InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Big Kiss ❯ Big Kiss ( Chapter 1 )

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An Inuyasha Short
Summary~ Inuyasha promises one large kiss! [Shonen-ai] Jakotsu x Inuyasha
Rated~ G
Pairings~ Jak/Inu, Kag/Sess
AH! What a bright day! Oh what's this? A little mischief befalling our sweet little inu hanyou on this fine July day?
“Hello, Inu-chan!!” a sing song voice called. The hanyou turned around in horror to find, gender-challenged Jakotsu waving his arm at him. He rolled his already wide, horrified eyes at him. “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” he yelled at him. Inuyasha was already cheesed-off to find out that Kagome was in love, or `Crushing', as she called it, on his older half brother, Sesshoumaru, but also because of all of his friends, they had to leave him to fend off the cross dressing male!
“Just a hug, and a kiss, and something a bit more…” Jakotsu said, pulling his soft lips into a cute pout. Inuyasha growled. “Well ya ain't getting' whatever it is you want, YOU HEAR?!?!”
“But, Inu-chaaaaaan!!!! That's so meeeeeeeean!!!!!” Jakotsu wailed, latching on to the hanyou's red haori, with anime tears rippling down his face. “LEGO!!!” Inuyasha hollered. “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Jakotsu cried. “WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU OFF AH MEEE?!?!!”
Jakotsu looked up at Inuyasha, with tears in his eyes and a hopeful look in his eye. He pulled his lips into a small smile, “You, Inuyasha! Have to give me a very passionate kiss!!”
“How am I supposed to do that, your to far away for me to reach…”
Jakotsu gasped, he really didn't think Inuyasha would do it, did this mean the hanyou really did harbor feelings for him? YAY!!! He quickly stood up strait, releasing Inuyasha's haori from his grasp. “Close your eyes and I'll give you one, big kiss.”
Jakotsu complied a closed his eyes. (I'm a poet and didn't even know it…some one stop me now…if you know how)
Inuyasha sighed heavily, regretting having to do this.
Oh, well, he thought, and pulled out a gigantic Hershey's Chocolate Kiss and placed it in front of Jakotsu, and wrote on the front of it in a quick scrawl.
Then leaped out of site.
“Inuyasha?” Jakotsu called, his red-brown eyes opening slightly. I thought he would of gotten it over with by now…
His eye's opened to there full extent, to see the huge, covered in silver foil, Chocolate kiss in front of him, “OH, WOW!!!! HOW DID HE KNOW I LOVED HERSHEY'S KISSES SOOOOO MUCH?!” he flailed his arms in an excited manner. “^o^”
He latched himself to the giant chocolate , “ I LOVE YOU INUYASHA!!!!!” he shouted.
His eyes grew wide and starry and the scribbled Hiragana on the silver foil of his gigantic treat.
Inuyasha owes Jak-chan one real kiss before he dies—Inu-chan
“Kagome? Did you hear something?” The stoic, sexy voice of Sesshoumaru asked the miko. “Mhm…no.” Kagome said with a smirk, praying that her Sesshy would finish what he started already.
This was a spur of the moment thing, that and I was munching on chocolate kisses myself….
Finished~ Sunday, July 17, 2005 12:47 PM, Nashville TN