InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One After Another ❯ the dream and caught with an old love ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One After Another-chapter 1:the dream and caught with an old love

"Inuyasha! Where are you?! INUYAASHAAAAAAAAA!" The scream could be heard through out the darkness. The scream echoed back to the black haired girl that was sitting in the middle of the darkness, knees held to her chest with her head on top of her knees. She was crying. She had been running around in the darkness looking for one person. "Inuyasha" she mumbled. "Where did you go?" No one answered her question. Then she heard someone calling her name.
"Kagome." Whos voice was that. 'Wait!' "Inuyasha?" The girl got up from her spot, hope to find him back with her. "Kagome." Yep, that was Inuyasha. "Inuyasha!! Where are you?! I can't see! Where are you?!" All she got was Inuyasha calling her name again. She followed his voice. She ran till she showed up to a village. The village was small. Maybe the size of Keade's village.
Kagome walked around the village looking for Inuyasha. There was shadows all around the ground. Kagome couldn't see her feet. She kept hearing him calling her name. At last she had found him. Inuyasha had stoped calling her name. He had his back turned to her and head down. It looked like he was looking at something.
Kagome ran to him. Inuyasha still didn't move. "Inuyasha!" Kagome was happy to find him again. Kagome was now behind Inuyasha. She tapped his shoulder. He acted like he didn't notice. Kagome tried a few more times. Now she was annoyed. Kagome turned Inuyasha. Only to be greeted by Naraku. The shadows that were once at her feet were gone. Now could see what Naruku was staring at. He was staring at Inuyasha's dead body. Along with her other friends. "No......No.....NO!!!!!!!!!!SANGO!!!!SHIPPO!!!!!!MIROKU!!!!INUYASHAAAAAA!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome bolted up right from her sleep. Along with waking everyone in the camp. Inuyasha jumped from the tree to the ground in front of Kagome. "AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 'I swear I'm going to die of a heart attack before noon' Kagome thought as she backed up againest a tree that was behind her.
"Kagome, are you alright?" Inuyasha looked at her with his golden eyes. Along with everyone looking at her with concern. "I'm ok. Just had a nightmare. Thats all. I'm ok." "You sure" came the question from Shippo. "Yes Shippo."
After a while everyone had breakfast. Kagome thought about her nightmare. She had been having that same nightmare for about a week. The nightmare always starts with her and the gang on a hunt for the jewel shards. Sango, Shippo, and Miroku gets on Kirara to go on a search that was in one village while her and Inuyasha went towards a different village. On the way, the two spot soul skimmers. Inuyasha leaves Kagome and looks for Kikyo. After a while of forcing herself not to cry, Inuyasha comes back. He says he was sorry and he had to go to the other village quick. Then he would leave while everything would go dark. You know the rest. The shadows, Naraku, and the bloody scene of all of her friends.
But Kagome always felt like there was more to the story. Kagome had to find out.
Everyone started on there journey. Kagome was on Inuyasha's back while everyone else was on Kirara's back. The day was going on like normal. They were on their way to Keade's village. They all needed a rest and more supplies. Plus Kagome had to get some more stuff for her first aid kit. Kagome had to promise she would be back before night fall to Inuyasha.
The group made it to Keade's before noon and to Kagome's delight, with no surprises. She went to Keade's hut, said hi, then went to the well to start on her searching for first aid stuff and maybe get a bath.


Kagome hopped out of the well. It was dark outside and she was late. 'Should of not stayed for dinner if I knew I was going to be late. Inuyasha is going to be mad.' Kagome was going by some trees when she noticed that she could hear people talking. She knew that voice. That was Inuyasha's voice. She hid behind a tree and saw who he was talking to.
"Inuyasha, come with me to hell" could be known as Kikyo's voice. "I have to kill Naruku first. Just wait. I'll kill him then I'll go to hell with you." "What about that Kagome girl. Would you easily leave her. You do love her don't you?" This got Kagome's attention. She wanted to know this answer since she found out she loved him. "I don't love her Kikyo! I love you and you only! Why would I love a fool like her!"
'What? I thought......*sigh* nevermind. Why would he have any feelings for me. I'm only Kikyo's double anyway.' Kagome didn't want to stay there and listen to more but she couldn't move. She was stuck in that spot behind the tree. Now she was going to have to listen to Kikyo and Inuyasha.
"I must go Inuyasha. I will take you to hell some other time. Goodbye." Inuyasha stared at Kikyo's form lift with the soul skimmers till she was no longer there. Then a smell hit him. 'Kagome.......?' He turned around to be greeted by the site of Kagome fighting back tears. 'She must of heard.' Inuyasha took a step forward while Kagome took a step back. Kagome ripped the jewel shards fom around her neck. Inuyasha's eyes became bigger.'What is she doing?'
Kagome threw the jewels at his feet. "I can't stay Inuyasha. I'm sorry. Maybe you can get Kikyo to help find the rest of the shards. Then she turned around and ran to the well.' No Kagome. Don't leave. You can't.' "KAGOME DON'T LEAVE! PLEASE" Kagome kept running while her tears fell. She wouldn't listen to his crys of pain. 'Why should he be in pain? Why would he want me around? Kagome kept running till she reached the well. 'This is my last time here. Sorry everyone. Please forgive me.' Then she jumped in the well for her last time.
Her scent was gone. Inuyasha fell to his knees. He felt alone again. "I'm so sorry Kagome" Inuyasha mumbled. "I'm so sorry."

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