InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant ❯ 3. Proposition to Survive. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator Rumiko Takahashi; it's such a wonderful series.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only.
You have been warned.
3. Proposition to Survive.
“Lord Sesshomaru! Lord Sesshomaru!” exclaimed Jakken as he ran up the stairs towards his master's studio.
Sesshomaru put down his book to look up at the toad that had arrived sweaty and out of breath, “Lord Sesshomaru, I have news.”
The stoic youkai looked at him with disinterest.
“It is said that InuYasha is dead,” said the servant still trying to keep his composure.
His master picked up his book and continued reading.
Jakken remained on the same spot not sure about what he should do.
The stoic demon then said without looking away from his page, “Are you still here?”
Jakken jumped in reaction but soon replied, “Forgive me sir, but is this good news or bad news?”
The lord of the West replied, “Neither.”
It was obvious that InuYasha had earned Jakken's respect after all that had happened with Naraku but in the past he had also despised the hanyou. The toad did not know how to take the news and sought guidance.
Jakken finally understood that InuYasha meant nothing to his master. He then ceremoniously walked backwards and said as he closed the studio's doors, “You are now the sole heir of these lands and the only remaining InuYoukai.”
The doors quietly closed with a click and Sesshomaru continued his reading. But Jakken's last words continued to echo in his mind.
…the only remaining InuYoukai.
The demon lord closed his book and stood to look out the window. Instantly, images of InuYasha playing as a child in the gardens came to mind. He decided to go out and get some air.
The lord of the West walked into his garden and a yearning within him began to bubble. He was surprised about its existence. He had made sure that those feelings were long gone and they were returning in full force.
Suddenly, images of his half-brother began to flood his mind. His voice, his eyes, everything about InuYasha came crashing to him. Sesshomaru could feel the anger within him take over. He tried to manage it but he could not ignore his instinct, it was nothing he could control.
As fast as he could, the youkai flew in his brother's direction only to find his remains. Sesshomaru approached him. He could smell his death.
He swiftly raised his sword Tenseiga to bring InuYasha back to life. He looked for the underworld spirits to cast them away but he could not see any. His eyes widened and darkness surrounded him as the following thought sprung from his brain, I cannot save him.
His world began to spiral, first slowly and then faster. Images of his brother and the scent of loneliness and fear that emanated from his miserable corpse overwhelmed the eldest half-brother. He looked up to the skies as a cry of anger emerged from the depths of his soul.
Sesshomaru awoke in his studio. He was sweating and the book that was in his hands was in shreds. He soon realized that all of that had been a nightmare. With the emotions still causing his heart to race and his blood to boil, he gave an intense growl. Wind began to swirl around him making his long white hair and his clothes flap around in consequence. His eyes turned red and his fangs grew while he transformed into his full dog demon form.
Jakken and Rin felt the house tremble and shake followed by the sound of a loud bang. They ran into the studio only to find that the wall was gone and the studio was exposed to the elements. Stones and debris were still falling from the top. Jakken realized that his master had transformed and left. This had never happened before. He wanted to follow his master but he soon gave up on that idea knowing full well that he was expected to look after Rin in his absence.
InuYasha was washing himself in the pond after he had already masturbated seven times. The act of pleasuring himself at first was no big deal but it soon became more difficult since the breaks in between were in diminishing intervals.
He needed to wash up and eat something.
After he ate half of his food rations he soon realized that what he had left was not enough to last through the night. Things were not looking good.
He growled to himself, It is going to be a long night.
What made matters more difficult was that he felt so alone. He missed Kagome so much and fantasized about her as best he could. But his imagination alone was unable to help him. How he wished for her touch, her smell, her weight on him or underneath him. There were few times that he succeeded to day dream of their love making to its entirety. The fantasy felt so real that he found himself immersed in the illusion of bliss. Still carried away by it all he would reach out for her to hold and kiss, only to have the cruel cold truth of reality throw him into a terrible depression.
All of a sudden, a now familiar twang came from his groin and dispersed to the rest of his body. His penis had immediately changed from limp and relaxed to a near bursting erection.
“Ugh! Uhmmm,” was all that escaped from his lips as the need to reach another climax was at hand. InuYasha sat on a boulder near the stream and proceeded to fondle his penis with his left hand while the other gave him support on the rock. His face flushed and his mouth relaxed as breaths of air escaped and returned as he stroked himself.
Immediately, he ejaculated.
InuYasha trembled as he realized that his stamina had greatly lessened. He used to last longer than that. This was not a good sign.
All of a sudden, the earth above him trembled and everything in his cave shook in consequence. Something large had landed above.
InuYasha tried to smell to identify what it was but his senses were impaired at that moment from the release. Soon, he noticed that a large white clawed paw appeared at the front of his cave as it stood there. Next, he noticed drips of acid fall from the head of the owner of that foot.
While the poisonous vapors dissipated outside, the large demon was replaced by a bright light that soon waned. In its place was his elder brother, Sesshomaru.
InuYasha did not have the energy to do anything but remain in the same position that he had been after his powerful release.
Sesshomaru took in the sight in front of him. InuYasha's cheeks were still flushed; his mouth continued to be relaxed as he panted and he sat naked on the boulder. One hand was giving him support while the other still held the limp penis with semen dripping down.
The lord demon was deeply affected by the vision in front of him. Especially since earlier his mind was filled with images of his brother's lifeless body. In contrast, InuYasha was a heavenly apparition.
The stoic demon walked in.
InuYasha growled, “What are you doing here?”
The youkai stopped. He looked around the cave.
The hanyou then answered for him, “Came to check if I was already dead?”
Sesshomaru stayed quiet and looked at him once again.
The younger man then said, “Leave. I am busy. If you want to fight then come back tomorrow,” and stood up to take a dip in the cool waters of the pond.
Sesshomaru could sense the fatigue in the hanyou and he did notice that the rations were unsuitable.
“You will not survive this,” Sesshomaru stated.
“Keh! Just leave already,” said the irritated half-demon.
“I will only say this once. As a full demon I can guarantee your survival,” said the lord of the West.
InuYasha remained silent not quite comprehending the statement.
“I am capable of creating the pleasure needed to last until day break,” he rephrased.
Finally, the hanyou understood.
InuYasha quickly stood from the pond in a defiant stance. The hanyou growled while the pearls of water dripped down from his statuesque body, “There is no way that I will let you near me. You hear! You will not get close enough to me to end my life.”
“I will do you no harm. This I promise,” replied the lord of the West.
InuYasha was silenced. This was too much; his brother was offering to help him? This was impossible.
“Please, leave,” he said in a gruff and turned around to find something to dry himself.
Sesshomaru turned around to leave but then glanced back at InuYasha to say, “My offer still stands. I shall be outside,” and he walked away.
InuYasha had no energy to bark at him to stay far away from his cave. He was fully conscious about the sounds of pleasure that he evoked. He did not want his brother to hear him go through this ordeal. But again, he had no energy to bother with his embarrassment. He concluded that he did not care if he was heard or not. He had bigger problems to deal with.