InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One call ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer : I don't own Inuyasha :( Thankyou for the reviews I really appreciate it and I was wondrin if you guys could read

Disclaimer : I don't own Inuyasha :( Thankyou for the reviews I really appreciate it and I was wondrin if you guys could read my other fic arranged marriage . I got the idea for this fic from Chingys song call One call . So don't sue me either .**************************************************************************

Chapter Two

When Kagome and Inuyasha stepped out of his 2003 jag they were bombarded by paparazzi .

Tabloids would have a field day with those pictures . The famous Inuyasha goes clubbin with some

unknown girl , probably would be on the front page . Kagome and Inuyasha finally got pass all of the

people and went inside . The club was bumpin the started off with fast songs , right now they was

playin Busta Rhymes new song : Like your ass on fire . ( I think that's what the song is called )

Inuyasha quickly grabbed Kagome's hand and dragged her off to the dance floor . They was gettin

they groove on . Kagome and Inuyasha were the hottest couple on the dance floor , until a slutty

version of Beyonce asked to cut in . Kagome just stood back and watched them dance . The hoe

was all over Inuyasha she poppin it , she pretty much just dropped her ass in Inuyasha's hands . Not

wantin to get out down, Kagome picked some random guy and started dancing wit him . She was

droppin it like it was hot , grindin against him and doin the tootsie roll . Inuyasha saw this and just

had to come cut in . The slut was pissed so she walked off some where while Inuyasha danced with

Kagome . Kagome bent down and stuck her ass in the air then slowly came up while smirkin at

Inuyasha . Soon they began to play lil John and the eastside boy's : get low , and was Kagome gettin

low , Inuyasha was obviously aroused cause it showed in his pants . The song finally ended ,

Inuyasha was tired so told Kagome that he was going to go watch her from the bar . The guy

Kagome had been dancin wit before came back to dance wit her . They was dancin and began to

get a little bit to fresh , he was suckin on her neck and grabbin her ass . Kagome was gettin pissed so

she screamed in his ear to stop .

"Why should eye you little slut ," said the guy .

"First of all you little bastard I am not a slut , and second of all I don't want you touchin all over me

," said Kagome .

"You seemed to like it when Inuyasha did it, "

"Well he's my date ,"

" Your saying this like I care , I'm Kouga and I get any girl I want and right now I want you so come

on we are leavin ," Said Kouga as he grabbed her arm .

Kagome wasn't havin that , she grabbed his fammily jewel s and dug her nails in it .

" What were you saying ?" asked Kagome as she dug her nails in his balls a little bit harder .

"Nothing, nothing at all ," said Kouga .

Kagome had let go of Kouga and walked off to find where Inuyasha was . She found hit at the bar

where he told her he would be and sat down .

" I saw what you did ," chuckled Inuyasha .

" Shoot , he had no right to touch me ," said Kagome as she ordered a martini .

" I was goin to jumpin but I saw you had things under controll ," said Inuyasha . As soon as Inuyasha

finished his sentence the slut came over .

" Hey Inuyasha , I'm Kikyo and I was wonderin if you wanna go do something ," purred Kikyo .

" No thanks ,i'm here wit Kagome ," said Inuyasha as he wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist .

" Please come on she's just a stupid hefah , you can leave her ," said Kikyo .

"What did you just call me ?" asked Kagome whowas getten pretty pissed off right now . It seemed

like everyone was tryin to piss her off .

" Bitch I called you a hefah got a problem wit that , " said Kikyo who was tryin to empress Inuyasha

by startin a fight wit Kagome .

" Inuyasha I'll be right back I have some trash to take out ," said Kagome sweetly . Inuyasha gave

her a nod . Kagome grabbed Kikyo's hair and dragged her stankin ass outside.

" Now say that again ," said Kagome .

" You heard me the first time ," said Kikyo

Kagome threw the first punch which hit Kikyo right in the eye . Kikyo scrambled backwards , finally

she got her balance back and charged at Kagome knockin her down . Kikyo then bagan to kick

Kagome in the stomach .

" Not so tough now ,are you !" yelled Kikyo . Kagome then tripped Kikyo knocking her to the

ground . Kagome jumped on her and punched the daylights out of her . She was pissed first she was

harassed by some jackass and now some trick hoe was starting a fight wit her . Kagome knocked

Kikyo out , then dragged her to where the bouncer was and asked him if he would watch Kikyo until

she woke up , as soon as that was done Kagome walked back over to where Inuyasha was .

" Did you finish takin out the trash ?" asked Inuyasha . Kagome laughed and nodded her head as to

tell him that she did . It was gettin pretty late so they both decided that it was time to end there date .

They walked back to the Jag and drove off . Kagome directed Inuyasha to her condo .After fifteen

minutes of driving they were finally there . He parked his car and walked her up to her door and

gave her a good night kiss . It was nothing special , but it was like a promise that there would be

more the next time . " Give me a call if you ever want to do somethin ," said Kagome . She wrote

her phone number on his hand and said goodbye . As Inuyasha walked back to his car he thought '

I'm going to give you a little bit more than a call Kagome ,' TBC

Come on you know you want to ! You know you wanna review my story . Okay and I don't wanna get any flames bout my spellin cause I did it on purpose it's apart of the story k they ghetto so don't complain bout my spellin . Anyways please review !!!!!!!!