InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Fateful Night ❯ Chapter 4: Confrontation ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4: Confrontation

Note:Osuwari is Japanese for sit.. well I think that's how its spelled o.o I might have spelled it wrong if I did plzzz don't yell at me! ^_^;;

Inuyasha pushed Kikyo up against the tree and started to kiss her, Kikyo kissing back and enjoying every second of it. "Kikyo, I Lo.."
"OSUWARI!!!!!" Kagome yelled from a little away from them. Inuyasha slammed down into the ground on top of Kikyo. Kagome stood there breathing heavily with tears starting to form in her eyes. "K.. Kagome.. what are you doing here? Your not supposed to be back until.." Kagome interrupted him, her head down "Inuyasha.. is this what you do when I'm not here..?" at this point tears began falling to the dirt, making little wet spots. "Kagome I'm sorry that you had to see that.." Inuyasha said sadly. Kagome looked up with tears streaming down her cheeks "Inuyasha how could you?!" she asked. She didn't give him time to answer and began to walk back. During all of this Kikyo disappeared into the darkness.

Kagome continued to walk through the forest when suddenly Inuyasha jumped down in front of her. Kagome still had her head down. Inuyasha lifted her chin and saw that her face was wet with tears, her hair hanging messily over her face. Her eyes, red with crying, met with his and a few tears started to form in his own eyes. Kagome gasped seeing Tears forming in Inuyasha's eyes, she stepped away from him. He noticed the tears forming in his own eyes and quickly turned away from her. "Inuyasha… it's ok.. to show your feelings you know.." Inuyasha didn't turn back towards her "what feelings?!" he asked trying to sound cold and heartless but failing miserably at it. She smiled a little finally knowing that Inuyasha did care how she felt "Inuyasha.. you were crying.." she said calmly. "I WAS NOT!! I HAD SOMETHING IN MY EYE BAKA GIRL!! FEH' ME CRYING?! NEVER!" he growled still trying to sound heartless. Kagome touched Inuyasha's shoulder and he turned around, more tears in his eyes and one falling down his cheek. Kagome caressed his cheek, wiping away the tear and leaned in to kiss him.

Sango looked out the door of the hut then back at Miroku. "I think were all alone now Miroku-kun" She said smiling at him. Miroku walked up to her and put his arms around her "good" he whispered to her and leaned in to kiss her. She blushed lightly as he did this and kissed back "Miroku.. I've had a crush on you for a very long time.. I just thought you should know" she said very shy. He looked down at her and smiled. She kisses him and pushes him lightly down onto the bed in the hut. He looked at her half surprised. "what?" she said in a teasing way. "nothing, just a bit surprised, Sango" she smirked in a kinky way "well get ready for a lot more surprises" she said and climbed on top of him.

Shippou looked down at the darkened forest from atop Kirara's back "it sure is dark here.." he said to himself. Suddenly an arrow flew up and hit Kirara in the leg, she cried out and started to descend. "Kirara!! What's wrong?!" Shippou started to freak out. Kirara growled at him and tilted her head toward her leg which was hit with an arrow. Suddenly another arrow flew past them, barley missing Kirara's head. Kirara quickly landed and turned into a cute small kitten, licking the wound on her leg. A hunter appeared from the woods "aw, what do we have here?" he laughed a hard dirty laugh. Shippou jumped out from behind a bush and yelled "foxfire!" and the hunter stumbled back "what?! Gah! Stupid fox demons!!"