InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon an Inuyoukai ❯ Miko and Monarch ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wrote this chapter while chair-dancing to Vanilla Ice (I'm in a hiphop dance class... just don't ask) so it may be a little.... weird. Sorry.

Disclaimer: If the owner of Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi, knew what I was doing to her characters, she'd come after me with a knife.

Me: That's not a knife. !Pulls Tetsusaiga! This is a knife.

Rumiko: O.o Never mind... steal my characters. I don't mind! Really!

Me: Heh. That's what I thought. !grins smugly!


Chapte r XII: Miko and Monarch


Despite their fears, the final day went by quickly and amicably, free of blood, guts, green stuff, or heart to heart discussions. They had a quiet breakfast, took turns having quiet baths, bantered cheerfully back and forth, and did other random things to keep themselves occupied until late afternoon, when Jaken returned. Had they been a few minutes earlier, they would have found Inutaisho patiently teaching Izayoi to whittle animals out of wood. She'd tried to teach him earlier how to dance, but due to his lack of enthusiasm, it had flopped spectacularily.

The sun was beginning to set when the tiny form of Ah-Un appeared on the horizon, carrying Jaken and presumably, the miko. They hurriedly tidied the cave and waited for them on the ledge.

Izayoi was suprised, when they landed, at how young the miko was. She'd heard a lot about Naruka's power, but had no real idea what she was like. As it turned out, she was lovely. Her build was similar to Izayoi's, slenderstrong and delicately flexible. Blue veins showed through faintly on her transluscent skin, so pale was she, and her lips were very red. She wore the traditional garb of a priestess, a white haori and red hakama, and they complemented her face and contrasted with her black hair.

Izayoi instantly hated her, without rhyme or reason.

"Naruka-sama," Izayoi greeted, bowing deeply. Inutaisho echoed her.

Then, to her great shock, the beautiful priestess smiled widely and enveloped Inutaisho in a warm, and-- to Izayoi-- rather licentious embrace. "So nice to see you!" she breathed into his ear. Izayoi's brain shut down.

Oh look... butterflies... she noted intelligently. How pretty. Like the incredibly forward priestess currently shoving her chest in Inutaisho's face. She realized with astonishment that she was jealous, really and truly. Very much. Why? I don't even want him! Well.... that's only half true but I certainly had no intention of pursuing him! She argued futiley with her mind, failing to make any headway against the irrational urge to push Naruka-sama off a cliff.

"I am glad to see you well, Naruka-chan," he said, a smile on his face. Izayoi's eye began to twitch. Naruka-chan?

"Taisho-kun, I haven't seen you in forever," she squealed. "I was so surprised when the froggy thing told me it was you who was summoning me! What can I help you with?" Taisho-kun?! her mind howled, incredulous.

"Sakenmaru is down in the castle under a binding spell. I need you to break it." She smiled brightly, making her glow becomingly.

Izayoi wondered if her skin was turning green yet. How was it possible to hate someone so much after knowing them for all of fifteen seconds? It was childish, immature, and completely uncalled for, and... gods, what I wouldn't give for five minutes alone with her....

"Sure thing, Taisho-chan! Lead the way!" Immediately, Inutaisho set off down the mountainside with the petite miko clinging to his arm. Izayoi cracked her knuckles, took a deep breath, and followed. Obviously there was history here that she knew nothing of, and so she struggled desperately not to speak lest she snipe at them both and become thoroughly unpleasant company. Ahead of her, they chatted amiably and easily like old friends. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale....!

It felt like an eternity before they reached the castle gates, and by then the woman's voice was beginning to sound like nails on a chalkboard. Izayoi's nails were buried painfully in her palms.

Finally, to her relief, the little idiot shut up. Ah. She's seen the zombies.

"Oh kami," Naruka whispered, all traces of the bubblehead of two seconds ago completely gone. "What is this? Who is responsible for this atrocity?" Izayoi tried not to stare and failed. Who was this calm, competent, sad-eyed woman, and where had she come from? And where was the insufferable twit of a moments ago?


"I do not know," Inutaisho replied gravely. "I was hoping you might be able to help with that." The respect in his voice was not veiled, and she became very curious indeed as to what their past together was. It was exceedingly strange to see a taiyoukai quiet and... almost deferential, to a human woman no less. There was something deeper here than what she was seeing, so with a great effort she locked away her inexplicable envy and listened carefully.

When they got to the throne room, they were forced to pause a moment while Naruka vomited wretchedly in a corner. Inutaisho held her hair back, sparking yet another wave of vitriolic envy.

"This is an abomination," the horribly beautiful woman spat finally, looking, ironically, quite green. "They must be stopped." She swallowed convulsively, looking as though she might vomit again. Inutaisho wrapped her in his arms protectively, and Izayoi's stomach lurched sickly. But the miko pushed him away purposefully, her aura exploding into pale violet flames as she stalked up to the decaying figure on the throne.

"Sakenmaru!" she cried, power raging through her voice like water through mountain rapids. Her spine arched, hands extended to the side, energy crackling between every available gap in her limbs. The light was blinding, beyond violet. Izayoi closed her eyes, trembling at the amount of power the miko was unleashing. Suddenly she felt small and useless in her own paltry abilities. She was a candle, and this was the sun. She could never compare to this. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she wasn't sure why.

The air in the room was vibrating, almost drowning out the sound of the miko's ululating wail of ecstatic agony. There was a small forever contained within those long seconds of brightness and sound, before it abruptly winked out, leaving everything shadowed and subdued in its wake. "I can't," she sobbed, shaking with the effort. "It's too strong, I can't break it. I'm so sorry." Izayoi's eyes widened. All that, and the binding still held? She looked at the pathetic figure on the throne, looked at Inutaisho's shocked and desperate face, and made a decision. She closed her eyes.

"I'll help you," she said quietly. "Borrow my strength." The miko's gaze snapped to her, taken aback.

"But you don't like me!" Izayoi winced.

"...You knew?" The priestess nodded wearily.

"I have some talent for reading minds. I do not intrude, but you were projecting quite strongly." Izayoi blushed.

"Sorry. It's... hard to explain." The priestess cocked an eyebrow and smiled at her condescendingly.

"Not really, love." The blush spread and deepened, warming her cheeks uncomfortably. She ducked her head.

"Do you want my help or not?" She felt like a sulking child.

"I don't know how much it will help, but I appreciate the offer. Come up here and sit opposite me." Izayoi obeyed, falling into a cross-legged stance opposite the powerful holy woman. Naruka grasped her hands and laid the left in her own, and then laid her own left hand in Izayoi's right, creating a circle. "Breathe deeply and let me know when you've reached your limit." Izayoi nodded. "Good. Brace yourself."

There was only that warning and a split second before Naruka's aura flared to violent life and began drawing voraciously on her own. It took her by surprise, being swallowed by purple radiance, and she nearly pulled away, before catching herself and making herself actively feed the miko energy. Her own energy, clear and green as sunlight through spring leaves, twined with the violet and intensified it. Take more, take more, she silently urged. The woman obeyed, drawing deeper yet. Izayoi moaned. It felt like water was being drawn out from every pore of her body, simultaneously agonizing and incredibly pleasurable. She surrendered completely, dissolving into the flow of bright energy. Take it all.

Time dissolved into pure sensation. She was formless and floating, liquid and light. It was beautiful, and it was excruciating. She wailed soundlessly forever, searching for something to hold on to when the nothing became too much, grasping soundlessly into the light beyond light. A hand caught hers and held fast, drawing her into itself. She curled into the owner and there, found the strength to keep giving. The arms wrapped around her, or whatever passed for arms, here. They were warm and gentle and strong, but terribly tired, she felt.

So she gave her strength to the Other, flowed it into them like pouring water into a desert traveller's throat, and felt them receive it with gratitude.

A connection began to grow, nascent and fragile, between where their navels might have been. As they entwined with eachother, it thickened into a cord of energy that was brighter still than the surrounding sea of radiance. It pulled them closer, forged them into one, single, messily conglomerated being. The new being turned its new strength back to Sakenmaru, and fought with all its heart to break the black wall around the dim aura of the still living lion lord.

The mission that it had almost forgotten was ridiculously easy, now. Their combined power smashed the serpentine binding spell like an obsidian window and before their eyes the lion's aura sparked to life and he awoke.

For a moment/eternity longer, they/it floated peacefully, task completed. They were loath to become two again- being one was so... exhilarating. So for a little while longer, there was one.

And then... there were two. Shadows returned, and Izayoi awoke to find herself twined tightly in an embrace with the miko, covered in sweat and utterly exhausted. She laid her head on Naruka's shoulder. Before, it might have seemed strange to be sitting on a floor with a woman she had once patently disliked, wrapped in a fervent embrace. But there was a bond, now, a sisterhood of sorts forged in the flames of mystic power, and the jealousy was a distant, faintly absurd memory. She held her new sister and fell into another sort of oblivion.


"Did it work?" she asked feebly as soon as she felt alive enough to return.

"Yes," Naruka answered, brushing her tangled hair gently off her brow. "Yes, it worked. Thanks to you."

"Good. I was a help, then?"

Tinkling laughter.

"Oh, yes. I think you could say that."

Izayoi sighed thankfully and set about coming the rest of the way into consciousness. At the end of the long journey, she emerged into Naruka's arms to find Sakenmaru awake and deep in discussion with Inutaisho in the corner. "We did it!" she cheered weakly, startling Naruka, who laughed.

"You're an extraordinary young woman, you know," she said softly. "Nearly as strong as me, in a different way." She heaved a sigh, breath ghosting over Izayoi's forehead. "Do you know what we have wrought, you and I?" she asked, grave and ash-eyed. Izayoi let her eyes soften into remembrance of the thing she'd found on the other side of oblivion.

"Aneue," she whispered. Tears sprung to Naruka's eyes, and she nodded, slowly, once.

"A sisterhood, indeed. But one like none other, for you are also my aneue, which cannot happen in birth sisters. Both cannot be older than the other, in the natural world. But now... now we are now eachother's elder sisters." Her soft cheek dropped to rest on Izayoi's head. Izayoi, the single child, began to weep silent tears of painful joy and tightened her grasp around Naruka's waist.

"I can't believe I was ever jealous of you," she sniffled.

"Is that what it was!" Naruka exclaimed with amusement. "I knew you didn't like me but I wasn't sure why. Silly girl, you had nothing to fear from me. If he is truly yours, then it would not matter, anything I could do. He would still be yours. And if he is not... then your jealousy would be misplaced." She sighed. "There is much you do not understand, but believe me, there is nothing romantic between Inutaisho and I."

They became aware that the strange position they were in was becoming uncomfortable, and disengaged their limbs with difficulty.

Seeing the mute question in Izayoi's eyes, Naruka took a deep breath and began to explain. "I am an orphan. I have been since I was very young. Someone found me in the forest, took pity, and left me at the gates of the Kyuden no Inu, the Dog Palace. A human maid found me and took me in, raising me with her own children and those of the demons. When my abilities were discovered, I left for training with Midoriko-sama, but came back when I was finished to protect my home. Inutaisho took a liking for me when I was small, and so I grew up as a sort of foster neice to him. As time went on and I got older, we became less like neice and uncle and more like cousins. Whenever he felt like he needed to get away from palace politics, he'd come and see me and we would go do relaxing things, like sojourning to find wildflowers or mushrooms in the woods. I am human, but I was raised with demons, and so Inutaisho does not see me quite the same as he does other humans. He calls me Naru-chan, and I call him Taisho-kun, but it doesn't have romantic significance, I promise." She smiled. "Is it clearer now?"

Izayoi nodded, a little overwhelmed. "I grew up a lot like that too," she confessed. "My father was an emissary, a diplomat to the Lord of the East. I was a sort of privileged hostage." Naruka nodded her understanding. "So there's really nothing between you and Inutaisho? I know it's none of my business and I can't understand why I'm so jealous. I'm a human, he'd never look at me. I'm not even sure I like him that way. But I'm still jealous. It's silly, isn't it."

"Well... yes. And no."

Izayoi cocked an eyebrow quizzically. Naruka tapped her lip thoughtfully with a finger.

"He is taiyoukai. All youkai of his high level have a natural sort of thrall over lesser life-forms. It manifests differently depending on the creature or the person, but one of the ways it can show up is as attraction and unreasonable possessiveness towards the taiyoukai in question. It's possible that is what is happening with you."

It made sense on the surface. But something was nagging at Izayoi, something that said it was true but not the Truth. It was not a deep enough explanation, it was lacking; and it bothered her that she could not pinpoint exactly what was lacking.

"Or, alternately..." Naruka continued, face twitching like she was desperately repressing a smile, "you could just be falling in love with him."

Izayoi choked and spluttered, floundering a sudden flood of bewildering emotions. She felt half indignant and half confused. With a hearty dose of panic and outright embarrassment thrown in for good measure.

"Don't be ridiculous! That's preposterous! It's... impossible! It's.... it's..." She faded off into silence, eyes losing focus. Naruka merely looked at her, not judging, only letting her think about it. After a moment of reflection, she had to admit the validity of the theory. "Damn, am I really?" she asked incredulously.

"Well if you ask my opinion..." started the now outrageously grinning Naruka, "then....yes. I do believe you are."

Izayoi rocked back on her haunches, utterly astounded. "Really?" She bit her lip thoughtfully. "Why?"

"You want me to answer that?"

"No, rhetorical question. Let me think."

I'm falling in love with him? How stupid can I get? she berated herself. As a human, falling for a demon was a profoundly unwise act, as all it was likely to get her was heartache and an early death at the hands of his friends. And the likelihood of reciprocation was slim next to none, which made loving one very painful and unrewarding.

He spares my life, spares the babies, then saves me and my group again later. I save his life, risking my own to do so, then I do it again. So now I'm falling in love with him? How does that work? It didn't, was the answer that came back. I'm not falling because of that. Then why?

Images began to flash through her mind, a different sort of answer. Him carrying her away in strong arms from the messy remains of the ferret, to care for her. Him handing his wife's old clothing to her, terrible longing etched behind his eyes for that which was never coming back. Him kneeling, hair pulled aside, to let her ride on his back so that she would be spared unnecessary pain, at the cost of his dignity. Him caring for her when she was hungover. Him patiently guarding the hot spring where she bathed. Him tersely ordering her to safety when the youkai attacked. Her hands tangled in his hair, his half-conscious whimpers of pleasure. Him teaching her to whittle, laughing at her clumsiness but not unkindly, catching her hands to correct her position ever so gently. His hands on hers.

She remembered the way she felt when she saw him wounded and faltering, and the wild joy when he awoke again after his long unconsciousness. She contemplated her raging jealousy of Naruka in the beginning, seeing finally where it had come up from.

And she remembered dancing for him in the firelight, body offered chastely for his viewing pleasure. Kami, she had loved dancing for him, loved knowing that his eyes were on her. Loved thinking that perhaps they liked what they saw.

"I'll be damned," she breathed. "You're right. Now what?"

Naruka only shrugged. "I suppose that's up to you, sweeting. What are you going to do about it?"

Terror bloomed in her chest. Visions of being coldly refused after confessing her feelings bloomed like necrotic flowers in her brain, and she shuddered. "Nothing. It's pointless to love a youkai."

Naruka grimaced. "I think you might be missing out on something truly wonderful if you deny yourself this," she said seriously. "The worst that can happen is you embarrass yourself, right? No one has ever, despite popular myth, died of humiliation. You may be uncomfortable for a good while, but you'll get over it eventually. If you don't risk it, you'll never know, and that may easily be worse than a few days humiliation."

“You’re right... but I’m afraid,” she admitted, scooting closer to her sister. “I’m not sure how I’ll deal with being rejected.” Naruka drew her close, rubbing circles on her back comfortingly.

“Nee-chan, I won’t lie to you and say it wouldn’t hurt. But don’t automatically assume that’s what you’re getting yourself into. For all you know, the feeling’s mutual.”

Izayoi let out a bark of laughter. “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“That’s the point. You don’t know, and you won’t unless you try.”


"No buts. I'm not saying march up and tell him to his face right now, but if the opportunity presents itself... for your own sake, don't let it pass you by."

Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvV

A few minutes earlier


I nutaisho helped the shaky, rather dusty Sakenmaru to his feet and supported him. "Are you all right?" he inquired solicitously. The aging lion demon nodded, neck creaking unpleasantly.

"Inutaisho," he rasped. "You're alive... thank the kami." Inutaisho froze. Sakenmaru sounded genuinely relieved to see him alive and well, which was quite incongruous with the image of him as a traitor working with Ryunomei. Someone conspiring to have him assassinated would not, logically, be overjoyed to see him still wandering the mortal coil.

"If you are able," Inutaisho said urgently, "I would very much like some explanations." Sakenmaru chuckled like rocks grating against eachother.

"I thought you might. To start with, I am not a traitor. I will swear to that on whatever you wish."

Inutaisho heaved an unconscious sigh of relief. He was really very fond of Sakenmaru, and learning that they were still allies was very comforting for obvious reasons.

"However, I am not sure how much use I will be to you, as I no longer have an army." That was not so comforting.


"The Eastlord's spell has enslaved the souls of all those he did not kill outright. I do not know from where his power comes, but it is very great. Beyond my own, and beyond yours I am certain. However, the expedient fact right now is that I have no army, and from your presence here I assume nothing good."

"You assume correctly. I was betrayed. I have fled the castle with my remaining allies to seek aid elsewhere."

The canny old demon narrowed his eyes. "You are not telling me everything. What else is there?" In answer, Inutaisho look at the huddled women, feeling Sakenmaru's gaze follow his. "The woman? She is human! Naruka-san I understand, but who is this?"

"Her name is... not important." Strange, how he still could not bring himself to say her name. "She is a seer. We met earlier, and when she had a vision of my impending assassination she came to warn me." He gazed at her with troubled eyes. "She has suffered much on my behalf. Despite being human, she is an exceptional ally."

The tall demon, unbent with age, gazed at him knowingly. "You are fond of her."

Inutaisho shook his head negatingly. "She is useful, and not intolerable company." Lies, lies, all lies! his mind taunted mercilessly. Such a liar you are, even to yourself. How do you bear being so dishonest?

"Nothing beyond that."

"Of course not. She is human."

Sakenmaru crossed his arms smugly. "Of course not. What was I thinking?"

"I am sure I do not know," he replied coldly. "You were telling me of the Eastlord's plot. Tell me what happened here."

"It is a very short and boring tale, really," Sakenmaru warned. "I was sitting here in the castle minding my business, when he strode in like he owned the place, with a small honour guard at his back. He told me I had two choices: join with him or die. I scoffed, of course- it was ridiculous and beyond presumptuous. I told him I'd far rather die than come anywhere near his side of the battlefield." He paused, stroking his golden beard. "My memory beyond that is unclear. Someone behind him shouted something, and suddenly I could not move. I watched the souls of my staff be torn out, and I watched from outside my body as he slaughtered most of army and enslaved the rest. Then, I overheard him, as he was leaving, speak of the plot which was unfolding in your kingdom." He grew agitated, wringing his hands. "I wanted to warn you, I truly did. But I could not move. I tried. I am sorry that I could not do more."

Inutaisho laid a hand on the lion youkai's distraught shoulder. "Do not worry, my friend. I believe you. I will ask the woman about her vision, try and find out why it was inaccurate. It said you were working with Ryunomei, but I see now that it is not true. I am sure there is another explanation for it."

Sakenmaru looked pathetically grateful. "Thank you for trusting me. I will not let you down, old friend. This I swear. Though I am still uncertain as to how much help I can be without my army."

"My friend... I have exactly four allies, five now including you. Believe me, your power is a substantial addition. Welcome aboard." Inutaisho smiled ruefully at the stricken lion youkai.


It sounded even worse in someone else's mouth, if that was possible.

"We are doomed. Doomed, I say."


Nice to end the chapter on a humorous note. I think my chapters are getting steadily longer, yay me! I hope I haven't contradicted myself on any major plot points.

Before you ask, there is not going to be any shoujo-ai action. It's a filial sisterhood love between Izayoi and Naruka, not lemonlove. So don't ask.

Sakenmaru is physically ambiguous on purpose- tall, golden beard, middle-aged. The rest you can fill in with whatever you think a lion demon should look like. Since his appearance is not important to the story, I figured I could let you guys work your imaginations a bit. ^_^ Have fun with it!

Any takers for the fanart drawing of Iza with her bow and the ugly demon? Pleeeaassseee?!! I'm seriously begging here. If you're reading this and you know any talented fanartists, beg them for me! I'll reward anyone kind enough to indulge me with a lifetime supply of luuurrrvvee. Ple-ee-eeassee!!

Next chapter should be out either tonight if the Muses are kind or Friday morning if they're not. Til next time!

PS- don't forget to press the button! Reviews make the Muses happy and they're nicer if you feed them. Review thank yous from last chapter will be on my LiveJournal, empath (underscore) eia in case you've forgotten.