InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Snowstorm ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Warning: Sprite alert! Sprite alert! Note the upped rating!


Quickening: It SNOWED again! *Throws open her back door and dives headfirst into the huge pile* Woohoo! Snow-diving!

Desiree: Er…you DO realize that you're not wearing a coat, right? Not to mention shoes…

Quickening: COLD! Cold cold cold cold cold cold… *Continues to plow her way through the snow*

Desiree: …How much caffine did you consume at work last night?

Quickening: Not nearly enough. Cannon baaaallll!

Desiree: -_-; Moron. Remind me again why we work for her?

Deedlit: 'Cause she owns our souls?

Desiree: …Uh-huh. And?

Deedlit: *Holds up a bag overflowing with candy* 'Cause she feeds us all the gourmet jelly beans we could possibly eat! *Stuffs a huge handful into her mouth*

Desiree: Hey! I told you before that the root beer flavored ones are mine!

Deedlit: *Stuffs another handful in and chews loudly*

Desiree: -_-; …You look like a demented chipmunk.

Chapter Three

All Kagome could do was let out a muffled whimper as Miroku's lips descended gently upon hers, but she was bound and determined not to give into the monk's antics like some swooning Southern belle, so she merely poised there, as rigid as a statue, and kept eyes and mouth clamped firmly shut. She'd show him who was boss! He'd have to give up sometime, right?

And when he did, she'd personally see to it that he'd speak in soprano for the rest of his miserable life. Hmmph.

Unfortunately for her, however, "sometime" didn't appear to be "anytime this decade", because even though she resisted, he continued to gently coax her response, nuzzling her mouth with his lips in the softest of touches, his fingers curling into her hair and his thumb caressing over her cheek, light as a butterfly's wing. After a few more moments, she felt him smile against her lips. "Kagooomeee…" he breathed, his mouth never leaving contact with hers.


Kagome winced. That had come out a lot more breathy and southern belle-ish than she'd intended. Egads! Was she giving in?!

"This would be a lot more…enjoyable…for you…if you'd deign to respond," he murmured against her lips, punctuating his words with tiny kisses that caused her stomach to flutter with a strange rush of warmth and the feeling to slowly begin melting from her legs.

Eep! No no no! She would not give in! No matter how coaxing his lips were or how deep and sensual his voice sounded!

But…but…he smelled so good. Kind of like…pine needles and…melted snow, with a touch of chamomile maybe, and…his lips were so very warm…and soft against her own and…and…she was melting, her mouth softening beneath the warm pressure of his, giving into his urging and slowly sinking against him. His warm, hard chest quivered beneath her hands as he hummed in approval, and when he used his firm grip on her hair to angle her head further to the side, skillfully deepening the kiss from a soft caress into something much more intense, the last of her resistance (not to mention her thoughts) scattered to the four winds.

She barely even noticed when, after a time, his arm tightened around her waist, urging her further onto his lap; she simply allowed herself to be pulled closer, her legs parting limply to slide about his hips so that she was fully straddling him. He released a breathy groan at the contact of her warm, bare legs against his equally bare sides, pushing his hips forward to press his aching need against the soft flesh between her thighs. The only thing keeping him from taking her, from sinking completely into her, he realized dimly, was the fabric of his pants and the strange undergarments Kagome herself was wearing beneath the too-large robe. The thought was nearly unbearable. He burned for her, with a passion that was as surprising as it was frightening. He'd merely set out to prove a point…when had things gotten so out of control? When had he started needing her so badly?

Even he had to admit that he was starting to take things just a little too far, but…but how could he stop, when Kagome was making such delightful little mewls and gasps into his mouth…a clear sign that she was quite enjoying his ministrations. And the way she was so innocently rubbing against him, pressing her thighs as close to his as she was nearly enough to make him go cross-eyed, were his eyes open, of course. And as long as she wasn't complaining, he reasoned (well, with as much reasoning as his current state of mind would allow), then who was he to deny her pleasure? But oxygen was fast becoming a necessity, and so he reluctantly parted his mouth from hers and raised his head just enough to feel her hot breath panting against his lips. Her cheeks were covered with a dark flush, and her eyes, when she slowly lifted their heavy lids to gaze at him, were dark with passion. Her mouth was red and swollen, lips parted invitingly, and he had to resist the urge to plunge into them again.

"Have I proven my point?" he murmured, staring hungrily into her eyes. He half expected a resounding smack across the face…or maybe a big stick cracking over his head…but she merely blinked up at him with a dazed sort of expression.

"Point…?" she mumbled softly, as though trying to remember what they'd been talking about before the entire…incident had started. A smile twitched his lips, and he couldn't help but notice how her eyes immediately fixated on them with all the fascination of a starving tiger honing in on fresh prey. A sense of manly satisfaction caused the smile to widen, as he wondered if and when she'd pounce, and whether or not he'd be able to resist his increasingly uncomfortable…urges anymore.

"Do you still think I kiss like a dog?" he murmured wickedly, eyes crinkling with warm humor as she blinked up at him, then dropped her attention immediately back to his lips again.

"…No," she admitted slowly, almost shyly.

His smile faded slightly as his hunger for her increased. "Are you sure?" he asked softly. "Because I'd be more than willing to prove it some more…"



"Shut up." And with that, she leaned up and softly, shyly pressed her lips to his.


He was elated. To say the least. And being the gentleman that he was, if she absolutely insisted

Never breaking contact with her lips, Miroku shifted forward so that he could lower the female to the ground, wishing he'd had the foresight to spread his outer robe, or even that ratty blanket, beneath them to keep her from the cold floor. With one arm, he braced himself so as not to crush her, while the other tenderly cradled the back of her head to keep it away from the hard rock, as he carefully lowered himself to spread full-length across her soft body, his hips cradled between her thighs. He shuddered at the feel of her soft breasts pressed flush against his chest, covered though they were by his robe and the strange binding he knew she wore beneath it. Well. He could take care of that easily enough. But first…

He delved into her mouth with a sudden ferocity that stole her breath and made her shiver beneath him. His tongue sought hers and tangled with it as he began a slow, sensual dance between her thighs, thrusting his pelvis to her warmth in time with the strokes of his tongue, giving her a taste of what actual lovemaking would be like. She moaned and writhed against him, arching her back to meet him and shuddering as the warm, hard evidence of his arousal strained against her most intimate area. The warmth in her chest was spreading outward, seeping into her limbs and deep into her lower belly, leaving her a quivering, breathless mass of need and sensation.

It was only when she felt the neckline of the robe being parted, and a large hand sliding over her stomach and beneath the bra to softly cover her naked breast, that she came back to her senses. A little. It was the shock of warm, bare flesh so intimately caressing a part of her that no man had ever had the privilege of touching that snapped her out of her passion-induced stupor, and she abruptly tore her lips from Miroku's and stared up at him through wide eyes. "Wh-what are we doing?" she croaked out, slightly horrified at how easily she had been ready to throw everything away for him.

A dark eyebrow quirked and he smiled lazily down at her. "I should think that would be obvious," came the soft reply, and he gave her breast a gentle squeeze, rubbing his thumb over the soft peak.

She yipped in shock and jumped a little. "S-stop that," she commanded shakily, trying to ignore the way her nipple had immediately tightened beneath his touch, and the tingle of pleasure that had shot from it up to her shoulder and all the way down to her fingertips.

"But you enjoyed it," he murmured sexily, eyes lidded and dark with wanting as he gazed down at her. And then, to prove it…he did it again.

She eeped and squirmed beneath him, until she felt the hard bulge pressing intimately between her thighs-realizing suddenly exactly what it was that was touching her-and immediately stilled. "W-we need to stop…" she told him tremulously.

He lowered his face to nuzzle it against her neck, lips moving over her flesh in a soft caress. "But I don't want to," he replied matter-of-factly.

Kagome closed her eyes against the gentle lips suckling her throat. The truth was, neither did she, not really. But… "We can't keep…it'd be stupid and irresponsible to get…carried away like this…" she reasoned, trying to gather the willpower to push away his wandering lips, which were moving disturbingly lower.

"Mmm-hmm," he agreed distractedly, taking a nip out of her shoulder. "Very…stupid." He kissed her collarbone. "But so…" He trailed down to the upper swell of her breast, his warm breath sending a trail of goose-bumps over the soft flesh. "…very…" a gentle caress of lips to the valley between… "…enjoyable…" His warm hand cupped her breast, lifting it to his seeking lips, which pressed softly to her teat before opening to take it into the moist heat of his mouth. Kagome could only arch her back with a breathless cry as he began suckling her with deep, intense pulls, his tongue stroking rhythmically over the turgid nipple as his hand gently kneaded her soft flesh, milking her for all he was worth.

"Mir…o…ku!" Her shaking hands lifted to tangle in his hair, with the intent of pulling him away, only to end up pulling him closer instead. It felt…too good, like nothing she'd ever imagined. And she…didn't…want it to end. Her body instinctively curled itself around his head as much as it was able, and he responded by wrapping both of his arms around her beneath the robe, his forearms hot against her back, and Kagome felt herself giving in, giving up, as she lost herself in the sensation of being loved by Miroku.


Desiree: *Grins evilly* Well. Is it just me, or did the temperature just shoot up about eighty degrees?

Deedlit: *still stuffing her face* It's just you. Oooo! Margarita flavored!

Desiree: *Scratching chin thoughtfully* Hmmm…I wonder…do they have black leather and bullwhips in feudal Japan…?

Deedlit: *Pauses mid-chew* …You're the evil twin around here. I'm the innocent one, remember?

Desiree: *Stare* You're innocent like the SaharaDesertis wet. Hey, Boss! Do you know if there's black leather and…

Quickening: La la laaaa! I can't heeeeaarrr yoooouuu! *Still swimming happily through the snow*

Desi: >_< That'sit. I'm getting a new author.

Deed: *BELCH*