InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Time In Feudal Japan ❯ At Your Command ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hum de dee… =^.^=
Chapter 2: At Your Command
“Go Away. I don't need bodyguards.”
“What would you do if we said that we are the reincarnation of Inu Yasha?”
Kagome was shocked by what Katori said.
“How's that possible?”
Katori pulled her to the ground. Kagome sat on the cold, hard ground.
“We're fraternal twins. We were originally going to 1 boy, but 2 eggs got fertilized in the process. So put 2 and 2 together and you get us.”
“Really, is that so?”
She was getting annoyed (She has PPS, Pre-Pregnancy Syndrome).
“I'm going home.”
She ran off into the well and went home. She explains her day to Inu Yasha, totally excluding the fact that Katori and Niko existed.
20 minutes later, there was some one knocking on their door frame. It was Kaede.
“I believe these two belong to you.”
“Hi Kagome! And you must be Inu Yasha!”
“Who are you?!”
“I'm Katori Higurashi! And this is my brother Niko!”
“You have the same last name as Kagome!”
“Yeah, we're cousins!”
Katori sat down and helped herself to some of Kaede's homemade soup. Niko just stood there, amazed at what his sister is doing.
Wow. Kagome has a really weird family.
Niko was surprised.
“You might as well come and eat.”
He made his way over to the tatami mat and sat next to a young boy with dark brown hair and a young girl with bluish hair.
“Oh, just so you know, the children's names are Kyou and Shouka. I'm holding Haku. Kagome's pregnant with our fourth. Kyou and Shouka are twins and are 2 years old. Haku is 10 months.”
“Well, they're very cute!”
Katori was playing with the children when Kagome suddenly came up behind her and Niko.
“Get Out.”
“What? You didn't seem to have a problem with us earlier.”
“Sorry, but my sister's right.”
“Just, GET OUT… NOW!”
Wow… 1:40 in the morning… sleepytime now…