InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Can Only Wander For So Long ❯ His Unintentional Intended ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N - I had the most horrible urge to leave this chapter at a 'cliffie' during an especially evil moment, because it was at the perfect word count to start another chapter. But you know what? I don't like causing frustration and annoyance to THAT degree. So be glad that I kept going!! :D No illustration yet, I'm stuck on working on a COMPLETELY ECCHI pic for the ED-Art mailing list, and I can't drag my fingers away to work on anything else until it's done. ;)

.....does this chapter title suck, or is it just me?

Chapter Fifteen - His Unintentional Intended

"mmMmm, H-hello?" A feminine voice practically gasped into the receiver. Rin's eyebrow rose a fraction at the odd greeting.

"Sango?" Rin heard a soft gasp on the other side of the line.

"Mm, yes?" came the muffled reply.

"This is Rin... Are you busy?" she asked, the tint of amusement in her voice as she realized what was going on.

"Uhm... oh, oh no, no... not busy..." followed shortly by a muffled thump and someone's soft grumbling. "One second..." she said, and Rin heard a soft 'tap' from the phone being set down on a hard surface.

Sango was back after a moment, seemingly more composed and alert. "Hi, Rin, been a while since we last spoke," she started, casually. "How have you been?"

Rin replied, "We've been well, nothing notable lately. I'm calling to see if you've heard from Kagome lately? I know you two keep in pretty good contact, and I needed to talk to her about her dog," The other side of the line was silent for a moment, and Rin wondered for a moment if she'd heard Kagome wrong. "...You knew she found a white dog a while back, right? I thought she said you'd helped her the day she'd brought him home."

"Yes... I know about Inuyasha." Sango said, vaguely. Rin had the strangest feeling something had happened.

"Well," Rin began, "the reason why I'm calling is, Kagome's not picking up her cell phone, and her main phone lines seem to be disconnected. Do you happen to know where she went, or how I can contact her? I really need to talk to her about Inuyasha."

"What do you know him that we already don't?" Rin was taken slightly aback by her Sango's slightly rude response. Frowning, she wondered what had happened.

"Sango, has something happened to Kagome? Did she tell you about Inuyasha already?" Rin tried not to sound concerned, but the tone in which Sango replied made her wary.

"About his curse? Yeah, she told us. He didn't seem to be very keen on telling us himself. But I tell you what..." Sango sounded slightly upset as she continued, "That man has drawn more danger to Kagome than I would have ever thought possible, and if they didn't like each other so much, I'd make him go far, far away."

Rin froze, thinking she'd heard wrong. "Excuse me?" Her mouth went dry, and her husband, who'd been sitting nearby at his desk, noticed the change in his wife's mood, and came to stand next to her.

"What do I need to clarify?" Sango sounded slightly annoyed at Rin's confusion. "She's been in more dangerous situations since she brought him home, than that crap that happened two years ago. He doesn't need her to take care of him anymore, he's perfectly capable of..."

Rin cut in quickly, "No, I mean, did you say 'man'? Isn't... didn't.... What?" Rin was at a loss for the right question.

"Kagome pulled the necklace off of him and broke his curse yesterday afternoon." Rin collapsed, shocked, into the armchair next to her. A few moments later, Sango's voice could be heard coming from the phone. "Rin? ...Rin? Are you still there?"

Sesshoumaru plucked the phone from his wife's slack grasp, having heard Sango's statement. "Sango. Where are Kagome and Inuyasha?" His deep tenor voice practically vibrated with authority. Fifty years, he hadn't seen his brother in fifty years, and finally, his unintentional intended had broken the spell.

He knew that Sango wouldn't refuse him this knowledge. He had been one of her father's closest associates, and he had been appointed as her temporary guardian upon her parents' passing. "They're both here, at my family's estate."

"We'll be there tomorrow," he said. "Tell my brother that he isn't to leave until I speak with him again." He placed the phone back into the cradle, but not before he heard Sango's confused voice saying, 'Your brother?!'

He cast a glance down at his wife, who was looking up at him, no longer shocked. "So, Sess... Should we tell them everything, now?"

Sesshoumaru smirked. "When we get there, we will tell them," he made an effort to wipe the grin off of his face. If his half-brother was anything like he was, he'd probably have made good use of their premature link in an ecchi dream or two by then. "Let's leave, now. I'm anxious to meet with him, face to face. The sun was nearing the horizon as they stepped out of their apartment building, heading towards their SUV.

~-~...................................................... ....................................................................

'Oh god, yes,' Kagome thought. She shuddered as she felt, once again the light brush of fingertips across her collarbone, the whisper of lips against her neck

"You..." his whispering voice came.

She knew the words were the same as before, but this time, she wanted to hear ALL of them, wanted to be sure that she wasn't fooling herself as to the true speaker's identity.

"You complete me..." he said softly.

This time, the lips at her neck parted, a tongue slipping out to run, teasingly, against the skin, followed by a soft nip of teeth. She gasped, feeling small shivers run through her body.

"You are my savior..." his words sparked a flash of a memory, of the beads falling from her grasp as she stared down at a very naked hanyou.

Fingertips from his other hand danced down her side and across her bare stomach, and she made the small sound of a gasp.

"My life..." he whispered, bringing to her thoughts small visions of the two of them living together in her hone, for many years to come.

The hand wrapped snug around her waist, and she was embraced tightly as he nuzzled her neck, inhaling deeply.

She brought her hands to his, loosening his grasp, meaning to turn around. The dream shifted suddenly, and she was denied the satisfaction of looking at his face, into those golden eyes she hoped would be there, before she found herself in the middle of a soul-searing kiss that made her toes curl. His mouth slid across hers, a tongue sought entrance, he nibbled on the soft flesh of her lower lip to tease her into parting them.

She couldn't open her eyes! She wanted to see him, wanted to know it was who she thought it was. Her breath caught in a gasp as she parted her lips, for the kiss deepened ten-fold, and she felt like she was drowning in a sea of amazing sensation.

But something was wrong. Her warm sensation of being cuddled and kissed was fading fast. She shivered violently in the dream, still wrapped up in the kiss, as a chilling cold wrapped itself around her. The dream began to fade, and she shuddered again.

"Inuyasha..." the sound of her own voice, finally working again, woke her. She gasped and opened her eyes, turning her head to look at Inuyasha's face, highlighted in the strange glow cast by the setting sun.

He heard his name, and opened his eyes to look down at Kagome. He had woken mere moments before, having mistakenly fallen asleep still clutching Kagome's hand. Another excellent dream, but one he worried that he had taken it too far. It wasn't fair that he was seducing her in her dreams. Every time it happened, it was nearly the same actions, with the same words that would run through his head, eventually to be spoken aloud. He knew he should feel guilty about his selfish action, teasing, licking, and nipping her skin when she thought it was only a dream, but once he was there, so close to her, he couldn't help himself. She responded to his touches, just like he wanted her to. Her skin was sweet and soft, her hair was silky and it tickled his skin as he pulled her closer...

She squeezed his hand once and smiled up at him. "You can stay with me, Inuyasha..."


She set the tarnished mirror on the table that had been moved against the wall. The two little lovebirds had been asleep, 'holding hands,' she thought, grumpily. Satisfied that this was her moment of opportunity, she knelt in the middle of the room.

The dragon-youkai had accomplished its task; it had weakened both Inuyasha and the girl. Her part was at hand; she would have her revenge and obtain freedom from her quickly deteriorating body. A single candle was lit, placed in the middle of a large circle of carefully drawn symbols. A deep bowl sat in front of her, and she lifted the snake-headed knife to stare into its sparkling eyes.

She was a stronger miko than her mother had ever been; she knew this final effort would not fail. Inuyasha's woman might have powerful miko potential, but her ignorance of her own abilities would make this a simple task of possession.

But, Kikyo couldn't wait any longer; she had to act now, for her body would probably not last more than another day or two. Her old injuries from his attack, the collapsing house, a fire, and countless other events that very well should have taken her life, but didn't due to her link with the hanyou's lifespan, were coming to haunt her in terribly aching throbs. She was stubborn through the end: she would die on her own terms, and by her own two hands.

The cold blade of the knife slid across her wrist, biting into her now-wrinkled flesh as the words, ancient and mysterious, fell from her lips in a soft chant. She passed the blade from her right hand to her nearly useless left, and repeated the action, watching as her life bled out into the bowl before her.

The last thought to cross her mind before her consciousness left her body was not of her aches and pains, nor of her swiftly approaching death from blood loss. 'With these words, Inuyasha, I will take your life, as you have taken mine.'


Ten minutes earlier...

The sun dipped below the horizon, and Inuyasha, for the first time in over fifty years, felt his youkai blood wane and thin. He shuddered once at the strange and forgotten sensation of his features shifting - his furry white ears shimmering and disappearing into his hair as they became human, his claws shrinking into blunt nails, his fangs shortening in length and rounding out into less-imposing tips.

He let out a breath, heavy with sadness as the feeling of helplessness overcame him. The last time he was like this, his entire world had changed for the worse, with the nightmare that woman had subjected him to.

And now, on his first human night since he was cursed, he was in front of yet another human woman, who held his heart, and his life, in her hands.

'I'll be there to watch over her,'

'She'll be safer with me,'

'I won't let anything harm her'

'She's mine to protect.'

Kagome looked on in wonder at his transformation, confused as to what had just happened. "Tonight is the new moon, and I become human until sunrise." He whispered. Kagome struggled for a minute to gain control of her relaxed muscles, slowly rising into a sitting position. She lifted a hand to his shoulder, fingering his now-black hair. She looked into his violet eyes, a smile forming on her lips.

"Cool eye color..." she said.

Inuyasha frowned slightly. "I just lost my youkai abilities, my body structure has just changed before your eyes... and all you have to comment on is the color of my eyes?"

"Yeah," she replied. Her smiled faded as she took on a more serious look. "I had a dream, just now..." she began, a new blush forming on her cheeks.

Inuyasha's eyes widened slightly and he gulped in apprehension. 'Think fast, she's about to ask...!'

"It was..." she paused, biting her lip.

'Feign innocence? She might believe you have no idea about it...' his thoughts ran wild.

"I've had this dream before... and I'm pretty sure it's you." She blushed even harder at the thought.

'I can't lie! She'd know!' he gulped again, suddenly nervous. Either she'd be angry at him for manipulating her through her dreams, or she'd... she'd... Inuyasha had no idea how she might react.

"Inuyasha, why am I dreaming of you like this?" she asked, as she fidgeted with her fingers. Inuyasha pressed his lips together tightly, hesitant on answering. But when she snuck a glance up at him, his mouth fell open partly at the look in her eyes.

Shyness, curiosity, and the sparkle of amusement were all clearly visible in her expression.

"I'm dreaming the same things as you," he blurted out, his cheeks tinged pink to match hers. She blinked at him in confusion.

"How do you know it's the same dream?" Kagome asked.

"Right..." Inuyasha reached out with his left hand, brushing the spot where her neck met the shoulder. "" She gasped at the shock that ran through her. "It... I think it only happens when we touch while we're asleep. I asked my brother about it, he said it normally doesn't happen between..." Inuyasha paused, seemingly hesitant to continue.

"Go on..." she said, poking him lightly.

"It's normally a mate thing" he said quickly. At her apparent lack of comprehension, he tried to explain, the best he knew. "Well, dreaming about each other like that usually only happens after..." He bit his lip, thinking, 'I feel like a child...' He sighed loudly. "Only happens after mating..."

"You mean, after sex?" she asked, casually. Inuyasha choked on his reply and looked at her. He calmed a little at the fiery red color to her face that signified she was still as innocent as he thought she was.

"Yeah, but, it's more complicated than just the sex. It's like the couple fuses into one, becoming a part of each other. If I knew how it worked, exactly, I might be able to tell you why, but, even Sesshoumaru couldn't tell me."

"So, Rin and Sesshoumaru are like that? Which is why she's been alive so long?" Another thought came to Kagome's mind. "Wait, you asked Sess about this? You were dreaming about this while you were cursed?" She squeaked out. He'd been practically sleeping on her that night!!

"Eh..." he blushed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "I started sleeping on the floor when I realized..."

"Inuyasha..." Kagome's voice cut him off suddenly. It sounded cold and borderline angry.

He looked up at her, startled. He didn't think she'd be angry about that, especially now, and after all they'd talked about. He was caught completely off guard, however, when she grabbed him by the front of the shirt, yanking him to the bed next to her. "Kagome?" He asked in confusion, his back still tender from the injuries earlier. He found himself being straddled by a suddenly amorous woman as she slipped a hand up his shirt, bending over him for a kiss. He caught a glimpse of her sparkling blue eyes, realizing she looked confused and... afraid? "What are you..." he started to ask, right before he was silenced with the firm press of her lips against his own.

His short moment of shock before it began to melt away under the attentions of her heavenly mouth was quickly replaced by surprise and slight panic. Her mouth, her fingertips, everywhere they touched, was burning with a startling intensity. He gripped her shoulder with his good hand, trying to push her off of him, yet found her to be a bit heaver than he'd thought. With one of his arms still in the process of mending, he couldn't use both hands to remove her. She released his mouth shortly, rearing back from him for a moment.

The flash of white was his only indication of something coming straight for his head, and he jerked his head to the side to avoid the sharp blow that would have most likely smashed in his face. The heavy phone, instead, glanced off the back of his head, knocking him partially unconscious. He vaguely felt Kagome's slender fingers wrapping around his throat, right before they started to squeeze.

"I'll kill you..." he heard her hiss. Her voice sounded a bit deeper than normal, but, without his sensitive hearing and sense of smell, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.

"Ka... gome..." he choked out.

"To die by the hands of this woman you adore so much... how does it feel?"

'Not Kagome...' was the thought repeating through his head as his consciousness began to fade.

Kagome was terrified. That horrible sense of evil and ill intent washed over her like an unexpected downpour. Her body suddenly acted outside of her control, and she found herself yanking Inuyasha around, straddling him like some sex-crazed woman, and kissing him like it would be his last. 'What the hell?!' She could pick up the twinges of pain from where their skin touched, as though Inuyasha was subconsciously rejecting her uncontrolled advances.

And then... she felt her hand groping the bedside table, to realize whoever had control was reaching for the phone. The phone was a heavy, older model with a cord. The handset fell from its base, landing on the floor with a soft thump as the bulk of the machine was lifted above her head. She panicked as she realized what the intentions of her possessor. She wanted to close her eyes; she couldn't bear to watch herself beat Inuyasha to a bloody pulp.

The phone glanced off the side of his head, and Kagome watched as it fell to the floor beside her, while she wrapped her fingers around his neck. The shock of the unexpected possession was wearing off, and she felt her fury grow as someone tried to make her strangle Inuyasha while he was half-conscious.

'Let go!!' she thought to herself, trying to get her fingers to release the deathgrip they had on him.

"I'll kill you," she heard her voice grind out, slightly lower than usual.

Kagome almost cried in misery as she heard him choking out her name.

"To die by the hands of this woman you adore so much... how does it feel?" she heard herself saying. Panic seized her; there was no way she was going to murder Inuyasha!!

'NO!! Let go of him!! Who are you, what are you doing?!' Her panic and fury were causing her body to shake uncontrollably.

"Just think, little miko, the upside is you'll be rid of this half-demon that so thoughtlessly bound himself to you!! You'll be free from his conniving ways, free to find your own husband, without being swayed by the invisible grip he has on you!!" Kagome heard herself saying.

She felt a moment of disbelief in the controller's argument as she thought, 'Inuyasha's invisible grip... While she's controlling my body?!' If she'd had the ability to laugh, she might have done so, in spite of the situation.

She felt her ring give a strange squeeze, and something surged through her, like a warm wave of power. The ring glowed faintly before she found her hands on his neck going slack, and slipping from his skin as the room faded from sight. Time seemed to stop, and she suddenly found herself standing in a strange place.

White mist swept around her feet and legs, and she couldn't see the floor, walls, or a sky. It was just... whitish-gray and misty. The tiny droplets clung to her skin, leaving the unreal sensation of warmth as they evaporated. A figure became discernable in front of her. A woman, with dark hair like her own, picked up her hands, clenching her fingers and looking at her limbs in wonder.

"Where are we?" Kagome heard her ask.

"I don't know... who are you?" Kagome found herself replying. Her question was immediately answered as the other woman looked up. That same sense of dread and evil washed over her as she caught the gleam in the woman's gaze.

"You don't want to remain bound to that evil creature for the length of his life, do you?" I was bound to him, once. And I lived out my days in pain and agony, until now."

Kagome gasped, confused, concerned and wary. She knew the woman wasn't lying, somehow, but she felt like something wasn't quite right. "How were you connected to him?" Kagome hesitantly asked.

"That is not important, what you need to know is that it will end in pain and suffering for you, and I deserve the right to kill him, to take away my pain, and protect you from the same fate!"

Kagome narrowed her eyes at the woman. She knew this woman was dark-natured, and she feared what she might attempt to do to her in this unknown place. The other woman continued, "I tried to kill him decades ago, and I vowed I would remove this evil vermin from the face of the earth, no matter what!!"

A tiny light clicked on in Kagome's head. She wasn't sure why she hadn't thought of it immediately, but this must be the woman that...

"You people just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time! I've never tried to kill anyone but him - anything else he's told you about me, those are all a bunch of lies!"

"No," Kagome said, simply.

The other woman, Kikyo, narrowed her eyes in anger; she was running out of time. "He's just trying to use and abuse you, like he did me, all those years ago!"

"No, he didn't." Kagome insisted, completely trusting of the tales Inuyasha had told her earlier. His eyes held such honesty and truth, while this woman's held nothing but pain and contempt.

"You weren't there, you can't possibly know that he wasn't the culprit responsible for all of this! This pain! This suffering! Fifty years of agony!" Kikyo screamed.

"You..." Kagome frowned. "I might not be able to tell when he's lying, but I *can* tell when someone has darkness in their heart, and yours is the worst I've ever encountered!! Inuyasha's soul is nothing but loving and gentle, and that alone tells me that he did nothing..."

"I remember his claws, slashing up through my face, taking my eye! I remember him tearing down the main supports in my house, so that it would fall upon me and crush me! I remember his crazed, demonic eyes...He'll kill you when you're least expecting it!" Kagome knew this woman, Kikyo, was clutching at straws now. She seemed to be dragging anything out to hurl at her, to try and force her belief in Inuyasha to waiver.

Kagome wasn't sure how to make the woman shut up and go away, so, she did the first thing that came to mind. She ran to her, tackling her to the 'ground' that wasn't there, and fisting her left hand in the woman's shirt. "Get out of my head, get out of my body, I won't let you hurt him, and I won't let you use me to accomplish your evil deeds!!" She pulled back her right hand, curled her fingers into a fist, and hit the other woman as hard as she could to punctuate.

The blow landed, and the woman's body beneath her dissipated with an anguished, howling scream. Kagome pulled her hands to her head, trying to block the horrifying screech, as the white mist swirled around her. Her ring gave her finger another small squeeze, and everything converged on her, turning dark.

Kagome's thought on the abrupt change of location was 'just like in the movies' as the darkness faded at once, and she found herself still straddling Inuyasha's form, as he groaned once, raising his hand to his head. Kagome almost cried in relief as she shot her hands out to his face, pulling his face to align with hers as she kissed his shocked mouth. He reared back in a panic, probably assuming she was going to try and beat him to death still, until he saw the look in her eyes.

"Kagome?!" he asked. "What in the hell just happened?" She effectively silenced him with a kiss of relief, thankful that he was still alive and well. She ran her hands across his face, threading the fingers of her right hand into his hair, and her left behind his neck. Inuyasha ran his tongue along her lip once, seeking to deepen the kiss as he swept his hands up the outsides of her legs to rest on her hips, which was in just the right spot for him to...

Kagome sighed once, opening her mouth to allow him entry, right before she noticed the damp, sticky feel under her fingers. She drew back in a panic, looking at her fingertips.

"Inuyasha! You're bleeding!" She watched his heavy lidded gaze slowly focus on her lips, as he tried to drag her back down for another kiss.

"Just a scratch..." he mumbled, hooking his fingers into her shirt and tugging her back down. He stopped, however, when she put her palm, coated in his blood, in front of his face. "Oh."

She got off of him and had him roll over, so she could have a better look. "It doesn't seem to be too bad, but head wounds tend to bleed a lot more than other parts of the body." She chuckled once. "You know, for a high and mighty hanyou, I seem to be taking care of you an awful lot. What am I going to do with you? Stay here, I'll be right back."

Inuyasha huffed at the slight insult and crossed his arms as she left the room, waiting for her to return.

A few minutes later, she returned, flipping on the light switch. Inuyasha scowled and grumped at the lack of warning as he was temporarily blinded. "Sorry, I needed the light," he heard her say. The bed shifted slightly with her weight as she climbed up next to him again. "I got a box of some first aid things, I'll just make sure it's not going to bleed all evening." He heard the box open with a click, and she helped him sit up and face away from her. He blinked and tried to clear his vision while she swept his hair over his left shoulder, tilting his head to get a better look at the wound.

"So, what happened?" he asked again, confused as to the events of the past hour or so.

"Kikyo," Kagome said, softly. "She... took control of my body, and tried to make me kill you. I was in a panic at first, unsure of what I was doing, not knowing what was going on. I couldn't let her take you from me, I just couldn't..." she trailed off, dabbing distractedly at the cut.

He smirked slightly and tried to joke, "Well, it's a good thing you couldn't bring yourself to kill me, I must be a pretty good kisser after all." He felt the dabbing cease, and wondered if he'd said something he shouldn't have.

"If you weren't helpless and wounded, I'd throttle you." He heard her say.

"Don't let that hold you back," he muttered. He grunted as she poked him in the ribs. She pressed a folded piece of gauze to his head, and had him hold it for her. "This might look funny, but bear with me, ok? I don't want you bleeding all over the place until you heal tomorrow morning." His eyebrows rose at her rambling until he felt the strip of ace bandaging being wrapped around his head.

"This is ridiculous. It's just a scratch," he whined.

"I can't put a normal band-aid there, or use tape, unless you really want me to cut your hair to make room for it to stick?" His eyes widened slightly at the thought of his precious hair being cut. "I didn't think so," she continued, upon his lack of response.

"She seemed miserable," she started. Inuyasha turned around to look at her, sweeping his dark hair back over his shoulder. "She was bent on killing you tonight. She tried to say that she'd only ever tried to kill you, but her stories just sounded wrong, and didn't fit. She said you were evil, and said she had to destroy you..."

Inuyasha reached out to grasp her fingers with his own. "You know, even better than I, what really lies in our hearts. You can tell what my intentions are," he said.

"No, I can't," she replied. "I can't tell what your intentions are, Inuyasha," she looked into his temporarily violet eyes and paused for a moment. "What do you want?" she asked, bluntly.

"Want?" Inuyasha looked confused for a moment, thinking about what he needed to say, and what she might not want to hear. "I don't know, I want to be happy. I don't want to be lonely anymore... Did Kikyo..."

Kagome cut him off. "Kikyo isn't a part of this conversation anymore, she's gone now. I want to know what you're feeling, and I want to know exactly what you want."

"That's all I want, I've never... had someone. I had my family, before the curse, but, I want more. I want my own family. I want to stay with you, because you make me happy, and make me feel safe." Kagome's eyes lit up at his response.

"Inuyasha... let's go to bed," she said, setting the blood soaked pillow on the floor, and crawling to lay down next to him. He gulped audibly.

"Go to... bed?" he asked, blushing.

She had already snuggled down into the comfortable blankets, and she gave a tug onto his hair. "Yeah, go to bed." She mumbled sleepily. "It's late, and I want to go to sleep. We can talk more tomorrow." Inuyasha calmed considerably, it seemed her mind wasn't in the gutter, as his had been. "Inu, remind me to buy Sango some new sheets when we get home, 'kay?" she muttered, half asleep already.

Inuyasha nodded once at her, amazed that she had fallen asleep so quickly. He threaded her fingers through hers, admiring the way they linked together, before laying on his side to watch her sleep. He didn't sleep for a long time after that, but once he found himself close to dozing, he took his hand from hers to make sure he didn't initiate another crazy dream.


Okay! Well, I hope that chapter didn't disappoint. I don't know... was it too anti-climatic? I'm not very good at weaving tales to knock you off of your seat, so... my apologies. It was a bit longer than I thought it would be, and, as I'm sitting here, I still don't know what I'm going to do for an illustration. While I'd like to try drawing Kagome about to smash Inu's face in with the phone, I don't think I'd be able to get that perspective very good without some MAJOR time invested in tweaking. Bleh, we'll see.

I'll post this chapter's illustration whenever it's finished, and then you guys can expect to see the next chapter soon after that. Now, if there's anything funky with this chapter that I missed... well, send me an email, and point it out!!

Until next time... Hope you guys find something else that's more interesting to read than waiting for my next chapter. :P