InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Fateful Night ❯ Chapter 2: The Fateful Night Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: The Fateful Night Begins

"Kikyo…" Inuyasha muttered holding her in his arms. He looked down into her eyes and she looked up into his. He looked to the sky "the stars are starting to come out." He muttered. Kikyo cried into Inuyasha's shoulder.

Kagome looked at Kouga with surprise. "Kouga-Kun, what are you doing here.. How did you get into this time period?" she sat down on the edge of her bed. "I got an enchanted ring form a miko just to visit you Kagome." He stands up "Kagome I love you and you will be mine!" a sweat drop forms on Kagome's head. "Can you let me get dressed before u confess your love?!?!" she says quietly with some anger in her voice. She sat by her window, instead of leaving Kouga first came to Kagome. "The stars are just starting to come out" she muttered. "The stars are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." Kouga said into Kagome's ear. She turned around and looked a little bit shocked as he leaned close to her a kiss, then he left her alone.

Miroku waited for Sango to catch up to him then continued with her to the village. They entered the dojo and noticed that only Kirara and Shippou were there. "Shippou could you leave us alone just for one night?" asked Miroku calmly. "Why?!?" Shippou questioned curious about why Miroku wants to be alone with Sango. Sango had already kicked Kirara out of the dojo. "Just do it Shippou." He started to push Shippou away. "Fine! Fine ill go!" Shippou walks out of the dojo mumbling. Miroku looks at Sango with a spark in his eyes; she smiles at him and thinks to herself "this is going to be a great night."

Shippou walked out of the dojo mumbling. "Kirara?" he yelled out trying to find the cat. "Neko probably already went off somewhere else" he mumbles to himself. He makes his way to the forest and starts following one of the trails. He hears a voice suddenly talk from behind him "nothing like a nighttime walk is there?" Shippou turned around to see a very cute fox demon. Shippou smiles "Yeah there relaxing, nice to meet you my names Shippou" the cute fox demon girl smiles brightly "that's a great name!! My name is Sachi-chan." Shippou takes her hand "wanna walk with me?" he asks, Sachi-chan blushes a little "yes please" she nods and smiles. Shippou and Sachi-chan walk along the forest trail holding hands.

After Kagome had finished getting dressed she let Kouga back in her room. "Kouga.. what do want? why are you here?" she was still a little bit shocked that he had kissed her. "I want you Kagome." he replied simplistically. "Well... well you can't have me!" Kouga looked at her with confusion "but why Kagome.. if its that baka Inu I can take care of him real easy.." she slapped him before he could say any more "DONT EVER TALK ABOUT MY INUYASHA LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Both Kouga and Kagome looked surprised at what she had just said and done. "Kouga.. I'm.." before she could finish her sentence Kouga was already storming out of the house and making his way back to the bone eaters well. "Baka Inu! Who does he think he is stealing away my Kagome!" Kouga mutters while making his way to the well. The ring on his finger had started glowing after he left Kagome's house but he was to mad to even notice, as he looked down into the bone eaters well saw what he thought was light but made no notice of it and jumped in. Soon after jumping into the well a mysterious white light shone around Kouga as he looked around in confusion "This didn't happen when I came here.." he said to himself. Suddenly the white Miko appeared out of nowhere "Hello, Kouga" she smirked and looked at him with evil eyes. she snapped her fingers and suddenly hundreds of demons appeared around Kouga. "YOU!" he yelled "I WILL KILL YOU!!" but as soon as he tried to move dark chains wrapped around him and made it so he couldn't move. "Now my servants, eat your meal completely. Leave nothing behind" The miko who had during all of this looked white and pure suddenly turned evil, allowing Kouga to see that she was not a white miko at all, but a black miko. She laughed an evil raspy laugh and disappeared leaving Kouga to die in the nothing of his everlasting hell. He looked around nervously as the demons with there sharp white teeth moved closer to him. As he struggled for his freedom from the chains a demon came closer to him, the smell of death on his breath. The demon sank his teeth into Kouga's arm sending a gush of blood out. Kouga screamed in pain as the demon ripped a chunk off of him and started eating it. More demons came up to him and started taking chunks out of him sending blood everywhere. Kouga screamed in horror as he felt thousands of sharp teeth rip into his skin as they ate him slowly. This went on for 10 minutes, the slow mutilation of Kouga had left him unconscious but still alive. Then finally the last of the demons finally surrounded him and finished him off, leaving nothing behind but a pool of blood.