InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant ❯ 4. Mortal Decision. ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator Rumiko Takahashi; it's such a wonderful series.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only.
You have been warned.
4. Mortal Decision.
No more than half an hour had gone by since Sesshomaru had made his offer to InuYasha. By this time InuYasha was in a terrible state. He found himself curled up on his fur rug and shaking from the unsatisfied needs clamoring from his body. He had eaten the remainder of his rations and was now without energy.
He mustered from nowhere the last of his strength to once more touch his penis and his anus. He had never touched his anus before but under these circumstances he had to do anything needed to accomplish release and so he endured this new experience.
He was about to give up when he then remembered Miroku's words, Do not allow us to outlive you. That was when he gave it his all and succeeded to achieve release.
Shaking, InuYasha stood up and went to the pond. That pond never remained soiled with his cum. Its waters continued to be replenished by the incoming stream. On the other side of the pond a small stream flowed away into the mountain rocks to an unseen river.
InuYasha was defeated while sitting there in the cool water. He knew that this might be his end and he had not even reached half the night. As he dried himself he could smell the scent of Sesshomaru brought in from the warm Summer breeze outside the cave.
The hanyou then could sense tears coming from his eyes. He could not believe it, but he must put his life in the hands of his very own enemy.
With a beaten spirit, InuYasha stood on his white fur rug and said, “Sesshomaru,….”
There was silence from both ends of the cave.
Finally, with fisted hands and a head hanging in defeat the hanyou looked at the floor as tears fell from his eyes when he finally said, “I….I….”
Silence lasted another few seconds until he emitted in barely a cracked whisper the doomed and hollow words, “Sesshomaru, I accept your offer.”
InuYasha found himself trembling not because of another wave of arousal but because of fear. He had no other choice; he was to die either way. Perhaps this time his intuition will be wrong and Sesshomaru will not kill him.
He did promise that he would not harm me, he said to himself as he continued debating in his mind about his mortal decision.
As time went on he realized that there had been no movement from outside nor had he received a reply.
Was Sesshomaru lying? Was he toying with me after all? he thought to himself.
A growl came from within as he yelled clearly, “Did you hear me? I said that I accept your offer!”
InuYasha noticed how Sesshomaru appeared out of nowhere and in one blink of an eye he had moved from the entrance of the cave to less than a foot in front of him. As if in slow motion he saw how his brother's handsome face approached his and pressed his lips against his own. InuYasha took in the sight of this with eyes wide open while the youkai's were closed.
The two landed gently on the fur rug with Sesshomaru on top. The demon proceeded to gently peck the hanyou's lips. He continued the soft kisses and waited for InuYasha to respond equally.
Instead, InuYasha just remained petrified watching without corresponding back to the older demon's attentions. Sesshomaru stopped and opened his eyes. They looked at each other, the eldest confused and the youngest in horror.
The lord demon could smell the overwhelming fear combined with exhaustion from the young man. He sat on his knees and said, “You need nourishment.” He stood up and left the cave.
InuYasha grabbed his white top, put it on and sat crossed legged. He was still trying to assimilate what had just happened as he observed how Sesshomaru returned to the cave with a dead deer, and branches filled with berries and other fruit. It was obvious that he had accumulated all of this in front of the cave. He had also brought items from his house; items such as nuts, fish, and dried meat and fruit.
The young man felt very strange. Not only had he been kissed by his brother but now he was observing how he prepared food for him. He had never done this for InuYasha. Sesshomaru always tried to kill me, not look after me, he thought.
Sesshomaru brought the dried fruit, meat and nuts to InuYasha while the deer cooked on a sturdy stick. He offered the single bowl with the items to the hanyou. InuYasha hesitantly received it. The lord of the West said, “Eat.” He stood and filled the only cup available with fresh water flowing from the top of the stream. He brought it to his half-brother.
InuYasha accepted it and this time he said, “Thanks.”
Sesshomaru said nothing and went back to check on the deer.
For some reason the influx of pleasure from the potion had stalled; as a result, there was this pause. InuYasha did not understand this but decided that he had better take advantage of the break and eat the salty and sweets that he had been provided. He also welcomed the water for he had neglected to hydrate himself.
The cave was quiet and neither said anything. Just the crackle of the fire could be heard along with the night forest sounds outside.
All of a sudden InuYasha felt the pang once again. He lowered his head and took off his white top and set it aside. He also put his bowl and cup somewhere else and began to attend to himself when he saw Sesshomaru kneel next to him and said, “Allow me.”
InuYasha swallowed as the urges took over and although the fear became apparent, he allowed it when Sesshomaru pushed him to lie down face up. Fully clothed, the stoic lord walked on all fours along InuYasha's legs and held the hanyou's penis. Sesshomaru took one look at him and noticed how he was obviously affected by his touch. This was made evident by InuYasha's shallow breaths and sudden flushed cheeks.
He observed the penis and approached it to kiss the tip. The young man could not help but feel tears spill from the sides of his eyes. This was his first sexual experience and it wasn't with Kagome. Sesshomaru then licked the tip generously once surrounding the crown, and then surrounding the section directly underneath, and so on until it was completely engulfed in his mouth.
By now, InuYasha was continuously crying. It was a wonder how he could feel so good. He could feel the velvety muscle caressing his member in ways he had never felt before. That was when Sesshomaru began to gently pump his mouth up and down, sucking each time he went up.
Sesshomaru could taste the younger man's release from the beginning. This unintended aphrodisiac stirred something in him that almost made him take the hanyou without any regard to his virginity and inexperience. Instead, he made it a point to enjoy it as if it were that bitter cognac that always eluded him yet he craved.
When InuYasha's fear was completely taken over by pleasure, he began to hold onto Sesshomaru's head and to buck his pelvis towards his mouth to meet him. He even lifted his head to look at the youkai; only to become even more aroused by the sight of his penis in his lover's mouth and the flushed cheeks evident on his face.
All this time Sesshomaru had only touched InuYasha's penis with his hands. So when he looked up to see desire clearly in the hanyou's gaze the stoic lord ventured to caress the young man's ass and then his balls.
InuYasha's passion burned brighter. With that his first release with a partner came to the youkai's mouth. Sesshomaru swallowed everything not allowing one single drop to escape.
Once InuYasha was finished he let go of his lover's head and then lied back down breathing heavily. Sesshomaru sat next to him with one knee up while wiping his mouth with the back of his right hand.
The half-demon sat up completely refreshed and energized. He felt much different from what he had experienced the entire evening. It was as if the potion had rewarded him because he had a pleasurable experience after all.
Finally, InuYasha said, “Wow!”
Sesshomaru simply lifted an eyebrow but said nothing in return. Instead, he did look at InuYasha with lustful desire.
His gaze made a very pleasant chill flow from InuYasha's groin to his extremities and made his cheeks burn red. Boldly he kept his eyes locked firm to the youkai's.
The hanyou had no idea the messages that his body was giving. It made Sesshomaru close his eyes and part his lips to breathe in deeply the arousal emanating from him visually and olfactorally.
The youkai stood up and said with evident restraint in his voice, “I need some air.”
He had to practically run outside.
InuYasha knew that he was naïve about sex but he could not help but feel that Sesshomaru was ready to pounce on him. To his surprise he was disappointed that he didn't. Confused about his thoughts he decided to cool himself in the back pond.