bathe,” he said before slamming the door once more leaving a very baffled monk.
Miroku rolled his eyes before turning to do this ordered task. That girl Kagome must have done something to his friend. Miroku couldn't remember a time where Inuyasha willingly went to an eating without being dragged out of the room by the King. Miroku only continued to laugh silently while rummaging through Inuyasha's expensive closet.
`My dear Princess Kagome, you really do bring lots of mysteries with you.'
Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Inuyasha had plunged into a tub full of cold water. Scrubbing the dirt and sweat off, he slowly shampooed himself. He didn't know why himself, but he wanted to smell nice for once. He wasn't trying to impress a certain raven haired beauty, but he wanted to be presentable for his mother. Maybe, he could apologize to her this way, by attending the breakfast today with intended peace. What was the harm in that?
He dunked his head underneath the icy water surfacing a couple minutes later as his white strands swam around him. He blew his bangs out of his face while grabbing a nearby towel. Wiping his body dry, he wrapped a robe around himself and entered back into his room.
Miroku was nowhere in sight. Perfect, just what Inuyasha had wanted, a little privacy. As expected, Miroku had picked out his favorite outfit, his red haori. It may have been simple, but he felt most comfortable in it.
Inuyasha slipped quickly into it when he spotted a note Miroku left at the side table:
Inuyasha, It is your responsibility to escort Lady Kagome to the dining area. I told her that you'd be waiting for her outside her room. Don't forget to knock! This is your chance for something to perhaps… bloom? Best of Luck!
Crumbling up the letter, Inuyasha swore he could have killed the monk were he here. He tossed the crumpled letter into the waste bin. What the hell was Miroku thinking?
Inuyasha paced his room trying to figure out how'd he get out of the situation. It wasn't like he didn't want to escort her, but he couldn't bear to look into her face before remembering their earlier incidents. Sure, when they first met, he had touched her indiscreetly, but he had his conscious to blame. Then he pretty much almost bit her mouth off only tasting a small amount of her sweet blood when Miroku had rudely interrupted, but it was the morning actions that had him on his toes.
He actually kissed her hoping there might be something there. Gosh, what was he thinking? He wasn't thinking, that's why he couldn't face her without probably blowing up in her face or doing something stupid just to keep his pride.
It had only been three years since he vowed he'd never feel for another girl, but Kagome was no ordinary girl. Truthfully, he was feeling attached to her as each day grew. Who knew how he'd feel by the end of the day.
Sucking in a sour breath, he walked out of his room.
Kagome stared at the full length of her body reflected from the mirror. The dress looked even more stunning when she slipped it on, but she felt naked and exposed underneath with the new underwear, but she'd adapt to it. As Ayumi said, the undergarments were much more lightweight and breathable and that was not an understatement. Twirling her finger through a couple of loose ringlets hanging from her shoulder, Kagome saw Sango emerge wearing a simple light pink kimono with a yellow obi around her waist and her hair pinned in a low bun. Sango blushed.
“Kagome, I can't wear this.” Sango walked awkwardly towards Kagome nearly tripping, but caught herself.
“Don't worry Sango, you look beautiful,” Kagome commented as both of them giggled. There was a knock at the door. Sango went to open the door and regretted she did.
“My my, is that you my dearest Sango?” Miroku grasped her hand and kissed it tenderly. Quickly pulling her hand away, she backed away as he came closer until he spotted Kagome. He stopped in his tracks and went to greet the famous miko whom had Inuyasha under her spell. She was beautiful, much like Kikyo had been, but her aura was more appeasing to the soul. But Sango was his only dearest.
“It is a pleasure to greet you appropriately this time Kagome.” Miroku took her hand into his own, but Sango slapped it away. Was she getting jealous?
“My dearest Sango, don't worry, I have only you in my heart,” he blew a kiss at her. He liked her reaction, blushing and running out of the room. Miroku turned his head to return to a confused Kagome.
“Well, well. Excuse me my lady; it is a pleasure to meet the only Princess of the Human Territory. I am Miroku, Inuyasha's right hand man and friend. Our first acquaintanceship was quite… interesting, but for now, I must chase down the frantic woman who ran out of this room. If you'll excuse me now, your escort will shortly be here.” Miroku quickly bowed and rushed out of room down the hall, the door shutting behind him.
Kagome went to sit on a chair. The whole time, she didn't say one word, but it was worth seeing the multiple emotions Sango went through. It was like her best friend was changing. Perhaps Sango liked this Miroku fellow? Besides, it seemed that Miroku had just as much interest in Sango and vice versa.
Resting on her bed, careful of the beautiful curls bouncing on her shoulders, Kagome laid on the edge of the bed shutting her eyes. She pulled out the little orb that had had fallen deep within the crevasse of her breast. She pulled it to her eye level and awed at its peaceful aura and glow. Somehow the little ball seemed so familiar but she couldn't remember ever seeing something as beautiful before. Rolling it between her fingers then pressing it to her forehead she let go of the delicate ball, the image of the blood from her dream flashing through her mind.
The pink orb glowed a light pink before falling back into its hidden spot under the dress. Her hands trembled slightly as the haunting dream continued to invade her mind.
Blood pooled over the dead bodies scattered across her castle gate. She barely recognized their mutilated faces and rolled eyeballs. Running past them, each step blood splattering at her white dress, she continued to the main hall where she'd find her mother and father. Arriving at the door, she swallowed the lump formed in her throat. She shuddered the moment her hand touched the knob. With a jerk, the door revealed itself to a massacred scene.
Kagome's eyes shot open surprised to see the yellow eyes of Inuyasha. Frightened, she clung tightly to him, digging her head into his well trained chest seeking for security. Expecting him to push away, he wrapped his strong arms around her arms turning his head to avoid her gaze. He didn't say one word, but grasped her tightly afraid she'd run away if didn't hold on tight. Kagome silently thanked him by holding him closer to her. She remembered that he had also similarly lent his support to her at the large beautiful tree she had seen a couple of days ago. To her his touch was familiar. It felt warm and safe, like the prince from her dream.
Inuyasha could feel her ravaged spirit calm as each moment passed with her in his arms. Even before he knocked on her door, before he entered her room, he had repeatedly engrained in his mind to never touch her in a way that would waver his heart. He wanted the morning to be the last time he would be so close to her. Distance was what he decided for himself, yet when he opened the door to her room after she ignored his multiple knocks, he had found her slithering in pain on the mattress. He only went to stand by her to quell her anxiety except she jumped onto him, clinging onto him as if her life depended on it. Damning himself to the seven hells, Inuyasha found his arms around her tiny body. Screw distance.
Letting his arms go loose, he felt Kagome pull slowly away from him as well. His ears drooped, but it was expected. She shouldn't have held his so tightly, so closely for that matter.
Kagome felt him stand, crossing his arms across his chest. She kept her head down embarrassed by her actions. Feeling the awkward situation, like each time she was with him, she went to stand beside him.
“Prince… Inuyasha, thank you,” she whispered, but she knew he heard her well.
“Inuyasha is fine Princess,” he responded, his back still facing her. It was the first time she had called his name out. A grin formed at the corner of his lips when he felt her grab the cloth as his arm.
“Then… call me Kagome,” she answered blushing. Inuyasha swore he heard her voice change a pitch. Shrugging her tiny hand off his haori, he started for the door.
“Keh! Whatever.”
With a satisfied smile, Kagome followed behind, her eyes trailing his body from the ground up. His long sparkly silver hair cascading towards the ground and how his red attire offset its color caused her insides to dance. If she were to be with him any longer, she knew her heart would be stolen.
My Thanks:
Little Miss Lulu --- Sovereignty --- sexxiigurrll0204 --- shell6 --- chichers --- Lilsweetpea011