InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One After Another ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

An: Yes, It's back and with many, many, MANY changes. I'm hoping for the better. I hope you enjoy the revamped version of One After Another
One After Another

        " You stupid wench!" shouted Inuyasha as he turned his back to Kagome
, hiding his eyes from her view, “I can't believe you sometimes! You are just a worthless jewel shard hunter and nothing more!"
Kagome looked at the ground sadly tears beginning to fill her eyes. She wiped them back with the sleeves of her school uniform. After all the times he had told her these things it still hurt the same. She looked back up at him angrily “Fine if that's all I am I'm going home! AND don't even think of following me!"
She ran off in the direction of the well. Sango, Shippou, and Miroku watched sadly as Kagome left.
"Why'd you do that Inuyasha?" Shippou began to cry, yet managed to glare at Inuyasha.
"Exactly Inuyasha! Kagome didn't do anything except wake you up this morning and you've been on her case!" Sango says grabbing her things and beginning to leave the camp, Kiarra following her.
“Sango where are you going?" asked Miroku and Shippou turning quickly away from Inuyasha.
 ”I'm going back to village to wait for Kagome's return," She replied unusually calm.
  ”I'm going with you!" both of them replied again running after Sango, leaving Inuyasha all alone.
 'Now that there gone maybe I can go and find Kagome, before she leaves ' Inuyasha thought running off following Kagome's scent.

 Kagome shifted her bag nervously around on her shoulders. Out of breath she panted heavily and collapsed by the well. She grabbed her knees and began to cry into her skirt.
'Why am I crying? I knew all along that's what I was to him plus he says that all the time so why does it hurt more now,' she thought sadly as she got up slowly.
Adjusting the heavy yellow backpack on her back she shuffled her feet back and forth hoping for that tiny chance Inuyasha would come and talk her into staying. Shaking her head she laughed sarcastically. Turning back towards the well she set her hands on the wood rim.  Placing her legs over the wells opening Kagome pushed herself up onto the wells lip. Before she could jump she noticed something strange.
Something white small and round fell out of the sky and landed softly on her nose. Blinking she stepped back from the well. Raising her hand out she began to catch the falling snow flakes. Blinking in confusion she looked around and saw the once cloud free sky filled with dark clouds. “It's summer though…”
It was indeed summer. They were supposed to be on a picnic before it had happened. Kagome winced and sat down on the lip of the well. Reaching into her back she pulled out a white envelope. Fingering it softly she traced her fingers of the lettering on the front. It was for Inuyasha and oddly enough the remaining items in the bag were for the others.
Smiling sadly she peeked into the back. It all happened so long ago after a conversation with Miroku. `No time to dwell on the past though…why is it snowing?'
“Nigeru!” Kagome's head shot up to see a blur in the now steadily falling snow.
The language was foreign to her and she was deeply confused. Rubbing her bare arms Kagome began to chatter her teeth together. Why was it so cold? It had been warm earlier. Looking towards the waving figure Kagome felt a feeling of dread approaching her so she once again began to stand on the lip of the well. Pushing off she felt a bare of arms grab her before she got to far.        
" Let me go Inuyasha I'll say the `s' word if you don't, " She said sternly and threateningly
 "Who ever said I was Inuyasha?" The man replied smoothly as he turned her around.
  ”You!" Kagome's eyes widened in fright and she struggled helplessly as the man holding her tightened his grip.
“What the fuck! Why is it snowing suddenly?” Inuyasha cursed, pausing in his race to get Kagome back.
Looking up Inuyasha watched the mystical snow falling harder the closer he drew to the well. Pushing through the snow knee deep snow Inuyasha growled deep in his chest as he realized he couldn't pick up any scents in the snow. Shouting a string of curses he pushed himself harder and faster to go and see if Kagome was safe.
Kagome's struggling only caused the man to laugh. He began to run his hands down her hips and thighs. Her yellow summer dress moving easily with his hands. Kagome screamed loudly, hoping that Inuyasha would hear her before it was too late, "Inuyasha!"
The man holding her hit her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to pass out in his arms. He smirked before he slowly cut Kagome with the tip of a tentacle resulting in a small pool of blood to form by the well and on the snow.
"He'll come for the girl and the jewel shards," the man said confidently to other two figures.
“I agree, lets leave now,” A women's voice agreed as she moved beside the man.
“Naoki, distract the half breed as we get away,” The man turned to the third kneeling figure.
Nodding the younger demon stood. Turning her back she didn't need to see that the man and his accomplish were disappearing into the now blizzarding snow. Sitting on the lip of the well, she reached down with a clawed hand and pulled up the letter Kagome had been holding earlier. Slipping it into the long white sleeve of her kimono she decided to read it later.
The wind picked up and howled as she looked across the open field with ice blue eyes. The snow did not hinder her abilities, call it a gift. Her long white hair lifted and moved with the snow in the breeze. It was difficult to tell her flesh was pale and cold, but aside form the fact she didn't even show the slightest irritation to the cold and still dropping temperature, one could tell she wasn't human.
Inuyasha ran through the forest his feet barely touching the snow covered ground. He stopped suddenly and sniffed the air around him. `Kagome'shurt, she's bleeding…its weak but I can smell her blood…' He thought speeding up his pace. He quickly arrived at the well and looked around, worry very evident in his eyes. Growling at the inability to see he dragged his feet closer to the well.
Once several feet away he was able to make out a woman's figure. Watching it stand Inuyasha smiled slightly and tightly embraced the figure. Before he could realize that the person wasn't returning the hug and they were ice cold, he was flat on his back in the snow bleeding from a wound on his stomach.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha gasped struggling to get to his feet.
“The miko? No,” Naoki's voice was deeper then that of the average women, and held an icy tone.
“Then tell me where she is before I destroy you,” Inuyasha put his hands on the hilt of the Tetsusaiga.
“I'm unable to do that,” Naoki lowered her hands, one dripping with the half demon's blood.
“Then I'll kill you,” Inuyasha charged Naoki.
As he swung his sword Naoki side stepped, escaping with a gash across her chest. Panting Inuyasha stared as the demon stood and stared at him. The snow began to lessen and he was able to smell better. Naoki touched her chest lightly and pulled her hand back and showed him silver blood.
“You have my scent now correct? You can find your miko if you track me,” Naoki turned, her snow white kimono slipping away slowly from her body.
“What the fuck! Get back here!” Inuyasha shouted ignoring the dripping silver blood as it fell on top of the snow.
Naoki gave no response except to vanish into a sudden small blizzarding tornado. Once the tornado and she left the snow slowly began to stop falling, and the clouds disappeared. As the snow on the ground melted Inuyasha noticed the polls of blood. Both Kagome's and the demons were not the only scent he could pick up. Growling and fighting back his inner demon, Inuyasha picked up Kagome's forgotten yellow bag and ran off towards the village.
“Naraku…” Was the only word he could say as his eyes flashed red for a brief second.

An: Alrighty, so that's the first chapter re-vamped. Now you've met Naoki, the whole reason I needed to re-write the story. She's got an interesting story to tell and I think people will like her. Now, in later chapters or in the next one, which ever I feel like it, I will explain why she seems to speak Japanese. It is really a long explanation and I'm tired. Please continue reading the revamped version and as always read and reply, you're the only reason I write this stuff… One person in particular I suppose, she knows who she is * wink wink* Right so Next chapter will be up when I can, possibly double this ones length.